The Struggle For Change

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Vernon Lee D.H.

Edited by Shaun Lee

Copyright © by Vernon Lee D.H.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be produced or used in any
matter without written permission of the copyright owner except for the
use of quotations in a book review.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either

are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely

Book cover based on a photograph by Simon Blyberg from Pexels:

Modifications made using Picsart AI Image Generator.

This novel is only suitable for ages 13 and
above as there are mild descriptions of violence,
abuse, sexual assault, and death. Readers who
may be sensitive to these topics, you have been


Map of the Federal Republic of Denvorg 6

Places Mentioned in the Federal District of

Andrige 7

Blank Map of Centralora 8

Map of Centralora (as of 1830 AG) 9

Acknowledgements 11













Appendices 204

1. Port Suaydergyik
2. Durwall Village
3. Andrige Central
4. Noble Garden
5. Heaving Street

Central a


This is the very first novel I have ever written. I had the idea for this
novel in 2020, when Malaysia was under a nationwide lockdown, also
known as the MCO (Movement Control Order) to reduce the cases of
COVID-19. During the lockdown, it gave me an opportunity to generate
and expand my ideas and the plot of this novel. Until June of 2022,
everything was in my head and it led me to start writing everything down.

I would like to acknowledge the extraordinary debt I owe to my friend

and editor, Shaun Lee Hwei Shyang, who helped me to perfect my novel
with his impressive skills and precision. He also played an important role
in guiding me to write my novel. Not only did he prove helpful in detailing
and correcting lines, but he was the person who repeatedly brought
structural problems and redundancies to my attention. He also took on the
difficult task of composing melodies and arranging the scores found in
Appendix B. Without him, writing and improving my novel would have
been quite a challenge.

Many thanks to my father, Terence Lee Choon Keat, who also guided
me to write and provided me with ideas and suggestions for Chapters 7, 10
and 11. I also would like to express my gratitude to Pretesh Narendran, my
closest friend, for his confidence in my work and for providing me with
unwavering support. He was the first to know about my work and as a
close friend, he came up with some character traits for my novel.

Finally, I’d like to credit Simon Blyberg’s wallpaper from Pexels as the
background used for the book cover. Modifications made to the picture,
including the man, were made using the Picsart AI Image Generator.

Chapter 1

It was the 5th of July, 1814 AG.1 I remember waking up in a small

room. I sat on the bed and looked around the room. I was confused and
scared. I didn’t know where I was or why I was there. I started to panic.
I got up from the bed and looked out the window. I could not see the
outside. I could only see the inside of a building; columns and floors.

A woman came into my room carrying a glass of water. She asked me

how I was feeling. She had a rather strange accent. At first, I could not
understand her. Then, I asked her about this place and why I was there.

“You’ll find everything here, in this folder,” she handed me a big

folder with a lot of papers.

The front page of the folder had my name down on it. Below, the page
stated that I was 14 years old. I was perplexed and shocked by how
creepy it was. How did they know my age? I asked that woman about it
and she said that they had technologies that could track and identify
people’s ages and also physical appearances from Earth.

“Hold on a minute. What do you mean by people from Earth?” I


The current date format used on Centralora is ‘dd-mm-yyyy AG’, with AG
bringing the meaning ‘After Garudyaahst’ which indicates the number of years
after the first appearance of Earthlings (more information in Chapter 3).


“Humans… from Earth, of course! You are one of the children from
Earth that arrived here,” she said.

“This isn’t… Earth, is it?” I asked, out of curiosity.

“What do you think this place is? This place isn’t the place where you
call ‘home’. From Earth, you arrived in a world we call Centralora,” she

“Are you joking? You can’t be serious,” I said.

“Of course not! I’m not joking!” she answered.

I sat down, trying to process everything. Initially, I thought

everything she said was fake until a thought came to my mind that
convinced me that everything was real and I was not dreaming.

“You see that on your shirt?” she pointed to a label on my shirt. The
label said ‘Earthling’, which was a classification to indicate a person that
was from Earth.

“Yeah, what about it?” I wondered.

“You must remember this term. In this world, we use this term so that
we all can identify you. You must remember this, got it?” she said.

“Alright… if you say so,” I said.

“Now, no more questions! I don’t have all day to stand here and
answer your questions. I still have other Earthling children to handle,”
she said as she walked out.

Seeing her walking away, I continued to read the folder. The folder
said that I was in a territory called ‘Denvorg’ that belonged to the
Anastasian Empire (Ryek Anastazium in the Anastasian language). The


Anastasian Empire at that time ruled half of Centralora’s land area. The
folder also said that I was in a city in Denvorg called ‘Sotsielche’ (now
the capital city of Denvorg called F.D. Andrige or Federal District of
Andrige, also known as just Andrige), which became my hometown.

Soon, two other women entered the room. Without saying anything,
they escorted me out of the room to get my name written down on some
registration papers. On the way out, I saw many young Earthling
teenagers coming out of the room, escorted by an adult or two. Outside,
I looked at the building and it was called the Reserved Transfers
Department2 or RTD for short.

The women introduced themselves, Krystasya D’curujynig and

Evalette Lejuvscta, who were my so-called ‘caretakers’ to watch over me
until I grew up. Both were Anastasians and they said that they were my
parents. They had the role of parents, just that they were not my
biological parents. This reminded me of my parents. I wanted my
parents because I was scared. There were so many things on my mind
and I found it hard to process everything. I was with two strangers
whom I did not know personally.

