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The whole Senior Project process was stressful but easy.

If you just stayed on time and

followed the deadlines, then you will be fine. The only stressful part was waiting for the bigger

assignments to be graded and see how well I did. The most frustrating part is the practice

presentations. Getting up and doing a 10 minute presentation in front of an audience of around

30 was frustrating. It did not make sense to me because I would rather just only do the final

presentation, in front of around 15 people, and half of them are the presenters that will also go on

that day. I did find doing my YouTube video interesting, giving a lecture on why social media is

bad for a person’s brain was really interesting to me. I would not do this project again, it was

annoying and frustrating at certain times. The most helpful people throughout the project were

my mentor (Elizabeth Ancker), my English teacher (Mrs.Trautner), and my friends. There was

not anybody that did not help me, or hindered my progress on this whole project. I think this

project reflects on me on how well of a person I am. I find the brain interesting, I have a problem

with the amount of hours I spend on social media, and I love playing and watching sports. Each

of these components really does reflect my interests. I feel like I will change my behavior on

social media after completing my project. This is because of all the dangerous factors that could

happen if I use social media too much. For now, I have changed a little bit. I noticed that I do not

go on social media as often and that I think before doing or saying anything. This is because I do

not know how the other person truly feels when hurtful words are exchanged.

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