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2021 September

George Kaloudis

A Deep Dive
Into Lightning
as a Bitcoin
Scaling Solution

03 Introduction

04 A Quick Primer

06 Metrics

Nodes with Channels


Per-channel, per-node

Cut channels & nodes

12 Vulnerabilities

18 Path Forward

19 Conclusion
The Lightning Network is an overlay network powered by Bitcoin smart contracts – it is
NOT a blockchain.

Bitcoin was introduced as a “purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash” that “would
allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through
a financial institution.” In the early days, it was exactly that; for a small group of people.
Twelve years and 100 million users later, Bitcoin is prohibitively expensive for casual
transactions and only capable of confirming up to roughly seven transactions per second.
The latter point is not completely fair since Bitcoin provides final settlement versus a
promise of payment later, but it still constrains bitcoin’s ability to act as cash without
adding functionality.

As such, the Bitcoin narrative shed the “electronic cash” use case in recent years and
replaced it with “store of value” and “digital savings technology” use cases, likening it to a
type of digital gold. But that does not mean the dream of bitcoin as a peer-to-peer version
of electronic cash has died.

After El Salvador made bitcoin legal tender in June 2021, a common critique was that this
was a bad idea since the entire Bitcoin blockchain only has enough transactional
throughput to allow every Salvadoran to do one Bitcoin transaction every 20 days,
assuming no one else in the world uses it at all.

There is, of course, a solution. El Salvador has implemented the Lightning Network to allow
bitcoin payments to flow through its economy.

The Lightning Network is an overlay network or “second layer” built on top of the Bitcoin
blockchain that uses user-generated micropayment channels to conduct transactions
instantaneously. It was introduced in 2016 as an idea by Thaddeus Dryja and Joseph Poon
and eventually implemented in 2018 as an open-source software solution.

In short, Lightning allows multiple transactions to occur away from the blockchain (or off-
chain) and then keeps track of the state of the channel which is then confirmed on the
Bitcoin blockchain with a tidy, single transaction. In practice, this leads to less congestion
on the blockchain and makes transfer of value cheaper on a per-use basis because the fee
structure of Lightning differs from Bitcoin.

This report will aim to give an introduction to what Lightning is, the metrics that can be
used to characterize the current condition of Lightning, potential attack vectors developers
are working to mitigate and the future of Lightning. Combined, these topics provide a
primer to help individuals and investors learn about the Lightning Network and Lightning
Network Finance or “LiFi.”

Throughout, we capitalize the blockchain (Bitcoin) and use lowercase or trading symbols
(bitcoin/BTC) for the asset. Dollars are U.S. dollars ($USD). Nothing in this report should be
considered investment advice.
Lightning Network: A Quick Primer
There are entire books on this topic, but the following section can act as a brief overview
of the important aspects of the Lightning Network. We assume the reader has a basic
understanding of how Bitcoin works (for more on that, check out CoinDesk’s Learn content

The Lightning Network is an overlay, peer-to-peer network that operates alongside Bitcoin
and uses the Bitcoin blockchain to secure its transactions. Lightning does not have its own
coin or token.

Lightning uses Bitcoin smart contracts, self-executing digital contracts with the terms and
execution written as code or scripts, in order to build its network. To do this, Bitcoin nodes,
computers that validate transactions and maintain the network, include additional software
to also act as nodes for the Lightning Network. From there, the Lightning nodes open up
channels with other nodes by executing a 2-of-2, bilateral Bitcoin smart contract and
committing bitcoin to the payment channel. The channel setup effectively moves the
committed bitcoin “off-chain” or on top of the Bitcoin blockchain, making the Bitcoin
blockchain layer 1 and Lightning layer 2.

From there, the rules of the Lightning Network apply to that payment channel. Each side of
the payment channel is now able to send bitcoin back and forth without having to wait for
confirmation on the Bitcoin blockchain, which you must do for layer 1 transactions. Instead,
the channel acts like a sliding scale with the balance at each end changing as bitcoin gets
sent across the channel between nodes. When both parties choose to close the channel,
the rules of the smart contract determine the final balance due to each node and settle
that final state on the Bitcoin blockchain. So, while the Bitcoin blockchain will only see two
transactions – the original commitment transaction and the channel-closing transaction –
there could be any number of transactions that have happened in between.