I spent the whole day with Krystasya and Evalette going to every
governmental registration building. At the same time, they wanted me
to gain their trust in them.

The role of people like Krystasya and Evalette was to watch over
young Earthlings by giving them basic education and providing them
with necessary food, clothing, and shelter.

The Reserved Transfers Department was a department owned by the Anastasian
Empire. It served as the main checkpoint to receive and bring Earthlings to
Centralora. The Reserved Transfers Department also housed and protected the
‘Motherportal’ which was a portal that operated automatically to bring Earthlings
from Earth to Centralora.


According to the Anastasian law, Earthlings and Centralorians3 who

were under the classification of ‘non-Anastasians’ were regarded as
second-class citizens and the Anastasians claimed themselves as
first-class citizens. Discrimination was then sparked because of this

The Anastasian law required every Earthling child that had been
brought to Centralora to have at least two Anastasian caretakers (who
had to be Anastasian women). This policy was enforced by the
Anastasian Empire. Caretakers like Krystasya and Evalette would be
together with their Earthling children until they reached the age of 18
years old and above.

Later on that day, Krystasya drove us to a school. The school was

called the Royal Sotsielche School (now called the Alberto Davino
Institution). Krystasya and Evalette wanted me to get into a school so
that I could learn. After an hour of discussions and meetings, I finally
got accepted.

I arrived at their abode after a long and tiring day. I had a drastic
emotional change. I spend a lot of time alone. I was not ready to live in a
world like this, especially growing up with Krystasya and Evalette. I had
my first dinner on Centralora with them and that was when they
showed signs of supporting me to help stabilise my emotions.

Evalette gave me a storybook entitled ‘The Burnt Map’ for me to read.

The book was about the mystery of a map which led to a treasure. The
book was quite interesting, I read it until I got to bed. It looked like
Evalette had found out my interests. She accompanied me to the bed just
to read the book with me before I prepared to sleep.

Centralorians are used to refer to the inhabitants of Centralora except for the
Anastasian people. Centralorians and Earthlings can be classified as


“Let me sit next to you. We can read the book together,” Evalette said
as she came into my room. I was in a cosy position; sitting and leaning
against the pillow and my legs under the blanket. I was still unhappy
and uncomfortable with Evalette in my presence. I did not say a word
and did not resist letting her in and sitting on my bed.

“Do you like the book?” Evalette asked me in a soft and sweet voice.

“Yeah, this book is interesting,” I replied nervously because Evalette

was sitting very close to me. Still very afraid of her, I tried to be
confident and contain my fear.

Evalette suspected me of being incredibly nervous and

uncomfortable. She said, “I know it is hard for you to try to adapt to a
new society for you and I get it. It is alright to be scared. You have us
(Krystasya and Evalette) to look after you.”

Hearing what she said made me loosen up, but I could not trust her
100%. I had a feeling that she was not showing her true colours. She was
just following Anastasian policies. I tried to be polite towards Evalette
and not to overreact.

We spent a few minutes reading the book before we went to sleep. As

I got ready to sleep, Evalette switched off the lights and stood in front of
my bed, watching me sleep. The moment when she was in my presence
made me incredibly uncomfortable, I could barely sleep.

That night wasn't cosy.

I entertained myself at home by reading books and watching

television. The books at home were not a lot and I sometimes get bored
reading the same book over and over again.

Watching television was my preferred entertainment at home. The

channels on the television were controlled by the Anastasian
government. There was not really much to watch other than propaganda


and boring classical Anastasian films. I didn’t really have a choice, but I
preferred watching classical Anastasian films rather than propaganda.
Those films usually showed the glorification of their Empress, empire
and race. Besides that, I would also listen to a variety of songs on the
radio. I managed to gradually understand and learn the Anastasian

Krystasya and Evalette encouraged me to ride horses. They would

bring me to the Edulum Horse Park for me to see and learn to ride
horses. Krystasya wanted to gain my trust in her too. She brought me to
the Soraftquya Museum (now called the Museum of New Denvorg)
because they knew I was interested in history. Not only that, she brought
me to see beautiful places around Sotsielche so that I could easily adapt
to society. Doing that, I was slowly falling into their trap of trusting them
more and more.

From what I have known since my days living with Krystasya and
Evalette was that they were in a relationship. They slept together and
would sometimes invite me to sleep with them, which was quite weird.
Then, they would plan to frighten me by unexpectedly raping me. The
next day, I would wake up feeling tired and dizzy because of not having
enough sleep.

I began to feel afraid and worried because I do not want that to

happen. Unfortunately, a similar situation happened almost every day
and I was starting to feel frightened and traumatised. I knew I was right
and that I shouldn’t have trusted them.

Besides, Krystasya and Evalette would bring me to any stranger in

public and then I was unexpectedly raped by them. Krystasya and
Evalette also used emotional and mental abuse. Intimidation and
brainwashing were also other tactics used by them. I also got mentally
afflicted because of them.

It was then after those incidents that I learnt that Anastasian people
like Krystaysa and Evalette would physically and mentally torture


non-Anastasian children in all forms for their benefit. One of the most
famous tactics was the sexual exploitation of non-Anastasian children.
Sexual exploitation of non-Anastasian children was increasingly popular
and it became a part of the Anastasian tradition. However, this wasn’t
always the case as some Anastasians preferred not to sexually assault
non-Anastasian children. Every Anastasian’s intentions were different.

