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L7-05-2422 ZF Confid

Date (ww'mm'dd): 2022-05-12 Commodity: M106010- Friction - Braking

Supplier name: MA,SU Brakes Pads Pvt Ltd fi$ascn:

Audit Potential supplier audit (P'l)

ZF Supplier lD: 1 685245 Product: Brake Pad- CV&PC

Production site (localionlcity): District: Jhaijar,Bahadurgarh ComparablewithZFpaft: Yes

Country: lndia Audit scoool Process

n.e. Eresscs-dsssnsliaEi
"1 N4ASU Brake Dads Pvt ltd (Plant il) is a Privote coilpanY of the MASU Brakes group fooilded in 1982;
0 31 0 GREEN & supplyrng PC, CV & 2 wheeler BBke pads world!!ide t0 the Tier T OE(Advik, Knorr Bremse) aftermarket
0 0 0 >>n.e. rated customers.

c 0 0 >>n.e. rated The total turnover ofthis plant is 25 mln. furo ( Expot " 95% and dornestic- 5%),
Masu group is having 2 manufacturing plan$ in NCR, plant I- MASU Brakes Pvt ltd and plant Ii- i!IASU Brake prds
Pvt ltd, IYASU is having 2 R&D centrers, 1 in lndia in mfu.Facility I and other is in lv'iich,gan,UsA.
Monthly manufacturing 3.5 lakh sets of PC brake pads in plant II and 1 Lald sets ofCV brake pads from the plant
N,rt irl)tr\,iri NJrl rr!Jr rs rin Idrslri.: l"otal manpower is 1500 l(os including contract labor.

Main customers are - NAPA-USA, \4/agner-U5A, DFT, DFC, Biakes India for TATA, Advik, Haldex,HJsh4, Knorr
13remse, Autolone.
Mfg. scope in Plant I- CV Brake p6d, brake lining & Broke shoe, pC Brake shoe, Brake pads, snd roll linings for
brefirse, I\4eritor and Brakes india(Cv brake pads), and Tata Motors.

MASU is doing its own aftermarket business under the i\'{qSU brand,
Thls ls a Potential analysis audit ifi plant II from the ZF aftermarket division as per VDA 6.3:2016 requirement$ as
per ZF business requlrements for PC & CV Brake pads.
/ future
Thi6 plant is certified for IATF 16949 & ECE R-90 for Friction pafts,

Audit basis: is:ue Dai.: Conducted by: li.sL lt MASU is having in-house Shot bla$tinE, hot molding, curing. grinding, ,owder eoating, and testing aperatlons.

240368-201 7-AO"lND-IATF 29-07-2021 DNV PASS

[4ASU is having a good testing lab in Plarit il
applications, NVH Dynainorref er conpatible
1 0000 397 6 1 4"1\,4SC"RvA-i ND 2.7-14-2420 DNV PASS salt spray rest \etup.
240373-2111 7-AE-lND-HvA 12-A6'2il2A DNV PASS
During the audit the following dtrengths were identified:
'+ Experienced and Knowledgeable teanr in design and development.
'+ Good manufaduring setup and capacity with required testing equiprnent (Able to meet fF TSA & QD83
'J 6ood 55 and process control.
{ Good Qlvls implementa[ion.
Distribution: '+ Automated grinding machine with auto inspection provision.
7r At the suoolier During the audit the following signifieant findings wore ideiltifi€di
'- Supplier audit process has to be improved. Detailed findinss and an actlon plan were missing.
Central Audit NlanagBment Sy$tem Shubneet Sirrgh l(ohll
'- PFMEA has
be reviewed and updated for better control (occurrence 6nd detection numbe6 have tc be ideill,ified as per
PAttiqiQanls: & VDA FNlEA standard).
lt Al the suprrliei '-Conclusion:
capatile supplier. The rESU 0f rating "Green" meanS fully approv€d.
N:tille Nnrr6
is capable p!oduce PC & CV pads by taking imprcvem€nt action 0n the gaps.
a Koh i Director course of action:
hin Sewkar Pl,l lndla kofrll Head need to submit an action plan within 2 \/eeks of receiving the ZF audit report. ZF will review the action
J Head OualitV

Rafiit sinoh Plant l-lead

ii:lcTt,i ff iitl llnj:riil ui llri in fl)vi:rlLitnf

2A22-05"2* program ( l2weeksaiter 2022-08-06
flflritriir:r il ri (lr!'! )

Lead Gen6$h 5DE lndia Audhor Signed for 0rganization

11 -05-2022 ZF Confidential

Fotential_ analvsis to VDA 6.3 - a-ccordino to ZF evaluation scheme revision level 2017

Oualification timinu plan

0are (yYgi"mm'dd): ztzz-ai-12 Commodity: V1106010 - Frictiorr "Braking

Supplier namel ItilASU Brakes Pads Pvt Ltd Beason:

Audit Pote0tiai supplier airdit (Pl )

'ZF $upplier lD: 1685245 Product: Brake Pad- CV&PC

I Production sito
{location/ciry}: District: Jhajjar,Bahadurgarh ComparablswithZFparr Yes

Country: lndia l,udit scope: Frocess

Timirrg Supplier/Tender
Activities Timing
I ritprcver:-er: I pt'oalrilm rece v6ci 2022-05-1 4

l. Concretion and timing of the improvement program (14 days ) 2422-06-28

ll. Realization of improvement program ( 12 weeks afteraward ) 2022-08-06

lll. Seliassessment according to VDA 6.3 ( only by'GREEN- and "YELLOW', if award is made ) 1 2 cw before SOP


The activities must be realized immediately. For large improvement programs the realization can be subdivided in several
realieation pha$es.

f,elfas$sssment: to a$sess sericlrsly the selfassessment, we ask for information about the audit timing (man days) and the
qualification of the auditors used. ln our opinion the audit liming equates a timing of a certification audit. After receivin g
andverifyingtheauditdocuments wewiil,iftheresultisclassifiedas"GREEN",agreeournextauciittiming. lftheresult
ls classified as "YELLOW" we ask for realistic timing you will achieve an "GREEN" classification, We expect then the on
time sending of the audit reporl of the internals follow up audit, wilhout any specific request from us.

Agreement of upgrade qualifieation;

Controlled suppliers / tendors commit themseives, after been awarded, to cooperate rsith an approved consuitrng
company by accepting the upgrade qr-ralification agreenient. Costs will be carried by the sup;:lier.

Bhujbal $DE lndia Sh ub neBt

Lead Auditor Audi'ror [4r. 0anesh Bhujbal Signsd for

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