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Version 2.5
Library: Measurement


Functional description
Operational menu
Terminal description
Parameter pictures
Tag marks
Trend & report

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Functional description

The meas_av module is used for handling an analogue input measurement signal. The following
features are provided:

Input signal processing:

 Second order low pass filter (Butterworth)

 Bias and gain for input signal scaling
 Four different signal transformation types

Output signal processing:

 Analogue processed output signal, optional presentation of raw value.

 Selectable handling of analogue output when I/O failure is detected.
 Digital output terminals for four different signal levels.
 Digital output terminal indicating signal within specified range.

Digital signal level output terminals:

 Four different signal levels (LL, L, H, HH)

 Signal levels may follow alarm levels
 Independent set and clear delays.
 Hysteresis
 Enable/disable each output individually.

Inhibit function:

 Action on digital signal level terminals are disabled

 Symbol colour and tagmark indicate active function (may be disabled)


 Simulation of input value and I/O failure status.

 Presentation of processed measurement in information field on VDU
 Selectable event generation when: Inhibit on/off, alarm suppression on/off.
 Measurement range can be defined in parameter-page and used in presentation of bargraphs in
process views.

Event generation

 Event can be generated each time the measurement value changes and passes a specified step
value. This can be used for manoeuvre recorder function in vessel control applications.

Four different transformation types are provided to scale the analogue measurement input signal in
the meas_av module (see parameter Transformation type). A lowpass filter function (2nd order
Butterworth filter), is also provided to filter the input signal before it is checked against the specified
signal and alarm limits.

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Analog output terminals (Meas1, Meas2)

These terminals presents the filtered and transformed measurement. Meas2 may present the raw
value if parameter Raw value on Meas2 is set.
The following scaleing and transformation can be selected by parameter Transformation type on
parameter page 2:

0 : Meas = ProMeas * a + b.
1 : If ProMeas >= 0:
Meas =
If ProMeas < 0:
Meas = b
2 : If ProMeas < 0:
Meas =
If ProMeas > 0:
Meas =
3 : pt100 conversion. Input measurement shall be resistance. Value is compensated for
cable resistance (c) . This is used for 2-wire connection. Temperature value is calculated
by linear interpolation in temperature/resistance table for the pt100 element (DIN IEC

Values of a,b and c can be set from parameter page.

Digital signal limit terminals (LimitHH, LimitH, LimitL, LimitLL)

Action to succeeding logic is connected to these terminals. The terminals are activated when
corresponding signal limits specified inside the module are exceeded by the transformed and filtered
analogue signal (Meas1 terminal).

Enable/Disable signal limits (LimitHH, LimitH, etc...)

The signal limits may be enabled/disabled from parameter page 2 (Disable parameters). When a
signal limit is disabled, the corresponding terminal will be set to logical level 0.

Signal limit Follow

If the Limits follow alarm parameter in parameter page 2 equals 1, the Signal Limit parameters for
the digital terminals will follow the corresponding alarm limits defined on output terminal Meas1. If
not, the parameters may be set independently of the defined alarm limits.
Even if signal limits is selected to follow alarm limits, the limits are checked in the module using
delays and hysteresis defined in parameter page. Signal limit status is not copied from alarm status.

Signal limit set and clear delay

Activation and reset of all digital signal limit terminals may be delayed for a configurable number of
seconds to prevent change in terminal values at small spikes in signal level. Two parameters,
common for all terminals, are used: Set delay and Clear delay, i.e. if delay is specified, all terminals
will have the same set delay and the same clear delay.

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Alarm Suppression functions

The module contains functions for suppression of alarms. Alarm suppression is activated by the
AlSuppress input terminal. Reset of alarm suppression may be delayed for a configurable time
specified in parameter AlSuppress reset delay.
The colour of the module symbol changes to cyan (default) when alarm suppression for the module
is activated.
Check of signal limits and activation of signal limit terminals will be independent of the alarm
suppression state.
The alarm suppression function can be disabled from operation menu. The disable function will be
cancelled after 10 minutes if not cancelled by the operator.
Fast initiation of the 2nd order Butterworth filter is provided after alarm suppression, if the
parameter Fast init. of filter in parameter page 2 is set. This function forces the analogue output
terminals to be set to the present value of the input (ProMeas) without using the lowpass filter, when
the alarm suppression function ceases.
When alarm suppressin is activated from the AlSuppress terminal, it can be disabled (alarm reporting
active) in a limited time from the operation menu.

