Declaration of Sentiments#82665382edited

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Declaration of sentiments


The opinions were declared in the month of July 1848 at Eleven O’clock. The

declarations were read by Elizabeth Cady Stanton who read paragraph by paragraph to

the audience, and a couple of changes were made about the rights of women in the United

States of America (Boyer, pg7). Though it was not easy to have the men in the

declaration venue abide by the discussions done. Therefore the declarations of the rights

of the women form the basis for this paper.

A summary of the statement of sentiments

In the declaration, men and women are supposed to be equal even before the eyes of their

creator. Ideally, they should have the same rights to life and happiness as well as have the

security of their rights in the governments and other institutions. In case any form of

government becomes oppressive to its citizens, there is need for the citizens to come

together and defend their rights. The total attendance of the convention was three hundred

people composed of both men and women. The meeting took place at the Seneca Falls in

the New York (Boyer, pg9).


Elizabeth candy organized the convection together with Coffin Mott and Coffin wright.

Additionally, a majority of people had a lot of respect to the courageous moves of the

women and their abilities to come up with the complete documentation that championed

the rights of the women hence they went ahead to support the women. After that there

were publications by the press about the conviction describing it as the most shocking

and unique event that has ever been witnessed in the history of the existence of women.

Surprisingly the convention had a lot of support from various women rights groups from

different parts of the United States. According to the arguments of the women, there was

the need to have new guards for the future security of the women (Garrison, pg.17). All

through the women had tolerated the acts of being undermined by the men who were the

majority in the government. Therefore the women went a step further to demand their

rights and equal treatment before the law.

The issues presented at the convention

The women felt that they had been segregated in the society and they could not be

allowed to participate in the elections. Additionally, the voices of the women could not be

heard because they were subjected to the laws which they had not been involved in their

formulation. Ideally a number of the rights of women were being controlled by men some

of them who were very incompetent. On the other hand, women have been made to be

civilly dead even if the law recognizes that they are legally married. Still, the women had

been denied the right to own property regardless of the fact that they have earnings. On

the other hand the women were used in criminal cases by the men and they were

supposed not to complain.


In the marriage covenant, the woman is supposed to have high levels of obedience to the

man even if she is being oppressed (Garrison, pg.18). The governing laws of marriage

have been set in such a way that in the case of divorce the responsibility of taking care of

the children is whole to the women. Ideally, the law has given power to men. The

situation has become unbearable to the women because even when she wants to be single

and own property, the government goes ahead to tax her regardless the fact that her rights

are not protected by the law. Apparently, most of the premises ran by the men have been

monopolized, and on the side of the remuneration, they are paid poorly by the business

people. Additionally, the women were also denied access to prestigious courses such as

medicine and law (Hasday, pg.23).

Apart from been denied the chance of taking the prestigious courses the government has

ensured that women cannot get access to colleges that offer this education. However, the

women are allowed in the church, but they are given only the subordinate roles with the

aim of excluding them from the church leadership positions. Arguably, the society in

which all the activities are controlled by the men the women have been denied most of

the powers in the society with the aim of demeaning her self-respect and make her

dependent on the people. The women declared to use all the possibilities they have to

ensure that the government respects their rights and protects them at any cost. The

women feel that they are oppressed and denied most of their rights by the United States

of America government, and they advocated for the inclusion of their rights and

privileges in the Constitution of the United States

(Hasday, pg.24).

The resolutions arrived at the declaration of the sentiments

From the convection it was declared that women are equal to the men and according to

the commands of God the woman requires equal recognition to the man.In their

arguments the women defended their sentiments using the creation theory where God

created the women to be an equal of man.Additionally the resolutions also argued that the

women of the United States of America need to be enlightened with regard to the laws of

the country which govern the society. The plight of women in the society should not be

downplayed by any organization or the government. Women were supposed not to

pretend that they are satisfied with the current system of the government and pretend that

their rights and privileges are under the control of the government. Among other

declarations was that the women of the United States of America need to champion for

their rights to participate in the elections of the country (Kamma, pg36).



After coming up with the declarations at the convention, the women put down their

signatures to the document as a sign of solidarity. Additionally, the women went ahead to

declare that, they will use all the necessary means to have their voice heard by the

government and the society as a whole. There was a massive petition of their rights in the

churches and the national government through the power of the press. After the minutes

had been read, the resolutions that could impact positively on the lives of the women

were also read and were to be handled separately.

At the end of the declaration convention on the rights of the women, Lucretia was able to

offer a resolution statement that could crown the whole convection. There was the need

for quick measures to be put in place and the women activists together with the support of

other women need to ensure that the domination of the males in the religious leadership

should be a thing of the past. Ideally, the women were supposed to get involved in the

leadership roles. Also, the women should be given equal involvement to men in the fields

of trade and professional activities. Compared to the current issues in the modern society

where women rights are quite recognized, we can base our facts to the declaration

convection that helped achieve some of the current women rights.



Boyer, Paul S., et al. The enduring vision: A history of the American people. Cengage

Learning, 2016.

Garrison, William Lloyd. "Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti-Slavery

Convention." The University of Virginia, 2013.

Hasday, Jill Elaine. "Women's Exclusion from the Constitutional Canon." (2013).

Kamma, Anne. If you lived when women won their rights. Scholastic Inc., 2014.

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