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Human Resource Roles


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Human Resource roles Mind Map

Workforce safety manage workers compensation issues



Strengthening employee- Having new employees

Employer relations


Leadership training professional development

The functions of planning

Planning involves the description of the job and the specifications for the job. Ideally, the

parameters checked include having the requirements, skills, and the experience for a particular

job (Sanghi, 2061). There is use of various human resource managers during the interview

process. The specific task that has to be performed should be analyzed in every aspect. Job

description is the product of the job analysis in an organisation.The duty and the activities of the

employees are highlighted in the job description. Through the job description, managers are able

to get have information on the job content for a particular task.

During the planning activity, there is development of regulations and program, studies

related to planning as well as the support of new plans. This is usually done to act as a reflection

of what is likely to be done on the specific time to the potential employee. Various reviews or

assists in the review of moderately difficult development proposals and site plans for

conformance with codes, plans, and regulations, prepares, and presents detailed reports on

development proposals to government bodies (Sanghi, 2061).Normally, the skills that a

candidate possesses especially the practical experience plays a vital role in employing a

candidate apart from having a certificate. Therefore, any person who wants to make an

application to the organization needs to meet the criteria that will be used during the selection

exercise. Analysis has to be done efficiently such that during the recruitment process one will be

able to perform better in a certain area of the organization that is recruiting the employees. The

number of years one has been performing a particular task are used to evaluate the potential

employee of the company. This gives a wide scope to the recruitment team that a particular

person can do various tasks within the organization with his or her own self-drive.

In the role of staffing, it emphasizes on the recruitment of the personnel and selection of

the human resources for the firm. Planning for the human resources and recruiting precedes the

actual selection of people for the various positions that arises in the firm. Recruiting is the

personnel function that attracts qualified applicants to fill job vacancies whereby the people who

might apply for the job might be many but another step has to be taken in order to ensure that

you are able to get the right personnel (Schippmann, 2013). In the selection process, the most

qualified personnel are selected for hiring from among those attracted to the organization by the

recruiting process. Though you might have many qualified individuals, the right process has to

be taken using other key factors to find the one who is the best.

On the selection, the human resource functions are involved in developing and

administering methods that enable management to decide the applicants that have to be selected

and those who should be rejected from the offer of the job in the organization. After the right

person for the job has been found during the interviewing process and has all the required

qualifications for the job there is need to have orientation process on the person.

The orientation process is the first step that a new employee experiences in organization so that

he or she is able to adjust to the new environment. This is a method to acquaint new employees

with particular aspects of their new job, including pay and benefit programs, working hours, and

company rules and expectations. This is done so that the employee gets to understand the

functions he or she is supposed to do in the organization. Benefits are form of compensation to

employees other than direct pay for work performed and this has to be included in the staffing.

The characteristics of the compensation plan are part of a scheme that is a role of the human

resource department (Monks, 2013). The benefits to the employees are in two dimensions that

include the legal and the ones customized by the employee. The cost of benefits has risen to such

a point that they have become a major consideration in human resources planning. Benefits

provide for many basic employee needs and they highly relate to the compensation and

maintenance area.

Through the training and development department, employees are exposed to new ways

of handling their task. Surprisingly, the training and development section usually attracts many

employees. Jobs are advertised by careers services and recruitment agencies, online, in

newspapers and publications including People Management and Personnel Today as well as their

online equivalents. It is usually advisable that one should apply for the management jobs early

enough so that he or she can get equipped with organizational practice. Most of the positions are

advertised internally and externally by the human resource office.

There is training of the new employees as well as special upgrading of skills training for

the already employed persons. Large organizations often have development programs which

prepare employees for higher level responsibilities within the organization. The department of

the training and development of the employees ensures that the organization has employees who

can perform their duties at acceptable levels. Typical duties generally include conducting job

evaluation surveys whereby you have to make comparisons through the surveys if there are any

progress that are being made in the sector. Additionally there is the task of liaising with the

managers who are at different levels of management (Monks, 2013). The managers feed the

training and development department with information of the number of employees who need to

be trained. It can also be done through delivering and overseeing the training of individuals or

groups of employees, which assists in the affecting of the people with the skills that are

necessary for performing different roles in the organization. Other departments in the

organization should compile the information relating to the employees that they deal with to the

training and development office for further action.

Through monitoring of the employees in their duties, the training and development

department is able to come up with ways of appraising the employees as well as monitoring the

progress of the employees. Occasionally, there is assessment of the employees at their line of

duties to check whether the employees are performing their duties in accordance to the

expectations of the training and development order to appraise the employees in a

professional manner, there is use of a well-designed training program by the training and

development officials (Monks, 2013).



Sanghi, S. (2016). The handbook of competency mapping: understanding, designing and implementing

competency models in organizations. SAGE Publications India.

Schippmann, J. S. (2013). Strategic job modeling: Working at the core of integrated human resources.

Psychology Press.

Monks, K., Kelly, G., Conway, E., Flood, P., Truss, K., & Hannon, E. (2013). Understanding how HR

systems work: the role of HR philosophy and HR processes. Human resource management

journal, 23(4), 379-395.

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