This is hardly exciting in a two-node, one-channel world. However, the technical

specifications of Lightning also allow payments to be routed through multiple nodes via
channels. This is where the network effect kicks in. Node A can send a Lightning payment
to Node C even if they do not have a channel opened together. If Node A has a channel
open with Node B, and Node B has a channel open with Node C, Node A can send a
payment to Node C by routing through Node B. For its trouble, Node B would be
compensated with a nominal “routing fee.”

On top of that, Node B does not have to be directly connected to Node C either. There just
must be a path of channels between nodes that eventually connect Node A to Node C.

To wrap this section, we should point out two important characteristics of the Lightning

First, it is cheap to send transactions on Lightning right now. Transactions can even be
routed for 1 satoshi, which is 1/100,000,000th of a bitcoin or about $0.0005. Second,
because single Lightning payments are not dependent on the Bitcoin blockchain for
transaction finality, payments are effectively instantaneous. Cheap and instantaneous
payments is why many proponents are excited about the Lightning Network.

Bitcoin Transaction Fees

$35 At times, Bitcoin transaction fees are relatively cheap (less than $0.05 per transaction), but when
the Bitcoin mempool becomes congested transaction fees can spike substantially making casual
BTC / Median Transaction Fee ($USD)

$30 transactions less viable at the base layer.







Source: Coin Metrics

Lightning Network: Metrics
The following section outlines several metrics to determine the overall growth, health and
viability of the Lightning Network as a technology worth investing in or paying attention to.

There is an important limitation to note here. Not all Lightning nodes need to be announced
to the entire network. When starting a node or opening a channel, there is an option to
announce yourself to the entire network or to remain private and known only to those you
are connected to. Therefore, the following metrics will represent, at worst, a lower bound
to actuals. As a reference point, in 2020 BitMEX estimated that 28% of Lightning Channels
were private.

Public Lightning nodes with channels

As outlined in the previous section, the Lightning Network is an overlay network that routes
payments through payment channels that are maintained by nodes. These channels are
connected through nodes, and payments are routed through the channels until they reach
a specified endpoint.

The first step in setting up a channel is to set up a node. One could stop after setup and
just act as a node for the overlay network, which does not allow for anything functionally
useful. It is more powerful to take it a step further and set up a payment channel with
another node. To that point, a network with fewer nodes is less connected than a network
with more nodes. There is not a number that is “good enough” for individuals to pay
attention to, but an increasing number over time is generally a good trend. On Aug. 31,
2021, there were 15,203 public Lightning nodes with channels, up 30.3%, 63.8% and 99.5%
over the trailing three-month, six-month and twelve-month period, respectively.

Public Lightning Nodes with Channels

16,000 As more Lightning nodes open channels between each other, the network becomes
larger and potentially more connected.

Lightning Nodes






Lightning Network capacity
As described in the previous Nodes subsection, in order to open a Lightning channel, node
operators must commit bitcoin to provide liquidity to their channels. The total amount of
bitcoin committed to all channels combined is known as the Lightning Network capacity.

This is an important metric, but we should clarify that the total value of bitcoin committed
should not be viewed as a maximum on the amount of value that can be transferred over
Lightning over a unit of time. If anything, it is really a theoretical maximum on the amount
that could be sent at one time in one direction.

To illustrate this, let us introduce a simple example. Think of Lightning channels like
bilateral lines of credit with a collateral pool. If we both put $50 down to open a channel,
then our channel capacity is $100 ($50 + $50), and we have a claim to $50 each. Suppose
then I want to buy something from you for $25. We then change the balance of our channel
to $25 for me ($50 – $25), $75 for you ($50 + $25). Suppose then, you want to purchase
something for $10 from me. The channel balance would then move to $35 for me ($25 +
$10), and $65 for you ($75 – $10). This can go on ad infinitum until we decide we are ready
to close our channel and settle up. Over the life of a channel, value throughput can easily
exceed the amount contributed to a channel.

