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Salangsang, Catherine Joy M.



 The Lost Chapter

Although we have a nice library in our university, I propose that another place full of interesting
and knowledgeable books aside from what we have on our library will serve as a go-to place for
everyone whenever they have their free time. This place will provide books that students can
rent, sell and purchase. The goal is to help people to have another place to be at peace, acquire
new knowledge and even master new skills.
 ABC Tutor ACADemy
This study aims to assist students who are having difficulties with certain subjects and are willing
to have tutoring sessions with other students who, on the other hand, are wiling to help.
Especially now that we still have the pandemic and it cease us to have our face to face classes to
happen, we are left with no choice but to have our classes online which is hard for most of the
students. Some students find it hard to catch up with online classes since a lot of students are
working, have loads of responsibilities and/or students who struggle because of their
technologies or internet connectivity.
 PAWfect Sitters!
This study aims to provide a helping hand to people who want to have their day all on their own,
but they worry about their fur babies. Who does not want to spent a whole day with pets? The
sitter may take the job where she or he walks the pet in the park for an hour or two on any day
the sitter and the owner agreed to, or she can take the job where she will take care of the pet
on a holiday which may happen for two or more days.
 Guard Up!
Going out of the house nowadays feels horrifying and alarming. I've seen a lot of Facebook posts
and heard several news that people, mostly female, are missing. This is not new to our
knowledge however it still bring fear to us. This business study aims to yield defense weapons
that people can use to somehow help them lessen their fear and provide them weapons that
they can use for self-defense. This Guard Up! business will provide items like handy pepper
spray, flashlights, stun gun and tactical knife. I am aware that some may use these to harm
others but we will sell with great precautions and inform the buyer everything about the kit.

 Feasibility Study - Product proposal

 Food Stall with Charcuterie Board
There are a lot of restaurants and fast-food chains around Tarlac but I have not been in one
where the place offer a charcuterie board. Some may be unfamiliar with this, but it is a food
serving where the food, typically appetizers, are serve on a wooden board. The board may offer
all-healthy serving, which offers salads, potato wedges, onion rings and more, and can also offer
appetizer which have chips, fries, barbecues and burger so the consumers will have options.
The pandemic has caused us a lot of damages. We need to consume healthy foods especially if
we have problems regarding our health. Costumers will be attracted to this unique idea and will
be curious about it, and hopefully will love it.

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