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The development of technology brings not only many advantages but also many

disadvantages if technology is not used appropriately.

Firstly, technology can create a social divide and a social isolation. Implementing
technology is expensive in many ways, and be up-to-date with the latest technology is
impossible for everyone. This can cause a major social divide among the people who
are able and unable to afford these technologies. Besides, technology can make
isolated people disconnect from society, as they spend more time looking at their
technology gadgets than at each other. For example, it can be easy to see friends going
out to eat or meeting clubs, instead of talking to each other, everyone is on the phone
in hand. This can let people easily immerse themselves in the virtual world.

Secondly, Technological development can make people lazy. Technology makes

everything easier in different ways; however, everyone depends too much on it, which
makes us lazy. Nowadays, people can entertain yourself, talk with others, shop online,
and even get food delivered to your door. With technology, people tend to lie on their
beds and do practically anything they want with a few clicks, but they overdo it and
get lazier. Instead of doing outdoor activities, young people stay in the room and keep
their eyes on their phones with video games. Because of the rapid development of
technology, people can search any information on the Internet with just a phone, ipad
or computer. So, they have decreased the use of brain incredibly. They even use
technological devices to cheat in exams or jobs. Theirfore, the quality of their study
and work is also not effective.

Thirdly, using technology in the wrong place, at the wrong time causes distraction.
Using technology in the classroom affects learning. When students use tools and
technologies in the classroom they might be distracted by things like gaming, social
media, browsing etc. Students are often seeing walking with looking down at their
phones rather than communicating friends around them. As a result, students don’t
focus on lectures, learning outcomes will be reduced.

In addition, there are other disadvantages such as health concerns: reduced eyesight,
unemployment, electronic addiction, etc.

In short, the development of technology also has many disadvantages and can lead to
many unpredictable consequences. Therefore, each person should know how to use
technology approriately

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