Another reason why Anastasians made sexual exploitation of

non-Anastasian children part of their tradition was to spread sclorytaes
pathogens to them to obtain nutrients from them. Sclorytaes are cells
that are present in every Alius Human4 individual to maintain their
good health and survivability.

However, sclorytaes cells would die in a matter of weeks without

nutrients because of their weak structures. The Alius Human body does
not supply nutrients for them and they must rely on foreign nutrients.

To tackle this, Alius Humans chose non-Alius Humans as their main

source of nutrients. According to Krystasya, Evalette, and several
sources, including modern Denvorgian sources, the current and most
widely used method to extract nutrients from them was called PCBW,
also known as Post-Contact-Blood Withdrawal.

PCBW had two stages. The first stage, also known as Contact Stage,
was when sclorytaes pathogens (parasites) were spread to non-Alius
Humans (hosts) via open wounds, bodily fluids, or sexual intercourse.
Once the sclorytaes pathogens were inside hosts, they would absorb
their nutrients by attacking their immune system and spreading all over
the body.

The word ‘alius’ means ‘other’ in English. Alius Humans are also known as
Anastasian people. Alius Humans are quite di erent from Centralorians and
Earthlings, in terms of biological aspects and mentality. All Alius Humans have an
iconic birthmark on the back of their body. This can help identify between Alius
Humans and non-Alius Humans.


The second stage, also known as Blood Withdrawal Stage, was when
blood with nutrient-filled sclorytaes was withdrawn from non-Alius
Humans to be transfused to the Alius Humans. From there, a nearly
limitless source of nutrients was provided to the Alius Humans.

Even after many blood withdrawals, sclorytaes pathogens would still

be present in non-Alius Humans because they continuously absorbed
nutrients to stay alive. This caused them to have drastic duplication
speed. The good news was that they would eventually die in a few
months because of the unsuitable living conditions inside non-Alius
Human bodies.

Centralorians and Earthlings with positive sclorytaes in their bodies

would have an average life expectancy of 43 years if they were
constantly exposed to sclorytaes pathogens for about 12 years or more.

Alius Humans preferred Earthlings over Centralorians to spread

sclorytaes pathogens. This was because the immune systems of
Centralorians were much stronger than the immune systems of
Earthlings. In contrast, the immune systems of Centralorians could
effectively destroy sclorytaes pathogens quickly.

Krystasya and Evalette were trained professionals who could

transfuse blood. Trimonthly, I would have my blood withdrawn into a
blood bag to be received by them. The maximum blood withdrawn was
about 250 millimetres for children and teenagers while for adults (18
years old and above) was about 450 millimetres.

The Anastasian Empire had legislation that made sure the blood
transfusions were safe and the quality was maintained. With that, two
Anastasian officials from the Ministry of Public Affairs would monitor
Krystasya and Evalette when they were transfusing blood from me.

Back to the topic, those incidents reflected their bad and disturbing
side to me. Growing up with Krystasya and Evalette was chaotic and


difficult. I had no other choice but to obey their instructions or else my

credit points5 would be deducted.

As a rape victim, I could not stand it anymore. I knew that there was
no chance of stopping them. I was mentally afflicted and always
victimised, leading me into depression and suicidal ideations I was
trying to prevent. Flashbacks of getting raped kept scaring me as I
almost felt it was taking place again. Unfortunately, this made me
experience insomnia throughout my experiences with them.

It was painfully horrible.

As a child back then, I cried almost every day because of these effects.
I would lock myself in my room to prevent Krystasya and Evalette from
noticing me because they would still continue to pressure me.

Evalette found out that I have suicidal ideations and she tried to
prevent it. She did it because she wanted me to be alive so that I could
still benefit both her and Kystasya. One of the ways Evalette tried to
prevent me from having suicidal ideations was through manipulation.
Believe it or not, it worked, but it had a huge emotional impact and
greatly lowered my self-confidence and self-esteem.

Nevertheless, I was still angry because I had a hard time controlling

my feelings. They made me experience many negative feelings ranging
from frustration to helplessness.

Credit points were a way of distinguishing a non-Anastasian’s status and
reputation. The credit points system was established as a way to distinguish
non-Anastasians who were loyal or not to the Empress and the Anastasian
Empire. The maximum credit points for one month are 12 points. The total points
for a year with maximum credit points per month were 144 points. Centralorians
and Earthlings will face inhumane punishments if their credit points were below
90 points out of 144 points. They were considered to have a poor status and
reputation and were unloyal to the Empress and the Anastasian Empire.


I felt hopeless, almost as if there were no escapes from reality.

Sometimes, I would visualise what life would be like if none of this

Moving on, I thought that it was considered a rare chance when the
Empress of the Anastasian Empire paid a visit to her people. Well, that
rare chance came to me. Empress Daeyowyn, the reigning Empress at
that time, made a surprise visit to Sotsielche on 5 August 1814 AG. I saw
her face to face the next day when Krystasya and I were at a technology
exhibition. I did not talk to the Empress though, I was preventing myself
from going near her. She was surrounded by bodyguards and soldiers as
some Anastasians became emotional and wanted to touch the Empress.

The next day, there was another surprise visit by Princess Kikiana,
who was Empress Daeyowyn’s youngest daughter, and her husband,
Prince Elvex. She planned to deliver a speech in Sotsielche at the town
square. As usual, Krystasya and Evalette brought me there just to watch
and listen to the Princess. Both of them found the royal family inspiring.
Since this was an official ceremony, Krystasya and Evalette had to wear
traditional Anastasian attires while I wore formal clothing.