This is exactly what occurs when a Lightning Channel is opened. A Bitcoin transaction is
effectuated to commit value to the Lightning overlay network; that transaction is validated
by the Bitcoin blockchain; Lightning payments are routed through the channel keeping
track of the balance on each end; and then the channel is programmatically closed and
validated on the Bitcoin blockchain. The blockchain only sees two transactions for a value
x. In practice, more than two transactions can be effectuated and far more value than x
could be transferred. With that understanding, we should view an increase in Lightning
Network Capacity as a positive and a decrease as a negative.

Lightning Network Capacity

3,000 ₿ Bitcoin committed to the Lightning Network surpassed 2,300 BTC, an all-time $140

$USD Value of BTC Committed (in millions)

high. Note that this does not represent maximum transactional throughput.
2,500 ₿ $120

BTC Committed

2,000 ₿
1,500 ₿
1,000 ₿

500 ₿ $20

- ₿ $0

BTC USD Source:

As a quick aside, the amount of payment volume flowing through the Lightning Network
would be a useful metric to look at. Unfortunately, that is not data that is publicly available
to all nodes on the overlay network. However, there are some Lightning node operators
that periodically provide volume data, which could be a decent proxy for Lightning
transaction demand. We do not have network-wide data now, but as the network grows we
may eventually be able to accurately approximate Lightning payment volume if large node
operators begin reporting volume data consistently.

Per-channel and Per-node capacity

Expanding on the previous subsection, individuals can take Network Capacity a step
further and divide by the number of channels or nodes.

Looking at these per-channel or per-node metrics can tell a good story about the condition
of the Lightning Network. If the average capacity per channel exceeds ~$1,000
(~2,500,000 satoshis (sats) or ~0.025 BTC), that would imply that an average user who
interacts with the Lightning Network will likely be able to make most reasonably priced
daily purchases. If average capacity was ~$100 or ~$10, perhaps that would make most
channels less viable for daily commerce (remember, per channel capacity is spread across
two nodes).

Average Lightning Network Capacity per Channel

4,000,000 $2,000
Capacity per Channel in Sats (1/100M of 1 BTC)


Capacity per Channel ($USD)


2,000,000 $1,000


0 $0















Sats / Channel $ / Channel Source:

Comparing per-node to per-channel capacity allows us to determine how potentially active

node operators are. If the per-node capacity was close to per-channel capacity, that would
imply that most nodes operate a small number of channels. As the gap widens, this implies
nodes operate more than one channel. More channels per node implies higher demand for
channel capacity once nodes open a channel and “get off of zero.” If most nodes had just
one channel, that could imply that the opening of the channel is mostly a novelty that only
few customers use.
Average Lightning Network Capacity per Node
60,000,000 $18,000
Capacity per Node in Sats (1/100M of 1 BTC)


Capacity per Node in $USD


40,000,000 $12,000


20,000,000 $6,000


0 $0

Sats / Node $ / Node Source:

There are some limitations here. First, these charts show averages, which are affected by
outliers. If we look at the percentile breakpoints, we can get a more granular story as to
what you can expect from the “average” node.

Lightning Network Capacity per Node

Capacity per Node in Sats (1/100M of 1 BTC)









Average 90th Percentile

50th Percentile Source:
Second, there is an arbitrary limit on the size of regular channels determined by the
Lightning protocol of 16,777,215 satoshis (there are channels known as “wumbo” channels
that support channels of unlimited size, but they are less common). That phenomenon
reveals itself with the 90th percentile per channel data maxing out at 16,777,215 in August
2018, before coalescing around 9,000,000–10,000,000 satoshis.

Lightning Network Capacity per Channel

Capacity per Channel in Sats (1/100M of 1 BTC)










Average 90th Percentile

50th Percentile Source:

Lightning Network cut channels and nodes

Cut channels are a means to measure the overall connectivity of a network. A cut channel
is a channel between two nodes that connects different components of the network. This
channel's removal would prevent other nodes from having a path. As such, cut channels
are also referred to as bridges.

