Separate Reflection

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1. What sacrifices will you have to make?

Some things I would sacrifice to make more money would be entertainment activities like going to the
movies or other places that are overly expensive. Instead I could do a movie night at home. I would also
have to eat out less and start making more food at home. I would be working full time which means I
would have less time to hang out with my friends or see my family but it gives me more independence.
2. How will your priorities change?
My priorities will become my job and making a steady income so I can live on my own. I will prioritize my
job by picking up more hours and working full time so I can make as much money as possible. Right now
my priorities are school and friends but once school is over that will shift to work and still balancing
3. How much money do you plan to save per year? What will you use your savings for in five
years? Ten years? What are your savings goals?
I want to try to save at least a quarter of what I make, so if I’m making $35,000 a year I want to try and
save at least $9,000. I am hoping to travel after I save some money so maybe in 5-10 years I will be going
on trips to Bora Bora and Bali. There are so many places I would love to visit, I would also like to
eventually buy a nice car for myself, one that will last me awhile. I also want to open a TFSA and RRSP to
get ahead on saving money but also earning even more money. I’d love to eventually save enough for a
down payment on my own place.

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