Ejercicios Rephrasing 2012 Doc 20216

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Rewrite the sentences. Don’t change the meaning of the original sentences

Verbal Tenses

1-Sam started working at 9 a.m and he still hasn’t finished

Sam has…………………
2-I met Mary two weeks ago
I have………………….
3-When did you get your new bike?
How long ……………………………………………………………..…………………..?
4-They came to live in Saragossa in 2000
They have………………………………………………………….
5-I last saw you in 2004
I haven’t………………………………..
6-My computer stopped working yesterday and still doesn’t work
My computer hasn’t…………………….
7-I began studying computer technology last year. I’m still studying it now
I have been…………………………
8-Almodóvar started making films in 1980. He is still making films today
Almodóvar has been……………………………..
9-On the way to work I saw a car crash
I saw…………………………………
10-On my walk home from school, I dropped my mobile phone
11-I did my homework before I went out
I didn’t go out………………………………………..
12-The thief escaped and then the police arrived
By the time the police……………………………..
13-I’m on my way to the cinema (GOING)
14-Dave only sometimes writes me an email (NOT OFTEN)
15-Are you still working on your science project? (YET)
16-I started rehearsing at 10 o’clock this morning. It is now 1 o’clock and I’m still rehearsing (SINCE)
I have…………………………………………….
17-I was on my bike when I fell (RIDE)
I was…………………………………………………….
18-It’s May. I started learning German in January (FOR)
I have………………………………………………………..
19-The band started playing at 10 and we arrived at 10.30 (BEFORE)
The band had…………………………………………………….
20-How long is it since they finished school?

Rewrite the sentences. Use the past perfect and before

1-She had a bath. Then she phoned her friend.

She had……………………………………………………
2-We prepared the meal. Then the guests arrived.
We had……………………………………………….........
Rewrite the sentences with the present perfect and for or since

1-The last time she went home was three years ago
2-My dad last had a job two months ago
My dad………………………………………………………
3-She got ill last Wednesday and she is still ill

Rewrite the sentences with the present perfect continuous and since

1-I started waiting for you at 1 o’clock. I’m still waiting

2-The team started playing at 3 o’clock. They are still playing
The team………………………………………….
3-The band started working on a new album in July. They’re still working on it
The band………………………

1-Do you think I should buy this dress? (OUGHT TO)
Do you think………………………………………………………………………………………?
2-People should do more physical exercise
3-You oughtn’t to tell him anything about it
4-You had better not tell her the news
5- It would be a good idea to speak to the Form teacher
You had…………………………………………………………………………………..
6-I advise you not to throw things at the elephants at the zoo
If I were……………………………………………………………………………………..
7-I advise you not to lie in the sun for such a long time
If I were……………………………………………………………………………………..
8-It would be a good idea to project the lesson on the screen


1-Let’s go for a walk in the countryside

How about……………………………………………………………………….?
2-Shall we go out tonight?
3-I suggest we have a glass of champagne together
4-Why don’t we go to a restaurant for lunch?
5-How about trying the wine Tony has brought?
6-Why don’t we travel abroad this Christmas?
How about……………………………………………………………………………….?

Would you like…./ Want

1-Do you want to stay with me for a week?

Would you…………………………………………………………………….?
2-I’ll help you with your composition if you like
Would you………………………………………………………………….?
Do you…………………………………………………………………………?
3-Would you like some more biscuits?
Do you………………………………………………………………………..?
4-Would you like to have a kitten at home?
Do you………………………………………………………………………?

Past habit: USED TO Present habit: BE USED TO + verb-ing

WOULD + Infinitive without –To

1-My parents lived in that house years ago

My parents………………………………………….
2-When I was younger I always took flute lessons on Thursdays
When I was ………………………………………..
3-It’s no problem. Kathy always drives to work
Kathy is…………………………………………………………………
4-We would never know what my father was going to do next
We never…………………………………………………………..
5-We often went for a walk on Saturdays
6-Clara usually trains once a week
Clara is used…………………………………………………………..
7-I live in London but I lived in Paris in the past
I live in London but I…………………………………….
8-When my father was a child he used to sing in a band every weekend
When my father was a child he……………………………………………….
9-It isn’t difficult for us to use a computer because we’ve done it before
We are used………………………………………………………

Rewrite the sentences. Use the correct form of used to

1-John hasn’t always had a moustache

John didn’t………………………………………….............
2-I live in London but I lived in Paris in the past
I live ………………………………………………………….
3-Joaquín is a vegetarian but he ate meat in the past
Joaquín is a………………………………………………….

