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Emerging Exponential Technologies

PPT Topics (Select any one)

1. Usage of IoT in homes and offices.

2. Augmented and virtual reality.

3. Application of Artificial Intelligence.

Assignment 1

1. What is Data Science?

2. What is Internet of things?
3. What is Artificial Intelligence?
4. What is Big Data?
5. What is Virtual reality and Augmented Reality?

Assignment 2

(Write only questions & answers in assignment book. Do not write case study)

Vivek Rajkumar built and offered a full-stack agriculture production management platform
called ‘AIBONO - Using AI to Aid Precision Farming’ to synchronize demand and supply in the
fresh food segment. Using just in time technologies and farm analytics, AIBONO helped farmers
grow crops as per market demand, assisted retailers in sourcing fresh fruits and vegetables
directly from the farms throughout the year, and provided end consumers with the best of
perishable produce. There are myriad issues faced by Indian farmers such as low farm yield,
inadequate storage facilities, inadequate transport logistics, and lack of an organized structure.
AIBONO’s business model, beginning with the pilot stage when Vivek, armed with an
engineering degree from IIT Madras, got into farming to solve the problems of farmers using
digital technologies. Vivek began by farming paddy and banana on his ancestral land. Though he
did not make a profit, he gathered a lot of farm data, including the amount of fertilizer and water
used, the types of seeds used, etc., and built a digital platform that could provide real-time
precision agriculture services to farmers by processing all the parameters on a farm.
AIBONO’s initial Farm Management as a Service business model was implemented in the
Nilgiris wherein farmers outsourced measurement, production management, and the decision-
making processes to AIBONO. The company scaled up operations to launch the ‘Smart Farming
Collectives’ initiative wherein partner farmers shared AIBONO’s resources and farmed
collaboratively for mutual benefit and eventually emerged as a Seed-to-Plate company. AIBONO
transformed its revenue model over the course of its business evolution.
The company’s future plan is to go for capacity expansion, supplying produce to large organized
retail chains, home delivery of perishable produce through last-mile delivery partners, and
partnering with more young farmers who are well-versed in using the internet and electronic

1. How digital technologies can help synchronize demand with supply in agriculture?
2. What are the challenges that fresh food aggregators might face in India.

Assignment 3

(Write only questions & answers in assignment book. Do not write case study)

In 2019, US-based Multinational technology conglomerate, Cisco Systems Inc. (Cisco) was
awarded three Climate Leadership Awards from The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions
(C2ES) and The Climate Registry (TCR). Two of these awards were given the efficiency in
greenhouse gas management and one was given for supply chain leadership. Cisco had always
believed in the benefits of environmental sustainability for economies as well as human life. The
company had continuously incorporated actions into most of the aspects of their business to
achieve environmental sustainability.
Actions like reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, preservation of biodiversity and natural
resources, and designing the products of the company to minimize waste and environmental
impact had also helped Cisco in bagging various awards and recognitions for its efforts towards
the benefit of the environment. The efforts of Cisco paid well when in 2019 the company
managed to use renewable energy for 80% of their electricity usage globally.
Cisco had also been advocating adoption of circular economy in its business by “decoupling
business growth from the consumption of finite resources, designing waste out of the system, and
transitioning to renewable energy.
Cisco had also been promoting Green IT in its business by launching various initiatives to reduce
their carbon footprint from their data centers to offices and cafeterias. The same initiatives were
being used to help Cisco customers in reducing their respective carbon footprints. Customers
used Cisco’s collaboration solutions to work remotely, which led to less fuel burned on the
ground and in the air. The energy-efficient cloud solutions of Cisco helped businesses to reduce
their IT energy needs.

1. Enumerate the benefits of Green IT.
2. What are the ways in which Information Technology Companies can participate in circular
economy? Explain.

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