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Question Choose the correct meaning of the word given

Type multiple_choice
Option Anarchic incorrect
Option Venomous incorrect
Option Self-governing correct
Option Dangerous incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Choose the correct meaning for the word given:

Type multiple_choice
Option Gloom incorrect
Option Ecstasy correct
Option Rupture incorrect
Option Rapport incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Choose the correct meaning for the word given:

Type multiple_choice
Option Small incorrect
Option Shortlist incorrect
Option Recruit incorrect
Option Reduce correct
Marks 1 0

Question Choose the correct meaning of the word given

Type multiple_choice
Option denoting incorrect
Option didactic incorrect
Option degrade correct
Option demanding incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Choose the correct meaning of the word given

Type multiple_choice
Option Foreign incorrect
Option Countenance correct
Option Old incorrect
Option Embassy incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Choose the correct meaning of the word given

Type multiple_choice
Option Amity incorrect
Option Unanimity incorrect
Option Anonymity incorrect
Option Composure correct
Marks 1 0

Question Choose the correct meaning of the word given

Type multiple_choice
Option coax correct
Option cox incorrect
Option cordial incorrect
Option cunning incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Choose the correct meaning of the word given

Type multiple_choice
Option Amity incorrect
Option Unanimity incorrect
Option Anonymity incorrect
Option Composure correct
Marks 1 0

Question Choose the correct meaning of the word given

Type multiple_choice
Option Punish incorrect
Option Sympathise incorrect
Option Arrest correct
Option Imitate incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Choose the correct meaning of the word given

His popularity was such that his election turned out to be
Type multiple_choice
Option anonymous incorrect
Option unanimous correct
Option innocuous incorrect
Option ridiculous incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Choose the correct meaning of the word given

Type multiple_choice
Option victimise incorrect
Option mesmerise incorrect
Option To make the best use of correct
Option To make the least use of incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Fill in the blank choosing the correct word:

A tornado ______ the islands yesterday.
Type multiple_choice
Option slushed incorrect
Option struck incorrect
Option hurt correct
Option slammed incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Fill in the blank by choosing the correct word given

After their dispute the two partners launched____attacks against each other.
Type multiple_choice
Option vituperative correct
Option laudatory incorrect
Option sycophantic incorrect
Option ingratiating incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Fill in the blank choosing the correct word:

The telephonic message _______ her so much that she broke down.
Type multiple_choice
Option saddened correct
Option blew incorrect
Option effected incorrect
Option animated incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Fill in the blank by choosing the correct word given

Lalith was given to______ that the job was his
Type multiple_choice
Option understand correct
Option apprehend incorrect
Option think incorrect
Option imagine incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Fill in the blank choosing the correct word:

Treaspassers shall be ______.
Type multiple_choice
Option persecuted incorrect
Option prosecuted correct
Option admired incorrect
Option harassed incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Neither hear not cold

Type multiple_choice
Option misses incorrect
Option daunts correct
Option encourages incorrect
Option prompts incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question The young man was ___ being the only male in the play
Type multiple_choice
Option discredited incorrect
Option discomfited correct
Option adulterated incorrect
Option adbicated incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question After their dispute the two partners launched _ attacks against each other

Type multiple_choice
Option vituperative correct
Option laudatory incorrect
Option sycophantic incorrect
Option ingratiating incorrect
Marks 1 0


Type multiple_choice
Option incorrect
Option incorrect
Option incorrect
Option correct
Marks 1 0

Question Choose the appropriate answer

Stylus is a/an
Type multiple_choice
Option Computer language incorrect
Option Computer code incorrect
Option Output device incorrect
Option Input device correct
Marks 1 0

Question The term CDMA is used with reference to

Type multiple_choice
Option operating system of a desktop incorrect
Option mobile phones correct
Option cathode ray tubes incorrect
Option programming languages incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question A set of related programmes that protect a private network from users of
other networks is called
Type multiple_choice
Option Electronic Mail incorrect
Option Firewall correct
Option Digitizer incorrect
Option Input Device incorrect
Marks 1 0
Question Choose the appropriate answer
Which of the following is not an operating system?
Type multiple_choice
Option MS-WORD correct
Option LINUX incorrect
Option IOS incorrect
Option ANDROID incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Resolution is

Type multiple_choice
Option forming characters on a page incorrect
Option the fineness of scan of an correct
Option transferring an image to a incorrect
Option identification of the directory incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question An exact copy of written of printed material is called

Type multiple_choice
Option facsimile correct
Option copier incorrect
Option concord incorrect
Option faction incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Choose the appropriate answer

Which one of the following is not a browser?
Type multiple_choice
Option Google drone correct
Option Google chrome incorrect
Option Mozilla Firefox incorrect
Option Microsoft edge incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Multimedia hardware consists of