Lightning Network Cut Channels

A cut channel connects two nodes to different components of the network. Its removal would
prevent other nodes from having a path.
% Cut Channels




As with the other metrics, there is not an optimal percentage of cut channels in the
network. If the percentage is lower, then the network is theoretically better-connected than
when the percentage is higher.

A cut node is the same concept as a cut channel, except it represents a node that
connects two parts of the network.

Lightning Network Cut Nodes

15.0% A cut node connects nodes to different components of the network. Its removal would prevent
other nodes from having a path.

% Cut Nodes






Intuition would suggest that we would prefer to see cut channels and nodes trend
downward since that would indicate that the network is becoming more connected and
less dependent on centralizing forces. Many users, developers and proponents herald the
Bitcoin protocol as decentralized and hold that in high esteem, so that it would make sense
that this holds for the Lightning Network as well.

That said, those who know about Lightning in that same group are not necessarily
concerned about a potential Lightning “hub-and-spoke” construction – a phenomenon
where large nodes run by merchant services own a large share of channel capacity that a
large portion of the network must run through.

The expectation that the channel an individual opened with friends will be just as
connected as channels run by a merchant service is far-fetched. Capital has to be
allocated to open channels which will naturally lead to Lightning Network traffic flowing
through bigger channels that will act as a hub. The value proposition of Lightning is that
you need not use the centralizing hubs to route payments if you do not want to. Nothing
stops an individual from setting up private, smaller channels with people they want to
transact with. Lightning is still permissionless and does not require permission from big
centralizing forces to use.

Lightning is the ability to choose.

Vulnerabilities, Attack Vectors and a Path
Forward – A Developer’s Viewpoint
Much literature and media content has been wildly polarizing when it comes to discussion
around the Lightning Network. It is either characterized as a perfect product ready to fix all
of Bitcoin’s scaling problems or as a terrible idea that would best be set aside for some
other coin to act as peer-to-peer cash.

Of course, reality lies somewhere in the middle and investors would be well served looking
at the Lightning Network through the eyes of developers. In general, the Lightning
developer community views Lightning as an exciting technology with massive potential.
However, they also understand that there are vulnerabilities that need to be reckoned with
if Lightning is to become widely implemented, and as the group with the most intimate
understanding of the “nuts and bolts,” their opinion and views should be taken into

In writing this section of the report, we had discussions with Lightning Network developers
about attack vectors and their views on the future of Lightning. The findings are presented
in the following subsections.

Attack Vectors
Before we dive into the specific attack vectors, we need to define a handful of Lightning

Lightning uses Hash Time Locked Contracts (HTLCs) to route payments which contain two
fundamental pieces: a hash lock and a time lock. This basically means that there is a secret
(hash) that can be revealed for payments to be successfully routed – like a passcode –
which is commonly referred to as the preimage. There is also a concept of a time-out
where a payment can be claimed by either party after a certain amount of time passes.
This time-out is used to avoid problems with negligent channel operators, but it can be
taken advantage of by bad actors with a sophisticated understanding of Bitcoin and
Lightning. When a node sends a payment, they do so by sending HTLCs. We will use
Lightning payments and HTLCs interchangeably in the following subsections.

Also note that attackers can take advantage of their knowledge of how layer 1 works since
Bitcoin nodes play an important role in the proper operation of the Lightning Network.

A griefing attack involves freezing bitcoin committed to Lightning channels by spamming
the channel with small payments. Lightning channels are only able to accommodate 483 in-
flight or pending HTLCs at a time. Thus, an attacker can send 483 micropayments to
another node they control through channels maintained by other nodes and then hold onto
the HTLCs long enough to incapacitate those channels. This could cause funds to be held
up for up to two weeks, at which point the time-out would cancel the contracts.
This attack cannot be used to steal funds, but it can be used for sabotage or to demand
ransom from channel operators. Malicious actors could also shut down meaningfully large
channels with little capital, some scripting knowledge and a bit of luck.

Griefing attacks can also lead to inadvertent loss of funds due to channel force closes that
griefing attacks might instigate. A force close occurs when one channel partner attempts
to close a channel without the other channel partner’s consent. Typically, a force close is
not ideal since funds will be locked for longer than a consensual channel closure, and the
partner who opened the channel will have to pay a higher on-chain fee than usual given the
design of Lightning that implemented a fee structure to discourage closing of channels for
arbitrary reasons.

