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To be a person with notoriety it’s necessary know your goals and desires, I think it is

necessary to have self-confidence, the only way you can improve and reach the maximum
point of personal triumph is have that, but you can use too, the moral and ethics in your
desicions .
To have a good life, it is important to have plans for the future, with it a responsibility is
created with schedules and priorities and over time a habit is generated to fulfill it, with
this it is important to take into account the care of mental health, when a person lives with
stress and becomes a routine, it is unlikely that he enjoys his work and manages to be a
person who stands out.
On the other hand, to achieve our goals, we have to be constant and have a great
commitment to what we do, success does not come alone and if we put knowledge into
practice it is more likely to achieve what is proposed, strengthening skills is a great step to
improve in every way, with or if it helps, everything is a process and having patience is
fundamental, sometimes we have concerns that do not allow us to continue progressing, but
for that you will always see a person who returns the motivation to continue.
As I said, commitment to work and passion is important, a great example is the
entrepreneur Elon Musk, who is currently the richest man in the world, he applies certain
details that were mentioned above and in addition to it, he uses the strategy of not keeping
a single business, if more can be done why not do it? Elon Musk is a great example to follow
in the sense of the way he thinks or reflects on his decisions, and how he is open to listening
to new ideas.
Musk is considered the most successful entrepreneur of last year, he has different companies
that complement each other and each one contributes to the great fortune of Elon Musk, he
attended different business meetings in which he was always focussed on learning from each
of the participants of it, knowing how to listen is a very important key in terms of personal
presentation as a worker.
Successful people have to have the will to succeed and have enough motivation to raise a job
or continue with it, in these aspects it is important to take into account the people around,
ask yourself if those who support you help you improve or are only for other reasons, family
and friends can have great influence on the future of a person, teamwork is essential to
grow as a person and employer so patience is a skill that develops over time.

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