Rewrite the sentences. Use would or wouldn’t

1-As a student I didn’t use to go to lectures every day

2-My grandfather used to take me to a football match
3-Whenever the baby was hungry he used to cry very loudly

Past habit , Present habit

1)When she was a young woman she would wear high-heeled boots
When she was……………………………………………………………………..
2)Elissa used to laugh more than her brother in the past
3)Henry finds it strange to eat snails
Henry is not………………………………………………………………………
4)It wasn’t difficult for them to cook
They were…..………………………………………………………………………

Verbal tenses (Past simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect,
Future tenses)
1)She hasn’t celebrated her birthday at home for three years
She last…………………………………………………….
2)We haven’t elected a new government for four years
It is………………………………………………………..
3)On my walk the chemist , I met my neighbour
While I………………………………………………………..
4)In my gymnastic lesson, I fell down on the floor
While I………………………………………………………..
5)It’s ages since he last played the viola
He hasn’t…………………………………………………
6)It’s a long time since I last travelled by train
I haven’t………………………………………………
7)He started drinking too much alcohol two years ago
He has……………………………………………..
8)It’s half an hour now since they started shouting
They have……………………………………………….
9)The children finished their homework and then they ate an ice cream
The children ate an ice cream after…………………………………
10) My car broke down. I took it to the garage
I took my car to the garage because…………………………………….
11)Flight B70529 to Gatwick airport is taking off the ground in five minutes
Flight B 70529………………………………………..
12)Do you intend to pass this test?
Are you…………………………………………………….?
13)Michael and Susan are getting married next Saturday
Michael and Susan’s marriage……………………………………….


1 I’ll visit him when I go to Germany next month

I am……………………………………………….

2 I’m meeting my friend at the park tomorrow


3 They came to work here five years ago


4 I missed the bus so I was late for school.

I was late for school because................................

5 When did you start learning English?
How long ...........................................................?

6 I left only a few minutes ago.


7 Adam read the book, then he fell asleep.

Adam fell asleep after.......................................

8 The last time I saw Susan was at Christmas.

I haven’t ......................................................................

9 We arrived an hour after Dan, (wait for)


10 Mitch waited at the café for an hour. He left before Kelly arrived.
Mitch left the café because.........................................................

11 Kate started to play tennis a year ago.(for)


12 Jane broke her leg once before. (second)


13 Tina forgot her glasses, so she couldn´t watch the film.

Tina couldn´t watch the film ............................................

14 Tom saw “Gladiator” last week. He saw it again yesterday. (twice)


15 Will this be your first trip abroad? (ever)


16 Zoe bought the CD, then she realised it was the wrong one.
Zoe realised the CD was the wrong one after.................................................

17 Becky finished university three months ago. She is still looking for a job. (for)

18 They started arguing two hours ago and they are still arguing (for)


1 You shouldn’t eat so much sugar

If I………………………………….

2 When you go to Ireland next year, you should visit “Trinity College”
When you go to Ireland next year, you……………………………………

3 We ought to do three hours homework each evening


4 It’s a good idea to wear a suit to the interview (SHOULD)


5 You should de elegant and polite in a personal interview

If I………………………………………………………………

6 It’s a good idea to be discreet in public
You ought…………………………………


1 .ILet's stay at home tonightn

Shall we…………………………………

2 Shall we employ someone to cut down this tree?

How about………………………………………….

3 Shall we discuss this requirements on Tuesday?

Why don’t……………………………………………

4 Let's start looking at examples

Shall we…………………………

5 Why don’t start being honest?

How about………………………………

6 How about having a drink?

Why don’t……………………………………..
I your position I should complain to the manager.were you your position I should complain to the manager.
If I were you

1 Would you like to focus the reading on “Mistery”?

Do you want………………………………………..?

2 Do you want to come to our party,Mary?

Would you…………………………………………….?


