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Index Introduction

The beginning of adulthood, where you start to study

something of interest, where you can have your own house,
where you become independent.
In this story at the beginning he begins to tell about the
Prologue---------------------------------------------------2 emotion of starting all this but not everything turns out as one
Chapter 1---------------------------------------------------3
This book presents us with an internal struggle that is
Chapter 2---------------------------------------------------9 through the protagonist since she finds a murder, then this will
change her perspective and her goals.
Chapter 3-------------------------------------------------15
This work is created with the purpose of entertaining and
understanding that one can plan things but there is always an
Chapter 4-------------------------------------------------20 unexpected result.

I think this story is aimed at both teenagers

Chapter 5-------------------------------------------------25
as adults, since it may be that this book and its history capture
their attention.

Meeting friends, meeting family.

When you think you know them, but with time you realize that
maybe you don't even recognize them anymore.

That's a feeling everyone has felt in their life and this story is
one of them. This story talks about how exciting it can be to
start your own life however something or someone changes
your whole perspective of living and not in a positive way.

It expresses love in a violent way, where love makes you go

crazy to the point of killing someone for them.
Evie, the protagonist is starting her life by going to college, in
here she starts to feel butterflies for a mysterious classmate
of hers but one day he doesn't go anymore, later a murder
was found. Is it him? Or is it anyone close to her? She begins
to investigate. Will she find the truth? How will the truth make
her feel?

I consider this book suitable for teenagers and adults, it was

an interesting book to write since I do not usually write books
with this genre.

I hope you enjoy it and that you, the reader, can feel the
emotion that I put into this work.

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