Shopaholic Consumer

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Everyday, we are encouraged to consume by advertising and marketing

What is a shopaholic?
A Shopaholic is someone who spends for the pleasure of spending. Someone that has
the wardrope full of clothes he never weares. Somoene that buys on impulse somoene
who goes shopping when feeling low, to cheer up.
To be Shopaholic is an addiction already reconized and treated by psychologists.

There are some tips and advices to control our buying impulses.

 If you feel depressed try to find a friend to talk to instead of going out alone.
 Avoid spending your free time in shopping áreas; go to an exercises class, or for
a walk in the park instead.
 Whenever possible, go shopping with another person and discuss together
what to buy.
 Make a shopping listo of what you need in advance.
 Try to buy realistically based on your present lifestyle and not on a fantasy of
what you would like to be

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