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Hi Sir, can you do a favor? A. Yes, what can I do for you, sir?
Billy: ….(1) B. I’m sorry I can’t
Jack: Well, I’m a foreign here. My name is C. I’m busy
Jack. Nice to meet you. D. Yes, I know where that is
Billy: Nice to meet you too, Mr. Jack. People 2. Why does Jack want to go to a market?
call me Billy. So what’s up, Jack? A. Because he wants to sell goods
Jack: I want some souvenirs.  Is there any B. Because he is looking for someone
Market in this neighborhood? C. Because he wants to buy something
Billy: Yes, there is one of course. There is D. Because he needs to exchange
one of Giant Market in this area but you will money
take a minute to get there because it is far 3. What does probably Billy say?
from here. A. Turn left from that T- intersection.
Jack: Nevermind, I will enjoy that journey. Keep going until you find what are
How do I get there? looking for. There is a  market on
Billy: Oke, I’ll show you the way, listen… the right side of Central Avenue.
From this Hotel, walk along into St. James B. Turn right from that T- intersection.
Mansions. You will find T- intersection at Keep going until you find what are
Central Avenue Street. looking for. There is a  market on
Jack: Oke I see. What’s next? the right side of Central Avenue.
Billy: …. (4) C. Turn left from that T- intersection.
Jack: I get it. that’s not too complicated, is Keep going until you find what are
it? Well… thanks for the information looking for. There is a  market on
anyway. the left side of Central Avenue.
Billy: Roger that. Good luck and have a nice D. Turn right from that T- intersection.
trip, Jack. Keep going until you find what are
1. What does probably Billy say?
looking for. There is a  market on 8. Ari: Hi, I think I am lost. Is this the
the left side of Central Avenue. right way to Kilisuci park?
4. Why does Jack say “Is there any Market Eva: Oh, you’re going the wrong
in this  neighborhood?” direction
A. To explain the sign
Ari: Really? How do I get there then?
B. To ask for direction
Eva: Do you see the Pare’s cafe over
C. To inform about direction
D. To ask for information
Ari: Yes, I see it
Laura: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way Eva: The Kilisuci park is across the
to the hospital? cafe, next to the great Mosque
Andrea: Yes, sure. Turn left at the end of Ari: Great, thank you for your help
this street Eva: You’re welcome. Take care
Laura: At the traffic lights?
What should Ari do after talking with
Andrea: Yes. Then go as far as the
Laura: And at the roundabout? A. Turn around
Andrea: …. (7) B. Crossing the road
Laura: OK … right at the roundabout. Ok C. Turn left
Andrea: Go down Kartini Road. The hospital D. Go straight
is on the left
Nafisa: This banana cake is amazing! Did
Laura: Thank you
you make it yourself?
Andrea: You are welcome
Dea: Yes it is soooo good! But no, I bought it
5. What will Andrea first do after at the RR Bakery
speaking with Laura? Nafisa: I never heard RR Bakery before. Is it
A. Go to Kartini road near?
B. Turn right at the roundabout Dea: It is in the Sakura Street. It is pretty
C. Go to roundabout near from here, you just have to go straight
D. Turn left at the end of the street then turn left about 500 meter and you will
6. What does probably Laura want? see the bakery right after post office
A. To see a doctor 9. Based on the dialogue, it can be
B. To buy medicines inferred that RR Bakery is …. the post
C. To save money office
D. To find information A. Behind
7. What does Andrea say? B. Left side of
A. Yes right there C. Right side of
B. Turn right at the roundabout D. In front of
into Kartini Road 10. What should Nafisa say after Dea giving
C. Go straight direction?
A. I’m sorry
D. See the right side
B. Thanks
C. That is so far
D. My pleasure Tata: I’m not hungry yet but maybe I will
just order a drink. Do you know any good
Vera: Excuse me, Ma’am.
restaurant nearby?
Mrs. Tuti: Yes?
Lusi: Yes I know. There is a famous
Vera: I’m lost. Could you show me how to restaurant near here. We can walk two
get to the Bono Café? blocks from this street, then turn left at the
first intersection, the restaurant is on the
Mrs. Tuti: Oh, of course. Go straight and
right side across the barbershop
follow Lilo street. When there is a T-
junction, you need to turn right. After that, Tata: Alright, let’s go!
go along the Mona street for about 150
14. What should Lusi and Tata do after
meters and you will find the café on your
left side. It’s near a bookstore.
A. Crossing the road
Vera: Oh, I see, Ma’am. Thank you very
much. B. Turning left
Mrs. Tuti: No problem. C. Walking along the street
D. Turning right
11. What does probably Vera want to buy?
15. What will Lusi eat at the restaurant?
A. Drugs
A. Breakfast
A. Stationaries
B. Blouse B. Brunch
C. Beverages
C. Lunch
12. What should Vera do after entering
D. Dinner
Mona street?
16. After turning left from the intersection,
A. Following the street
what should they do?
B. Going to the T junction
C. Turning left A. Crossing the road
D. Turning ride at the T junction
B. Turning left
13. Based on the dialogue, it can be inferred
C. Walking along the street
that the café is 150 meters away from ….
D. Turning right
A. The road where Vera met Mrs. Tuti
B. Lilo street 17. What will probably Tata order?
C. The road after where Vera met Mrs.
Tuti A. Milk and bread
D. The bookstore B. Iced tea
Lusi: It is getting dark, I start to feel hungry C. Noodles
D. Grilled beef 20. What will the speakers probably do
Nadya: I just moved to a new house
A. Go to the elevator
Bayu: Really? Where do you live now?
B. Go to the bedroom
Nadya: It is on Pahlawan street
C. Go to the escalator
Bayu: Which one?
D. Go to the restroom
Nadya: ….
