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160  Review article

Offspring of parents with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,

and depression: a review of familial high-risk and molecular
genetics studies
Andrea Sandstroma,b, Qendresa Sahitib,c, Barbara Pavlovaa,b and
Rudolf Uhera,b,c

Offspring of parents with severe mental illness, including increasingly informative. The next decade may see family
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive history and molecular genetics complementing each
disorder, have a one-in-three risk of developing severe other to facilitate a transdiagnostic approach to early risk
mental illness themselves. Over the last 60 years, identification and prevention. Psychiatr Genet 29:160–169
three waves of familial high-risk studies examined Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights
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the development of severe mental illness in offspring reserved.

of affected parents. The first two waves established Psychiatric Genetics 2019, 29:160–169
familial nature of schizophrenia, and demonstrated
Keywords: bipolar disorder, familial high-risk, major depressive disorder,
early impairment in offspring of affected parents. The offspring, review, schizophrenia, youth
most recent wave has added a focus on mood disorders
and examined the transdiagnostic nature of familial Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University,  bDepartment of Psychiatry,
Nova Scotia Health Authority and  cDepartment of Psychology & Neuroscience,
risk. A synthesis of current knowledge on individuals at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
familial risk points to psychopathology, neurocognitive,
Correspondence to Rudolf Uher, MD, PhD, Dalhousie University, 5909 Veterans
neuroanatomical, and environmental factors involved Memorial Lane, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 2E2, Canada
in the familial transmission of severe mental illness. Tel: +902 473- 2585; fax: +902 473 4887; e-mail:

Although family history remains the single strongest Received 3 June 2019 Accepted 1 August 2019
predictor of illness, molecular genetic tools are becoming

Introduction develop as a result of the illness? The way to establish

Major depressive disorder (MDD), bipolar disorder, and whether a risk factor actually precedes SMI is to pro-
schizophrenia share common genetic and environmental spectively study individuals before the onset of SMI
risk factors as well as typical age of onset in late adolescence (Thapar and Rutter, 2019). Large prospective studies
or early adulthood (Uher and Zwicker, 2017). After an early of the general population are informative regarding
onset, these disorders tend to cause lifelong impairment risk factors which precede common mental disorders,
(Kessler et al., 2005; Harvey, 2011). Consequently, the cost of including anxiety disorders and attention-deficit/hyper-
these disorders to society is higher than the cost of physical activity disorder (ADHD). However, general popula-
diseases, which typically have a later onset (Ratnasingham tion studies may be less suited to detect antecedents
et  al., 2012). Because of their shared features and signifi- to SMI, because only a small proportion of participants
cant impact, these disorders are often jointly referred to as will end up developing truly severe illness and individu-
severe mental illness (SMI). Understanding the development als at highest risk for SMI may actually be less likely to
of SMI is essential for designing effective prevention and participate (Martin et al., 2016). Therefore, researchers
treatment strategies, which may help alleviate the burden aiming to prospectively study developmental anteced-
of SMI for both the individual and society. ents to SMI may need to specifically target high-risk
Understanding the developmental precursors of SMI is individuals.
particularly important. We use the term antecedents to The strongest known risk factors for SMI is having a parent
describe early manifestations of psychopathology that with SMI, as one-in-three offspring of affected parents will
do not meet diagnostic criteria for SMI but are known develop MDD, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia by early
to precede and predict disease onset. Suspected ante- adulthood (Rasic et  al., 2014). Therefore, studies in off-
cedents of SMI are often retrospectively identified in spring of parents with SMI provide an opportunity to exam-
individuals who are already affected with SMI; this does ine early manifestations of risk that are relevant to SMI.
not allow distinguishing between precursors and conse-
quences of SMI (Thapar and Rutter, 2019). For exam- The first familial high-risk studies were launched in the
ple, are the cognitive deficits observed in patients with 1950s and 1960s. The rationale behind this design was
schizophrenia a risk factor for the disorder or do they the need to study individuals at genetic risk for SMI in

0955-8829 Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. DOI: 10.1097/YPG.0000000000000240