We went to the town square and we had to register ourselves. We

asked to provide our full names, house addresses and our ethnicity
(Anastasian, Centralorian or Earthling). “Was it necessary to ask for my
race?” I asked myself.

The town square was decorated with flags, flowers and portraits of
Princess Kikiana and Prince Elvex. There was a huge banner with the
words “Welcome, our beloved Princess Kikiana and Prince Elvex!” in
Anastasian. We took a seat and waited for the ceremony to start.

While waiting, I took my time to witness the overly decorated town

square and to spot any Earthling. Centralorians were there too, probably
forced by the Anastasians. I also noticed there were a lot of Anastasians
attending the ceremony.


The ceremony started by singing the ‘Empress is Hope’, the imperial

anthem of the Anastasian Empire. I did not know the lyrics and did not
even learn them before this. So, I was casually mumbling and humming
with the music.

After the singing of the imperial anthem, the Viceroy (Kemitsuroyt in

the Anastasian language) of Anastasian-occupied Denvorg delivered her
speech to the crowds to officiate the event. As soon as her speech ended,
Princess Kikiana stood up from her seat. That’s when everyone started
to give a standing ovation to her. Princess Kikiana approached the
marble lectern slowly while waving her hands at the crowds. A
translator was there to translate her speech into English for the
Earthlings to understand.

Princess Kikiana first greeted the Viceroy, the honourable guests

accompanying her, and finally, the citizens. She started her speech by
saying she was happy and was looking forward to being in the
Anastasian-occupied Denvorg. In her speech, she covered many topics
such as the supremacy of the Anastasian race, how glorious the
Anastasian Empire was, economic plans, and more. She also talked
about the willingness of every Anastasian to defend the sovereignty of
the Anastasian Empire because it had been threatened by other occupied
territories that were struggling to pursue independence.

A few minutes after Princess Kikiana started her speech, she was
interrupted when someone broke the silence in the crowds and was
shouting “Gun! Gun!”. Just as everyone was confused and beginning to
panic, I heard a shot and the Princess’s body jolted to the back and
eventually collapsed to the ground. Everyone was panicking and had
left the chaotic situation. I ducked and followed Krystasya and Evalette
to escape the crowds, fearing that we would get killed by a shooter that
was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, I was grabbed by an Anastasian police officer. I was

separated from Krystasya and Evalette. She noticed that I was not an
Anastasian because of the clothes I was wearing. Without hesitation, the


police officer held my neck and gave me a hard slap on the face. She
then threw me to the ground and took out her gun.

“Don’t shoot me! Don’t shoot! I’ve done nothing wrong!” I shouted at

“Oh shut your damn mouth! Just as I expected, a low-class citizen

dared to shoot Her Highness. You are no Anastasian and this is very
obvious,” the Anastasian police officer accused me.

“I would never shoot anybody!”

“Don’t lie to me!” she said angrily as she stomped on my right leg.

“I am just a kid, an Earthling kid with my caretakers. We were trying

to escape this chaos!”

“An Earthling kid, eh?” the Anastasian police officer said to which I
gave no response.

“Why would you and your caretakers try to escape if you are loyal to
the Empress and the Empire?! A true loyalist would rather die for or die
beside Her Highness in the hands of a traitor, just like in this situation,”
she said aggressively.

In that tense situation, I thankfully was saved by Evalette who came

across that Anastasian police officer. Evalette quickly brought me away
from this chaos and we got far away, together with Krystasya. The
Anastasian police officer, realising that I was telling the truth, walked
away from us.

The news reported that Princess Kikiana was rushed to the hospital
that day and she was in stable condition. She survived a gunshot wound
to her chest. Investigations were also launched to find and punish the
shooter. It was concluded that the shooter did not use a rifle, but a
revolver. The person who shouted “Gun!” on that day was also


interrogated by the Anastasian police. He was killed the next day for not
providing specific explanations and was suspected to be the shooter.

Some witnesses were also interrogated, one of them was Evalette.

Although many investigations and interrogations were done, the
Anastasian police failed to find the shooter. To this day, the whereabouts
of the shooter are still unknown.

That was the first time I ever witnessed an assassination attempt right
before me, and I will not forget this incident.

Nonetheless, I spent my time on Centralora long enough to get used

to the surroundings, inhabitants, and nature. Centralora had almost
similar physical and chemical properties to Earth. You wouldn’t be able
to tell the difference. Centralora was like a mirror of Earth; the only
differences were the inhabitants, technologies, animals, history, and

Technologies on Centralora interested me. The technologies on

Centralora are quite different from Earth. Televisions on Centralora are
like 1950’s televisions on Earth. Besides televisions, cars on Centralora
were like 1940’s cars on Earth. Sounds interesting? Because it is!

There’s more – on Centralora, jet-powered aeroplanes didn't exist! In

fact, jet engines did not yet exist on Centralora. However, there were
airships and small-sized planes that were powered by propeller engines
to transport passengers by air. One more thing, the Internet and mobile
phones had not been created on Centralora. However, personal
computers that everyone on Centralora used for their daily activities
have been invented.

To summarise, most technologies that exist on Earth did not exist on

Centralora. This did not prevent Earthlings who were on Centralora to
make them possible using their knowledge. They would share their
knowledge with Centralorians to make new technologies on Centralora.


