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LESSON PLAN Teacher: Vianna Hong Lesson: 4 out of 5

Subject: Science Unit 2: Changes to Land Over Time

SWBAT associate units of lengths with different natural events by evaluating how long their change takes to occur.

Science Standard Math CCLS

ESS1.C: The History of Planet Earth CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.MD.A.3:
● Some events happen very quickly; others occur Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, centimeters,
very slowly, over a time period much longer than and meters.
one can observe. (2-ESS1-1)

Materials Vocabulary
Natural Events and Units of Length Slideshow Tier 3:
Independent Worksheet (copy for each student) Unit of Length: Specific names of measurements

Tier 2:
Correlate: To have a connection with something
Associate: Another word for correlate

Time Connection/Motivation
5 minutes There was a time when my sister got a new bucket. It was this yellow bucket that she was planning
on bringing to the beach. On a day we went to the beach, she took her bucket and went towards
the ocean. She filled it up with water and started carrying it back to where we were seated. By the
time she got back, she looked in her bucket and her bucket was only half full! She wondered what
happened to cause this change in the water level so quickly. It wasn’t until she realized that there
was a hole in her bucket. She turned to look at where she walked and she saw a trail of water that
started from the ocean and followed her to where we’re sitting. The trail of water was really long
and that was why the change in how much water was in the bucket happened so quickly.

Similarly, with natural events, when change on Earth’s surface is created quickly, the change is
usually large and uses larger units of lengths such as feet and meters to measure the change that
occured. When change on Earth’s surface is created slowly, the change is very short and small
which means it uses smaller units of lengths such as inches and centimeters to measure the change
that occurred during a certain amount of time.

15 minutes Today, we’re going to be associating units of lengths with different natural events by evaluating if
the natural event occurs quickly or slowly.

Watch Natural Events and Units of Length slideshow

Start at Slide 1
Slide 2: Natural events are categorized into what two events? (Ans: Quick events and slow events)
Slide 3: What are some quick natural events that create large changes? (Ans: Volcano eruptions,
earthquakes, hurricanes)
Slide 4: What are some slow natural events that create small changes? (Ans: Erosion and
Slide 5: What unit of length is associated with quick events? (Ans: Larger units of length:
Slide 6: What unit of length is associated with slow events? (Ans: Smaller units of length:
Slide 7: Why do larger units of length correlate with quick events? Slow events? (Ans: Quick events
create larger change so larger units of length would correlate with them. Slow events create smaller
change so smaller units of length would correlate with them.

Independent/Partner/Group Work
15 minutes Students will work independently on a given worksheet and will use the information they learned
from the slides to guide them. They will circle the units of length that correlates with the natural
event. Answering the questions will lead students to associate units of length with different natural
events by evaluating how long their change takes to occur.

Teacher will be circulating the classroom to ensure students are on task or if there are any
Possible guiding questions that will help further the students thinking:
- Are the changes caused by the natural event large? Or are they small?
- What units of length would be easier to use for a large change? What about a small

10 minutes Students will share answers as a class. They will be encouraged to explain why they circled the
units of length. Discussion should lead students to associate units of length with different natural

Identify what unit of length correlates with a tornado by evaluating how long change takes to occur.

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