Type multiple_choice
Option television and camcorders incorrect
Option microphone and cassette incorrect
Option Speakers, a soundboard and a correct
CD ROM Drive
Option television and VCR incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Stocks and property owned by a person or organisation are called

Type multiple_choice
Option estate incorrect
Option holdings incorrect
Option assets correct
Option liabilities incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question A storage medium that retains its contents even in the absence of power is
Type multiple_choice
Option Volatile storage incorrect
Option Non-volatile storage correct
Option RAM incorrect
Option Cache memory incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question A reward beyond basic pay is called a/an ___ benefit

Type multiple_choice
Option fridge incorrect
Option fringe correct
Option Avoidable benefit incorrect
Option undesirable incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Choose the correct answer:

""I beg your pardon, I never said that at all.'' Here "I beg your pardon'
Type multiple_choice
Option disagreemen correct
Option anxiety incorrect
Option surprise incorrect
Option sorrow incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question A: ""How nice of you to drop me home !'' B: ""I had no choice.'' B is

Type multiple_choice
Option happy incorrect
Option indifferent incorrect
Option resentful correct
Option emotional incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Fill in the blank by choosing an appropriate answer

____ is not an economic activity
Type multiple_choice
Option A student playing cricket correct
Option A lawyer practicing law incorrect
Option A practicing doctor incorrect
Option A professional cricketer playing incorrect
Marks 1 0
Question ""You shall not enter my house.'' The sentence is a

Type multiple_choice
Option command correct
Option promise incorrect
Option entreaty incorrect
Option request incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Local people raised a terrible hue and cry against the committee's
decisions. What doses hue and cry mean?
Type multiple_choice
Option demand incorrect
Option clamour correct
Option sorrow incorrect
Option acceptance incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Fill in the blank by choosing the correct answer

It is necessary to ____ that standards are maintained
Type multiple_choice
Option insure incorrect
Option influence incorrect
Option ensure correct
Option scold incorrect
Marks 1 0
Question Kartik burnt his fingers while trying to help his brother's company. Here
burnt his fingers means
Type multiple_choice
Option that he was insulted incorrect
Option that his fingers were burnt in an incorrect
Option that he suffered the unpleasant correct
results of his actions
Option that he was totally ignored incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question When tom accidentally erased some files in Dick's computer, he wanted to
make a clean breast of it. The underlined words mean
Type multiple_choice
Option wipe out all evidences incorrect
Option restore all the files incorrect
Option confess the truth correct
Option shed tears inviting sympathy incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Fill in the blank by choosing the correct answer

The budget is likely to be presented on February 26 two days ahead of the
Type multiple_choice
Option critical incorrect
Option conventional correct
Option suitable incorrect
Option convenient incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question . ""He builds castles in the air'' means

Type multiple_choice
Option he is an architect incorrect
Option he is an engineer incorrect
Option he is a daydreamer correct
Option he is a visionary incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Fill in the blank with the appropriate phrasal verb/ preposition:
Honest people _______ their work.
Type multiple_choice
Option stick up incorrect
Option stick to correct
Option stick over incorrect
Option stick of incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Fill in the blank by choosing the correct answer

_______ pollution control measures are expensive many industries hesitate
to adopt them
Type multiple_choice
Option Although incorrect
Option however incorrect
Option As correct
Option despite incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Fill in the blank with the appropriate phrasal verb/ preposition:
Will the seminar _______.
Type multiple_choice
Option come off correct
Option come up incorrect
Option come down incorrect
Option come out incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Fill in the blank with the appropriate phrasal verb/ preposition:
The plane ______ to a great height .
Type multiple_choice
Option lifted incorrect
Option raised incorrect
Option elevated incorrect
Option rose correct
Marks 1 0

Question Fill in the blank by choosing the correct answer

One who neither does the work not allows others to do it is often described
as a dog _____ the manger
Type multiple_choice
Option by incorrect
Option of ncorrect
Option with incorrect
Option in correct
Marks 1 0

Question The doctor wanted the patient to be _____ on the bed.

Type multiple_choice
Option lied incorrect
Option laid correct
Option slept incorrect
Option laying incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Much water _____ under the Ganges.

Type multiple_choice
Option flew incorrect
Option had flown incorrect
Option fled incorrect
Option flowed correct
Marks 1 0

Question Fill in the blank by choosing the correct answer

When I enter the room the actor smiled ____ me as if she knew me
Type multiple_choice
Option at correct
Option to incorrect
Option on incorrect
Option by incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question The police took the miscreants ______ custody.