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Review of familial high-risk studies Sandstrom et al.  161

order to identify antecedents that occurred before dis- high-risk studies, with the aim to inform future research
ease onset (Mednick and McNeil, 1968). At this point, in this field. We review completed and ongoing familial
family history was the only way to index genetic risk. high-risk studies to provide a synthesis of current knowl-
Thus, studies in offspring of parents with SMI allowed edge regarding psychopathology, cognitive, neuroim-
researchers to disentangle the etiological factors of SMI aging, genetics, and environmental factors in high-risk
from consequences which occur after the development of offspring. We then summarize research on interventions
the disorder (Mednick et al., 1987). Significant advance- for offspring of parents with SMI, and finish by outlining
ments in molecular genetics over the past few decades future directions for the field.
now allow genetic risk for SMI to be assessed directly
using polygenic risk scores (PRS) based on genome- Historical perspective
wide association studies (Martin et al., 2018). PRS is the As the efforts invested in familial high-risk studies have
sum of alleles associated with a particular phenotype waxed and waned over the decades and each period of
and provides an estimate of the likelihood of a specific renewed interest brought new topics, we summarize
trait based on multiple genetic variants. Thus, genetic familial high-risk studies as occurring in three waves
vulnerability can now be estimated without knowing (Fig. 1).
family history and separated from environmental factors
that may also be shared within families and passed on Wave one
from generation to generation. This development raises The trail-blazers of familial high-risk research launched
questions about the relative roles of familial high-risk the first studies in the 1950s and 1960s with a focus on
studies and molecular genetic studies in further research schizophrenia. These longitudinal studies followed
on the causation, prediction, and prevention of mental offspring of parents with schizophrenia beginning in
illness. In this review, we provide a synthesis of familial infancy (Fish, 1987), childhood (Worland et  al., 1984),

Fig. 1

Studies of offspring of parents with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder.

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162  Psychiatric Genetics  2019, Vol 29 No 5

or adolescence (Mednick et al., 1987). The Copenhagen 2016). Further evidence for a general rather than specific
high-risk project, initiated in 1962, followed more than vulnerability associated with familial risk was established
200 offspring of parents with schizophrenia and con- through a meta-analysis (Rasic et  al., 2014), which has
trols over 20 years (Mednick et  al., 1987). The findings shown that offspring of parents with SMI are at increased
from these projects have transformed the understanding risk for all psychiatric disorders.
of schizophrenia. In addition to demonstrating that off-
There are currently at least three ongoing transdiag-
spring of affected parents were at high risk for schizo-
nostic familial high-risk studies; the Danish High Risk
phrenia, they showed early impairments across a number
of domains, including social problems and neurological and Resilience Study-VIA (Ellersgaard et  al., 2018),
difficulties (Fish, 1959; Mednick et al., 1987). These find- the Bipolar and Schizophrenia Young Offspring Study
ings led to the realization that schizophrenia is a neurode- (Sanchez-Gistau et  al., 2015) and Families Overcoming
velopmental condition rather than a neurodegenerative Risks and Building Opportunities for Wellbeing (Uher
condition, as previously believed (Murray and Lewis et al., 2014). In addition to furthering the study of etiol-
1988). ogy through direct examination of specificity and overlap
between diagnoses, these studies are combining familial
Wave two high-risk design with molecular genetic methodology and
A second generation of familial high-risk studies began examining the potential of early interventions to reduce
