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In photography, the exposure triangle explains the relationship between shutter speed, ISO

and aperture. Whether you’re shooting old school film or with a mirrorless, these three
factors are at the center of every exposure.

Understanding the exposure triangle, also called the photographic triangle, will help you
determine how a picture will look before you take it. And while saving film in today’s digitally
dominated world is probably not your first priority, knowing how aperture, shutter speed, and
ISO work together to compose your image will make you a smarter, more efficient
photographer. Understanding the exposure triangle is a must for photographer.

Let’s take a quick look at each of the three values in the exposure triangle:

Like the iris of your eye, the aperture blades on the lens of a camera control how much light
is let into the camera lens. The amount of light that reaches your camera’s image sensor will
determine what the exposure looks like.

Each aperture setting on the lens is referred to as an f-stop, a fraction that indicates the
diameter of the lens opening. Aperture also determines the depth of field and sharpness.
Every lens has a “sweet spot” or “critical focus,” usually between f/4 and f/11.

Shutter Speed
While aperture determines how wide the lens opening is, shutter speed determines how long
the lens stays open for, letting the specific amount of volume of light into the sensor
determined by the aperture. A faster shutter speed, like 1/1000th of a second, has the effect
of freezing motion, while a slower shutter speed, like 1/60th, will blur motion in a scene.

ISO is the international standard of measurement that determines how sensitive a
photographic film emulsion or digital sensor is to light. When increasing the ISO it allows you
to work with less light, however if the ISO is increased often times there will be more noise
and less detail within your video. In other words, when increasing your ISO it will bring light
into dark images, but as a result can diminish the quality of the shot. At lower ISOs the
degree of your camera’s signal is significantly large when compared to the noise, this means
that the noise generally remains inconspicuous. When shooting on your device, it is best to
keep your ISO low in order to avoid noise; however, your determined ISO level is ultimately
dependent upon the surrounding environment and lighting conditions. For example, if you
are shooting in a low-light setting you will need a higher ISO to properly expose the photo
and brighten up the film. On the other hand, when you are in a very bright setting and trying
to capture footage, a lower ISO would be appropriate in order to avoid noise getting into your
photo or video.
1. Leo wants to learn about photography and he has bought a new camera. What’s your
suggestion after reading the passage?
a. Leo should buy a new lens
b. Leo should practise everyday
c. Leo should understand about exposure triangle
d. Leo should understand about ISO
e. Leo should practise once a week

2. Mike wants to take a picture of family’s group which contains five. According to the picture
above, what f-stop of aperture should be set by Mike?
a. f/1.4
b. f/4
c. f/5.6
d. f/8
e. f/11

3. John is a sport photographer, he should shoot every movement of football players. What
component which should be set by John ?
a. John should set the ISO in order to make the picture brighter
b. John should set faster shutter speed in order to give an effect of freezing motion
c. John should set slower shutter speed in order to give blur motion
d. John should set aperture on f/11 in order to make the background of the object clear
e. John should set ISO 6400 in order to make the picture brighter

4. You want to take a portrait picture and make a blurry background effect but the light of
surrounding of the object is low. Based on the picture above, what should you do in order to
make the picture is not noise and still get blurry background effect?
a. Set the aperture on f/1.4, the shutter speed on 1/125, and the ISO on 800
b. Set the aperture on f/8, the shutter speed on 1/1000, and the ISO on 6400
c. Set the aperture on f/11, the shutter speed on 1/1000, and the ISO on 6400
d. Set the aperture on f/5.6, the shutter speed on 1/60, and the ISO on 3200
e. Set the aperture on f/4, the shutter speed on 1/60, and the ISO on 3200

Black Tea
Black tea is made with leaves that are fully oxidised, giving it the highest caffeine content
among the types of tea. It is characterised by a darker colour and richer flavour. Earl Grey,
English Breakfast, and Masala Chai are some variants of black tea.

Black tea contains flavonoids that combat inflammation and support your immune function.
The steamed and cooled leaves can also be applied to wounds to relieve pain, reduce
swelling, and ease inflammation. Black tea may also support heart health, reduce stroke risk
and protect the body against oxidative stress.

Green Tea
Green tea is made from the same leaves as black tea, except they don’t undergo the
oxidation process. This gives it a light and fresh flavour profile that may differ in taste
depending on where the tea is grown and how it’s processed. Some examples include
Sencha, Gunpowder green tea, and Matcha.

Green tea, which contains caffeine as well, may support mental alertness. It may also boost
heart health by lowering bad cholesterol and blood pressure, and reducing blood clotting. It
may help burn fat, prevent cognitive diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, reduce
cancer risk, and protect the body against oxidative stress.

Oolong Tea
Oolong tea is made from the same leaves as black tea and green tea. But it is produced as a
whole-leaf tea and partially oxidised, making it halfway between black tea and green tea.
The more oxidised it is, the darker the colour and the more intense the flavour, and vice
versa. Darjilong Dreams and Oriental Opal are some examples of oolong tea.

As it contains the amino acid L-theanine, oolong tea may reduce anxiety and increase
alertness. In addition to antioxidant properties, it may also support heart health, prevent
cognitive diseases and cancers, reduce inflammation, and decrease diabetes risk.

White Tea
Created from new buds and young leaves that don’t undergo the oxidation process, white
tea has the least amount of caffeine and the most delicate flavour profile. It is the least
processed tea variety that is usually made in China. Some types of white tea include White
Diamond and Moonstone Magic.

Similar to the others, white tea also has antioxidant properties to protect the body against
oxidative stress. It may reduce inflammation and support brain health. It may also boost
dental health as it contains fluoride, catechins, and tannins, aiding teeth strength and plaque
Tisane | Herbal Tea
Although herbal teas aren’t technically “true” tea types, they are brewed and consumed the
same way. Using a blend of herbs, spices, fruits or other plants, they don’t contain caffeine.
Their calming properties have led to an increase in their popularity in recent years.

Some examples are Chamomile Tea, which improves sleep and relaxation; Rooibos Tea,
which improves blood pressure and circulation; Peppermint Tea, which soothes an upset
stomach; Ginger Tea, which relieves nausea and motion sickness; and Hibiscus Tea, which
is refreshing and improves liver health.

5. What does the passage tell about?

a. The benefit of tea
b. Five types of tea
c. The disadvantages of tea in the world
d. Five types of tea and its benefit
e. The advantages of tea

6. Which type of tea contains the highest caffeine?

a. White tea
b. Herbal tea
c. Green tea
d. Oolong tea
e. Black tea

7. Jojo wants to drink a tea which can lowering bad cholesterol and can help burn fat. Based
on the text, which tea do you suggest for Jojo?
a. Oriental Opal
b. Matcha
c. Earl Grey
d. English Breakfast
e. Chamomile tea

8. Why herbal tea is not a true tea?

a. Because it doesn’t have benefits
b. Because it doesn’t good for our health
c. Because it is not made from tea leaves
d. Because it contains of tea leaves
e. Because it has different flavor

9. Luke likes to drink a cup of tea. He wants a type of tea which may support brain health
and may boost dental health. Which type of tea that can be drunk by Luke?
a. Oolong tea
b. Black tea
c. Herbal tea
d. White tea
e. Green tea

10. According to the text, why does White Tea have the least amount of caffeine?
a. It contains of pure tea leaves
b. It is made with leaves that are fully oxidised
c. It is made made from a blend of herbs, spices, fruits or other plants
d. It is made from new buds and young leaves which don’t undergo the oxidation
e. It is made from the same leaves as black tea yet they don’t undergo the oxidation

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