2021 - Sample Answer

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13/04/2023, 09:39 H2 Sample Answer | A Thig Ná Tit Orm - 2021 - Studyclix

Sample Answer
H2 Sample Answer | A Thig Ná Tit Orm -
Reviewed by Conor Fitzgibbon

2021 - Paper 2 - Question 4 - Part B

Translation: in the autobiography A Thig Ná Tit Orm, Maidhc Dainín gives us an

enjoyable account of events that happened to him and his community while growing up
in the Gaeltacht. Discuss this statement. 

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Examiner comment

How to approach this question

This question is worth 40 marks. To score high marks, I recommend giving your
own personal opinion and quotes from the text to back it up. Stick to what you are
being asked and use references from the text to back up your points.
Remember that there are two elements to the question and you must respond to
both aspects. If you leave one element out, your eolas mark will be reduced from
35 marks to 25 marks. For this question we need to discuss two parts of the story:
the events that happened to the writer in his youth while growing up
in the Gaeltacht;
the events that happened in his community while growing up in the
Events = eachtraí
His youth = a óige
In his community = ina phobal

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Student answer
Aontaím go huile is go hiomlán (I completely agree) leis an ráiteas atá thuasluaite (with
the above statement). Is cinnte go dtugann Maidhc Dainín Ó Sé cuntas taitneamhach
dom mar léitheoir (to me the reader) ar eachtraí a tharla dó féin agus ina phobal féin
nuair a bhí sé ag fás aníos sa Ghaeltacht. Pléifidh mé san aiste seo (in this essay I will
discuss) na heachtraí is mó a sheas amach dom (the events that stood out the most to
me). Déanfaidh mé cur síos ar (I will describe) an lá cigireachta ar scoil (the inspection
day at school), an scéal toitíní (the cigarettes story) agus scéal grá Mhaidhc maidir le
hEibhlín. Setting out examples that will be discussed
Ar an gcéad dul síos (firstly), insíonn Maidhc Dainín Ó Sé go leor scéalta óna laethanta
scoile (lots of stories from his school days). Ba mhinic (oftentimes) a bhí na laethanta
sin trí chéile (chaotic), nuair a bhí sé ag troid le Tomás ina rang nó nuair a chaith duine
éigin scraithín i dtreo na dtincéirí (when someone threw some turf at the travellers).
Ach bhí iompar difriúil (different behaviour) i gceist ar an lá cigireachta, mar sin seasann
sé amach dom (it therefore stands out to me) mar eachtra suntasach óna óige.
An lá sin, bhí an seomra ranga thar a bheith glan; bhí ar na daltaí na suíocháin (the
seats) agus tobar an dúich (the ink well) a ní agus a ghlanadh (to wash and clean). Bhí
cuma shlachtmhar ar gach dalta (each student looked presentable) agus bhí orthu rudaí
a fhoghlaim de ghlanmheabhair (they had to learn things off by heart). Bhí gach duine
neirbhíseach, an múinteoir san áireamh (including the teacher). Chuir an cigire
ceisteanna ar na daltaí (the inspector asked the students questions) faoin méid a bhí
foghlamtha acu (about what they’d learned). Cé nár dhuine acadúil é Maidhc (even
though he wasn’t an academic person), d’fhreagair sé ceist an chigire i gceart (he
correctly answered the inspector’s question) maidir le cé mhéad lá a bhí i mí Feabhra
(on how many days in the month of February). Bhí faoiseamh air (he felt relieved) i
ndiaidh sin. Ar ndóigh (naturally), níor tharla pionós corpartha (corporal punishment) ar
bith an lá sin. Chomh maith leis sin, chaith na daltaí cuid eile an lae (the students spend
the rest of the day) amuigh ar an gclós. Bhí siad in ann dul abhaile go luath (go home
early), mar sin deireadh deas don lá cigireachta a bhí ann (there was a nice ending to
the inspection day). Roinneann Maidhc Dainín (Maidhc Dainín shares) na mionsonraí
(the minute details) ón lá sin, agus is léir nach ndearna sé dearmad ar an lá sin óna óige
go deo (it’s clear he never forgot that day from his youth). Mar léitheoir bhain mé an-
sult as an scéal seo a insíonn sé dúinn.

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Examiner comment

Great description of the inspector’s visit

This is an excellent way of demonstrating an in-depth knowledge of the
autobiography. This student is giving two examples of Maidhc’s life and they are
clear and easy to follow. The language used is fantastic and this student adds their
own opinion and commentary to the events.
Overall, it encapsulates the nostalgia of the text and shows the examiner that they
know what they are talking about.