Since 1824 AG, the timeline on Centralora had been almost like the
early and mid-20th century of Earth. Fashion on Centralora followed
1930s’ fashion on Earth. Normally, the fashion accessories for a man
were a fedora hat or a newsboy cap, a long-sleeved uniform with a tie or
only a collared shirt, and a vest to go with the uniform, followed by a
blazer, trousers, and a coat. Women wore hats, dresses, and most of the
time, opera gloves.

Next, allow me to tell you about the Anastasian cultural festivals

which I found interesting.

Every year, we celebrated the birth of Empress Anastasia, the first

ruler of the Anastasian Empire, on 8 March. The festival is called
Dequzidder Lorum in the Anastasian language, which means Genesis Day.
Next, the death of Empress Anastasia was a remembrance day and it
occurred every 5 December and was called Unmvicaela Lorum in the
Anastasian language, which meant Honour Day. The Creation Day was
also celebrated every 18 July to celebrate the success of the peak of the
Anastasian Empire. These three events were national holidays in
Anastasian-occupied Denvorg.

Anastasian festivals mostly celebrated traditional cultures. One of

them was Luvanalia, which was held from 30 May to 1 June. Luvanalia
was the most celebrated festival in the Anastasian Empire. It was to
commemorate the dark past of natural disasters, fires and earthquakes,
that affected the early era of the Anastasian Empire.

They believed it was the work of angry Gods. One lucky day, the
horrible occurrence stopped and it was believed that the Gods had
spared the Anastasian people. To appreciate it, various large feasts and
animal scarification were held to honour and appreciate a peaceful living
and to honour the Gods.

On the night of every 31 May, Evalette, Krsytasya, their families and I

would have a feast together. I did not know the detailed background of
the festival. I just simply enjoyed it because of the free holidays.


There was a festival called Idargsisel Onabt, which means Prosperity

Month in the Anastasian language. The event was held on the second
week of September and ended on the second day of October. It was to
commemorate the prosperity the Anastasian Empire had received since
Empress Yelkrana, the second ruler of the Anastasian Empire, reigned.
The people were blessed with lots of food, water, and beautiful nature. It
was believed that Empress Yelkrana was very religious and wanted the
Anastasian Empire to be prosperous. The Gods blessed her empire and
gave a bright future to the people.

It was celebrated by carving depictions of nature such as birds, trees

and rivers on a wood plank. The people thought that patience was the
key and that was why the Anastasian Empire was blessed with
prosperity. Many kinds of traditional Anastasian music were played
during the month to signify happiness among the people.

Chapter 2

I started my first day of school at the Royal Sotsielche School on 1

August 1814 AG. We had enough time to buy my school uniform and
books. Krystasya and Evalette told me that all schools taught the
Anastasian language and that subject would be the main subject. They
also said that I should learn to speak it as well so that I could use it in
the future.

The school strictly divided racial types, dividing them into different
class types. Anastasians, Centralorians, and Earthlings were not allowed
to study in the same class according to an Anastasian law. My class was
called 3EH. The boys made up most of the class, whereas the girls were
the minorities.

There were ten classes for non-Anastasians. Five classes were for
Centralorians with them being named CH (Centralorians). The other five
classes were for Earthlings with the name EH (Earthlings).

The Anastasian students were privileged. The classrooms for the

Anastasians were clean and tidy while the classrooms for the
non-Anastasians were dirty and shabby and some were without
electricity. It felt very unfair. The school also provided the Anastasians
with better food than other races. At times, the Anastasians often bullied
other races. All the teachers were told not to deal with racial bullying.


All the schools throughout the Anastasian Empire only had

Anastasian teachers. It was illegal for Centralorians and Earthlings to be
teachers. Most of them would work as school janitors. Taking advantage
of this, the Anastasians purposely littered places and expected the
janitors to clean up. I had been told that they had unequal pay. Cleaning
the school was a tough time for them because most of the time, they
would get yelled at. Discrimination against them was very common.

Most of the time, the girls in every non-Anastasian class were

discriminated against by teachers and were forced to touch the boys’
private parts in front of them. Meanwhile, the boys were often raped
and physically tortured by teachers. Not only that, the teachers forced
the boys to rape the girls in front of them during classes. The teachers
said that it was entertainment for them and was also part of learning.
How absurd!

Similarly, the teachers would send any Anastasian student to simply

just rape the Centralorian and Earthling students. If I resisted, there was
going to be torture. The teachers and mostly Anastasian students would
be more likely to attack them. That happened to me quite a few times.

The only thing that is still fresh in my memory was when a 15 years
old Anastasian girl grabbed my attention when I was walking out of the
toilet. This happened two months after I started going to school.

Everything happened really fast. She tried to seduce me and then

lured me back into the toilet. She began making perverted comments
and I felt uncomfortable. I tried to escape by sliding under her arms and
running away. I couldn’t do that because she kept getting closer to me
and soon cornered me.

She hugged me and grabbed my arms to put them together so that I

could not get away easily. At that moment, I tried shouting for help.
Unfortunately, I saw no one. She aggressively pushed me into one of the
toilet stalls and I fell. She came in, stood in front of the door, and locked
it. Knowing what was about to happen, I instantly froze. I gave a big


sigh and said to myself, “Here I go again”. Fear had still control over my
body and at the same time, I didn’t want to get raped again.

She started to choke my neck. I struggled to get her hands off my

neck. Eventually, she released my neck and I was gasping for air. As she
was watching me gasping for air, she gave a devilish giggle. She then
began removing her clothes to get to start her ‘business’ with me. I tried
getting myself together and said to myself, “Okay, I am not gonna do this
again. I’m gonna get the hell outta here.”

