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Balkonahe De San Jose 2

The Farm House 2

Mudita Glamping Resort 4
Casa Ceana 1
Madalanan Farm Resort 1
Table 5: Daily Guest of Direct Competitors

Daily customer of direct competitor 10

Divide by: Number of competitors 4

Average number of Direct Competitors Guest 3
Multiply by: no. of respondents wants to 85%

experience Short Term Rental

Total no. of respondents willing to rent 3

Multiply by: Conservative Percentage of 62%


Total Expected guest in a day 2

Multiply by the number of days in a week 7

Total accommodation in a week 14

Multiply by no. Of weeks in a month 4

Total number of Guest in a month 56

Multiply by: No. Of months in a year 12

Number of guest annually 672

Table 6: Demand Analysis

Supply Analysis

Total no. Cabins 3

Multiply: Total no. Of beds 3

Total no. of guest per bed 9

Total no. of extra bed 3

Multiply: Total no. guest per bed 6

Total accommodation per hour 15

Total no of operating hours 24

Divide no. Per booking hours 24

Multiply by: Maximum hour accommodated 1

Maximum accommodation in a day 15

Multiply by: total no. Of working days in a week 7

Maximum accommodation in a week 105

Multiply by: total no. Of weeks in a month 4

Maximum accommodation in a month 420

Multiply by: total no of months in a year 12

Annual maximum accommodation 5040

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