1 I would be a very shy person when I was a kid


2 I collected things when I was a child


3 When my mum was a young girl she went dancing on Friday nights
When my mum was a young girl she……………………………………

4 As a student in Paris, Sarah used to live in a flat above an art gallery

As a student in Paris, Sarah………………………………………………

5 We used to have lunch at the canteen of our school when we were children

6 Frank would visit his grandparents every Saturday morning when he was a child


1 I never send text messages on my new phone – It’s taking me ages!!

I am not…………………………………………………………………….

2 Harry is in the habit of playing billiards every Friday
Harry is…………………………………………………………………….

3 Emily usually plays football on Saturday afternoons

Emily is……………………………………………………

4 If you go to live in the United Kingdom, you’ll have to get used to driving on the left
If you go to live in the United Kingdom, you’ll have to………………………………………..

5 They are used to listening to loud noise because they live in the city centre.

6 Andrew usually plays video games

Andrew is………………………………………

Too/Enough -The food was too hot to eat

The food wasn’t……………………………………………………………….
-This sofa isn’t wide enough
This sofa is……………………………………………………………………..
So/such -The day was so rainy that they only wanted to sleep
It was…………………………………………………………………………….
-It was such a salty pie that I couldn’t eat it
The pie was …………………………………………………………………….
-I love fruit like strawberries,cherries or blackberries
I love fruit………………………………………………………………………..
-I was feeling weak. I stayed in bed (join with a connector)
I was feeling sick,……………………………………………………………..
suggestions -Why don’t we travel abroad this Easter?
How about………………………………………………….
Despite -Although he trains very hard,he seldom wins his matches
In spite of Despite…………………………………………………………
Although -In spite of the fact that it was hot, they stayed at home
Though Although…………………………………………………………

Rephrase sentences using Modal Verbs

1-Do they sell brown sugar in this shop?

Can I………………………………………………?

2-There is a choice of about twenty dishes in our menu


3-I’m quite certain that isn’t Johny’s car. His is blue

That car……………………………

4-She was sorry because she didn’t know how to answer the question (COULD)
She was sorry because she……………………………..

5-Perhaps they have gone abroad

6-Perhaps they didn’t receive the invitation

They may……………………………………….

7-It is not necessary for you to hoover the floor. I have already done it

8-In many Spanish schools it is compulsory to arrive in time for the lessons
In many Spanish schools, you………………………………………………

9-We should try to fix the computer


Rephrase sentences working “Future Tense”

1-Do you intend to write a new novel next summer?

Are you……………………………………………………………..?

2-William and Tina are getting married next Saturday

William and Tina’s marriage……………………………………..

3-Do you intend to live abroad next year?


4-He took the safe keys with him in case the security officer had gone home (Might)
He took the safe keys with him because he

5-I can’t be sure but I’m quite confident that I will get a grant
I will (probably)……………………………………………..

6-My doctor’s appointment is for 10 o’clock (seeing)


7-I’m not sure what to study but it will either be English or German (Might)

Revisión: Verbal tenses

1-On my walk home from school, I dropped my mobile pone
2-How long is it since they finished school?
3-I went to London eight months ago
It is……………………………………………………….
4-When did his plane take off?
How long…………………………………………………
5-Paul is back from Italy
Paul has been……………………………………………
6-Robert has broken his arm again
It’ s………………………………………………………….
7-It has been ages since he studied journalism
8-The last time Karen saw her cousin was at Christmas
Karen hasn’t……………………………………………….
9-I passed my English exam. Then I went to university
I had…………………………………………………………
10-I live in London but I lived in Paris in the past
I live in London but I……………………………………….
11-When my father was a child he used to sing in a band every weekend
When my father was a child he………………………………………………
12-Clara usually trains once a week
Clara is used…………………………………………………………………..

Revision: Verbal tenses------------}Present perfect /Present perfect continuous

1-I last saw you in 2004

I haven’t……………………………………..
2-My computer stopped working yesterday and still doesn’t work
My computer hasn’t…………………………………………………
3-I began studying computer technology last year. I’m still studying it now
I have been……………………………………………………………………..

4-Almodóvar started making films in 1980. He’s still making films today
Almodóvar has been……………………………………………………………

Revision: Future forms

1-Guillermo and Ana are getting married next Sunday

Guillermo and Ana’s marriage………………………….
2-Train to Littlehampton is leaving the platform in five minutes
Train to Littlehampton………………………………………….
3-Do you intend to live abroad next year?
Are you…………………………………………………….
4-Do you intend to write a new novel next summer?
Are you…………………………………………………….