Having full sexual desires, the girl grabbed my hair, slapped me and
started to unbutton my uniform. I, feeling annoyed, pushed her
downwards and backwards in one go and quickly held my hands at the
door. I was about to unlock the door and make my escape. Just as I was
about to open the door, I immediately shouted for help. I managed to
peek out of the toilet stall and unfortunately saw no one.
I had been dragged in again and she slapped me repeatedly.

She pushed my face towards the wall. I tried to make use of my

hands by scratching her face and trying to remove her hands from me.
Unexpectedly, she held my neck and then pulled my hair. She swung my
head against the wall, causing a bruise on my left cheek. Soon, I slowly
tilted my head to look at her and wanted to punch her in the face in
response to attacking me. I successfully punched her in the face and
tried reaching the door lock again. I failed.

She grabbed my neck again and pushed me down to the floor. I was
in a lying position and she was on top of me, strangling me and
watching me suffer. I saw her angry facial expression as she was
clenching her fist to punch me. That punch made my nose bleed. I
decided to give up and stop fighting because I couldn't bear the pain
that she was causing any more. She would hurt me more if I yelled for

After I had given up, she started doing her ‘business’ with me. I knew
that I was going to be hurt, but I decided to yell for help again. I just


knew someone would be there. Thankfully, there was someone there and
he sure heard me. That girl knew someone had heard me and she was
even angrier than before.

She tried to hit me again, but this time I held her hands and she
couldn’t move. I got back up, put one of my arms on her neck and tried
to strangle her. Meanwhile, the boy outside was trying to break the door

The door finally broke open and he tried to take down that girl. I
crawled out from the toilet stall and waited in a corner. Although I was
injured, I still had my remaining energy to gain control of the girl. I was
exhausted. I could not do anything but watch him battling that girl,
blocking every attack and trying to evade. With her uncovered chest, it
was quite triggering, even though she knew about it and she took it as
an advantage.

I found a bottle and hit it hard on her head. She finally decided to
give up and let go of that boy. The boy who had saved me and I looked
at each other and decided to run away. After the chaos, we properly
introduced ourselves. His name was Harold and he would soon become
my best friend in school.

Harold and I had many shared interests. We both love to play

badminton and football. I would usually ask his caretakers' permission
to allow him to play badminton with me or play football along with
other friends in a field. Both of our favourite subjects were Science and
we were interested in History. Harold and I could also draw, only that
Harold’s drawings were much better than mine.

Besides being raped by an Anastasian student, I also mentioned that

Centralorians and Earthlings were raped by teachers at school. I
remembered the first time where I was forcefully involved in that.

It was when school ended. My friends who were not very close to me
were called by two teachers, Miss Jaquemy and Miss Daenys, who were


waiting outside of my class. They told us to wait in class because they

wanted to announce something to us. When everyone left, an Anastasian
prefect locked our class. I knew something bad would happen and I
needed to find a way to escape.

Miss Jaquemy shouted at us to make a single line facing her.

Everyone hesitated but did what she said. As they were walking, Miss
Jaquemy intentionally pushed one of us and he fell to the ground. As he
tried to get up, she grabbed his hair and shoved him to the ground.
Then, she stomped and kicked him.

“Get up! Get up!” Miss Jaquemy laughed and shouted at that poor
guy. Miss Daenys was standing at the entrance and gave an
uncomfortable grin when looking at them. We were startled.

When all of us were lined up, Miss Jaquemy told us to undress our
clothes. We were again hesitating and slowly took off our clothes. I
whispered to one of my friends, Callon, “Why the heck are we even
doing this? I could have just walked away when she called me. Now I
am trapped here!”

“Well, what are you gonna do? The doors are locked from the
outside,” Callon said.

“You seem so calm, have you been in this before?” I asked.

“Heh, I have been in this similar situation for more than you think. I
am sick of this! Every time this happens, no one can escape. The teachers
also seem to be very aggressive when you try to escape,” Callon

“Should I be worried about something else that is going to happen?” I


“You’ll see hell,” Callon replied.


I am pretty sure y’all know what happened next.

It was an unforgettable moment. Another unforgettable moment was

when one of my friends made a run for it and collided with the door.
The door broke open. He ran so fast that the prefect could not catch him.
That guy was huge and he could run.

As a result, there were many cases of Centralorians and Earthlings

who were harmed by the Anastasians and died in school because of their
deteriorated health after sexual intercourse at home and in school
caused by sclorytaes pathogens. I tell you, they constantly targeted these
two races and I was already sick of it.

Complaining to the school or the police about that was illegal and the
Anastasians could threaten the parents if they decided to take action to
defend their children. Undoubtedly, Earthlings like me had caretakers.
Of course, the caretakers were Anastasians and they did not give a damn
about your complaints. Since the Anastasians had full control over the
Centralorians and Earthlings, we could not do anything.

In my experience, all Anastasians had a psychopathic disorder of

liking to torture and watching Centralorians and Earthlings suffer, feel
pain and slowly die.

By the way, I learnt how to speak the Anastasian language, but I was
not fluent in it. I got bullied by the Anastasian students for that. Besides
the Anastasian language, the school also taught Science, Mathematics,
Basic Technologies, History, Geography, and Arts and Design. When I
reached the age of 16, the school taught Biology, Chemistry, Economics
and Physics.

