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Ally Designation: A 842 - 85 (Reapproved 1997) Standard Specification for pn smerean Nate! Standard Compacted Graphite Iron Castings" “This ands fesed under the Hed desigetion A £43; he cumby ipaedanly following te esigaton indices the yea ‘edz ion oe theese of ein, he yet of revision. Anambra parenieas indicates he yeaz of ot reappova. A ‘peed epllen() adeazt an edi change ive te In tevion ot reappoval 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers castings made of compacted graphite ion, that is desribed as cast iron with the graphite in compacted (vermiform) shapes and essentially free of fake eraphite 12 The values staed in SI units are o be considered asthe standard, 13 No precise quantitative relationship can be stated be- tween the properties of iron in the verious locations of te samme casting and those of a test bar cast from the same iron (see ‘Appendix X1), 2, Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: ‘A241 Test Method for Evaluating the Microstructure of Graphite in Iron Castings? B8M Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic Mate- rials (Metric? 22. Federal Standard: Fed, Std. No. 123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)* 23. American National Standard: MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage’ 3. Ordering Information 3.1 Orders for material to this specification shall include the following information: 3.11 ASTM designation and year of issue, 3.1.2 Grade of compacted graphite iron required as ideati- fied in Table 1, ‘3:13 Special properties if required, (see 4.1 and 10.1), 3.1.4 If sasoples other than those identified in Section 9 are required, 3.1.5 Contficaion if so designated by the purchaser, and 3.1.6 Special preparation for delivery if required, “Tis spctcaion is vader te joisgign of ASTM Commitee A os on caings an 8h et respons of Seman AD.02 ca Milexbe ard eats toa Csgs. ‘Guat eon apvoved Api 26, 185. Polished Jane 1988, ¥ jynaal Book of ASTM Seas, O12, Aral Buok of ATM Senda, Vl O21. + pvale fro Standardzsion Deoumens Orde Deth Bis, 4 Sein D700, [Robbins Ave. Pipa PA 19111-3084, atm: NFODS. aval rom American Navoral Sunda Instn 11 West Sat Sue, 13h Foe, New York NY 10036, ‘TABLE + Tensile Requirements Tait" Gale ance Oa Ca i wo soar Toraie wrongs. 259 gg) RD aD vaserweninn arg oak Saginnemn yg set “Tha 250 gadol a evits grade, Hoal veatnent te aan ecured mechanical roperies and mazoataure shal be Ie option of a manufacture na 450 grades a parte grasa uly produced wihouthostratnort wih editor of obtain aloe to promote penile ws mar par ofthe mat. 4. Chemical Composition 4. i the intent of this specification to subordinate chemical composition to méchanical properties; however, any cheszcal requirement may be specified by agreement between the manufacturer and the parchaser. 5. Microstructure Requirements 5.1 Compacted praphite cast iron shall be examined metal- lographically for the acceptable graphite formation ‘5.2 The metallographic examination shall be performed on & casting, a separately cast test coupon, as shown in Fig. 1 or on a test lug from a casting. The test coupon or casting lug shell represent the last metal from the treated batch. The casting lug dimension and location will be agreed on by manufacturer and purchaser. 5.3 When castings are produced to this specification by treating the iron in the mold for graphite form contol, the manufacturer may use sepslatcly cast test coupons or cut test specimens from castings to qualify conformance of the micro- structure requireraents. When separately cast test coupons are used, the test coupons shell bave a chemicel composition representative of thet in the castings, produced from that iron poured, and having @ cooling rate equivalent to that obtained ‘through use of test molds as shown in Figs. 1-4. The size of the cast coupon representing the castings shall be the option of the purchaser. In case no option is expressed, the manufacturer shall make the choice. When test specimens are to be taken ‘rom 2 casting, the location shall be agreed on by the purchaser and the manufacturer and documented on the casting drawing, It is the manufacturer's required responsibility to maintain adequate controls and documentation to assure the customer that test specimen microstructures are representative of raicro- structure in the castings shipped, ‘epygh ASTM inurl 00 Bur Har De PO Bo TO, Concer, Pa TOBE, Uae Sa 463 FIG, 2 Design and Dimensions for Mold for Separately Cast Cylintical Test Bars 5.4 The acceptable graphite formation ip the microstructure of the test coupon or casting lug shell contain 80 % minimum Type TV graphite (see Plate 1, Graphite Form Types of Test Method A 247). The percentage graphite can be arrived at by usiag the manual particle count, semiautomatic or automatic image analysis methods. Whichever method is used, the procedare should be agreed on between the manufacturer and the purchaser, 5.5 Unless otherwise specified, the matrix misrostructare of castings covered by this specification shall be substantially free of primary cementite 6. Tensile Requirements 6.1 The iron as represented by the test specimens shall conform to the requirements for tensile properties, as identified in Table 1. 