Ar an dara dul síos (secondly), bhí dúil ag Maidhc Dainín ar thoitíní (Maidhc Dainín was
fond of cigarettes) mar bhuachaill óg, agus insíonn sé scéalta a bhaineann le toitíní. Ag
bun portaigh (at the bottom of a bog), bhuail gach duine lena chéile chun tobac a
chaitheamh, ach is minic nach raibh go leor toitíní ar fáil (often there weren’t enough
cigarettes to go around). Bhí toitíní i gcónaí ag buachaill darbh ainm Eddie Hutch óna
uncail. Chuaigh Maidhc go teach uncail Eddie Hutch. Chaith sé tobac ann (he smoked
there) ach bhraith sé go húafásach (he felt awful) agus chaith sé aníos ar bhóithrín
beag (he threw up on a small lane). Amanntaí eile (other times), ghoid Maidhc rudaí
áirithe (Maidhc stole various things) chun íoc as tobac, mar shampla, gruaig eireaball na
gcapall (horsetail hair) agus uibheacha ó chearc (eggs from a hen). Thit an tóin as a
chuid cleasaíochta áfach (his trickery fell apart, however), nuair a thug bainisteoir na
huachtarlainne (the creamery’s manager) a cheannaigh na huibheacha ó Mhaidhc chun
a rá leis go raibh sicíní sna huibheacha ach anois bhí siad ar fad marbh (they were all
dead). Sílim go raibh ról lárnach (important role) ag toitíní le linn a óige, cé gur drochrud
é sin (even though that’s a bad thing)! I mo thuairim (in my opinion), cuireann an scéal
toitíní go mór leis an dírbheathaisnéis (the cigarettes story really adds to the

Examiner comment

Great description of his youth

This student uses a specific example from the text to demonstrate Maidhc Dainín’s
mischievous ways, one which is often excluded by students in sample answers.
This was an excellent example to link the question to his life from the

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Tugann Maidhc an scéal is eachtraí (most eventful) agus is taitneamhaí (most

enjoyable) dúinn sa chaibidil dheireanach a bhain le hEibhlín agus na cúrsaí Gaeilge a
bhí ar siúl ina cheantar. Good use of question to start paragraph Tá Maidhc níos sine (older)
sa chaibidil seo ach fós tá fonn diabhlaíochta air (he has a desire for mischief). Shiúil sé
Eibhlín álainn abhaile tar éis píosa rógaireachta léi (after some mischief with her)! Ina
theannta sin, bhí plean ag Maidhc buaileadh le hEibhlín ar an oíche dheireanach. Chuir
sé plean cliste le chéile (he put together a clever plan); bhí sé chun dréimire (ladder) a
chur ag fuinneog Eibhlín. Faraor, theip ar a phlean (his plan unfortunately failed) nuair a
chonaic bean an tí iad. Thug bean an tí buille le scuab ar a dhroim (she gave him a belt
on his back with his brush). Cé nár éirigh le plean Mhaidhc (even though Maidhc’s plan
didn’t work), tá sé thar a bheith taitneamhach (really enjoyable) le bheith ag léamh faoi
Good use of question to end paragraph (to read about)!
Mar fhocal scoir, tá A Thig Ná Tit Orm lán de scéalta iontacha Plural adjective following
plural noun (filled with brilliant stories). Molaim an t-údar (I commend the author) as cur
síos suimiúil a chur ar fáil don léitheoir (to provide the reader with interesting
descriptions). Chun conclúid a chur leis an bplé seo (to conclude this discussion), bhí
mé ag streachailt (I struggled) gan ach cúpla scéalta a roghnú (to choose just a few
stories) ó hóige Mhaidhc (from Maidhc’s youth). É sin ráite (having said that), bhain mé
an sult is mó (I enjoyed the most) as an scéal cigireachta, an scéal toitíní agus scéal

Examiner comment

Covering all aspects of the question

This student uses 3 specific examples from the text to give an insight into Maidhc
Dainín’s life. However, at least one example of the life of the people around him
should have been included.
I would include one of the following:
nós na bothántaíochta le linn óige Mhaidhc;
an scéalaíocht san oíche;
ní raibh solas aibhléise sna tithe (an lampa íle);
dhá raidió sa pharóiste – tigh Mhaidhc agus tigh an mhúinteora (ag
éisteacht leis an nuacht gach tráthnóna agus lá an All–Ireland);
na cúrsaí samhraidh sa Ghaeltacht (Samhradh 1958);
rásaí naomhóg le ceardscoil an Daingin.

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Examiner comment

Overall grade
Eolas (27/35)
Firstly, this student is deemed to have answered both elements of the question,
although the second half of the question is only briefly addressed. The description
of the author's youth is well explained with 3 clear examples. However, only a brief
mention of Maidhc Dainín’s uncle, a visit to his uncle, and the run-in with the Bean
an Tí are the only examples addressing the latter part of the question. Without
these brief mentions, this student would have lost a full 10 marks for eolas (with the
eolas marked out of 25 instead of 35).
Note: it is mandatory to include some reference to the life of the people around the
author. Some possible examples are listed above in the blue box.
Gaeilge (5/5)
This student demonstrated an excellent standard of Gaeilge. Special mention must
be given to the correct use of the plural form of adjectives which is commonly
Eolas = 27/35
Gaeilge = 5/5
Total = 32/40 = 80% = H2

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Useful links
Want to know more? Find out how to use our Studyclix Examiner Annotated
Essays for Irish.

By Conor Fitzgibbon
Conor teaches Irish and Geography at Skerries Community College,
Dublin. Conor has 10+ years of teaching experience and correcting
experience. Conor has multiple degrees under his belt including a
bachelor's degree in Irish and Geography, a post-graduate degree in
Education (Gaeilge) and a Masters of Science in Education, Training
Management (Leadership).

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