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yal University of Praed Teron al d ; Department of Chemistry: ASSIGNMENT #04, Name: Mamina Tanveer Roll no: 12 Course title : Biochemistry - I Course ena :_ Sir Amjad Shehzad Date + O7/i/ai class: @5-Chemistyy (V) special Schein MAJOR MINERAL : POTAssiuMm .- What is Potssivnn Votdssive is a mineral found. in the fods you eat. TE is an ele ctrolyle ~ Electrolytes conduc eleckrical timpulses throughout the body, They assist ha seange of essential body funcions > inchiding : Eunctions ‘ ob les heart health 4 Maintains the bodys PH balance . Geidity & alkautin’ Maintains 2\heq thy blood TEpYess uve U 7. [Normal waley pcs Optinntzed Potassiuwr kvels 4 actie Peep anid cours WenetaL polacivm netvally t balance tas la wmal Poldesion body je they remove exec Maher e Sources Potassiven : t mmon SOUYCE of potassivry Fruits : 5 pineapples ge ables : | t 8 tae uch as leafy. jreens y cavvets MES » pap ay? - ty | Raisins, Milk, ay _ nd nut ee ount of » These can help prevent hap blood pressure, a ask fador fr heart dis elec trolytes » balance stress * " ‘ > Potarcium’s RSESe + vole imolves i= imorre wind weduce inflammation - S Bananas have PLAS funy. which helps ug TO Ft cleans the blood algo- otassiun _dleficien Certain "1 cliged . Conditions can cause Potassivas Lefc lencies , or hy pokale nmin «These fachice: 7 Kreg disease . * Excessive cweaty, » Marrhea anal Varsities of antibiobes Such as Penicihs xe of diuvetics Cwailer pills) ns like higb blood Pessure or kidne d cond bor sea ses 3 A tmpora %y decrease in potacsionn vw, cause ey not ay Symptoms. for 2kample iF you Sweat alet fom a hay workout y your PAG scr levels may normale After eqting a meal. oy drinking elecbolytes, before any dama 1s done- Spork drinks also provide. potassiom t low on Potssiunes when we are dehydrated , have diavrhea > ave Sueabrg excessively ete . heck your “pola .ssive iy a 4 + cuy du ex Farrhéa d u I \ . Pe low se t hythro bance. Signs of Petdssivna deficiency : fatigue vvequiar Ww wtbeat onstipalion » nausea, Mi maiittting fainting > In wfants rhypokalem . can vesult f Jehydration caused by tiavrhéa it and may present a dy oly ne ppine ‘4 { tn baby) and tifficulty breathing Hyporrlenne is usually liganosed te 5 é \ Il \ | he t x Kidney difcease J * Prolon: Exercise ¥ COMM E USE Pao Cc win % t TUM nsews * Chemotherapy «x drabeles x Severe OUNS Hyperkalemia: Diseases : F ) The most obvious gyrnplorn of to much id potassium IS AM Abnormal heart beat - ® (cavhythnater) -It can lead to deaths Et @- Typerkalemia carn cause fluid tmbalances By that affect Kidney function - tae > Foods oleliver potassiuns lowly lo the body, 6 5 Gtnce the ftods must ge throvah digestive i Process tS extract the mineral and velease — it into the bleodcveam - a @z Potassium supplements 90n the Other hand, deliver a large dose. of potassion divectly % the Lloodebean each time yee take Ahem. a 3 This an lead dp hyperkalemia, (foo mt -Potassivas to the body) e @. Winey aaa “ potausionn - WIS eatinent 1 Frefewed for ‘ Kidney failuve- @> For people with henry tr nine ie Msuha an . ; mon ort potassium fr m See eels fe te moval. : can also | veduce the vick of ‘ compltcations Ox other mnethelll a enema Cwaler pills) for : Wb blood pressure and ‘ se pills

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