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February 3, 2023 Youssof Abdelghany (3124)

Communicating Student Learning

Reporting Period: 06/09/2022 to 29/06/2023
Single Term
Royal Bay Secondary
Youssof Abdelghany 3500 Ryder Hesjedal Way
PEN: 131729311 V9C 0J6
Grade 11 250 474 2377

LeAnn Andersen

CHEMISTRY 11 Term: 80% (B)

Royal Bay Secondary Final: 80% (B)
Acacia Spencer-Hills

Jan 2023: Youssof should again be commended for the hard work and dedication that he put into this course
the whole semester. I am very impressed with his ability to work hard and to the best of his abilities. He has
been a great part of class this semester and he should be proud of his accomplishments and marks overall in
the course. Have a great second semester Youssof!
-Ms. Acacia

Nov 2022: Youssof is a pleasure to have in class, and I really admire the hard work and dedication that he
puts into his school work. He is diligent with assignment deadlines, and always makes sure that he catches
up on missing work. Youssof always takes advantage of extra help hours, which goes a long way towards his
comprehension. Moving into the second half of the semester, I would like for Youssof to have more faith in
his abilities, as I often find he second guesses himself and overthinks answers that he has already answered

Attendance: Absent: 0 Late: 0

COMPOSITION 11: AVID Term: 80% (B)

Royal Bay Secondary Final: 90% (A)
Sara Checkley

November 2022 - This first term of AVID 11 has had the students venturing into the nuanced rooms of
justice with the play Twelve Angry Men, they've refreshed their writing skills with a paragraph on the benefits
of kindness and are now elbow-deep in a career research paper that will take them to the winter break. All of
this on top of regular agenda checks, homework submissions, collaboration with the new grade nine class
and some regular study time to help them with the significant uptick in workload this term. As a group they
are boisterous, cohesive and very supportive of one another - exactly what they need at this time. They still
need reminders of keeping up with all the tasks coming their way and I am so happy to be in this position
with this group to support them as best I can.

Youssof is doing great at keeping himself organised and on pace with his classes. He's come out if his shell
more this year and is exploring more of the social world of the class, but his focus is always first and
foremost on his work.

31 January 2023
Youssof continues to show excellent balance in his work and the quality to which he completes it. He does
tend to prioritise his other classes above his AVID work, but everything does get done in the end. His written
work continues to improve as does his social skills in the class and with the 9s. At this halfway mark of our
AVID year Youssof is in a very good place and I see no reason for that to shift.

Attendance: Absent: 0 Late: 2

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February 3, 2023 Youssof Abdelghany (3124)

20th CENTURY WORLD HISTORY 12 Term: 83% (B)

Royal Bay Secondary Final: 83% (B)
Mr. Chuck Simms

Nov. 12, 2022 to Jan. 27, 2023

Units on WWII, the Cold War, the Middle East, Vietnam War, and end of Imperialism were the focus of our
studies. Presentations, videos, selected readings, daily review, and discussion were part of instruction.
Evaluation and assessment included Cornell notes, text assignments, document based inquiries, unit tests,
and expanded writing assignments.
A successful term again, Youssof. You offer dedication and commitment at superhuman levels. Challenges
still with identifying relevant information which resulted in you often writing more than was necessary, but
improvement noted as well regarding this skill. Very few adaptations required- the occasional assignment
omitted or extended due dates were the only modifications made. A fine effort on your essay (22/30) and an
impressive effort this year.

Sept. 7- Nov. 10, 2022

For the first term in 20th Century History (Sept. 7- Nov. 10, 2022) we reviewed the causes of WWI, the
Versailles Treaty, the fall of Tsarist Russia and creation of the USSR, the American political system and U.S.
history from 1919-1939, the Weimar government and rise of fascism in Germany, and appeasement and the
prelude to WWII. Presentations, videos, selected readings, daily review, and discussion were part of
instruction. Evaluation and assessment included Cornell notes, text assignments, document based inquiries,
unit tests, and expanded writing assignments.
Youssof, you continue to impress with your diligence and dedication to success in a demanding academic
course. Your efforts are thorough, and very few adaptations have been made to the workload. I will continue
to omit the occasional assignment, and for our second term I recommend you use several strategies to
achieve greater success and reduce the stress and workload. First, always re-read the question; 'why' is often
included, and you often summarize instead of responding to the prompt. Additionally, you should strive to
write less when summarizing or answering a question. Identify the material required and address only that. I
hope that's helpful- you're eminently successful, and a welcome addition to the class.

Attendance: Absent: 0 Late: 0


Royal Bay Secondary Final: 88% (A)
James Gibson

November 2022:
Youssof has been a good student in my class this term. He has approached the work with determination and
energy. As a student, Youssof just needs to learn to be a little more disciplined and methodical in his
approach to his work. He would work through the material, but sometimes miss steps that would cause him
to have issues that he would then need to backtrack to fix. This is something that we will work on in the
latter part of the course. Overall, though, I've really enjoyed seeing his skills grow and develop and I think
he'll be just fine in the end.

Jan. 2023: Youssof was an excellent student in my class this term. He worked hard and approached the work
with curiosity and intelligence. As a student, he does continue to need to slow down and work through tasks
step-by-step and make sure he understands exactly what is happening. If he can learn to do that, I think he'll
find his future projects come more easily, as that foundation of knowledge will be stronger. I had a lot of fun
working with him and would gladly do so again in the future. Keep up the good work!

Attendance: Absent: 0 Late: 0

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