Inhibit signal limit function

The symbol colour of the module changes when the inhibit function is active. (Cyan is default).
When inhibit is active no action is set out to other logic; i.e.: all digital signal limit terminals will be
set to logical level 0.
The inhibit function is activated from the Inhibit terminal. (If connected and logical 1.)
Events can be generated when the inhibit function is activated/de-activated (Can be selected on
parameter page).
A tagmark indicates that the inhibit function is active.

I/O failure
The Error terminal is set to logical 1 when I/O failure is detected on input terminal ProMeas
(detected by I/O selftest system). Note that I/O status on output terminal Meas1 can also be included
by parameter setting. I/O failure status on terminal ProMeas will be copied to status on terminals
Meas1 and Meas2.
The following actions can be done on analogue output terminals when I/O-failure is detected
(selectable from parameter page) :

 Freeze output to last legal value. (default)

 Set to configurable fixed value.
 Value on input terminal is used independent of I/O failure status.

The selected handling of analogue output terminals will also reflect the setting of digital output
terminals for signal limits and OkOut. Filter will be initiated when I/O failure status change from
failure to Ok.

Digital OkOut terminal

This terminal is set to logical 1 when value on Meas1 terminal is between high and low limits
defined on parameter page 2. The output signal can be inverted. The limits can be copied from the
scale limits on Meas1 terminal. This is selectable from parameter.

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Info-Line on flow views.

If Info-Line option is used and parameter Show line in parameter page 3 equals 1, the module
generates an info-line which is presented on the information field of the VDU, when the module is
operated. The info-line is configurable and has the following format:

[Description] VALUE :  Value [Unit]

The texts within the square brackets refer to parameters Description and Unit, respectively, in
parameter page 3. Value is the value on the Meas1 terminal.
OBS! This a special pulp industry application and requires special consideration during system
generation and compilation of the module. The function is not available in normal vessel control and
offshore systems.

Symbol colours and symbol numbers for flow views.

Dependent of the status on the module output terminals, the module symbol changes colour. Three
different colours are used, given in decreasing priority:

 I/O failure colour

 Inhibit/Suppression colour
 Normal colour

Standard colours are defined and used as default, but all colours may be changed by the operator
from parameter page 2. Original GED colours on symbol may also be used, (symbol colour 0).
Two different symbol numbers may be used to indicate that the module is in I/O mode or in SIM
mode. Both symbol numbers are configurable from the parameter picture.

Event generation / Manoeuvre recorder

If the Generate events parameter on parameter page 3 is set, event will be generated each time the
measurement value passes a limit defined by a specified step value (Event step value). This can be
used for manoeuvre recorder function in vessel control applications if the module is placed in a
dedicated command group and the manoeuvre printer is filtered for this group only. The event line
will contain description, limit and unit. Event will also be generated if I/O failure is detected on the

Flow chart

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Standard symbol for meas_av.

Operational menu

Text in italic style is Norwegian.

Basic dialog

No. Name Description
1. Acknowledge Acknowledge alarm.

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Extended dialog

Only changeable default values are shown in the Default column.

Leading text Value Default Function

Unit: Service description.
Input value Measured value with status.
Inngangs verdi
Transformed value Output value with unit.
Transformert verdi
Alarm/Limit Alarm status and limits on Meas1 terminal.
Event/Limit Event status and limits.
Suppressed Active: Alarms from module are suppressed..
Inhibit Active: Module is interlocked. All event
Utkoblet outputs deactivated.
Disable Available only when suppression is active.
Undertr. av Will disable suppression.
Enable Enable suppression function if disabled.
Undertr. på Suppression status controlled from input
terminal AlSuppress

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Terminal description


Input Output Process
ProMeas A Measurement from I/O or other module.
AlSuppress D Alarm suppression.
0 : No suppression.
1 : All configured alarms are suppressed.
Module symbol changes colour.
Function on input terminal may be
inverted from parameter.
Inhibit D 0 : No inhibit.
1 : Inhibit signal limit check function. No
digital signal limit terminals will be
DisEvent D 0 : Events generated each time the
measurement value changes and passes a
specified step value.

1 : Disable event recorder.

If not connected, event recorder is

Bias2 A Bias adjustment of measurement signal, in
addition to parameter Bias1. See
parameters Bias1, Bias2 pos/neg and
Transformation type.
Interlock D 1: Will set a predefined value on Meas1

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Meas1 A Filtered/scaled measurement.