in the 1970s and 1980s, and some of these studies have the risk of SMI among offspring of affected parents. More
only recently completed the final rounds of data collec- offspring of parents with SMI are being followed up in
tion. Although the primary focus remained on schizo- research studies at present than at any previous time
phrenia, some of these studies also included offspring of point (Fig. 1).
parents with mood disorders. Notably, the three-gener-
ation project initiated in 1982 assessed depression and Synthesis of current knowledge
continued to track familial risk across three generations Antecedent psychopathology and childhood-onset
(Weissman et  al., 2016). The Stony Brook High-Risk disorders in offspring of affected parents
Project and the Emory University Project also included Years before the typical age of onset for major mood and
offspring of parents with depression and bipolar disorder psychotic disorders, antecedents of SMI are elevated in
as additional comparison groups to offspring of parents offspring of parents with SMI, including higher scores on
with schizophrenia (Goodman, 1987; Weintraub, 1987). parent-, teacher-, and observer-reports of psychopathol-
These studies also found early impairment in offspring of ogy and increased rates of emotional and behavioral dis-
parents with mood disorders, raising questions about the orders (Ellersgaard et  al., 2018; Sandstrom et  al., 2019a).
specificity of developmental precursors to schizophrenia As familial risk is associated with both general and spe-
(Goodman, 1987; Weintraub, 1987; Egeland et al., 2003). cific psychiatric liabilities, certain antecedents are shared
An excellent overview of this wave of studies in a special across offspring of parents with MDD, bipolar disorder,
issue of Schizophrenia Bulletin (Asarnow, 1988) in 1988 and schizophrenia, whereas others are preferentially
was followed by a lull decade when few new studies were related to one type of parental illness.
initiated. The rates of childhood-onset mental and behavioral dis-
orders are elevated in high-risk offspring from a young
Wave three age. Increased rates of ADHD, anxiety, and disruptive
Over the past two decades, familial high-risk research behavior disorders are shared by offspring of parents
has regained momentum with a new focus on offspring with bipolar disorder and offspring of parents with schiz-
of parents with bipolar disorder and on transdiagnostic ophrenia (Rasic et  al., 2014; Sanchez-Gistau et  al., 2015;
approaches to SMI. Several large-scale projects include Ellersgaard et al., 2018). As these same disorders also pre-
offspring of parents with different types of SMI, opening dict later onset of both major mood disorders and of schiz-
an opportunity to map both shared and disorder-specific ophrenia (Hans et al., 2004; Nurnberger et al., 2011; Rice
antecedents for MDD, bipolar disorder and schizophre- et  al., 2017; Duffy et  al., 2018; Meier et  al., 2018), child-
nia. The routine application of neuroimaging and molec-
hood-onset ADHD and anxiety disorders may represent
ular genetics in these studies expands the range of
transdiagnostic antecedents of SMI. Unusual experiences
questions that can be answered.
including basic symptoms and psychotic-like experi-
Among the first to take a transdiagnostic approach was a ences are also strong predictors of SMI (Poulton et  al.,
study by Maziade et al. (2008) which followed relatives of 2000; Schultze-Lutter et  al., 2012) and are elevated in
people with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder over twenty offspring of parents with all types of SMI (Noguera et al.,
years. Findings indicated that there was significant over- 2018; Aylott et  al., 2019; Zwicker et  al., 2019a). Certain
lap in early risk factors and later mental disorder diagno- aspects of temperament may also represent early man-
ses between offspring of parents with schizophrenia and ifestations of risk for SMI, as offspring of parents with
offspring of parents with bipolar disorder (Paccalet et al., SMI display less positive mood dimensions, adaptability

