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How doas it feel when something you post on social media gets a lot of likes’? How doas it fee! when something you post on social media gets very few or ne likes? Have you ever deleted and reposted something because itdid not get enough likes? Have you ever deliberately nat liked something someone posted because you were mad at them? “NOSEDIVE” PRE-VLEWING How lang do you think you could make it wehout social media? Have you ever considered deleting or deactivating some or all of your social media accounts? Underline any wards thet describe haw you feat! using social media, Circle ene word zhat mast descibes how you fel Happy Friendly Mad Popular Tited Stressed Rtaxod Jealous Paty Angry Bored Nothing Qverwteimed Ungopular Fake Authentic Lélened ta grave Explain why you circled the word you dia “NOSEDLVE” VIEWING QUESTIONS ‘Whats eocial media mainly used forin the world of the shaw? Ranking peaple and content on a arale of 1 10 5 1b) Sensing messages and ordering foot C Findingnew apartments and careers Liking and dislixing content Why is Lacie so nice to everyone she meets? She ig honaslly happy mast ofthe time Shei trying la gel # promotion a work 6 She is Bying la raise her sacial media score She dowsn'l have very many friends and ivants new fiends Why daes Locie getanonymens low wales al work? a. She domtlkethe bee coflee acawerker gives her 1b) She ghee Sslare tosommane her coworkers are mad al They don Bink she is genuine in the elevater &—Sherig thinking about quilting and thay dant want hee te go How daes Lacie know Naan? ‘She found her on social media because thay hal sila inkerests ‘Thay ware college roarimalas ‘They were bes! iends when they were children ‘They used to werk together atthe mall peers to Lacie al Ihe airport? ‘She ig nol allowed to fy because she is ona ‘noth’ lish Naomi calle her seid sks her lo gel a car insted “She mises her Might because Ine broitwer race be lll ‘She becomes disruptive aller her fight is cancelled so securily dings her a fll paint AO PRE Bree What story dows the trick driver share with Lacie’? @. Sle tell the aby offiow her husband Ged ol cancer and soda media wouldnt help 1B — She leis Lacie about haw she fest became a kuck driver la get mare 5 star ratings ¢ She lellt Lacie about her bel fiend's speach si her own wedding Shela the story of the time she got in a ca exash Why doesn't Naomi want Lacks al her wedding anymore? 4. Neo dasstitwentte heat the speedh about ihe esting disorter & — Naum finds out Bial Lacie had an affair with Greg Neuen’ dosn't wana person with such a low ecore al her wadding 4 Neuen decides her best hiend Kin is a betler fi forthe ceremony ‘Which of the following is the bel explanation for why Lacie and her blockmale cuss wach other oul? 3. They know each aller femhigh school aed sidnal get along Mg his fault hal she pot amrasied al he weding They have bolh lived so lang bing “fake nice" thal they are relieved to lly express negalive emotions Lacie dase tke anyane and is aby yelling [Explainwty the episode might be called "Nosedive.” Personal Conedion: Haw importacl is i thal your social media posts get a lal of kes? Explain, Name “NOSEDLVE” THEME Atheme isa main idea or message in a story. Itcan be susrimed up in a short Sentence expressing something about the world. “Family will always be there foryou" and “family will betray you when it eally comes dawn ta i” are two possible themes for a story about family. Each weuld occur ia very diferent stories, Highlighter circle all of the possible themes fer~Nosedive.~ Crass.out the themes that de net ga with “Nosedive.” ‘Choose one theme from: Phones make people happier. t's ienportant ta-expeess your anger or you will bewahappy, Social media makes. peopleless authentic. Old cars.are more reliable than new cars. Weddings ave the happiest time ia people's lives. Hobady is more important then your childhood Iriends, Asocial media rating dass not miake you truly happy. in a superficial world, t's possible ta lose your status very quickly. Therichest people are the happiest people. People always want more than they have. (Descebe thres events from the story that show the theme. Explain how each shows the theme. Name MAKING AN ARGUMENT ABOUT LITERATURE ‘ite an essay in which you answer ne flowing queston: ‘Does Lacie gel what she realy wants al he of 'Nosedive?” Use evidence from ihe episode lo suppor! your point of view.

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