There has never been a big push from Lightning’s maintainers to fix griefing. Joost Jager,
however, is working on a concept known as Circuit Breaker. Circuit Breaker allows for
node operators to assign a maximum number of in-flight HTLCs on a per-peer basis,
making it impossible for a bad actor to flood a node with the max number of HTLCs. In
order to be effective, Circuit Breaker would have to be implemented across the entire
network, so this change will need buy-in from the broader community.

Eclipse Attack
An Eclipse Attack, aka a time-dilation attack, involves a Sybil attack on Lightning Network
nodes. To carry this out, an attacker launches hundreds of nodes in order to swarm a
victim’s node such that the victim is not connected to any honest nodes. This effectively
blocks the victim from the actual peer-to-peer network and the attacker can dictate what
the victim sees.

From there, an attacker can close Lightning channels, and since the victim is not able to
know what the network is actually doing, the attacker can steal funds.

At first blush, this does not seem to be a big deal. If you are running a full node, then it is
likely that you would be too widely connected to honest nodes to be adequately attacked.
However, there are many “lightweight” implementations of Lightning Network that are used
by some wallet providers. These implementations only receive data from the Bitcoin
blockchain one block at a time and do not always have a copy of the blockchain’s
transaction history. Note that although Lightning Network is separate from Bitcoin,
knowledge of the blockchain is still paramount. These light clients use the back end of
blockchain processing to save space on resource-constrained devices – mainly mobile

Herein lies the real issue. An eclipse attack would take advantage of those using a
lightweight implementation of Lightning and Bitcoin, which likely means these are the users
who are less sophisticated and well-capitalized. That clearly runs counter to the ethos and
end goal of Bitcoin and Bitcoin-enabled services.

Most of what can be done to mitigate this attack vector comes from the user side,
although there are some potential solutions developers are working on as follows:
• Higher connectivity and number of honest reachable nodes. Honest users should be
encouraged to provide more resources to the network and make use of those resources
more efficiently on the Bitcoin network, as Lightning Network is tied to layer 1. The more
honest nodes committed to the network, the more difficult it becomes to hurt network
participants as a dishonest node.
• Peer diversity with proactive topology improvements through peer rotation. This would
increase the cost of a Sybil attack and therefore act as an effective countermeasure.
• The implementation of watchtowers which act as monitors of the network who send
“breach remedy” or “justice” transactions as punishment when they detect a user who is
attempting to broadcast incorrect channel states in order to cheat the protocol.
Watchtowers in effect probe the network for bad behavior.

Pinning takes advantage of dissimilar transaction mempools and an inability for Child Pays
For Parent (CPFP) transactions to be bumped when the parent transaction’s fee rate is too
low or when the transaction does not allow for Replace-By-Fee (RBF) (the latter two are
related but slightly different concepts).

When Bitcoin transactions are initiated, they are aggregated into a collection called a
“mempool” where miners look for transactions to include in blocks. CPFP refers to a
transaction that references a previous transaction in order to increase the effective fee
rate to speed up its addition to the blockchain, in the situation where the fee for the original
transaction is too low to be carried out as quickly as desired. RBF refers to a transaction
policy that allows an unconfirmed transaction in the mempool to be replaced with the same
transaction but with a higher fee. Where CPFP and RBF differ is that CPFP transactions
can always be attempted, while RBF transactions can only occur if the original transaction
opted in to RBF.

With these concepts in mind, a sophisticated attacker can use the Bitcoin and Lightning
protocols to their advantage to carry out a pinning attack on pending Lightning
transactions. There are many forms of pinning, but the simplest example is outlined in the
visuals below. The visuals also illustrate how a time lock and hash lock effectively “wall-in”
pending transactions between nodes (time lock at the left or before and hash lock at the
right or after) until they are ready to go.

• The attacker sets up two channels with the target victim.