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Review of familial high-risk studies Sandstrom et al.  163

(Díaz-Caneja et  al., 2018) and greater behavioral inhi- may be combined to optimize the early identification of
bition (Rosenbaum et  al., 2000; Hirshfeld-Becker et  al., risk for SMI.
2006a). As inhibited temperament is a strong risk factor
for anxiety (Sandstrom et al., 2019b), which in turn pre- Onsets of severe mental illness in offspring of affected
dict SMI (Duffy et al., 2018; Meier et al., 2018), behavioral parents
inhibition may also be an early antecedent for SMI. The rates of major mood and psychotic disorders among
offspring of parents with SMI have been summarized in
Although some antecedents may be transdiagnostic, other
a meta-analysis (Rasic et al., 2014). Of offspring of parents
precursors show disorder specificity. Mood instability and
with SMI who have been followed-up into adulthood,
irritability are a cluster of related symptoms that are com-
32% have a diagnosis of MDD, bipolar disorder, or schiz-
mon in mood disorders (Balbuena et al., 2016). Propensity
ophrenia compared to 14% of control offspring of parents
to sudden rapid changes in mood, referred to as mood
without SMI. Across age-groups, offspring of parents
instability or affective lability, is elevated in offspring of
with SMI are at 2.5-fold increased risk for any SMI com-
parents with mood disorders, but not offspring of parents
pared to offspring of parents with no SMI (Rasic et  al.,
with schizophrenia (Zwicker et al., 2019b). Mood instabil-
2014). In addition, offspring of parents with SMI are also
ity and irritability also predict the onset of mood disorders
at a greater risk for almost all other psychiatric disorders
in offspring of parents with MDD and bipolar disorder
including substance use and disruptive behavior disorder
(Hafeman et al., 2016; Rice et al., 2017). Taken together,
(Rasic et al., 2014). Since it is relatively rare for both bio-
previous investigations suggest that mood instability and
logical parents to be affected with SMI and some high-
irritability may be antecedents that are relatively spe-
risk studies have excluded families with two affected
cific to mood disorders. Childhood sleep problems have
parents, the above rates apply primarily to children who
also been implicated in offspring of parents with mood
have one biological parent with SMI and the other bio-
disorders (Wescott et al., 2019), and are associated with a
logical parent without mental illness. A Danish registry
two-fold increased risk for future bipolar disorder in off-
study shows that risk of SMI is further increased when
spring of parents with bipolar disorder (Levenson et al.,
both parents are affected (Gottesman et al., 2010). Future
2015). Evidence for an association between sleep prob-
research on the risk for MDD, bipolar disorder, and schiz-
lems and family history of schizophrenia has not yet been
ophrenia when both parents have SMI is warranted.
Antecedents often develop in childhood and adolescence Staging model of severe mental illness
and maybe the first indicators of risk for SMI in high- The progression to SMI is a complex and multistage pro-
risk offspring beyond family history. In the coming years, cess with early manifestations of illness emerging before
transdiagnostic longitudinal studies of high-risk offspring disease onset. Thus, it is helpful to conceptualize SMI on
will probe the relative specificity or transdiagnostic char- a continuum with phases that differ in severity and spec-
acter of further antecedents and associated biomarkers. ificity. The staging model (Fig.  2; McGorry & Nelson,
With accumulation of longitudinal data and assessment 2016; Fusar-Poli et  al., 2017), presents a framework for
of various risk factors concurrently, we can also start the trajectory of SMI occurring along this continuum.
examining how multiple antecedents and biomarkers Stage 0 is the period when individuals are asymptomatic.
Fig. 2

Staging model of severe mental illness in offspring of parents with major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia matched with
possible interventions in the absence and presence of family history.

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164  Psychiatric Genetics  2019, Vol 29 No 5

