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05/06/2020 PSE - Health during Lockdown Health * Health can be defined as ‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, free from illness and disease’ (Oxford dictionary). The Health Triangle: Task: Arrange the sentences in the correct column Healthy Unhealthy * Breaking your arm aftere<—— > * Doing regular exercise. falling. » Playing computer games for * Speaking to friends and 6 hours a day. family on a regular basis. ; Sharing your concerns with - parents or teachers. » Regularly getting a good . . » Having a poor diet of mostly nights sleep. high sugary foods and * Catching a cold. drinks. * Being stressed about things they need it. » Feeling lonely or depressed. ra Supporting friends when you can’t control. € * Getting outside for fresh air. Physical Health and Wellbeing Physical Health during lockdown is very important. Completing daily exercise can: + Improve the health of your heart— making it easier to pump blood around your body. + Decrease cholesterol levels ~ reducing the chance of clots. + Improve muscle strength and endurance. + Reduce body fat in the body. * Lower your risk of high blood pressure. + Feel better—with release of feel good hormones. This doesn’t have to be high intensity exercise. Just moderate exercise completed regularly. Physical Health and Wellbeing Examples of exercise you can complete include: * Jo Wickes’ daily home workout on YouTube * Daily walk around local area * Bike ride around local area * Circuit training at home * Activities such as Yoga and Pilates — sessions can be found online Physical Health and Wellbeing Alongside exercise, you can monitor your diet to make sure you’re also supporting your physical health. The are 7 nutrients you must consume to have a balanced diet: Carbohydrates — such as bread, potato, rice, pasta, fruit Protein — such as fish, eggs, meat, vegetables, beans, nuts Fats — such as fish, nuts, avocado Vitamins — found in fruit and vegetables Minerals — found in milk, meat, vegetables Fibre — found in cereals, fruit, vegetables Water — tap water better than bottled Task: Your Health during Lockdown * Please spend 5 minutes considering your physical Health during the Lockdown. Year 7 Create a workout for your classmates to follow and support their physical health. The workout must last an hour and have a variety of different activities. Place this workout on a poster with pictures and upload on to Google Classroom. Year 8 Create an exercise program for an entire week for your classmates. Include: 1. Adaily exercise session 2. Times and durations 3. What benefits each session will provide Task: Your Health during Lockdown + Please spend 5 minutes considering your Health during the current Lockdown. Year 9 Consider your return to school in the near future. Write down 10 ‘Rules’ that you think are important for ALL pupils to follow to support their Health when back in school. Consider: * Social distancing rules + Protection from Covid and other diseases + How best to support your learning

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