A very fun fact I also learnt; the English language had already
become very popular and it was widely being used on Centralora
because of how easy the pronunciations were. Not only that, with the
increase of Earthlings, the English language quickly became known and


became a way of communication. Sharing my past experiences, most

Centralorians were so interested to learn the English language.

The Anastasians preferred not to use it. Although the Anastasians

preferred not to use English, some could speak and understand it.

The English language was rarely used by Centralorians and

Earthlings at school. We were not allowed to speak in English until we
got permission. The Anastasian teachers would scold us if we spoke
English. However, those teachers could speak English if they wished to
do so. A little funny thing about this was that their heavy Anastasian
accent made them sound strange and funny when they spoke English.

When I first heard Krystasya and Evalette speak, so was their English.

From what I had known, education in the Anastasian Empire is

divided into six stages: preschool (ednutauryareum), primary school
(g’tureum kyuzenif), general school (g’tureum denlarvga), secondary school
(g’tureum aldarhichecs), basic college (bretcaeklederntc) and college

Primary school, general school, secondary school and basic college

were compulsory only for Anastasians and were not for
non-Anastasians. For higher education, college or university
(w’dreytiproy) would be given by the Anastasian government with no
hesitation if asked for.

During the first day at Royal Sotsielche School, I was in Grade Nine
or Delves Jhel which is for ages 14-15.


Category Grade Level Ages

Preschool - Pre-kindergarten - 3-6


Primary school - Grade 1 - 6-7

(G’tureum kyuzenif) - Grade 2 - 7-8
- Grade 3 - 8-9
- Grade 4 - 9-10

General school - Grade 5 - 10-11

(G’tureum denlarvga) - Grade 6 - 11-12
- Grade 7 - 12-13

Secondary school - Grade 8 - 13-14

(G’tureum aldarhichecs) - Grade 9 - 14-15
- Grade 10 - 15-16
- Grade 11 - 16-17

Basic college – - First Standard (In - 17-18

Pre-university Anastasian: Benorenh - 18-19
(Bretcaeklederntc) Taryeitenh)
- Second Standard (In
Anastasian: Benkrewiy

College (University) - Third Standard (In - 19 and

(Lederntc) Anastasian: Argnteik above

As you know, primary school, general school and secondary school

categories were not compulsory for Earthlings because the Anastasian
government did not want this ‘new race’ that did not belong on
Centralora to be better, smarter and more civilised than them. However,
they allowed Centralorians to have an education. This caused a small
conflict between Earthlings and Centralorians regarding the right to


Earthlings’ caretakers were the ones who made decisions either to

provide them education or involve them in forced labour and other
Anastasian government desires. I had seen and heard of cases of what
the Anastasian government and their caretakers did to Earthling
children who were prevented from being given education.

There was one time, I was with Krystasya walking back to a

restaurant to buy lunch for Evalette, Krystasya and me on a weekend.
The restaurant was quite far away from their home. Her car was parked
far away from the restaurant because all the parking spots were taken.
As I walked to the restaurant, I saw a group of Earthling children
working for a vegetable plantation under the sun in a large estate named
‘Workplace for Uncivilised Earthlings’. The original text was in the
Anastasian language.

I also saw the owner of that estate. She was yelling at those children
to work harder. The children were skinny and they looked weak. The
owner had a whip in her hand to flog the children if they stopped
working. Seeing the children being forced to do something alarmed me.
I asked Krystasya who the children were. Krystasya answered swiftly as
she already knew that place.

“Those are the Earthling children whose caretakers prevented them

from having an education. Now they are working for this small private
company. You should be lucky because Evalette and I decided to have
you educated. Thank the government for allowing you to have an
education!” Krystasya answered.

I tried to ignore it, preventing myself from looking at them. I felt

disturbed hearing the screams and cries of those children being flogged.
As Krystasya and I walked back to our car to head back home, I
accidentally made eye contact with the estate owner. She gave me a
serious and scary face which made me look away from her.

A similar case that I read somewhere was regarding Earthling

children that were prevented from having education by the Anastasian


government and were being forced into coal mining. The mining was
done underground and you probably know the dangers of it. Risks of
explosions, cave-ins, toxic air and extreme temperatures frightened those

There was no safety procedure for those children. The Anastasian

mine owners did not care if all the children that would be mining
underground were equipped with safety equipment. All they cared
about was having a sufficient number of children to mine and equipping
them with mining equipment such as pickaxes and lights. Several
children were usually selected to be in charge of transporting the coal
back to the surface.

New child miners would follow and be taught by experienced child

miners. There was also no supervision by Anastasian mine owners to
make sure everything was in order. The Anastasian mine owners would
shout and threaten the child miners to make them go underground to
mine. If they refused to go, the Anastasian mine owners usually just
pushed them down. Very few child miners would be given food and
drinks during recess.

Those child miners were mining all day and all night just to survive.
Unfortunately, some couldn't survive because they would die in the
mines because of starvation due to lack of food, cave-ins and explosions.
The inhalation of toxic air also became the main cause of the death of
child miners.

An example was the Relasa Mining Explosion case that happened in

the State of Sterling which killed about 400 child miners and injured 38

The explosion was caused by the accumulation of methane gas that

had soon mixed with the air in the presence of extreme temperatures. It
was concluded that the Anastasian mine owners did not take notice of
the children who were trapped underground and immediately fled from
the scene.


This sorrowful incident is still remembered today and it reflects the

unjust Anastasian mine owners’ actions towards the young and innocent
Earthling children.