Stage 1a occurs when distress disorders develop, which non-affective disorders in high-risk offspring (Berthelot
may include ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder. et al., 2015). ‘Hot’ cognition that involves reasoning and
In some cases, manifestation of SMI risk will become thinking in emotionally-salient context may also index
increasingly specific and form a clinical at-risk state/pro- risk of mental illness independently of general cognitive
drome for a mood or psychotic disorder (stage 1b). Stage 2 ability. Emotional decision-making scores in offspring of
is marked by first episode onset of SMI. In some individ- parents with SMI may represent an early indicator of pro-
uals, illness may progress and SMI may become recurrent pensity to psychotic symptoms (McCormack et al., 2016;
(stage 3). Stage 4 occurs when the illness is chronic, treat- MacKenzie et  al., 2017). Finally, low reward-seeking
ment resistant, and causes severe impairment. Staging measured using the Cambridge Gambling Task from the
in offspring of parents with SMI is similar to individuals Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery
with no family history of major mental illness from stage has been found to predict depressive symptoms and
1a onwards. However, in the context of positive family depressive disorders in offspring of parents with MDD
history, antecedents that fall short of distress disorder (Rawal et al., 2013).
diagnoses are also important predictors for future SMI.
The evidence from familial high-risk studies suggests that
Thus, in Fig.  2 we present an adapted staging model
early cognitive deficits in high-risk offspring may repre-
for SMI in familial high-risk offspring, where we high-
sent antecedents to SMI. Future longitudinal research in
light the antecedent stage (stage 0.5) as a distinct phase
high-risk offspring may indicate which cognitive domains
from stage 0 and stage 1a. The inclusion of this stage has
may improve the prediction of SMI when used alone or
important implications for the timing of early interven-
in combination with other types of predictors.
tion strategies in offspring of parents with SMI.
Neurocognitive functioning
Brain imagining in high-risk offspring aims to identify
On average, offspring of parents with SMI perform less
deviations in brain structure and function, which may
well on measures of cognitive functions than do control
indicate biomarkers for SMI. The findings include both
offspring. Lower intelligence quotient (IQ) has been
biomarkers that are specific to offspring of parents with a
found in offspring of parents with schizophrenia and
particular diagnosis and those that generalize to offspring
bipolar disorder compared to controls (Klimes-Dougan
of parents with different types of mental illness.
et al., 2017; de Zwarte et al., 2018). Offspring of parents
with schizophrenia also perform substantially lower than Studies of brain structure found cortical thinning in off-
offspring of parents with bipolar disorder on IQ tests spring of parents with all types SMI (Prasad et al., 2010;
(Hemager et  al., 2018). Thus, on average IQ decreases Talati et  al., 2013; Hanford et  al., 2016) suggesting that
from offspring of parents with no SMI to offspring of thinner cortex may be a transdiagnostic marker of familial
parents with bipolar disorder to offspring of parents with risk. In contrast, increased volume and surface of the right
schizophrenia. Offspring of parents with depression also inferior frontal gyrus has been reported as a replicable
perform less well on cognitive tests than offspring of par- biomarker of familial risk for bipolar disorder (Hajek et al.
ents without mental illness (MacKenzie et al., 2019). As 2013; Sarıçiçek et al., 2015; Roberts et al., 2017; Drobinin
IQ in childhood predicts psychiatric disorders (Mollon et al., 2019). In addition, decreased volume in white mat-
et  al., 2018), lower IQ in high-risk offspring may be an ter across different brain regions has also been reported
early indicator of risk for SMI. Specific domains of cog- in offspring of parents with mood disorders (Nery et al.,
nition may index familial risk of SMI better than general 2017; Ganzola et al., 2018; Versace et al., 2018).
cognitive ability. Offspring of parents with schizophrenia
Imaging of brain function has also demonstrated differ-
show greatest difficulties in verbal ability, visual mem-
ences between offspring of parents with SMI and control
ory, and attention (Hameed and Lewis, 2016). Offspring
offspring. The variety of procedures used to index brain
of parents with bipolar disorder also show on average
function limits comparability of findings across studies.
lower cognitive functioning in processing speed, and
Recent trends include the applications of vastly multivar-
visual memory (Klimes-Dougan et al., 2006; de la Serna
iate methods, such as network analysis and graph theory,
et  al., 2017). Out of tests of various cognitive functions,
to capture the complex patterns of co-variation in func-
offspring of parents with MDD perform worst in tasks
tion across brain regions and time points. So, for exam-
that depend on language and verbal ability (MacKenzie
ple, it has been reported that connectivity deficits in the
et al., 2019).
brain’s central rich club system (Collin et al., 2017) and in
The usefulness of neurocognitive measures in predict- the left basal ganglia resting-state network (Solé-Padullés
ing the onset of SMI in high-risk offspring has not yet et al., 2016) distinguish offspring of parents with schizo-
been established. However, preliminary findings sug- phrenia from controls. Offspring of parents with MDD
gest cognitive deficits defined as impairment in verbal show reduced resting-state activity in the right parietal
episodic memory, processing speed or visual episodic temporal hemisphere (Talati et al., 2013), and deficits in
memory, may be associated with major affective and prefrontal connectivity have been found in offspring of

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Review of familial high-risk studies Sandstrom et al.  165

