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This video is about designs, but not about the ones we see every day as logos posters, but

rather about the websites that we see every day through cell phones tablets or other
electronic devices.

Que cosas se necesitan para crear buenos diseños

she mentioned that two things are required to create a good design and they are boldness to
believe that what you design is what people need and want .and humility to think more than
you, in the people you are designing for. and help them live a better life

que trabajos no más hizo ella

she worked on the design of the facebook "like" button and, for example, the "like" button
because it was out of sync with the evolution of the facebook brand and needed to be

que problemas hay para diseñar

there were too many restrictions to design Also that the design even if it is a really small thing
is very complex to design and takes a lot of time, because there are thousands of people who
use it. for example the facebook like button, and that when you make changes you must do it

and the most important thing of the video was what is really important is who you design for,
because you have to be intuitive(intuirif), empathetic and know the reality of other people to
make a good design.

Que hizo ella cuando trabajo en youtube

when she was working at YouTube, we were looking for ways to encourage more
people to rate videos, and it was interesting because when we looked at the data,
they found that almost everyone was exclusively using the top 5-star rating, a
handful of people were using the low one-star rating, and virtually no one was
using 2, 3 or 4 stars. So we decided to simplify into a kind of binary up-down voting

Que debes considerar para diseñar

if you want to design for everyone, you have to design for where people are, not
where you are.

En que trabaja la chica

she designs systems like the facebook like button or a rating system for an
application like youtube.
She is a system designer

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