6.2 The yield strength presented in Table 1 shall be deter. amined at 0.2 % offset by the offset method as described in Test Methods ESM, Other methods may be used by mutual ‘agreement between mamufecrurer and purchaser. 7. Cast Test Bars ‘A ‘Test bars shell be separate castings poured from the tee it a —— * a te at ee same iron as the castings they represent. The 30 mm diameter cylindrical test ber shell be sed as described in Table 2 and shown in Fig. 2. 72 Test coupons may also be cast to the size and shape of the keel block or modified keel block shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 respectively 73 “Test bars and test coupons shall be cast in dtied, baked, of chemically bonded molds consisting of an aggregate of silica sand with the appropriate binders, All molds shall have a ‘thickness of sand adjacent to the test piece equal to or greater than the thickness of the piece, 7.4 The teat bars or test coupons shall be poured from the same ladle of heat of iron as the castings they represent. 7S Testbars and test coupons shall be subjected to the seme thermal treatment as the castings they represent. section FIG. 4 Mold for Modified Keel Block TABLE 2 Diameter and Length of Cast Test Bar ‘as Cas Dieter mh Leng a ‘Test Bar Nomina AE CES Darter Minivan Maxima Minima Ma fepenecar 2 a eT) 8, Tension Test Specimen 8.1. The standard round tension test specimen with 50 mm ‘sage length described in Test Methods E 8M shall be used. 9. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance 9.1 ‘The surfsce of the casting shall be inspected visually for surface discontinuities such a8 racks, hor tears, adhering sand or scale, cold shuts, and gas holes. Surface discontinuities shall ret visual acceptance standards mutually agreed on between the porchaser and the supplier. 9.2 No repairing by plugging or welding of any kind shall be permitted unless written permission is granted by the purchaser, 10, Number of Tests and Relests 10.1 The manufacturer shall cast 4 minimum of three test bers for each lot of castings intended to conform to this Specification. The manufacturer shall make the specified tests. IF any test specimen shows defective or improper machining, ‘or obvious lack of continuity of meta, it may be discarded and replaced by another specimen from another test bar from the same lot. Only one bar need be tested if its results conform to, ‘the property requirements of this specification. 10.2 If afer testing, a test specimen shows evidence of @ defect, the results of the test may be invalidated and another ‘made on a specimen from the same lot. 10.3 If the results of a valid west fall to confonm to the requirements of this specification, two retest shall be made. If either rest fails 10 meet the specification requirements, the 465 castings represented by these test specimens shall be rejected. ‘A valid test is one wherein the specimen has been properly prepared and appears to be sound and on which the approved test procedure has been followed. 10.4 If sufficient separately cas test pieves ere not available, the manufactorer shall have the option of removing a test specimen from a focation of a representative casting as agreed upon between the manufacturer and purchaser. 10.5 If the first test results indicate thet a thermal treatment Js needed to meet the test requirements, the entire lot of castings and the representative test specimens stall be there ‘mally treated together. Testing shall proceed in accordance with 10.1, 102, 10:3, and 20. 11, Inspection 11.1 Unless otherwise geiies fn the contract or purchase order, the manufactures still be responsible for carcying out all the tests and inspections required by this specication, using his own or other reliable facilities and he shell maintain complete records of all such tests and inspections. Such records shall be available for review by the purchaser. 11.2 The purchaser reserves the tight to perform any of the ‘ngpections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary t0 assure that supplies and services confocm to the prescribed requirements, 12, Certification 12.