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Adobe Spark Poster Rubric

Name: ____________________________ Grade: ______/20 = ________%

Category 4 3 2 1
Use of Used 4 separate Used 4 separate Did not use 4 separate Did not use 4 separate
Quotes inspirational quotes, inspirational quotes, one quotes. Quote relates to quotes. Quote does not
one for each poster. for each poster. Quote the assignment but is relate to the
Quote relates to the relates to the not prominently place or assignment. Quote is
assignment. Quote is assignment. Quote is is difficult to read. not prominently placed
prominently placed and prominently placed, but and is difficult to read.
easy to read. difficult to read.

Use of All graphics are related All graphics are related Some graphics relate to Graphics do not relate
Graphics to the quote and make it to the the quote. Graphics are to the quote. Graphics
easier to understand. quote and most an appropriate size. are too small or too big.
Graphics are an make it easier to
appropriate size. understand. Graphics
are too small or too big.

Use of Used at least 2 different Used at least 2 different Used at least 2 different Used the same font in
Color and fonts on each poster. fonts in 3 posters. Fonts fonts in 2 posters. Fonts all the posters. Fonts
Fonts are easy to read. are easy to read. Used are difficult to read. are difficult to read.
Fonts Used more than one more than one color font Used only one color on Used only one color on
color font on each on each poster. Colors some of the posters. all the posters. Colors
poster. Colors harmonize, but don’t Colors harmonize on do not harmonize or
harmonize well and relate to the overall feel some posters. Colors do relate to the overall feel
contribute to the overall of the quote. not relate to the overall of the quote.
feeling/emotion of the feel of the quote on
posters. some posters.

Layout All information on the Most of the information Some of the information Much of the information
and posters is clear (not on the posters is clear on the posters is clear on the posters is unclear
pixilated) and can be and the content and some of the or too small.
Design easily viewed and can be easily viewed content is easily viewed Composition is random.
identified. Layout shows and identified. and identified. Layout is the same on
good composition that is Composition is a little Composition is difficult all posters.
easy to follow. Layout is confusing, but still easy to follow. Layout is
different on each poster. to follow. Layout is different on 2 posters.
different on 3 posters.

Mechanic Student created 4 Student created 3 Student created 2 Student created 1

s different posters. No different posters. Almost different posters. A poster or posters are too
grammatical, spelling, or no grammatical, few grammatical, similar to each other.
punctuation errors. spelling, or punctuation spelling, or Many grammatical,
errors. punctuation errors. spelling, or punctuation

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