Parent Information Evening 20.04.23

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Year Six

15th – 19th May 2023
The location
The Deanfield Outdoor Centre is a
residential outdoor education centre
based at Parkend in the Forest of
The facilities
The Deanfield Outdoor Centre has
the following facilities:

- Dorm rooms (gendered)

- Shower blocks (gendered)
- Toilets (gendered)
- A games room
- A common room
- A dining hall
- A drying room
- A cloak room
- A tuck shop
- A film/disco room
Adults attending
For the whole week:
- Miss Penaliggon
- Miss Adcock
- Mr Stubbings
- Mr Ireland
- Miss Fraklin

Monday – Wednesday
- Miss Goddard

Wednesday – Friday
- Miss Roberts
The activities
At The Deanfield Centre, our year
six children will be doing:
- Stream study
- Tunnels
- Canoeing
- Shelter building
- Zip wire
- Climbing wall
- Leap of faith
- Low ropes course
- Stream walk
- Problem solving
- Night walk
The activities
The Deanfield Centre has a youtube
channel, where you can watch
example videos of the activities the
children will be doing
The activities
The kit list

• A set of disco
• A book to read
• A diary (optional)
• Cuddly toy
• Small game e.g.
cards to play
during free time
• A small
backpack to take
on activities

The centre provides: waterproof jackets, wellies, waterproof trousers

and bedding.
Breakfast: toast and jams/honey/marmite, cereal (usually Weetabix, CocoPops and
Frosties), orange juice, fruit

Lunch: Mon-Thurs selection of filled rolls (usually ham, cheese, egg, tuna), packet of
crisps, biscuit bar (eg: kit-kat, Penguin), plus fruit available. Friday: hot dogs (pork

Mon: Fish fingers, chips and peas
Tues: Pasta bolognaise with cheese (served separately from the hot trolley so that
children can select sauce, cheese etc) with garlic bread
Weds: Roast chicken, roast potatoes, veg (usually carrots and broccoli), Yorkshire
pudding, stuffing, gravy
Thurs: Chicken korma, rice, poppadums
Desserts: Choc ice, freshly baked cookie, sponge and custard, flapjack. Fruit available
Rooms and activity groups
Before going on the residential,
children will be asked to list three
friends who they would like to share a
dorm with, and three friends who they
would like to be in their activity group.
Teachers will then sort the children
into dorm and activity groups,
ensuring that all children have one of
their chosen friends in each group.
There is plenty of time in the day for
the children to socialise with friends
who are not in their activity or dorm
Rooms and activity groups
Rooms and activity groups
A big part of life at The Deanfield
Centre is the children learning to
keep their rooms tidy and organised!

Room inspection is carried out daily,

and is taken very seriously by the
children and teachers.

There is a prize at the end of the

week for the tidiest rooms!
There is a tuckshop on-site that will be
opened in the evenings by school staff.
This has a range of snacks, souvenirs
and gifts.

We recommend pocket money of £8-

£10 for a 5 day stay which should be in
a clearly marked
purse/wallet/envelope and handed to
school staff at the start of the trip.
Mobile phones
The centre has a strict No Mobile Phones Policy
for students, so please do not bring mobile phones or
other electronic devices to the centre. (NB: There is
poor coverage with very limited reception on EE
Children may have access to a payphone if absolutely

In the event of an emergency, or if we have any cause

for concern about the wellbeing of a child, staff at the
centre or school staff will contact a parent/guardian.
Medical information should have already been shared
on the consent form.

Any medicine – inhalers, epi-pens, antihistamine,

travel sickness tablets – must be handed in to staff on
the day of departure. Medication must not be packed
in children’s individual bags.

Medicine must be handed in a sealed bag, clearly

labelled with:
- Your child’s full name
- Your child’s class
- Instructions for taking medication
On the morning of camp…
- Children and parents gather in the front office
- Children say goodbye to their parents in the
front office
- Children enter through the main reception
doors with their bags
- Children come to the main hall
- Any medication is handed in
- Any money is handed in
- Children are registered by their class teacher
- Children get on the bus at 9.30am
- Parents are welcome to wait outside school to
wave the children off
Any questions?

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