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Emma Choe

30 March 2023

STEM Level 1: Faster than Light

a. Name: Emma Choe

b. Presentation Topic/Title: “Faster than Light”

c. Name of Presenter: Kurt Kruger

d. 30 March 2023

e. Summary of presentation:

The speed of light in a vacuum, denoted as c, is a constant value of approximately 299,792,458

meters per second or 186,000 miles per second. It is also equivalent to 671,000,000 miles per

hour. Light year, on the other hand, represents the distance that light can travel in one year and is

equal to about 6 trillion miles. The speed of light can be visualized using cameras and special

techniques to capture trillions of frames. Light in space may appear slower due to the vast

distances, whereas light on Earth seems faster. In terms of travel within the solar system, it takes

approximately 1.2555 seconds for light to travel from the surface of the Earth to the Moon. The

time it takes for light to travel from Earth and the Moon to Mars is approximately 3 minutes and

2 seconds. It's worth noting that the speed of light might be slower within the solar system

compared to its speed in a vacuum. The Voyager 1 spacecraft, which left Earth 43 years ago, is

currently traveling at a speed of 38,000 miles per hour. It would take about 20,000 years for

Voyager 1 to reach outside the solar system. The spacecraft has covered a distance of 13 billion

miles, which is equivalent to about 5.1 light years or 18,000 years of travel at the speed of light.

To reach Alpha Centauri, it would take approximately 76,000 years. The concept of light years is

also applied to stars, representing the distance that light travels in a year. Due to the vast
distances, it would take several years to reach certain stars. While some stars, like Bernard's Star,

appear to be moving because they are relatively close to us, others are too distant for their

movement to be measured easily. Our perspective of time is much faster than the pace of the

universe. The famous equation E=mc^2 expresses the interchangeability of energy and matter. It

states that energy (E) is equal to mass (M) times the speed of light (c) squared. In a dome movie,

the concept of one light year is demonstrated, showcasing a distance of 6 trillion miles. The

discussion also touches upon the importance of certain aircraft and technologies for testing light

years, such as solar power generators and laser-powered kites. Propelling a spacecraft at half the

speed of light would require years to decelerate, making such missions impractical for human

involvement. Advancements in technology and scientific studies are necessary for building

spacecraft that can travel faster than the speed of light. Overall, this STEM talk covers various

aspects related to the speed of light, light years, space travel within the solar system, the Voyager

1 spacecraft, the concept of light years for stars, and the challenges of interstellar travel.

f. Reflection: Please write about your impressions of the presentation. What did you find

particularly interesting or important? Explain why. Use examples or evidence from the

talk in your discussion. This section should be equivalent to at least ½ of a typed page.

The presentation on the speed of light and related concepts was a captivating exploration of

fundamental physics and the intricacies of space travel. It offered a wealth of intriguing

information, and several aspects stood out to me as particularly interesting and important. One

aspect that fascinated me was the speed of light itself. The fact that light travels at a constant

speed in a vacuum, approximately 299,792,458 meters per second or 186,000 miles per second,

showcases the uniformity of this fundamental physical constant. This constant serves as a

cornerstone for various scientific calculations and theories. The concept of a light year was also
captivating. Understanding that a light year represents the distance that light can travel in one

year, equivalent to about 6 trillion miles, gave me a better grasp of the vastness of the cosmos. It

was intriguing to learn that this immense distance can be visualized using advanced techniques

that capture trillions of frames, allowing us to perceive the speed of light through time-lapse

visualizations. The discussion on the speed of light within the solar system compared to its speed

in a vacuum was thought-provoking. It revealed that the speed of light may be slower within the

solar system due to various factors, such as gravitational influences. This insight sheds light on

the complexity of light's behavior in different environments and highlights the need for further

scientific exploration. In conclusion, the presentation on the speed of light and its implications

was a captivating journey through the fundamental principles of physics and space exploration.

The intriguing concepts, such as the speed of light, light years, the Voyager 1 spacecraft, and the

challenges of interstellar travel, left a profound impression on me. This talk underscored the

immense scale and complexity of the universe, sparking a sense of wonder and curiosity about

the mysteries that lie beyond our reach.

g. Current Article analysis:

I. Author: Vicky Stein

II. Date: 17 May 2023

III. Title: “What is the Speed of Light?”

IV. URL Link:

V. The speed of light is a fundamental constant in the universe, traveling through a vacuum

at approximately 299,792,458 meters per second (or about 186,282 miles per second).

According to Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity, nothing can surpass the speed

of light. As matter approaches the speed of light, its mass becomes infinite, establishing
the speed of light as a universal speed limit. This constant is used to define international

standard measurements such as the meter, mile, foot, inch, kilogram, and Kelvin. Despite

its reputation as a universal constant, scientists and science fiction writers contemplate

the possibility of faster-than-light travel. However, no practical means of achieving such

travel has been demonstrated. This curiosity fuels innovation, inspiring new stories,

inventions, and advancements in physics. A light-year represents the distance that light

can travel in one year, approximately 6 trillion miles. It is a unit used by astronomers and

physicists to measure vast distances in the universe. For instance, it takes about 1 second

for light to travel from the moon to Earth, indicating that the moon is roughly 1

light-second away. The sun, taking about 8 minutes for sunlight to reach us, is about 8

light minutes away. The nearest star system, Alpha Centauri, is approximately 4.3

light-years away. The concept of light-years enables astronomers to observe objects as

they were in the past. When studying distant objects, astronomers see the light that left

those objects many years ago, offering insights into the early stages of the universe.

Objects located billions of light-years away appear to astronomers as they existed billions

of years ago, allowing us to glimpse the history of the universe, including the time after

the Big Bang, which occurred around 13.8 billion years ago.

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