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Emerging Exponential Technologies

Submission Date: 26th February 2022

Assignment 1

1. What is Data Science?

2. What is Internet of things?
3. What is Artificial Intelligence?
4. Explain Human to Machine interaction.
5. What is emerging technologies? Why it is useful for the business?
6. What is Big Data and what are types?

Assignment 2

1. Explain 5 V‟s of Big Data.

2. Explain the phases of Big Data Lifecycle.
3. What are the types of AI? Explain with examples.
4. Explain any 4 AI platforms.
5. Explain the 3 levels of AI.
6. Explain IoT. What are the different layers of IoT?

Assignment 3

1. Explain the working of IoT with the help of an example.

2. Explain the architecture of IoT.
3. How can a Smart city be built using IoT? Explain.
4. What is Virtual reality and Agumented Reality?
5. Explain the Architecture of AR System.
6. Explian the applications of AR in different business sectors.

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