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Chapter 1: Overview and introduction of HRM

Discuss any three (3) competitive challenges that influence human resource management.

1. Competing, recruiting and staffing globally

Managing a recruitment program comes with its honest percentage of demanding situations,
however for the ones company which are trying to increase overseas or to similarly increase
their global presence, the ones demanding situations multiply considerably. The recruitment
policies of the competitors also affect the recruitment function of the organizations. Human
Resource management have to face the competition, many a times, company must adjust
their recruitment procedures in response to the policies of their competitors.

2. Technology challenge

Business's human resources department is responsible for managing the organization's

people. As technology advances, technical changes require nimble adaptation and retooling.
The workforce of a company must keep up or risk being left behind as tech-savvy
competitors move in. The human resource manager is critical in assisting employees in
keeping up with technological changes. Overcoming employee resistance, sustaining skilled
personnel, delivering cutting-edge training, and guaranteeing information security are all
challenges that HR managers face.

3. Managing pay and benefits

HR experts compare their compensation rates to the rates in public surveys to measure their
competitiveness as they work to develop competitive pay rates so that a firm can recruit and
retain the best people. However, the process is complicated by a number of factors. Clearly,
administering a company's compensation policy is a difficult undertaking because it allows
for systematically managed and equal salaries, reconciles employees' career aspirations
with earnings, integrates employees' personal goals with the company's goals, and keeps
expenditures under control.

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