Awin: “Hey, what are you doing, Rin?”
18. What is the most appropriate respond?
Rina: “I don’t know what to wear for Dini’s
A. Yes that one wedding party tonight.”
Awin: “But you have many beautiful dress.”
B. The tall one with green colored wall Rina: “Yes, but not many of them fit me
C. I live with my parents
Awin: “What about this blue dress? It looks
D. It is a house good on you.”
Rina: “I don’t like it, it’s too tight. I can’t
Mulan: Let’s go to the new café breathe well.”
Dona: Which café? Awin: “What about the red one?”
Rina: “I like it, the colour is bright. But I
Mulan: Bono café, it is located at Mangga already wear it last week.”
street Awin: “I think I like this white dress. What
do you think?”
Dona: …. Rina: “Do you think it looks good on me?”
19. What is the most appropriate respond? Awin: “Yes, I think so.”

A. It is just across Rainbow park Rina: “Okay then. I’ll wear this one.
B. The café is good and clean
Awin: “When will you go there?”
C. Is it the café located in front of Rinbow Rina: “Soon at 6 p.m”
park? 21. What are the speakers mostly talking
D. No, that is Rainbow park
A. Wedding party
Kia: Wow this hotel is so big
B. Dress
Ara: Yes. Do you want to swim?
C. Wedding time
Kia: Sure. Where is the swimming pool?
D. Invitation
Ara: The swimming pool is on the rooftop
22. Which dress that Rina will wear?
Kia: Alright. But let’s take the swimming suit
in our room first A. The blue dress
B. The red dress What is Ali trying to say?
A. He hates English
C. The white dress B. He learns English
D. The tight dress C. He likes English
D. He is using English everyday
23. Why does Rina dislike the blue dress? 27. Why does Restu choose to paint instead
of doing her English homework?
A. Because of its size
A. Because she doesn’t like English
B. Because of its color B. Because she likes to paint
C. Because it relaxes her mind
C. Because of the length D. All the above
D. Because of the design Nina: Did you just eat durian?
Vera: Yes, why?
24. Based on the dialogue, it can be Nina: Sorry, but the smell of durian makes
concluded that Awin is probably Rina’s …. me very dizzy.
Vera: …. (29)
A. Classmate Nina: It's okay. Do you mind eating …. (32)
B. Roommate mouth fresheners?
Vera: I brought eucalyptus candy. Do you
C. Parent like the smell of eucalyptus?
Nina: Yes, I like the smell of eucalyptus.
D. Teacher
Thank you for your understanding.
Ali : Hi Restu, how about your English 28. Why does Nina say “Sorry, but the smell
homework? of durian makes me very dizzy.”?
Restu : I’m haven’t done it yet. A. To express that she likes durian
Ali : Why? You have to finish it, because all B. To express that she hates durian
the class have to submit it tomorrow. C. To tell Vera that she needs medicine
Restu : I do not like English. D. To express that she also wants it
Ali : I also used to hate English. However, 29. What is the most appropriate response?
this time is the opposite. Then what will you A. I’m sorry I didn’t know
do now? B. Thank you
Restu: I will paint an animal C. I agree with you
Ali: Do you like to paint? D. Alright
Restu: Yes it is my favorite, it can relax my 30. What probably Vera will do after that?
mind A. Eating durian with Nina
B. Buying mouth fresheners
25. What is probably Restu’s favorite C. Eating mouth fresheners
subject? D. Leaving the room
A. English 31. I like the smell of eucalyptus. The
B. Math underlined word means …
C. Civics A. Hate
D. Art B. Love
26. “I also used to hate English. However, C. Opt
this time is the opposite.” D. Choose
32. What is the best word to fill in the D. Roommates
blank? 37. Why does the mom probably not allow
A. An them to buy the skirt?
B. An A. Because of its design
C. Some B. Because of the size
D. The C. Because it is expensive
Dian: What do you want to eat Lisa? D. Because it is too short
Lisa: I want to eat vegetables salad. 38. Where does the conversation take
Dian: You like vegetables? place?
Lisa: Of course . Don’t you like it? A. Restaurant
Dian: No it tasted bad. B. Barbershop
Lisa: No way. Vegetables are delicious. C. Boutique
Dian: It’s for you. But for me, it is not. D. Cinema
Lisa: Then do you want …. (34) cookies I just Aldo: Dino said he wanted to join the
bought? audition.
Dian: Yes thank you Benny: Audition? Do you mean the audition
33. From the text we can conclude that …. for musical theatre? Do you think he is able
A. Lisa doesn’t like cookies to act?
B. Dian hates vegetables Aldo: I’m not sure about it, he is a shy
C. Dian will eat salad person, I have seen his performance before.
D. Lisa and Dian have the same opinion 39. It can be concluded that Dino ….
about vegetables A. Can’t act well
34. What is the most suitable word to fill in B. Will win the audition
the blank? C. Is confident
A. That D. Will cancel the registration
B. Those Dini: Do you think you could help me with
C. This this math problem?
D. These Nabila: Let me take a look. Yeah, I can do it.
Putri: Look at …. (35) skirt! Dini: Great! I’ve been stuck on it for a while.
Ana: Wow it is so pretty. But do you think Nabila: It’s not too difficult once you know
that mom will allow us to buy it? how to do it.
Putri: Why not?
Dini: I guess I don’t have the ability to do
Ana: Look at the price first
math then.
35. What is the most suitable word to fill in
the blank? Nabila: That’s not true. You just need some
A. That practice.
B. Those 40. From the dialogue above, it is true that
C. This …
D. These A. Dini can do math
36. What is probably the relationship B. Nabila can’t help her
between Putri and Ana? C. Nabila can do math
A. Siblings D. Dini is able to do math
B. Cousins
C. Classmates

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