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Muhammad Ahsan Jamal (190201036)

Informatic Engineering

Place & Date of Birth : Pringsewu, 8 Januari 2001

Address : Jl. Kenanga 1 LK II RT/RW
Phone Number (WA) : 085925751514
E-mail :
Motto : While there is still a way, why not try again and again?
Skill / Hobbies : Design Grapich, Coding

Elementary : SD Muhammadiyah Pringsewu (2006-2012).
Middle School : MtsN 1 Bandarlampung (2013-2016).
High School : MAS Islamic Centre Yogyakakarta (2018)
MAN 1 Pringsewu (2019)
University : Aisyah University Pringsewu
1 Member Journalism Team 2014/2015
2 Member Students Council 2017/2018
3 Chief Media Student Affairs 2020-Now
4 Member Student Executive Board 2020-Now

1 3rd Winner 48th
MTQ Province
Lampng Logo &
2 2nd Winner in the
documentary film
organized by UIN
Raden Intan

1 Can operate Microsoft Office
2 Can speak English
3 Good in editing video and design graphic
Day, Date : Wednesday, March 22, 2021
Time : 12.00-16.30 WIB
Name of Activity : VSE opening ceremony
Role : Participant
Moderator : (Stikes Budi Lumur Cimahi)
Description :
VSE Activities The first day was the opening which was attended by various well-known
campuses both in the country and the best universities abroad. In the opening of the VSE
event, the national anthem between countries was sung and also performed a typical dance of
West Java and Indonesian culture, namely a batik side dance which was so beautiful that the
participants were impressed. After the opening of the event, the participants who took part in
playing the game to guess body gestures demonstrated by the committee and the game
mentioned a word, the participants were very enthusiastic both at home and abroad. The
next event continued, namely introducing the campus from each participant through video.
And the campuses are also very good and have their own characteristics. After all campuses
have introduced their campuses the participants get to know each other and exchange social
media accounts. The activity on the first day was very fun and extraordinary to add insight

Documentation :
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Day, Date : Thursday, April 1, 2021
Time : 12.00-16.30 WIB
Name of Activity : Introduction to the BEM organization
Role : Participant
Moderator : (Poltekes Kemenkes Manado)
Description :
On the second day of VSE, each campus introduces the Student Executive Board organization
on its campus, both by introducing its management structure, vision and mission, and even
introducing work programs from each organization. From each campus, both domestic and
overseas, the work program is carried out even though during the pandemic period it
continues to run in accordance with the health protocol that has been established by the
government. One example of activities that are carried out by many organizations on campus
is the socialization of healthy living during the pandemic, opening donations for disaster
victims and many more work programs that every campus does during the pandemic.

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Day, Date : Monday, April 5, 2021
Time : 12.00-17.00 WIB
Name of Activity : Talkshow Part 1 & Healthy Fun Contest
Role : Participant
Moderator : Poltekkes Medan
Description :
Please describe minimum 200 words about today activities in details. Please note that you
have to write your testimonials about this today program what you get and what you hope
for the next day. (this section is same as your diary)

Documentation :
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Day, Date : Tuesday, April 6, 2021
Time : 12.00-16.40
Name of Activity : Talkshow Part 2
Role : Participant or Delegate
Moderator : (write the institution)
Description :
The conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic are very concerning, because of the Covid -19
Pandemic, our daily activities have changed drastically from before, those who used to go
everywhere without wearing a mask are now required to wear a mask, keep your distance,
and wash your hands. Likewise with the education system in Indonesia, which was face to
face, now uses the online system.
Learning "online" as the sole choice in conditions to prevent the spread of Covid 19 gives a
special color to this period of struggle against the virus. Even this form of learning can also
be interpreted as restricting access to education. Education that normally takes place with
direct interaction between elements (educators and education personnel and students) turns
into indirect interaction learning. Restrictions on direct interactions in education sometimes
occur in certain situations but not in the context of social restrictions such as those that
people live in as an effort to prevent the spread of the virus. In 2021, in March, Indonesia has
tried the Sinovac Vaccine.

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Day, Date : Friday, April 16, 2021
Time : 12.00-17.00
Name of Activity : Debate
Role : Participant
Moderator : (Centro Escolar University)
Description :
Description :
Participants who took part in the debate from each campus were very enthusiastic about
participating in the competition, Starting from the participants who were very excited when
they became an Opinion contest to standing up from their seats, there were also those who
remained seated while giving opinions on the topics discussed. This debate competition was
divided into 2 zoom room, namely zoom A and B. For myself, I was in the participant of Room
B where the competition was very tense &
This competition really made the participants who were in the zoom room excited to watch
it. The debate competitions that are discussed are about Covid 19, Student Demonstrations,
Technological Progress and Student Organizations.
As for this competition, each team is divided into Pro and Cons Teams, each of which consists
of Speaker 1, Speaker 2 and Speaker 3 and each participant is given an opinion for 3 minutes
and for the final 7 minutes. The competition has 3 rounds, namely the preliminary round, the
semifinals and the final round.
It is very impressive and adds insight to the holding of this competition

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Day, Date : Saturday, April 17, 2021

Time : 12.00-17.00
Name of Activity : Sit In Class & Culture
Role : Participant
Moderator : (write the institution)
Description :
Please describe minimum 200 words about today activities in details. Please note that you
have to write your testimonials about this today program what you get and what you hope
for the next day. (this section is same as your diary)

Documentation :
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VSE DAY 7 (Last Day)

Day, Date :
Time :
Name of Activity :
Role : Participant or Delegate
Moderator : (write the institution)
Description :
Please describe minimum 200 words about today activities in details. Please note that you
have to write your testimonials about this today program what you get and what you hope
for the next day. (this section is same as your diary)

Documentation :
Drag 2 photos prove that you are joining this program (zoom screenshots)

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