Revision: Modal verbs----------------}

1-Do they sell brown sugar in this shop?
Can I……………………………………………………..
2-There is a choice of about ten different loaves of bread in our bakery
3-My sister can’t go to night clubs
My sister isn’t………………………………………………………………………..
4-It is possible that it will rain later
5-Perhaps I take a gap year after finishing school
6-You must be eighteen years old if you want to buy alcoholic drinks in a bar
You cannot/can’t………………………………………………………………………
7-The moped isn’t where I left it. I’m sure somebody has stolen it
The moped isn’t where I left it. It…………………………………………………..
8-You have to trust me. I’m the only one who knows the truth
9-You must be patient with her. She has not been feeling well lately
10-In many Spanish schools it is compulsory to wear a uniform
In many Spanish schools, you………………………………………………………
11-I’m feeling better. It isn’t necessary for you to stay with me all night long
I’m feeling better. You……………………………………………………………..
12-People should do more physical exercise
People …………………………………………………………………………….
13-You shouldn’t tell him anything about it
You had……………………………………………………………………………
14-It is not necessary for you to clean the house. I have already done it
15-Perhaps it will be sunny tomorrow

16-When I was eight, I did not know how to swim

When I was eight, I………………………………………………………………
17-Paul is a very good singer
18-In many British schools it is compulsory to wear a uniform
In many British schools, you…………………………………………………….
19-I am sure they are not at home. Their car is not in their car park
20-We should leave soon, the roads will be busy
We ought………………………………………………………………………….


1-Despite the rain, we went out

Although ...

2-Although he was ill, he carried on working

In spite of his...

Verbal tenses

3-It is three weeks since I saw Robin


4-I haven't seen my aunt and uncle for quite a long time

5-Jennifer started teaching six years ago

Jennifer has...

Passive voice

6-I am going to get someone to make some new curtains

I am going to have...

7-When they got back, someone had broken into the house
When they got back, the house...

8-The traffic woke me up at 6 o'clock this morning

I ......

9-Someone once told me I could learn English in my sleep
Once I...

10-People say that the Internet is the most important invention of recent years
The Internet...

Reported Speech

11-"Wouldn't it be a good idea to apply for a job with the local paper?” Jack said to me
Jack suggested...

12-"Drop in and see me tomorrow" Peter said to Ann

Peter told...

13-"I'm so sorry I broke the printer" Tom said to Helen

Tom apologized...

14-"Can I bring a friend along to the party?" John asked me

John asked me....

15-"What has happened to your knee?" Paul's mother asked him

Paul's mother asked him....

Too & Enough

16-Milan isn't near enough from London to drive there in a day

Milan is too...

17-She is too young to play in the championship

She isn't...

Conditional Sentences

18-I didn't phone you because I didn't realize you were at home
If I...

19-He didn't become an accountant because he failed his exams

If he…

20-I am not going to go to the dance because I haven't got a partner

If I...

21-If your performance isn't great, you won't be employed by this company
Unless your...

22-I don't have a word processor so I can't write your report with it
If I...

So & Such

23-The musical was so successful that all the tickets were sold
It was...

Modal Verbs

24-Someone almost certainly stole the car during the night

The car must....

25-There is a chance they'll arrest him if he tries to leave the country

26-Perhaps I was asleep when you called because I didn't hear the phone

27-Smoking is prohibited in public buildings

You .......

28-It would have been better if he had gone out on Saturday


29-You are allowed to eat at the restaurant without wearing a tie

You don't...

Present habit & Past Habit

30-She finds it strange to stay at home all day

She is not used...

31-Monica usually plays board games at Christmas season

Monica is...

32-When I was a teenager, I went to a lot of dances

When I was a teenager, I...

Comparative sentences

33-I don't go to the dentist less often than I should

I don't...

34-Few people speak Gaelic in Ireland

There aren't...

Wishes, Regrets, Complains

35-I regret not keeping in touch with him

I wish I...

36-What a pity that I am not twenty years younger

If only I....

37-I am annoyed that it is not going to stop snowing

I wish it...

