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Planning for Theoretical problems

Problems I may encounter when researching and How I plan to resolve these problems
Location Scouting Consider availability and access. Don't go
for anything to hard to achieve

Not meeting Deadlines Make sure to use the production schedule as


Not receiving appropriate results from peers Only use results that help and send to
peers you trust

Codes and Conventions are not met Do a lot of research into the genre

Planning for practical and technical problems

Problems I may encounter when researching and How I plan to resolve these problems
Equipment runs out of power Fully charge and bring spare battereies

Problems with weather Check forecast to make sure it is suitable

Actors not turning up Cast backups and check to make sure actors are

Forgetting Equipment Use props list and Equipment List

Mid project check-up (After research)

A small problem I encountered was people acting a bit silly or not giving useful answers in surveys
but likely I had more answers coming in that actually helped me.

When I was looking into bounty hunters in film I encountered a problem when I searched "bounty
hunters in film" it would come up with mainly just a film called The Bounty Hunter which wasn't
entirely usful for all my research I resolved this by asking a peer and they sent me a link to a list of
bounty hunters in film so thanks for that

I was struggling to find a good example of Western sound in film but I went home and watched
John Wick: Parabellum as I was watching all of them preparing for the 4th film and it had a scene
that perfectly showed the sound of Westerns and how recognisable it can be and it was just a
reference so I decided to use it.

End project review

It rained but continued to film for a more dramatic feel.

USB was acting up so used other storage devices.

Actor problems so used backup actor

Very windy out and ruined audio

Toilets were in use so had to change location

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