• The attacker then sends a transaction from Attacker A to Attacker B through these
• When Attacker B receives the HTLC, they do not respond and wait for the timeout to
pass. This forces the victim to publish a commitment transaction that contains a “HTLC-
timeout transaction” in order to claim their funds contained in HTLC B between Victim
and Attacker B.

• The attacker then broadcasts a transaction to claim HTLC B between Victim and
Attacker B – revealing the hash lock secret – with an intentionally low fee with RBF
disabled. The fee is set intentionally low as the transaction must not confirm before
Attacker A is able to pull HTLC A. Otherwise the attacker's HTLC B is mined
successfully, allowing the victim to see it and the requisite preimage, allowing them to
pull the funds from HTLC A – which stops the attack. If the attacker’s transaction gets
into miners' mempools before the victim's HTLC-timeout transaction, the victim will not
be able to claim the funds back and HTLC B value would flow from Victim to Attacker B.
The victim can attempt to increase the fee of its HTLC-timeout transaction with RBF, but
they would not be able to replace the attacker's transaction because it has RBF
disabled. The victim gets “pinned” in place, unable to do anything as they see the HTLC-
timeout transaction in their own mempool, but it does not get mined.

• Meanwhile, the timelock for HTLC A from Attacker A to Victim expires, and Attacker A is
able to claim HTLC A for themselves. When the Attacker's transactions get mined, the
victim will have paid the HTLC downstream, but not received the corresponding amount
The following figure provides a summary and outline of the basics of a pinning attack.

Source: Bastien Teinturier

More deeply, for HTLCs, all miners have a “success” transaction in their mempool which
reveals the preimage to claim the HTLC and the rest of the network has a time-out
transaction. The attacker ensures the preimage transaction has a low enough fee rate to
be kept in the mempool (in general, miners will include transactions in blocks that have
higher fee rates) so that the upstream channel is able to claim the timed out HTLCs.

If the preceding attack sounds overcomplicated, that is because it is. The good news is
that pinning is immensely difficult to carry out. It would take someone with an intimate
understanding of the Bitcoin blockchain and Lightning. However difficult, it is still very
possible. There are a handful of updates developers are working on to mitigate this attack

First – anchor outputs make this attack more difficult. Anchor outputs are special outputs
in Lightning commitment transactions that are designed to allow the transaction to be fee-
bumped. Anchor outputs do not stop pinning on their own, but they do make it more
difficult. These had been proposed for Lightning for some time and are now live on the
Lightning Network.

Second – there is something known as package relays that, when combined with anchor
outputs, should make pinning attacks a thing of the past. Package relay is a proposed
feature that would allow nodes to send and receive packages of related transactions which
would be accepted or rejected based on the fee rate of the overall package, rather than
each individual transaction. This buffets the main mechanism by which attackers are able
to finish their pinning attack.

Flood & Loot

A Flood & Loot attack takes advantage of the fact that the Lightning Network uses time
locks to route payments.

To carry out a Flood & Loot an attacker needs two nodes: a source node and a target
node. With the source node, the attacker opens a channel with a victim and with the target
node they open other miscellaneous channels. The attacker then sends as many payments
or HTLCs as possible through the victim to the target node. The attacker accepts the
payments when they reach the target node and sends back preimages for validation to the
source node.

At that point, the attacker’s source node stops replying. This means that the victim must
wait until the HTLCs time-out to close the channel on the Bitcoin blockchain. However, if
the attacker times the channels to all close at the same time, the Bitcoin blockchain will
become congested with nodes looking to close their channel at the same time. After the
time-out, any past expired HTLCs can be claimed by the attacker using RBF.

This is a damaging attack since it leads to a loss of funds. There are several ways
developers are working on mitigating the incidence of Flood & Loot attacks. Before
outlining those, the most simple means, especially as an individual, to avoid these attacks is
to only open Lightning channels with nodes you know and trust.