Meas2 A Filtered/scaled measurement.
May also be presented as a raw value if
parameter Raw value on Meas2 is set.
OkOut D 0 : Measurement signal outside limits
specified in parameters OkOut High limit
and OkOut Low limit.
1 : Measurement signal inside limits.
LimitHH D 0 : Normal condition.
1 : Measurement signal exceeds signal
HH limit specified in parameter display.
LimitH D 0 : Normal condition.
1 : Measurement signal exceeds signal H
limit specified in parameter display.
LimitL D 0 : Normal condition.
1 : Measurement signal below signal L
limit specified in parameter display.
LimitLL D 0 : Normal condition.
1 : Measurement signal below signal LL
limit specified in parameter display.
Error D 0 : Normal condition.
1 : I/O failure on input terminal ProMeas.
(Can also inlcude I/O status on output
terminal Meas1 (parameter setting))

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Parameter pictures

Text in italic style is Norwegian.

Page 1 ( Page 2 - Page 3 )

This page is used for display of operational status. Only changeable default values are shown in the
Default column.

Leading text Value Default Function

Input value Value of ProMeas terminal.
Inngangs verdi
Transformed value Value of Meas1 terminal.
Transformert verdi
I/O failure (0/1) I/O failure detected on input terminal
I/O feil ProMeas
Meas1 I/O status (0/1) I/O failure detected on output terminal
Meas1 I/O status Meas1
IO STATUS Describes the IO status on the ProMeas
IO STATUS terminal.
STATUS Two columns are shown, one for digital
STATUS signal limit terminals and one for alarm
status on terminal Meas1.
HighHigh (0/1) 0 : Measurement below HH limit.
HøyHøy 1 : Measurement exceeds HH limit.
High (0/1) 0 : Measurement below H limit.
Høy 1 : Measurement exceeds H limit.
Low (0/1) 0 : Measurement below L limit.
Lav 1 : Measurement exceeds L limit.
LowLow (0/1) 0 : Measurement below LL limit.
LavLav 1 : Measurement exceeds LL limit.
Scale High (0/1) 0 : Normal condition.
Skala høy 1 : Scale High alarm on Meas1.
Scale Low (0/1) 0 : Normal condition.
Skala lav 1 : Scale Low alarm on Meas1.
Suppressed (0/1) 0 : Alarm suppression is not active.
Undertrykt 1 : Alarm suppression is active.
Inhibit (0/1) 0 : Normal condition.
Utkoblet 1 : Inhibit function is active.
SIGNAL DESCR. Description text for each of the signal limits

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ALARM LIMITS Alarm limits defined on Meas1 terminal. Can
ALARM GRENSER not be changed from this page, only in alarm
HighHigh HighHigh limit.
High High limit.
Low Low limit.
LowLow LowLow limit.
Scale High Scale High limit..
Skala høy
Scale Low Scale Low limit.
Skala lav
SIGNAL LIMITS Limits for LimitHH, LimitH, LimitL,
SIGNAL GRENSER LimitLL terminals.
May not be changed from this page.
HighHigh HighHigh limit.
High High limit.
Low Low limit.
LowLow LowLow limit.
Scale High Scale High limit..
Skala høy
Scale Low Scale Low limit.
Skala lav

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Page 2 ( Page 1 - Page 3 )

This page is used for display of operational parameterization . Only changeable default values are
shown in the Default column.

Leading text Value Default Function

Gain 1.00 a. Gain used in transformation of
Forsterkning measurement signal. See parameter
Transformation type.
Bias1 0.00 Part 1 of Bias used in transformation of
Nullpkt.forskyvning measurement signal. See terminal Bias2,
parameter below and parameter
Transformation type.
Bias2 pos/neg (0/1) 0 0: Total Bias = Bias1 + Bias2
Bias2 pos/neg
1: Total Bias = Bias1 - Bias2
Total Bias b. Bias used in transformation of
Total nullpkt.forskyvning measurement signal. See terminal Bias2,
parameter above and parameter
Transformation type.
Pt100 cable res. (ohm) 0.00 c. Cable resistance used in transformation of
pt100 kabel res. pt100, 2 wire measurement signal. See
(ohm) parameter Transformation.
Zero suppression limit 0.00 If abs(Meas) < Limit then Meas = 0.0
Dødbånd rundt 0
No absolute value. (0/1) 0 Zero suppression limit:
Ikke abs. verdi 1: if Meas < Limit then Meas = 0.0.
Filter time const. (sec) 1.00 Time constant in 2nd order low pass filter.
Filter tidskonst. (Butterworth filter). If this time constant is
(sek) smaller than the module scan time, the signal
will not be filtered.
Transformation (0-3) 0 0: Meas = ProMeas * a + b.
Transformasjon 1: If ProMeas >= 0:
Meas =
If ProMeas < 0:
Meas = b.
2: ProMeas < 0:
Meas =
ProMeas > 0:
Meas =
3: pt100 conversion. Input measurement

