It Will Be The Most Beautiful Wedding

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, : bseau, | Grace Kelly, our princess-to-be, confides her wedding plans—for tro¥ attendants, guests and reception—to Hollywood’s reigning queen 12 "You have the eyes of a woman in lve,” were the Sst words T said to Grace Kelly after abe came forward to rect me and I Kised her and wished her 8 world of good Wisher on her engagement to Prince Rainier. ‘he laughed and said, "Strange you should say dhs. because ‘The Eyes OF A’ Woman In Love's the Péince’s favorite American song and he plays it again and gain on his record machine.” | Tenn the beige sacks che was weating for a scene {in High Socety-~herplture with Bing Crosby and ; Frank Sinatra she looked every inch a Princess t-be asthe lead me to two chats on the sidelines of the | MGM set where we could talk uninterrupted. Thad been told that Grace had become very cold and ala an nile yey ol Ende since ex Fausarkin romance hed become front "Some af her would-be friends were whispering that her about tobe Serene Highness, Princes Grace of Monaco, Duchess of Valentinis, Princess of Chateau Porcien, Countes of Belfort and Baroness of St Lo (to give it all her a titles) had completely changed. / Nothing is further from the truth. ‘The gil who sat Sees er saralioratm axdlche chisted Sway about d her coming royal nuptials like any other prospective bride. She kept shining her twelve-karat square-cut diamond engagement ring with her handkerchiet, fang ito a Catch the light, aughingat herself (Covtinued'on puge 80) B | ) r | | | E _d grace kelly (Continued from page 40) Jn her. delight “swt it a. benaty?™ ids "The Pee ee ate tegeera or agement ring T tear,in High Soviet Exactly the same size Alter the Prince had ismather buy this ring in France for me fand slipped it on my finer, Twas. de~ lighted because they said. can wear the eal thing inthe picture.” ‘The first rng the Prince gave Grace, an heirloom of diamonds and" rubics, “she wears on her right hand when she isn't working Mis tt irue that you fell in love with the Prince. when you visited Monaco. while you were fiming To Catch A Thief?” 1 Baked her, Grace’ shook her head. "No," she sald, 1 Gide Seow Iwas tn love with, him until he ‘ame to” this country” and we Spent the ‘Christmas and New. Years Holidays together and had time to get to really know each other Father Tucker, the Prince's spiritual advisor, who is closer to His Serene High: fess than anyone outside of his own Family, told "some ‘friends that Grace ‘would’ make no" more. pictures. beeause Bie" couln be both, Princess and an actrese—and Tater, the Prince was quoted Sesaying the same thing “Ae you. really coming) back to Holly wood on une frst to make Designing Woman?” 1 asked her "An evasive litle smile erosted her face. But Grace ts not an evasive person. She Said, “fim sure Designing Woman wort be ready to go Jume frst For one thing Jimmy Stewart is nowhere near fished with The Spirit Of Se Lows. "To tell vou the truth," she said_seri- ously, "Tin not sure what TH do—but 1 feel V have plenty of time to decide. 1 as fo have taken a year's leave of absence from MGM to ‘dos stage play after, 1 finished! Designing Woman. Now of course T'won't want to go on the stage” Ivother words; Grace is living from day to day. 1 aincerely believe her when she Sys she doesn't know her own plans be: ‘Yond her marriage to the handsome Prince ie so very much in love with him ‘and believe me, you can take my word for thisthat lam sure she, will 60 noth ing to displease him. But this love affair ‘works both ways Sven if the Prince’ now Believes his mind is made up against her Continuing her career, what's €9 say. that re cannot be made te change it later on? ‘Right now, in bath ther ives—and in the rosy. glow in. which they” are existing it JS not too pressing’ problem, Wiskfe hoping T wish Toul say that MGM shares their happy nonchelance, Je docen't. But there {evplenty of wishful (almost said sete fru} hoping going’ on ater’ on the diy T talked with Groce, both Sol Seigel her producer and Chuck Walters her director tod me they could trot believe that Grace, who loves. her Profecsion would ‘never "make. another Picture. Bie?'T wouldn't bet on i Hy strong ‘celing is that Brsi_Grace will place the happines. of er husband Shove all cloe. i they are blessed with Miami hi wll ke prectence above lee in the world “But she ‘syoung—and a few happy years amay fot het career will not tn 1s glow “these developments, of cours, are in the Jap of the gods, Meabwhile, ere is the flowing, exciting and romantic future. at Find what ope can be more ex Silng thap sn approaching wedding? 