parents with bipolar disorder (Singh et al., 2014; Roberts genome-wide genotyping will help test whether PRS
et  al., 2017; Roberts et  al., 2018). Taken together, these meaningfully complement family history in predicting
findings suggest that reduced connectivity in differ- the onsets of major mood and psychotic disorders. This
ent brain regions may represent a genetic liability for may be especially relevant in cases where family history
SMI. However, because of variation in methods, lack of is less informative because of small family size or missing
transdiagnostic comparisons and absence of replication information on biological relatives.
attempts, it is currently unclear whether any of these
functional features are specific to a particular parental Environment factors
diagnosis or are shared between different familial high- Exposures to an adverse environment, which occur across
risk groups. the life course, also contribute to the development of SMI
in high-risk offspring. Some of the earliest environmen-
Brain imaging in offspring of parents with SMI indicates
tal risk factors in offspring of parents with SMI include
that certain abnormalities in brain structure may repre-
birth complication and separation from family, which may
sent developmental markers of familial risk. Functional
occur more frequently for offspring of parents with men-
imagining techniques also suggest difference in brain
tal illness (Mednick et  al., 1987; Davidsen et  al., 2015).
connectivity in offspring of parents with SMI compared
Other family stressors including family conflict and insta-
to controls, although where these differences occur may
bility are also more common in high-risk offspring and
depend on the high-risk group. It remains to be deter-
may contribute to vulnerability for SMI (Beardslee et al.,
mined whether early abnormalities in brain structure and
1998; Ferreira et  al., 2013). In addition, parenting style
function may predict later onset of SMI.
may moderate risk, with warm and predictable parenting
being protective and criticism and rejection being asso-
ciated with later onset of mood disorders (Kemner et al.,
The transmission of SMI from parent to child is to a large
2015). Other environmental exposures including socio-
degree due to genetic factors. This genetic risk contrib-
economic status, economic disadvantage, psychosocial
utes to offspring’s vulnerability to develop mental disor-
adversity, and stressful life events have all been found
ders and may also manifest in subtle deviations of brain
to predict SMI (Kemner et  al., 2015; Rice et  al., 2017;
structure and cognitive abilities. The heritable risk of
Noguera et al., 2018). Good-quality peer relationships act
SMI is due to hundreds or thousands of genetic variants,
as a protective factor for mental health problems in off-
of which each one contributes a small portion of liability
spring of parents with SMI (Collishaw et  al., 2016) and
to disease risk (Uher and Zwicker, 2017). PRS provides
poor social relationships and exposure to bullying may
a cumulative measure of this vulnerability across thou-
contribute to the development of SMI (Bowes et al., 2014;
sands of genetic variants (Torkamani et al., 2018). PRS for
Singham et al., 2017).
schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disorder correlate
with family history of SMI and distinguish offspring of Throughout development, children and youth experi-
parents with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia from con- ence a number of positive and negative environmental
trols (Fullerton et al., 2015; Neilson et al., 2018). influences, which may moderate the risk for SMI. It is
unlikely that one single exposure is enough to cause SMI.
Recent findings have established there is considerable
Instead, it is probable that a number of environmental risk
overlap in the genetic variants for different psychiat-
factors interact to influence disease onset (Padmanabhan
ric disorders, with approximately two-thirds of genetic
et al., 2017; Uher and Zwicker, 2017). Therefore, studying
influences shared across schizophrenia, bipolar disorder
the cumulative effect of environmental exposures across
and MDD (Cross-Disorder Group of the Psychiatric
development may be helpful to improve our understand-
Genomics Consortium, 2013). Thus, the genetic risk
ing of how vulnerability develops in youth at low and
for SMI may also be shared across offspring of parents
high familial risk (Oliver et al., 2019).
with different psychiatric disorders. For example, poly-
morphisms in CACNA1C and SYNE associated with the
Pre-emptive early interventions
risk of SMI are enriched in offspring of parents with both
Offspring of parents with SMI are more likely to experi-
schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (Gassó et al., 2016). It
ence impairment across a number of domains and are at
is becoming increasingly possible to predict the risk of
increased risk for all types of psychiatric disorders. Thus,
mental illness from PRS, and combining PRS for multi-
offspring of parents with SMI represent a population in
ple disorders may be the most powerful approach (Maier
need who may benefit from early intervention. In the last
et al., 2015; Taylor et al., 2018).
decade, several familial high-risk studies have focused on
At present, family history remains a more powerful pre- opportunities for early intervention aiming to reduce the
dictor of mental illness than PRS. However, as the sam- risk of developing mental illness. Some researchers have
ples of molecular genetic studies are growing, PRS are tested treatments typically used for acute mental illness.
becoming more accurate in predicting mental illness. A few small open-label studies have used mood stabiliz-
The combination of familial high-risk design with ers or antipsychotics in offspring of parents with bipolar

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166  Psychiatric Genetics  2019, Vol 29 No 5

