Level 1 Irregular Verbs

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1. A A A
all 3 forms are similar
infinitive simple past past participle

cost cost cost

let let let

put put put

read read read

2. A A B
infinitive and Simple Past are similar
infinitive simple past past participle

beat beat beaten

3. A B A
infinitive and past participle are similar

infinitive simple past past participle

come came come

run ran run

4. ABB
simple past and past participle are similar

infinitive simple past past participle

buy bought bought

get got got

have had had

make made made

say said said

send sent sent

sleep slept slept

stand stood stood

5. A B C
all 3 forms are different
infinitive simple past past participle

be was/were been

do did done

drink drank drunk

eat ate eaten

give gave given

go went gone
see saw seen

speak spoke spoken

take took taken

write wrote written

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