Things developers are working on:

• There is a high likelihood that a node is being attacked if it has many pending incoming
HTLCs that the other party does not resolve. In this case, the channel should be closed
as early as possible to avoid losing funds. There is support around a more sophisticated
dynamic closing rules policy that adjusts the “commitment broadcast delta” – the time
prior to HTLC expiration that nodes begin to unilaterally close channels – based on the
potential loss that this channel may incur.
• Allow for a mechanism that would change the amount of HTLCs that can be sent
through channels that nodes are connected to, based on a reputation-based score set
by the node operator in response to peer behavior. The more reputable the node, the
greater number of HTLCs can be sent through it.
• Anchor outputs had long been proposed as a mitigation technique for Flood & Loot
attack – now that they are live on Lightning these attacks are more difficult.
Path Forward and Parting Thoughts
We asked developers what they were most concerned about and what they thought
needed to happen to best push Lightning adoption in the future. They all had unique,
nuanced answers, but there were a handful of common themes worth sharing in a bulleted

• Development on the Lightning Network should be done methodically and carefully in

order to maintain consistent uptime – we cannot afford to “move fast and break things”
on an open-source network with real funds at stake;
• In addition, the network and its implementations (the actual software that delivers the
specifications of a proposed program) must remain committed to the technical
specifications of the Lightning Network – we cannot “fall out of spec.” If one of the
popular implementations, such as Lightning Labs’ lnd, ACINQ’s eclair or Blockstream’s c-
lightning, deviate from the spec in order to pursue something they view as superior, that
would not only be damaging to Lightning, but it would also be a re-creation of the
financial payments system we have now;
• The Lightning Network is still nascent, and we need more users in order to test the
network, since ideas that work in a testing environment may not work once real-life
incentives come to bear;
• There are people and organizations who will look to “gamify” the network for economic
gain – similar to the MEV bots that plague Ethereum – which could potentially become a
problem as more value attaches itself to the Lightning Network;
• Theoretical problems we have known about can potentially become real problems as the
network grows – an example cited directly from the Lightning white paper is the Forced
Expiration Spam, Section 9.2;
• One developer told us that the Lightning Network may not end up working at very large
scale – when there are billions of payment channels. The developer pointed to the
dependence on the Bitcoin blockchain and its mempool as a reason why Lightning in its
current design may not scale to billions of users.

This report and preceding list is not meant to be exhaustive, intentionally pessimistic or
urge the reader to use an alternative. It is simply provided as a means to educate the
reader on the potential speedbumps the Lightning Network may encounter on the road to
scaling Bitcoin. Developers take the tack of “awesome – but what’s broken?” toward their
products – not because they do not want Lightning to succeed, but because they do.
Investors, users and stakeholders would be well served doing the same. Casting a critical
eye on breakthrough technologies is important for the long-term success of those projects.

The Lightning Network is promising, but there is still much work to do and a long way to go.
Further Reading and Thanks
There are countless information sources available online about the Lightning Network. We
are including a listing of the books, academic papers, research reports and articles we felt
were most important for the writing of this CoinDesk Research report. Our attempt with
this report was to provide a one-stop-shop for the individual to understand Lightning. The
following links provide further reading, education and context for the Lightning Network
without which this report would not have been possible.

Andreas Antonopoulos, Olaoluwa Osuntokun and René Pickhardt wrote Mastering

Lightning, which is available for free in a GitHub repository. The book is mostly a technical
manual of how Lightning works, but the first part of the book is meant to be approachable
for anyone regardless of technical background.

In discussions about pinning attacks with Bastien Teinturier of ACINQ, he forwarded us to

a GitHub repository he maintains which has a good collection of in-depth articles about
Lightning Network.

There is a breadth of shorter Lightning Network pieces, both news articles and technical
primers, available on, including a two-part article series written by Colin
Harper of Luxor Technologies (previously of CoinDesk). Links:


Lastly, we want to thank Ryan Gentry (Lightning Labs), Antoine Riard (independent
developer), Rusty Russell (Blockstream) and Bastien Teinturier (ACINQ) for taking calls
from the author to discuss Lightning during the research process.
CoinDesk Research is George Kaloudis and Teddy Oosterbaan.

CoinDesk Research offers reports and multimedia programming by

independent experts on crypto industry trends and assets, to help
professional investors make sense of the rapidly evolving concepts
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DISCLAIMER: This report has been prepared by CoinDesk solely for informative purposes. It should not be taken
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