disorder, but results have been mixed and not replicated periods. A broader transdiagnostic approach to preven-
in randomized control trials (RCT) (Zalpuri and Singh, tion may be an important step for addressing the risk fac-
2017). Furthermore, the use of medication in youth who tors associated with family history.
are not diagnosed with a disorder may cause more harm
than good. Consequently, most recent intervention stud- Conclusion
ies in offspring of parents with SMI have focused on psy- The earliest familial high-risk studies began because
chological approaches. researchers wanted to study SMI in individuals who
were known to have the genetic risk for these disorders.
The strongest evidence for the effectiveness of psycho-
Almost 60 years later, researchers now have the ability to
logical intervention in high-risk offspring comes from an assess genetic risk without knowing family history. This
RCT of cognitive-behavioral prevention in offspring of brings us back to the question raised at the beginning of
parents with depression (Garber et al., 2009). This study this review: what is the role of familial high-risk studies
found that the intervention reduced the risk of depres- now that we can measure genetic risk directly?
sion onset over the initial short-term follow-up, and the
benefits were maintained on long-term follow-up 6 years Among the various designs available to study the devel-
later (Brent et al., 2015). Other preliminary investigations opment of mental illness, investigations in offspring of
suggest that Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy parents with SMI continue to provide essential infor-
(Goldstein et  al., 2018) and Family-Focused Therapy mation, due to concentration of risk, thoroughness of
(Miklowitz et  al., 2013) may be beneficial for symptom assessments, completeness of follow-up, and severity
reduction in offspring of parents with bipolar disorder. of outcomes. The familial high-risk design is powerful
However, due to small sample size and short-term fol- because it enriches for both genetic and environmental
low-up it is unclear whether either of these therapies may influences. However, for the same reason, it is less suited
be effective at preventing bipolar disorder. to differentiating genetic and environmental influences.
The incorporation of genetic tools in studies of offspring
Two ongoing intervention projects: Skills for Wellness of parents with SMI may combine advantages of both
(SWELL; Uher et  al., 2014) and VIA-family (Müller types of studies to provide a clearer picture of the causal
et al., 2019) have taken a transdiagnostic approach to pre- mechanisms of SMI and distinguish between the role of
vention. SWELL is  a multimodal antecedent-focused environment and the role of genetics in the development
cognitive-behavioral training intervention for offspring of psychiatric disorders.
of parents with MDD, schizophrenia, and bipolar disor-
der. The aim of SWELL is to reduce the risk of future A recent investigation (Rice et  al., 2019) in a popula-
psychiatric disorders by targeting the early antecedents tion-based cohort explored the predictive value of PRS
of SMI (affective lability, anxiety, psychotic, and basic for neurodevelopmental disorders (ADHD and schiz-
symptoms). Initial experiences in SWELL suggest good ophrenia) and PRS for MDD on the age of onset of
acceptability and short-term benefits. VIA-family is a depressive symptoms. The researchers found that PRS
multidisciplinary intervention for offspring of parents for neurodevelopmental disorders was associated with
with SMI that provides intensive support and treatment earlier age of onset of depressive symptoms, whereas PRS
strategies for the entire family. Initial response to VIA- of MDD predicted onset at typical age. These findings
family suggests that the intervention is acceptable and suggest that there may be distinct depressive trajectories
valued by participating families (A. Thorup 2019, per- based on genetic risk. These are intriguing findings with
sonal communication, 19 April). implications for prevention and treatment. However, this
study is limited by high drop-out rate, which was not ran-
The staging model of SMI may allow matching inter- dom but rather predicted by high genetic risk for psychi-
vention to each stage of illness (Fig. 2). In the absence atric disorders (Taylor et al., 2018). Thus, the individuals
of familial risk, the interventions typically begin at stage we are most interested in studying are the ones who are
1a, after individuals seek treatment for their symptoms. most likely to be missing from population-based studies.
Knowledge of family history may allow moving the As familial high-risk studies focus on exactly that seg-
intervention efforts to even earlier stages (Fig.  2). Due ment of population and have better retention rates than
to the increased risk associated with family history, pro- investigations in the general population, using familial
active monitoring may present an alternative to restrict- high-risk design will complement studies of general pop-
ing interventions to treatment-seeking individuals. Even ulation and contribute to a better understanding of the
symptoms falling short of distress disorder diagnoses may genetic and environmental factors which are involved in
present an indication for early pre-emptive intervention the development of SMI.
during the antecedent stage (stage 0.5).
Family history remains the most powerful predictor
To date, few interventions have been tested for offspring for SMI, and offspring of parents with MDD, bipolar
of parents with SMI, and most of the existing studies are disorder, and schizophrenia are at high risk for disease
limited by small sample size and short-term follow-up onset. Thus, offspring of parents with SMI represent a

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Review of familial high-risk studies Sandstrom et al.  167

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