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724 First Ave ▪ Eau Claire, WI 54703 ▪ 920-376-2051 ▪


University of Wisconsin Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI

Bachelor of Music Educa1on, December 2023 (an1cipated)
PreK-12 All, Choral Emphasis (GPA 4.0)
Oshkosh North High School, Oshkosh, WI
Diploma, June 2019 (GPA 4.0)


Field Placement Fall Creek Middle and High School, (Spring 2023)
• Completed 65 hours of classroom observaQon and parQcipaQon
• Prepared and taught lessons for middle and high school vocal and general music
AdapKve Music Field PracKcum South Middle School, (Fall 2022)
• Completed 7+ hours of classroom observaQon
• Prepare mini-lessons with assistance from cooperaQng teacher
Concert Choir Student Conductor & SecKon Leader UW-Eau Claire, (Fall2022- Spring 2023)
• Rehearse and conduct 2 pieces each semester
• Lead warmups for the ensemble
Cabaret ProducKons Vocal Director UW-Eau Claire, (Fall 2020-present)
• Arranged vocal parts for and taught a 10 minute show choir set to peer performers
Symphony Band Student ConducKng Contest Winner UW-Eau Claire, (Spring 2022)
• Selected to rehearse and conduct a piece with the ensemble over several weeks
Elementary Music Field PracKcum Chippewa Valley Montessori (Fall 2021)
• AZended 28 hours of observaQon in both grades K-3 and 4-5 classrooms
• Prepared and led a variety of music acQviQes with assistance from cooperaQng teacher
Symphonic Choir Student Conductor UW- Eau Claire, (Fall 2021)
• Lead weekly vocal warm ups
• Assisted with daily logisQcal operaQons of the ensemble
• Rehearsed and conducted a piece throughout the semester
Horn Ensemble Student Conductor UW- Eau Claire, (Fall 2021)
• Arranged, conducted, and rehearsed a piece throughout the semester
UWEC Academic Skill Center UW-Eau Claire, (Fall 2020- Fall 2021)
• Facilitated small group and one-on-one peer tutoring sessions in music theory and
High School Honor Band SecKonals UW-Eau Claire, (Fall 2019-Fall 2022)
• Led several horn secQonals with high school students
Middle School Band Camp Teacher Oshkosh North High School, Oshkosh, WI (2017-2021)
• Taught beginning brass fundamentals to groups of 3-20 students
• Ran small group secQonal rehearsals


Show Choir Assistant Eau Claire North High School, (Fall 2022-Spring 2023)
• Lead music rehearsals and secQonals
• Assist with logisQcal operaQons
• Travel to and assist with compeQQons
Piano Accompanist UW- Eau Claire (Spring 2020-present)
• Accompany student lessons, recitals, vocal ensembles, and rehearsals on campus
• Accompany community vocal ensembles
Choir Assistant and Cantor Trinity Lutheran Church, Eau Claire (Spring 2022-Fall 2023)
• Assist with rehearsals, warmups, secQonals, and conducQng for Trinity Choir
Principal Horn Chippewa Valley Symphony Orchestra, Eau Claire Chamber Orchestra (2020- present)
Retail and Front Desk Employee Volume One Local Store, Eau Claire (Spring 2023)
• Serve as recepQonist for Volume One
• Various retail and cashier tasks
ShiQ Supervisor AcousQc Cafe, Eau Claire, WI (Spring 2021-present)
• Independently manage employees and all cafe operaQons
• Prepare food and drink orders and provide customer service
Cashier and Bookseller Barnes and Noble UWEC, Eau Claire, WI (2020)
• Organize and process book returns, shipments, and orders
• Provide customer service as a cashier and answer quesQons


Member (2019-present) and Student Chapter President (2021-2023), Collegiate NaQonal

AssociaQon for Music EducaQon
Member (2019-present) and Student Chapter Historian (2019-2020), NaQonal Band AssociaQon
Collegiate Chapter
Member (2019-present), American Choral Directors AssociaQon

Dr. Chris McGinley, UWEC choir director Dr. Frank Watkins, UWEC choir director
(484)883-9005 (715) 836-2329

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