Type multiple_choice
Option into correct
Option in incorrect
Option for incorrect
Option from incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Read the passage below and choose the correct answer for the questions
from 126 to 130

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is the space agency of the
Government of India headquartered in the city of Bangalore. Its vision is to
"hamess space technology for national development while pursuing space
science research and planetary exploration". Formed in 1969, ISRO
superseded the erstwhile Indian National Committee for Space Research
(INCOSPAR) established in 1962 by the efforts of independent India's first
Prime Minister. Jawaharlal Nehru, and his close aide and scientist Vikram
Sarabhai. The establishment of ISRO thus institutionalized space activities
in India. It is managed by the Department of Space, which reports to the
Prime Minister of India.

ISRO built India's first satellite, Aryabhatta, which was launched by the
Soviet Union on 19th April, 1975. It was named after Mathematician
Aryabhatta. In 1980, Rohini became the first satellite to be placed in orbit
by an Indian-made launch vehicle. SLV-3. ISRO subsequently developed
two other rockets: the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) for launching
satellites into polar orbits and the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
(GSLV) for placing satellites into geostationary orbits. These rockets have
launched numerous communication satellites and earth observation
satellites. Satellite navigation systems like GAGAN and IRNSS have been
deployed. In January 2014, ISRO successfully used an indigenous
cryogenic engine in a GSLV- D5 launch of the GSAT-14.

ISRO sent a lunar orbiter. Chandrayaan-1, on 22nd October. 2008 and Mars
orbiter. Mars Orbiter Mission, on 5th November. 2013, which successfully
entered Mars orbit on 24th September. 2014, while making India the first
nation to succeed on its first attempt to Mars, and ISRO the fourth space
agency in the world as well as the first space agency in Asia to successfully
reach Mars orbit. On 18th June, 2016, ISRO successfully set a record with a
launch of 20 satellites in a single payload, one being a satellite from
Google. On 15th February, 2017. ISRO launched 104 satellites in a single
rocket (PSLV-C37) and created a world record. ISRO launched its heaviest
rocket, Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle-Mark III (GSLV-Mk III),
on 5th June, 2017 and placed a communications satellite GSAT-19 in orbit.
With this launch, ISRO became capable of launching 4 ton heavy satellites.

What is the meaning in the word “hamess” found in the paragraph of the
passage ?
Type multiple_choice
Option Bind and yoke together correct
Option experiment incorrect
Option authorize incorrect
Option distribute incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question In which year ISRO was established superseding Indian National

Committee for Space Research (INCOSPAR)?
Type multiple_choice
Option 1962 incorrect
Option 1977 incorrect
Option 1968 incorrect
Option 1969 correct
Marks 1 0

Question ISRO built its first satellite, Aryabhata, and it was launched on 19th April,
1975 from the land of
Type multiple_choice
Option USA incorrect
Option (Former) Soviet Union correct
Option France correct
Option India correct
Marks 1 0

Question ISRO developed PSLVs and GSLVs for launching satellites of the
categories of
Type multiple_choice
Option Defence incorrect
Option Communication incorrect

Option Earth observation incorrect

Option Both communication and Earth correct

Marks 1 0

Question ISRO launched 104 satellites in a single rocket (PSLV-C37) and it is

regarded as
Type multiple_choice
Option an Asia record incorrect
Option a SAARC record incorrect
Option a World record correct
Option a G-7 record incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Read the following passage and answer questions 186-190:

The animal mind is like a telephone exchange, it receives stimuli from

outside through the sense organs and sends out appropriate responses
through the nerves that govern muscles, glands and other parts of the
body. the organism is constantly interacting with its surroundings
receiving messages and acting on the new state of affairs that the
messages signify.

But the human mind is not a simple transmitter like a telephone

exchange. It is more like a great projector; for instead of merely
mediating between an event in the outer world and a creature's
responsive action, it transforms or, if you will distorts the event into an
image to be looked at, retained and contemplated. For the images of
things we remember are not exact and faithful transcriptions even of
our actual sense impressions. They are made as much by what we think
a by what we see. It is a well-known fact that if you ask several people
the size of moon's disk as they look at it, their estimates will vary from
the area of dime to that of a barrel top. Like a magic lantern, the mind
projects its ideas of things on the screen of what we call "memory";
but like all projections, these ideas are transformations of actual
things. They are in fact symbols of reality, not pied of it.

An animal mind and a human mind differ like

Type multiple_choice
Option a telephone exchange and a correct
Option a screen and an image incorrect
Option a lantern and a candle incorrect
Option projections and illusions incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Human memory is subject to

Type multiple_choice
Option through and visual impression correct
Option through and reasoning incorrect
Option fancy and fantasy incorrect
Option nothing but hard training incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question The animal mind's stimuli emanate from

Type multiple_choice
Option within incorrect
Option without correct
Option human agencies incorrect
Option nowhere in particular incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question The human mind.

