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S E L F - E X A M I N AT I O N & AC C O U N TA B I L I T Y


Search me, O God, and know my heart;

Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
And see if there be any hurtful way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.

PSALM 139:23–24

Below is a list of statements to help you begin the process of self-examination. When you read them,
answer based upon this scale:

A – This is not an area of concern for me.

B – Things are neutral.
C – This may be an area of concern.

This is not to grade yourself; it’s to provide an indication as to what’s going on in your heart and soul.

A I am not actively pursuing a growing relationship with Jesus.

B The things I desire are not consistent with what God desires for me. My desires orient more
around what will please me rather than God.
A I am not praying as much as I used to.
C My thoughts are growing more critical and negative.
C I am not practicing regular spiritual habits to help me continue to grow spiritually.
C I avoid spending time with God, or when I do I am restless and unable to be still.

B I am more preoccupied with myself than I used to be.

A I’m not paying close attention to the important things in my life because I have too much stuff
going on and I find it difficult to focus on anything for long.
C I am actively involved in renewing my mind through reading the Bible, memorizing Scripture, and
studying the Bible with a group of believers.
A I am concerned that God is disappointed or angry with me.
B I struggle wanting others to think I’ve got it all together, but I really don’t.

Self-Examination & Accountability 1

B I view interruptions in my day with frustration and resentment. I don’t consider that they could be
opportunities from God for me to grow or serve someone else.

C My thoughts are more fear-based and anxious.

A I don’t have anyone in my life on a regular basis who knows my “hidden parts” and to help me
“see” my blind spots.

B There is sin in my life that I’m unwilling to deal with.

B I’m not experiencing the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

A There are people in my life I’m not willing to forgive.

A I have no clear sense of boundaries between others and myself.

A I could use the support of others, but I won’t ask for it.

A I no longer attend church on a regular basis.


God may bring to mind a step you need to take (e.g., a person you need to forgive, a sin you need to
confess). If this happens, receive it as being from your heavenly Father who loves and wants the best for
you. Ask Him to give you the grace to act upon what he has shown you.

Remember, the process of self-examination is not to make you feel bad about what you’re not doing or
doing wrong. The process of self-examination, according to David, is to lead you in the everlasting way.
In Psalm 23:3, David writes that God “guides me along the right paths.” Walking this pathway involves the
regular searching of our hearts to make sure nothing is competing with God for our affections or loyalty.

Always end with taking the time to thank God that he has forgiven you and has set you apart for his
glory and purposes. He loves you dearly. Remember that you are secure in Christ and a forever child of
the King.

Finally, invite others in to what God has shown you. Don’t try to move forward alone. Just as God helps us
grow in self-awareness through the practice of self-examination, others can help us through the process
of accountability. Below are a few questions that will help you take this step:

• What has God surfaced in this process? Quit taking things into my own hands. Some time just need to trust God.
• Do you have any action steps you need to take in response? If so, what are they?
Read more about what God says about my feelings/situation.
• Who are a couple of people you can invite into your inner world? Make a plan to contact them
within two days.

Self-Examination & Accountability 2

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