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shall be resistance. Value is compensated for

cable resistance ( c ) (For 2 wire connection)
For value of a,b and c see above.
Raw value on Meas2 (0/1) 0 0: Values on Meas2 equal value on Meas1.
Råverdi på Meas2 Value is given by selected transformation
1: Raw value (read on ProMeas) is presented
on Meas2 terminal. Value on Meas1 terminal
is given by selected transformation type.
OkOut High limit 0.00 High limit value for OkOut signal.
OkOut høy grense
OkOut Low limit. 0.00 Low limit value for OkOut signal.
OkOut lav grense
OkOut limits follow scale (0/1) 1 0: Limits can be changed here.
limits 1: Limits will be copied from scale limits on
OkOut grenser følger Meas1 terminal if defined.
skala grenser
Inv. OkOut term. (0/1) 0 Inverted OkOut terminal.
Inv.OkOut term 0: Normal.
1: OkOut = 1 when Meas value is outside
spec. limits.
Range High limit 0.00 High limit value for measurement range.
Område høy grense Used for display purpose
Range Low limit. 0.00 Low limit value for measurement range.
Område lav grense Used for display purpose
Interlock value 0.00 When Interlock terminal is high, this value
Forriglings verdi will be set on Meas1 terminal.
Eng. unit and range from (0/1) 1 1 - Engineering unit and range from IO.
Eng. enhet og område fra
SIGNAL LIMITS Parameters related to digital signal limit
SIGNAL GRENSER output terminals.
Set delay (sec) 0 Limit terminals set delay.
Påforsinkelse (sek)
Clear delay (sec) 0 Limit terminals clear delay.
Avforsinkelse (sek)
Hysteresis 0.00 Hysteresis on analogue value in absolute
Hysterese units used in signal limit checking.
Limits follow alarm (0/1) 0 0: Signal limits may be changed.
Aksjon følger alarm 1: Signal limits follow alarm limits specified
on terminal Meas1.
HH: Limit: 0.00 Signal high-high limit specified as scaled
HH: Grense: value. Values greater than this limit will
activate LimitHH output terminal.

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Set equal to Meas1/Alarm HH limit if Limits

follow alarm = 1
Disable: (0/1) 0 LimitHH terminal disable
Passiv 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
Descr. Description text for signal limits HH.
H: Limit: 0.00 Signal high limit specified as scaled value.
H: Grense: Values greater than this limit will activate
LimitH output terminal.
Set equal to Meas1/Alarm H limit if Limits
follow alarm = 1
Disable: (0/1) 0 LimitH terminal disable
Passiv: 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
Descr. Description text for signal limits H.
L: Limit: 0.00 Signal low limit specified as scaled value.
L: Grense: Values below this limit will activate LimitL
output terminal.
Set equal to Meas1/Alarm L limit if Limits
follow alarm = 1
Disable: (0/1) 0 LimitL terminal disable
Passiv: 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
Descr. Description text for signal limits L.
LL: Limit: 0.00 Signal low-low limit specified as scaled
LL: Grense: value. Values below this limit will activate
LimitLL output terminal.
Set equal to Alarm LL limit if Limits follow
alarm = 1
Disable: (0/1) 0 LimitLL terminal disable
Passiv: 0 = enabled, 1 = disabled
Descr. Description text for signal limits LL.
ALARM SUPPRESSION Parameters related to alarm suppression
Inv. AlSuppress term. (0/1) 0 Inverted AlSuppress terminal.
Inv. AlSuppress term. 0: Normal.
1: Suppress alarms when AlSuppress term. is
AlSuppress reset delay (sec) 0.0 Time delay on alarm enable when
Undertr. av forsink. (sek) AlSuppress is deactivated.
Fast init. of filter (0/1) 1 0: No fast initiation of low pass filter when
Hurtig init. av filter alarm suppression ceases.
1: Fast initiation of low pass filter when
alarm suppression ceases.
Inv. Inhibit term. (0/1) 0 Inverted Inhibit terminal.

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Inv. Inhibit term. 0: Normal.

