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One of the major issues facing the world today is overpopulation.

What problems arise

from this situation? What measures can be taken to deal with it?

Every year an increasing population is becoming a more formidable problem in the nation
and worldwide scale because of its consequences for the society. All governments are
working on this issue trying to determine appropriate measures, but there is no solution yet.
In this essay, I will discuss some relevant effects of overpopulation and suggest several
possible measures that might be taken to help deal with this complex matter.

Overpopulation concerns many aspects of people’s life. The most significant impact is
about the lack of food in the future. Obviously, with the rise of the global population also
increase the demand for food. But statistically proven that by 2050 there is no chance to
produce enough food for supplying people with a sufficient amount of calories and energy
for normal living. Another negative effect is the run out of non-renewable natural
resources. Even nowadays, for example, the world faces the problem of exhausting fossil
fuels that leads us to the situation where countries, which production process largely
depends on the energy obtained from fossil fuels, could meet inevitable crises in all spheres
of life, especially, the economy.

To overcome this complicated issue, governments all over the world may take actions
either on the local or global level. One option is to impose domestic management policies
that will allow controlling the usage of natural resources. For instance, to establish a
concrete limit of the daily exploitation of energy used in production or to increase taxes on
fuel for car owners, that will slow down the depletion of fuel resources. Another option is
about international support and cooperation. One the one hand, rich counties could donate
to less fortunate nations the food or resources. On the other, countries could work together
to achieve more considerable results in term of findings of renewable resources.

In conclusion, such globally significant problem as overpopulation could overtake us much

sooner than we expect, therefore, I think, governments definitely should unite for solving
this issue as soon as possible.

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