1 ghid, "Groce! who among. your Tolly- ‘wood friends wil be invited Yo your weds ding?” 1 had heard that already. fand Frank, her co-stars, and Bets Gary Grant her close friends, hac Invited to Monaco in April ‘She sald quickly, “T cannot invit one until | know what delegates, and how many of them, will be there from foreign countries. Bach country with which Monaco maintains diplomatic relations will send a representative, Our wedding wil be a State aflair—but we are already re- Tembering how emall the Cathedral ts, the place where the religious ceremony will be'performed, with the Bishop of Monaco oficisting “There will be just @ handful of people at the civil ceremony, so you ean under~ Stand the official problems” ‘What problems there are weren't worry- ing. Grace. "In Monaco,” she “went oa ‘enthusiastically, “tis the custom of the townspeople to come tothe Palace and drink ‘champagne when there is a. wed- public at the Prince's coronation At the civil ceremony on April 18th, the Palace gates will again be thrown ‘open and after a luncheon which will be given for our guests, we will serve champagne new mother jane powell will be modern screen's charming cover star on the june issue at your newsstands may 8 to all the Prince's subjects. Apd on. the day” of the religious service, April 19th, they wil issue stamps with my” pletures fon them,” Grace could no fonger ‘contain the Testing of happiness. welling inside her. ‘She pressed my arm, “Don't You ‘hile ats all tlng?™ ‘Chuck Walters called her back before the cameras for a moment. The seene they Fehearsed is the one where ihe heroine ews ail the wedding’ presents she Geives as the very rich gil she plays in High’ Society. “There were long tables of candelabra, silver platiers, ums, crystal and china ‘ware, “Youre getling © preview of your wn gifts" called to Grace peters ag ame ere would slesk.? “At'this, moment, producer Sol. Seige! walked up, and told me of « little secret and a wonderful surprise he has for Grace Tinew even before she did that Grace wil be given all the gorgeous clothes she wears in High Society for her personal wardrobe ‘When she returned to my" side T asked her "about her troussseat, “The “only {wo wedding: gowns. Rose (MGM's top designer) brought some “ay Ince with accessories the day I visited Grace. “And, don't, forget,” Grace went on apply, SO nave! eg asks New 4nd Philadelphia, before sailing for Monae othe 35. Comnatan oe furs T can shop then for my frowseeau Til needa ot of clothes flee ame through the four days of celebration be- fore the ‘wedding, the lal luncheons dtpners, eae and fo on." Tssked Grace if she would stay at the Palace before the wedding. "Of cours” he qpewered My, whole fal wl stay fre. AS you have. already younger scr, Lisnne, hes ber baby #8 May, and.'my sister-in-law, ‘Mes John Kelly, “will "have her baby. “in Funo—2o they ‘are out of the wedding” party. Fo Pero Cites crv cease ee Gon at Me 1a eae ee ae oe es ane nee ee 5 Sian) ape fr to dt rie TT thine he was going to He i at al al tr be ante Sune Py te ed AS lath fe Se pte ee ae ce Siyting ‘aed paca Bu ater its Suc sce tnes toga sory que I took him to the ‘Beachoombers “wher E tae habeus ont bag as ‘We have nothing lke ts fn Burose’ hate lt ike a ace ee al fare omat less 2 half way ered senvesaion hy" theme sree if Soe, Grace and her charming Pra converte eniely in English He speak ou tongue fawiesiy, having been ed ated tn England CCherming Prince Charming On” several occasions while Pi Rainice has heen “cooling “his heels Hollywood waiting forthe woman he love to complete her my | have ten him ie Tle is always accompanied By Edited, nd aftr dhe arrvalot Pathe ‘ker in Holywood by hs close en and pres ‘There hod been a report that slipped. by, with. Grace ‘working at Studio, when he didnt see,her at all “Dont you believe that” Grace lau “in fat, Yim expecting Rim to sip tt back Way ‘and say “bello™ any” minute ‘Tm foo much of 9 sentimentalist not take thls ata good exit cue. And Tar had to"say that T am: notone of i Serica a mags be een @ avely American 2 Paine of roval blood cannot be 4 success 1 itaiewe "tht Grace ally fly wood ‘wil be every inch 2 lovely, Prine of Monaco. S 1 thought, as T looked at her as 1 sil goodbyecihere’ Inthe "world “could Baince have gone fo find a more beaut ‘ie ad to lB he ties as pefeetly, a irda oe hi

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