Type multiple_choice
Option modifies an image. correct
Option sticks blindly to images. incorrect
Option does not record images at all incorrect
Option fails to respond to things incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Memory is

Type multiple_choice
Option the mind's screen. correct
Option like the moon's disk incorrect
Option like a barrel top. incorrect
Option like a magic lantern incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question The world's worst recorded food disaster occurred in 1943 in British-ruled
India. Known as the Bengal Famine, an estimated 4 million people died of
hunger that year in eastern India (which included today's Bangladesh)
Initially, this catastrophe was attributed to an acute shortfall in food
production in the area. However, Indian economist Amartya Sen has
established that while food shortage was a contributor to the problem, a
more potent factor was the result of hysteria related to World War II. which
made food supply a low priority for the British rulers.

When the British left India in 1947. India continued to be haunted by

memories of the Bengal Famine. It was therefore natural that food security
was one of the main items on free India's agenda. This awareness led, on
the one hand, to the Green Revolution in India and, on the other. legislative
measures to ensure that businessmen would never again be able to hoard
food for reasons of profit.

The Green Revolution spreading over the period from 1967-68 to 1977-78,
changed India's status from a food-deficient country to one of the world's
leading agricultural nations. Until 1967 the govemment begely
concentrated on expanding the faming areas. But the population was
growing at a much faster rate than food production. This called for an
immediate and drastic action to increase yield. The action came in the form
of the Green Revolution. The term 'Green Revolution' is a general one that
is applied to successful agricultural experiments in many developing

India is one of the countries where it was most successful.

India was able to overcome its food deficiency problem in___

Type multiple_choice
Option a period of ten years correct
Option a period of two years incorrect
Option the year 1967 incorrect
Option the year 1947 incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Which of the following most appropriately completes the statement:

Amartya Sen feels that the famine occurred due to

A. Acute shortfall in food production

B. World War II hysteria

C. Low priority given to food supply

D. Lack of legislative measures against hoarding

Type multiple_choice
Option A&D incorrect
Option A&C correct
Option B&C incorrect
Option C&D incorrect
Marks 1 0
Question A word used in the passage which means the same as an event which
causes great damage and suffering" is
Type multiple_choice
Option haunted incorrect
Option catastrophe correct
Option hysteria incorrect
Option potent incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question This passage is mainly about

Type multiple_choice
Option the worst food disaster in the correct
Option the cause of four million deaths incorrect
in Bangladesh
Option India's successful incorrect
implementation of Green
Option Amartya Sen's analysis of the incorrect
food shortage problem
Marks 1 0

Question Which of the following statement is NOT endorsed by the passage?

Type multiple_choice
Option The famine in Bengal happened correct
solely due to low food
Option Both India and Bangladesh incorrect
were affected by the famine.
Option The British did not take incorrect
adequate steps to address the
Option After independence. India incorrect
needed to look into the food
security issue on a priority basis
Marks 1 0

Question Read the following passage and answer the questions 191-195:

Paper is different from other waste produce because it comes from a

sustainable resource; trees unlike the minerals and oils used to make
plastics and metals, trees are replaceable. Paper is also biodegradable, so it
does not pose as much threat to the environment when it is discarded.
While 45 out of every 100 tonnes of wood fibre used to make paper in
Australia comes from waste paper, the rest comes directly from virgin fibre
from forests and plantations. By the world standards this is a good
performance since the world average is 33 percent waste paper.
Governments have encouraged waste paper collection and sorting schemes
and at the same time, the paper industry has responded by developing new
recycling technologies that have paved the way for even great utilization of
used fibre. As at result industry's USC of recycled fibres is expected to
increase at twice the rate of virgin fibre over the coming years.

The most suitable title for this passage is

Type multiple_choice
Option Paper Production incorrect
Option Paper Recycling correct
Option Paper Manufacture incorrect
Option Wood Fibre incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question Paper is different from other waste

products, because
Type multiple_choice
Option it cannot be easily destroyed incorrect
Option it comes from an irreplaceable incorrect
Option it comes from a sustainable correct
Option it is not biodegradable incorrect
Marks 1 0

Question A special mention of Australia is made

in the passage, because.
Type multiple_choice
Option Australia's performance in incorrect
paper production is
Option Australia is performing very incorrect
well in growing forests and
Option Australia's performance in incorrect
recycling is much lower than
the world average.
Option Australia's performances in correct
paper recycling is much higher
than the world average
Marks 1 0

Question Which of the following is true,according to the passage?

Type multiple_choice
Option Paper industry's use of recycled correct
fibre will go up in the coming
Option Plastics and metals are incorrect
Option It is better to use virgin fibre incorrect
rather than recycled fibre.
Option Paper waste causes the greatest incorrect
threat to the environment
Marks 1 0

Question Which of the following is not directly related to peper recycling?

Type multiple_choice
Option Collection of waste paper incorrect
Option Growing forests and plantations correct
Option Sorting of waste paper incorrect
Option Development of new incorrect
Marks 1 0

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