Allow, Let, Make, …

38-When I was in hospital, they let us have visitors every day (ALLOW)
When I was in hospital, they.....

39-The police officers forced him to sign the confesssion (MAKE)

The police officers....


40-I don't want to do any homework tonight

I don't.....

41-My brother didn't go to University and neither did I
Neither my...


42-We braked sharply. We didn't want to crash into a lorry

We braked sharply so as...

Relative clauses

43-Sheila speaks good American English. She was born in Washington D.C
Sheila, ...

44-A shop assistant spoke to me. She was very helpful

The shop assistant......

Gerund / Infinitive

45-It is more dangerous to ride a motorbike than to drive a car

Riding a motorbike...

46-Recovering from an unexpected shock often takes a long time


47-Could you please open the window?

Would you mind...


A) Active into Passive

1. They have postponed the concert.

2. Somebody is using the computer at the moment.

3. I didn't realise that somebody was recording our conversation.

4. When we got to the stadium we found that they had cancelled the game.

5. They are building a new ring road round the city..

6. They have built a new hospital near the airport.

7. Somebody has cleaned the room.

B)Verbal Tenses
I was reading this book and he called me.

I have had this sweater for fifteen years.

It ...

The doorbell rang in the middle of her phone conversation.

While ...

My date of birth is April 3rd, 1993.
I ..

Dogs frighten me.

I ...

That letter arrived only a few minutes ago.

That letter...

While I was having dinner, Jim arrived.


It's a long time since I last visited Tom.

For ...

She has been studying English for two years.

It's ...

I was waiting for the bus and there was an accident.

While ...

C)Reported Speech
He said: "Bob often reads a book."

My mother said to me: "When did the girls help in the house."
My mother...

Jim said to his wife: "Must I do the shopping?"


Mrs Smith said to my mother: "I will be 50 years old next week."
Mrs Smith...

He said to his friend: "I was ill."


Tom said to the teacher: "I didn't have time to do my homework."


D)Past Habit and Present

When I was a little girl I used to live in Madrid
When I was a little girl I….

In the summer they would walk along the beach and then have a swim.
In the summer they………

We used to play football after school


I used to spend a lot of time in cafe with my friends


My dog used to be aggressive, but he's a mellower now

My dog…………………..

We are used to hard work

We are used to going camping every spring


E) Make and Let

1-They have to work until very late in the company
Their bosses………………………………………….
2-He had to do the exercise again
3-We have to do sports in the rain
Our school……………………………………………
4-I don’t have to go to school when I’m ill
My mum……………………………………………….
5-Kate doesn’t have to walk to school if it is raining
Kate’s parents…………………………………………..
6-She is allowed to borrow her mum’s make-up
Her mum…………………………………………………
7-You are allowed to play the music loud
Your parents……………………………………………
8-Students are allowed to sing in class
9-He can paint his room black
His parents……………………………………………..
10-She can have a part time job at the weekends
Her parents………………………………………………


TOO + Adjective + to infinitive

Adjective + ENOUGH + to infinitive


1.Milan is too far. You can’t drive there in a day.

Milan is too …
2. His new car is so wide that it won’t go into the garage easily
His new car is too…
3.This soup is too hot for us to eat
This soup isn’t…
4.The car wasn’t cheap enough for me to afford
The car was…
5.The house was too small for them to live in
The house wasn’t…
6.The mountain wasn’t low enough for us to reach the top
The mountain was…
7.He is too lazy to finish the work
He isn’t…
8.We weren’t relaxed enough to go out
We were…
9.He can’t reach that shelf. He is too short
He isn’t….

10.The cat can’t catch the mice. They run too fast
The mice…


6. “We visited her this morning”, they said
They said …
7. “They were here three months ago”, he said.
He said …
8. “I haven’t been waiting long”, she said
She said…
9. “ I can see you tomorrow”, he told him
He told…
10.“I spoke to Jane last week”, Susan said.
Susan …

