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Oops Dragon Diary Oops Dragon Diary

Writing Checklist Writing Checklist

Did I… / X Did I… / X
include the date and/or time that the entry was written? include the date and/or time that the entry was written?

write in the first person? write in the first person?

use the past tense for the main events? use the past tense for the main events?

present the events in chronological order? present the events in chronological order?

describe the event(s) from the writer's point of view? describe the event(s) from the writer's point of view?

include personal emotions and feelings? include personal emotions and feelings?

use paragraphs to organise my writing (including an use paragraphs to organise my writing (including an
introduction and conclusion)? introduction and conclusion)?

use time conjunctions and adverbials? use time conjunctions and adverbials?

use an informal style? use an informal style?


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