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, the ‘manufacturer's or supplier's certification sball be furnished to the purchaser stating that samples representing esch lot have been manufactured, tested, and inspected in accordance with this specification and the requirements have been met. When specified in the purchase onder or contract, a report ofthe test results shall be furnished. Ay a seo 13, Product Marking 13.1 When the size ofthe casting permits, each casting shall Dear the cast date, the identifying mark of the manufactures, and the part or pattem number at a location shown on the covering drawing and, if not shown on the drawing, the location should be at the discretion of the producer 14, Packaging and Package Marking 14.1 Unless otherwise stated in the contract or order, the cleaning, preservation, and packing of castings for shipment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's commercial practice, Packaging and marking shall also be adequate to Identify the contens and to ensure acceptance and safe delivery by the carier forthe mode of transportation employed. 142. US, Government Procurement-—When specitied inthe contract or purchase order, marking for shipment shall be in accordance with the requirements of Federal Standard No. 123 for civil agencies and MIL-STD-129 for military activities 15. Supplementary Requirements 15.1 When specified in the contract or purchase order, castings shall meet special cequirements as vo hardness, chem- cal composition, microstructure, pressure tightness, radio- graphic soundness, magnetic particle inspection dimensions, and surface finish, APPENDIX oe (Nonmandatory Information) Xi. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CASTINGS XI.L_ The mechanical properties of iron castings are influ- enced by the cooling rate during and after solidification, by chemical composition (particularly cazbon equivalend, by the design of the casting, by the design and nature of the mold, by raphite form, by the Tocation and effecrivencss of gates and risers, and by certain other factors, In compacted graphite cast iron, the proportions of nodular form and compacted form ‘graphite may vary in varying sections due to the above factor. X12. The cooling rate in the mold and, therefore, the properties developed in any particular section are influenced by the presence of cores, chills and chaplets, changes in section thickness, and the existence af bosses, projections, and inter- sections, such as junctions of ribs and botics. Because of the complexity of the interactions of these factors, so precise quantitative relationship can be stated between the properties of the iron in various locetions of the sume casting or between the properties of « casting and those of a test specimen cast from the same iron, When such a relationship is important and must be known for a specification application, it may be determined by appropriate experimentation X13 When reliable information is unavailable on the relationship between properties in a casting and those in a Separately cast test specimen, and where experimentation would be infeasible, the slze of the test casing should be s0 Selected as to approximate the thickness of the main or controling section of the casting. X14 Table X1.1 is a typical hardness range for the grades of compacted graphite cast iron in this specification. The chemical composition of the base iron used to produce com- ppacted graphite cast iron may reult in the hardness range moving to either side of the given range. ‘TABLE X1.1_Compactad Graphite Cast ron Hardness Range Gade Parcnase co 250) *79.max pr 300 sae? (eo43, 50 e229 fer-a0) 0 7-255 peer 4380 207-260 waa * Beall pression career (10) is the Gunater ih lieles of te Impresson ofa 10 mm bas 2 3000 Kea, “The American Solfo Testing ard Mates akes no poston rescecing to van of any pant ints assarted carnation wih ary tam rare nthe andar. User of ia anc aeaxoreayaovsed at cetranation fe Vay of ay such Detents, and he risk of intingemont of such rit, re enay tar own raspanebl. ‘Thi sandord i sujet to revo at ery tne byte respansbe terial commits and mus ba rane ety te years and lWoctrased, einer reaooroved or wnncrawn Your comments ar ine eer freon ois sander ror edonal sancres and enol Be accessed AST Honeauees. Your commons Wil rcaive cust engieraon a & madingaffne espansble {ectnice/ commits, wich you rey sen. I you fe) tat your cormens have net recehad af ewe yeu sree make your ows known oto AST Commies on Standaré, 109 Bar Maror De, West Gonsatectan, Pa 10428.

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