1. “When are you coming back?”, I asked them
I asked them …
2. “Have you finished your exams?” she asked me
She asked …
3. “When was the timetable changed?” I asked
I asked …
4. “Where were you last night’”, her father asked her
Her father asked …
5. “Do you know who broke the window?” he asked
He asked if I knew who had broken the window
6. “When did you start learning Spanish?” she asked me
She asked me…
7. “Did you telephone my mother?” Tom asked her.
Tom asked her …
8. “Does this bus stop in Manchester?” she asked me
She asked me …
9. “Why didn’t you telephone?” my mother asked me
My mother asked me …
10.“Are you wearing your new dress this evening’”, Sam asked her.
Sam asked …


SO + Adjetivo
SUCH + (determinante “a”/ “an”) + (adjetivo) + Nombre

1.She speaks with such a strong accent that people can’t understand her
Her accent…
2.His life is so dull
He has such….
3.The weather was so warm that I didn’t need a coat
It was such…
4.The road is so narrow that it is difficult for 2 cars to pass each other
It is such…
5.The lesson was so boring that she fell asleep
It was such…

6.The weather was so lovely that we went out for the day
It was such…
7.The film was so exciting
It was such…

1-They have placed an important role in World history
An important role….
2-Britain exported democracy and the English language to numerous countries
Democracy and the English language….
3-They are committing many cruelties in the name of justice
Many cruelties…
4-They have borrowed some books on the second world war
Some books…
5-Wars always spread death and misery
Death and misery…

6-They will show a new documentary on TV tonight

A new documentary…
7-Carol offered me a lift home
A lift home…..
8-Her parents have promised her a new car if she passes all her exams
A new car…..
9-They will send him the fine by post
The fine….
10-We had shown them the way home, but they got lost
The way home…

11-They are paying him 100 pounds for the information

He …
One hundred pounds…
12-You shouldn’t have lent him your new motorbike. He is a dangerous driver
Your new motorbike…
13-Are they selling tickets for the concert?
Are tickets…
14-Do I have to pay this bill immediately?
Does this bill…
15-Does this school permit smoking?
Is smoking…

16-Have you used this camera before?

Has this camera…
17-Did the policeman take the suitcase off the plane?
Was the suitcase…
18-How can they grow such big tomatoes?
How can such big tomatoes…
19-How much have they paid for their new flat?
How much has..
20-Will your parents send you to a new school next year?
Will you…

21-It is believed that this painting is a masterpiece
This painting..
22-It is expected that the government will reduce taxes next year
The government..
23-It is estimated that car accidents caused more deaths than tobacco during the last year
Car accidents…
24-It was thought that many illnesses were transmitted by the air
Many illnesses…
25-It is known that many people were able to leave the building before the explosion
Many people…
26-It has been reported that nobody was injured


1-The walls of our house look dirty (paint)
We should…
2-This dress is too long (shorten)
You could…
3-My car engine is making a strange noise (check)
I’m going to…
4-Sara doesn’t like this computer program. She wants a new one (install)
Sara will….
5-He finished his novel last month. They have just published it (publish)
He has just…
6-Mrs Evans is ill in bed. One of her neighbours is walking her dog for her every day (walk)
Mrs.Evans is…

Revision : Relative pronouns---------}Defining clauses / Non-defining clauses /Relatives & preposition

1)We like cereals. Well, if they are wholemeal……………………………………………….

We like cereals
2)Michaelangelo was a famous artist. He painted the Sistine Chapel
Michaelangelo was ………………………………………………
3)I can’t remember the person from whom I took the money
I can’t remember………………………………………………………………..
4)We didn’t recognise the people at whom we were looking
We didn’t recognise………………………………………………………
5)My grandparents live in Córdoba. They are school teachers
My grandparents , …………………………………………… , ………………………………………
6)My friend Luis has lived in many exotic countries. He works for the government
My friend Luis, …………………………………………, ………………
7)I met a boy. He can speak three languages
I met a boy………………………………………………….
8)She always wears designer clothes. They cost a lot.
She always wears designer clothes…………………………………..
9)She is the lady to whom we always wave
She is the lady…………………………………………………………….
10)This is the wall into which the car crashed
This is the wall…………………………………………………………….
11)Madonna is a popular pop singer and actress. She was born in the USA
Madonna , ……………………………………………………. ,…………………………………………….
12)“Guernica” was painted by Picasso. It is permanently exhibited in Madrid
“Guernica” , ………………………………………………………………. , ………………………………..
Report the statements:
-“I don’t feel very well” Rowena said

Rowena said…………………………………………….
-“I’m going to go home at lunchtime” He said
He said………………………………………………..
-“We can’t repair your motorbike this afternoon” The mechanic said
The mechanic told me……………………………………………
-“Our bus didn’t come until half past nine” The students explained
The students explained that…………………………………………….