1: Inhibit function active when term. is 0.
Inhibit reset delay (sec) 0.0 Time delay for Inhibit function off when
Utkoblet av forsink. Inhibit is deactivated.

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Page 3 ( Page 1 - Page 2 )

This page is used for configurative parameterization and simulation functions. Only changeable
default values are shown in the Default column.

Leading text Value Default Function

Action type (0/1/2) 0 0: Freeze output to last legal value.
1: Set to fixed value defined below
Aksjon type 2: No action, use input as it is.
Output when I/O failure 0.00 Value on output terminals if I/O failure and
(type=1) alternative 1 is selected above.
Utgang ved I/O feil
I/O failure at scale alarm 0 Set I/O fail on output terminals if I/O fail on
on ProMeas ProMeas
I/O feil v. skala alarm på
No signal limit output 0 No signal limit output when scale alarm on
when scale alarm ProMeas or Meas1
Ikke signal grense utg ved
skala alarm
Include Meas1 I/O status (0/1) 0 Option to include I/O failure status on
in error output terminal Meas1 in error status
Inkluder Meas1 I/O (shown on parameter page 1 and on output
status i error terminal error)
Generate events (0/1) 0 0: No events generated for suppress and
Lag hendelser inhibit.
1: Event generated for suppress and inhibit.
Event step value 0.00 Step value for event generation.
Hendelse step verdi
Type of simulation (0/1/2) 0 0: Value and status from ProMeas terminal
Simuleringstype is used.
1: Value and I/O status in fields below are
2: Value from ProMeas terminal and I/O
status from field below.
Simulated measurement 0.00 Simulated measurement if Type of
Simuleringsverdi simulation = 1 and PCU is in simulation
Simulated I/O fail status 0 Simulated I/O failure status if Type of
Simulert I/O feil status simulation = 1 or 2 and PCU is in

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simulation mode.
Standard/Special (0/1) 0 0: Use standard colours as shown in default
Standard/Spesial. column.
1: Use special colours
I/O failure (0-16) 7 Symbol colour used when I/O failure is
I/O feil (magenta) detected. (from selftest system.)
Inhibit/Suppressed (0-16) 5 Symbol colour used when module is
Utkoblet/Undertrykt (cyan) inhibited or suppressed
Normal (0-16) 4 Symbol colour used if none of the above
Normal (green) conditions.
I/O mode 8 Symbol number used when module is in I/O
I/U-modus mode.
SIM mode 8 Symbol number used when PCU in
SIM-modus simulation mode.
Show line (0/1) 0 0: No Info-Line from module
Vis linje
1: Show Info-Line from module on flow
Description meas_av User defined text to be shown in Info-Line
Beskrivelse or event.  Description
Unit No text Unit used in Info-Line or event.  Unit

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Text in italic style is Norwegian.


"Suppressed" Generated when module alarm suppression is activated.
"Not suppressed" Generated when module alarm suppression ceases.
"Ikke undertrykt"
"Limit check disabled" Generated when inhibit is turned on.
"Grense sjekk utkoblet"
" Limit check enabled " Generated when inhibit is turned off.
" Grense sjekk innkoblet "
[Description] :  Limit [Unit] Generated if event recording is specified and value
changes and passes a specified limit.
[Description] : I/O fail Generated if event recording is specified and I/O failure
[Description] : I/O feil is detected on input value

All events can be disabled by termial "DisEvent"

Tag marks


"Inhibit" Digital signal limit terminals inhibited. setModInh()

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Trend & report



pDescr Descr Module description
pAlSuppress AlSuppress Alarm Suppression Terminal
pDisSuppr DisSuppr Disable Suppression from operator
pInhibit Inhibit Signal limit check inhibit.
pEventHH EventHH Signal HH limit exceeded
pEventLL EventLL Signal LL limit exceeded
pEventH EventH Signal H limit exceeded
pEventL EventL Signal L limit exceeded
pEvLimHH EvLimHH Signal HH limit
pEvLimLL EvLimLL Signal LL limit
pEvLimH EvLimH Signal H limit
pEvLimL EvLimL Signal L limit
pAlLimHH AlLimHH Alarm HH limit on Meas1
pAlLimLL AlLimLL Alarm LL limit on Meas1
pAlLimH AlLimH Alarm H limit on Meas1
pAlLimL AlLimL Alarm L limit on Meas1
pRangeH RangeH Display range high
pRangeL RangeL Display range low
pIOStatus IOStatus Show IO status

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