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La Villa del Saber School

Reading 2023
Miss Aroche

First Unit
Letters sound

International Phonetic Alphabet

Vowel Sounds

Consonant Sounds
This Exercise will be done in the notebook, you can print it and then paste it.
Parts of Speech
The class is going to be divided into 8 groups, to research each part of
speech, then they are going to explain the topic to the rest of the class
as an oral exposition.

VOCABULARY (Pictionary)
You must write in your notebook 15 examples for each part of speech we have talked
about in class. Write each word 3 times and paste a picture that identify it.
These exercises will be done in the notebook, you can print them and then paste them.
How to think in English?

You are going to watch the following video, then you must write a
summary in your notebook with the main tips you have heard, and they
are going to become your goal, you are going to follow them to improve
your thinking in English
Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is one of the most valuable skills a student

can master.

It is a reader’s ability to understand the explicit and implicit

meaning of a text, or piece of writing.

It moves beyond vocabulary knowledge and word recognition to

add meaning. When students use reading comprehension skills,
they’re turning words into thoughts and ideas.

Reading is one of the most important ways students and adults

learn new information. As one study in Policy Insights from the
Behavioral and Brain Sciences states: "Reading comprehension is
one of the most complex cognitive activities in which humans
engage, making it difficult to teach, measure, and research."

Reading comprehension can also help struggling readers build

enjoyment of reading and participate more fully in lessons.

And it’s not just for the classroom, either — reading comprehension
has real-life applications for readers of all ages. It can:

Equip readers to make good day-to-day decisions with

available information
Give readers the ability to think critically about what they
read online and in the news
Help readers decipher meaning in recipes, directions or other
step-by-step instructions
Help students move past word recognition into
understanding and remembering the text
Improving reading comprehension can help your students
become successful readers in and out of the classroom for the
rest of their lives.

The two main components of reading comprehension are

vocabulary knowledge and text comprehension. Both of these skills
combine to help students get the most out of a text.

Vocabulary knowledge
Vocabulary knowledge is where reading comprehension starts.
Students with good vocabulary strategies understand what words
mean and have the background knowledge to understand a given

It also includes strategies for using context clues to determine the

meaning of unfamiliar words. The reading comprehension process
is over before it begins if students don’t have solid vocabulary
knowledge or the ability to learn new words.

Text comprehension
Text comprehension is a big-picture look at what, exactly, a text
means. It helps students interact with a text to understand what’s
being said and what they need to learn from it.

When students have good text comprehension skills, they can

answer questions about what the author is saying, summarize the
passage and connect information between texts or prior knowledge.

In short, it helps them move beyond literal comprehension and into

higher levels of thinking.
Reading Practice
Reading Comprehension exercise
Reading Comprehension exercise
Reading Comprehension exercise
Reading Comprehension exercise

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