Report the questions:

-“Why are you waiting here?” We asked the photographers
We asked the photographers…………………………………….
-“Which restaurant did you go to with your cousins?” My father asked me and my sister
My father asked us………………………………………………………………………………
-“Has the press ever published untrue stories about you?” The interviewer asked the actress
The interviewer asked the actress…………………………………………………………………….

Report the orders, advice….:

-“Don’t drink this can of beer” She warned
She warned me………………………………………………………
-“Get to the concert early “ I advised Paul
I advised Paul…………………………………………………………
-“We should catch this train tomorrow morning” My father insisted
My father insisted……………………………………………………….
-“I arrived at the Language lesson late” He apologised to the form teacher
He apologised……………………………………………………………………..

-“Why don’t we meet at the Expo Pavilion?”
How about………………………………………….

-Would you like to go to a party next weekend?

Conditional sentences:
-She remembered Emily’s birthday because Kate reminded her
If Kate hadn’t………………………………………………………..
-Robert passed his exams because he worked hard
Robert wouldn’t………………………………………………………..
-If you don’t write the address clearly, your letter won’t be delivered to the right person

Active and passive sentences:

-Three of my paintings have been bought by my friends
My friends……………………………………………………
-They are filming one scene here next week
One scene……………………………………………………
-They gave Madame Curie The Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1911
Madame Curie…………………………………………………………….
The Nobel Prize for Chemistry……………………………………………
-The hairdresser cuts Rachel’s hair about twice a year
Rachel has………………………………………………………………….

-I’d prefer to play football next week if you don’t mind
I’d rather…………………………………………………………

Modal verbs:
-I’m sure that Istambul is an exciting city
-Perhaps I won’t take a gap year after finishing school
-If I were you I would eat lots of fruit to stay healthy
-You aren’t allowed to take photographs in the Reína Sofía

Past Habit:
-My mum would tell me stories every night
My mum……………………………………………

Present Habit:
-Tom usually dances much when he goes to a disco
Tom is……………………………………………………….

Defining clause:
-All my family get together at Christmas
Christmas is a time……………………………………..

Non-defining clause:
-My grandparents’ house is in León. My mother was born there
My grandparents’ house ,…………………………………………….., ……………………………

-Tom plays the saxo. He began last March

For/Future forms:
-This is your first visit to America
You are………………………………………..

Present perfect:
-I last saw you in 2005

-Sally wasn’t old enough to get married
Sally was…………………………………….
-The ice was too soft for us to skate on
The ice wasn’t……………………………………

-The day was so sunny that they only wanted to be in the swimming pool
It was………………………………………………………………………………….

-Despite having worked for the same company for a long time, he was dismissed
Although he………………………………………………………………………………………..
-Though he has got a fortune, he lives in a modest house
In spite……………………………………………………………………………………………..

Modal verbs:
-I am certain they are foreigners. They speak with a funny accent
-I am sure she is not your grandmother, she looks too young!
-Perhaps this picture is a Picasso
-We should leave soon, the roads will be busy

Past habit:
-My grandfather would go fishing every weekend when he was younger
My grandfather……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Present habit :
-Peter usually sings much when he is in a Karaoke
Peter is……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Defining clause:
-They have invented a new shampoo. It cures baldness
The new shampoo……………………………………………………………………………………………

Non – defining clause:

-The shop is in a shopping centre. I bought my mobile phone
The shop , ………………………………………………………………………… , …………………

-My MP3 stopped working yesterday and still doesn’t work
My MP3 hasn’t…………………………………………………………………………………

-Do you intend to write a new novel next summer?
Are you………………………………………………………………………………………?

Present perfect:
-My dad last had a job two months ago
My dad hasn’t…………………………………………………………………..

-The cardigan was too wet to be taken from the clothes line
The cardigan wasn’t……………………………………………………………………….

-The job was so dangerous that he was paid an extra salary
It was…………………………………………………………………………………………………..

-In spite of the fact that I had put two lumps of sugar in my coffee, it was still bitter



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