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KIDNAPPING- is taking away or forcefully moving a person against his/her will

holding him/her in unjust captivity. The act is usually done for a motive like getting a
monetary reward/ransom or getting some sort of benefit from the person or their family.
The kidnapper is usually a family acquaintance who knows about the family,s wealth
and influence, or a stranger who targeted the victim based on their outward appearance
of wealth or information given to the kidnapper from someone who knows the victim
intimately, such as a household employee or someone else who suspect that the victim
has a lot of cash.
There are some cases wherein kidnappers target their victims based on their
nationality, ethnicity, religion, social status or organizational affiliation (i.e. employees of
specific company or a member of political party might be targeted). The kidnappers
could be an acquaintance or a stranger who has the information about a person or
family,s wealth and/or influences. Unfortunately, because the primary aim of this type of
kidnapping is to attract public attention, be visible or to make a statement, the
percentage of hostages that are killed can be quite high. Another type of kidnapping is
based on gender, wherein the kidnapper is mentally disturbed and has strange sexual
thoughts or behavior, which he/she has directed towards the victim.
On the other hand, abduction is the use of deceit or force in order to take a person or
a child away from their home or relatives. In abduction, the victims usually know or has
some sort of relation in abductor. Most of the time, the abductor is not holding the
victims for profit or any monetary gain. Abduction usually happens to children with
separated parent, wherein the child will be tricked by one parent to come with him/her
and take the child away from the other parent who has sole custody of the child. This is
usually because of an emotional disorder created when the abductor feels that the
child,s welfare and best interests are at risk or that the child will be gone completely
from his/her life. Sometimes, abductions occur out of revenge. People take hostages
during periods of anger of deep loss, like abducting the child of an ex-lover for revenge
or to blackmail the ex-lover to think again resuming their relationship.

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