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College of Health and Allied Sciences

Physical Assessment Checklist Evaluation


Name: _________________________ Yr./Section/Grp: ____________ Rate: _____________

● Demonstrate ability to use correct techniques in performing physical assessment of the neck
● Interview clients for an accurate nursing history of the neck
● Differentiate abnormal and normal findings of the neck

Rating Scale:

5 – The student demonstrates the procedure with thorough in independent manner

4 – Demonstrate the procedure with minimal guidance and supervision
3 – Demonstrate the procedure with frequent guidance and supervision
2 – Demonstrate the procedure with errors even with frequent guidance and supervision
1 – Does not demonstrate the procedure even under close supervision and guidance

Assessing the Neck

Procedure 5 4 3 2 1 Remarks
1. Explain to the client what you are
going to do, why it is necessary, and how she can
2. Wash hands and observe other appropriate
infection control procedures.
3. Provide for client privacy.
4. Determine client’s history of the following:
● Any problems with neck lumps
● Neck pain or stiffness
● When and how any lumps occurred
● Any previous diagnoses of thyroid problems
● Any treatments such as surgery or radiation

Neck Muscles
5. Inspect the neck muscles (sternocleidomastoid
and trapezius) for abnormal swellings or masses.
● Ask the client to hold her head erect.
6. Observe head movement.
Ask client to:
● Move her chin to the chest (determines
function of the sternocleidomastoid muscle).
● Move her head back so that the chin points
upward (determines function of the trapezius
● Move her head so that the ear is moved
toward the shoulder on each side (determines
function of the sternocleidomastoid muscle).
● Turn her head to the right and to the left
(determines function of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle
7. Assess muscle strength.
Ask the client to:
● Turn her head to one side against the
resistance of your hand. Repeat with the
other side.
● Shrug her shoulders against the resistance of
your hands.
Lymph Nodes
8. Palpate the entire neck for enlarged lymph
9. Palpate the trachea for lateral deviation.
● Place your fingertip or thumb on the trachea
in the suprasternal notch, and then move
your finger laterally to the left and the right
in spaces bordered by the clavicle, the
anterior aspect of the sternocleidomastoid
muscle, and the trachea.
Thyroid Gland
10 Inspect the thyroid gland.
● Stand in front of the client.
● Observe the lower half of the neck overlying
the thyroid gland for symmetry and visible
● Ask the client to hyperextend her head and
swallow. If necessary, offer a glass of water
to make it easier for the client to swallow.
11 Palpate the thyroid gland for smoothness.
● Note any areas of enlargement, masses, or
12 If enlargement of the gland is suspected:
● Auscultate over the thyroid area for a bruit.
● Use the bell-shaped diaphragm of the
13 Document findings in the client record.
To compute for the Total Score: Add each item’s Score
To compute for the Average: Divide the total SCORE
by total number of items, multiply by 100 ----------/65



_______________________________________ _______________________________
Student’s Signature over Printed Name CI’s Signature over Printed Name

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