Apart from that topic, the Royal Sotsielche School also focused on
educating non-Anastasians students about the oath of allegiance, the
Anastasian Empire Principles:

“We the subjects of our beloved Eternal Ruler, Her Majesty the Empress,
representing the Anastasian race, pledge ourselves to follow these principles to
build a long-lasting empire, justice for Anastasians, and acknowledging the
superiority of the Anastasian race:

1. To be loyal to the Empress and the glorious Empire

2. To always obey the Empress and not speak against her
3. To refer to Her Majesty as an Eternal Ruler and to greet her: ‘Qerandosha
Et Alzadarj!’ (Long live the Empress!)
4. To use the Anastasian language as a main and official language”

(Translated from the Anastasian language)

The oath was usually recited every Monday in the classroom and
during school events.

Every day, students were required to sing the ‘Empress is Hope’6 to

show respect to the Empress and Empire. The school song was also sung
afterwards. Lastly, we would look at the picture of the Empress hanging
in front of our classroom and chant “Qerandosha Et Alzadarj!”

‘Empress is Hope’ was the imperial anthem of the Anastasian Empire and it was
used in Anastasian-occupied Denvorg from 1761 AG to 1824 AG.


The school song for the Royal Sotsielche School was called G’tureum
Calkcen (The School Song). I still remember that this song was quite short
and the duration was less than a minute.

I made a lot of good friends. My closest friends were Naomie,

Olympe, Colette, Lorenzo, Jared, Hotaru, and my first best friend,
Harold. Naomie, Colette, and Jared were my first few friends who were
Centralorians. The rest of them were all Earthlings.

Naomie was my first Centralorian friend. Originally, she had a social

anxiety disorder which troubled her in making friends. My close friends
and I were willing to help her to make friends. The first time I met her
was when Naomie was sitting next to me in the school canteen. I tried to
talk to her and advised her on how to make friends after hearing about
her social anxiety disorder. I promised her that my friends and I would
always support her.

Naomie told us a story about how she was treated at home. Her
parents were divorced and she was only raised by her father. Her father
had drinking problems and mostly ignored Naomie’s daily life. Her
father knew she had social anxiety and refused to help her overcome it.
Naomie had to survive on her own by seeing a therapist and meditating
every day, which she said that it helped her a lot.

Besides, her father was a strong supporter of the Anastasian Empire.

He became so after the Anastasians offered him a large amount of
money to help out with his financial problems after Naomie’s mother

After hearing Naomie’s story, we were shocked and felt in disbelief.

We were ranting together about how inconsiderate her father was.
Naomie was very grateful and thanked everyone who was willing to
help her.

Naomie often invited me to help her with her studies and hobbies.
She told me not to bring my friends over because she said she was too


shy. Her hobbies were very interesting. She read books during her free
time, was very interested in trying camping and liked sewing. She was
also an animal lover. During the weekends, Naomie and I went to the
Mariloun Petting Farm, which was near our school, to see, feed and pet

We spent some quality time there at the Mariloun Petting Farm. We

had some funny moments such as when Naomie wanted me to pet a
deer and I was afraid to do so. She grabbed my hand and placed it on
the deer's head. I felt relaxed and calm after I tried so many times
resisting to pat the deer. After that, we fed the deer and spent time
before we went back home.

I was so glad I could have friends because it brought me happiness

and distracted me from my dark and depressing life with Krystasya and
Evalette. We talked a lot about our personal lives and enjoyed secretly
joking around about the Anastasians. Having them as my friends made
me feel stronger than before because I figured that my friends were the
only ones that supported and cheered each other, despite being
surrounded by negativity.

My friends and I usually prevented ourselves from befriending

Anastasian students at school. My friends and I often got bullied by
Anastasian students. We always tried our best to stay away from them,
but it was not successful.

One day, I suddenly heard one of the Anastasian students shout at me

when I was lining up to collect my food. “Hey you!” shouted Brianne,
the Anastasian student. She was behind me in a line to collect food from
the canteen. At that moment, I knew that she was looking for trouble.
She was a very well-known school bully.


“What the hell do you want, Gueinz?”7 I looked back and replied to
her with an unhappy face.

“Show some respect, Earthling! You don’t know who you are dealing
with. Did your mummy not teach you that?” she responded sarcastically
and her friends who were with her laughed creepily.

“Look, I don’t want any trouble. I am here just collecting my food.

Leave me alone,” I replied.

She punched me in the face and tackled me to the ground with my

hands carrying my food. “I told you to show me some respect! When an
Anastasian comes to speak to you, show your respect! Every time, you
and your kind do not know how to show respect to us! What the hell is
wrong with you Earthlings?”

“What is your problem, Brianne? Why does it bother you about him
being an Earthling? You can leave him alone,” Harold interrupted.

“Excuse me? No Earthling talks to me until I say so,” Brianne said


“So, is there a problem with that?” Harold replied as he was annoyed

to which Brianne did not answer.

Harold checked on me and helped me to get up. As he did so, Brianne

took a bowl of hot soup and splashed Harold on the back. Harold
screamed in pain.

“Just a reminder, Anastasians receive food first before anybody else.

So off you go, you filthy Earthlings,” she added. Anger filled me, but

Gueinz is a racial slur used by Centralorians and Earthlings to refer to Anastasian


there was not much I could do. Brianne and her friends walked out
while laughing hysterically.

After the incident, some non-Anastasian students who were in the

canteen came to check on Harold and me. Harold did not get any
treatment from the school. The incident got brought up to the principal.
Harold and I told the principal that we didn't start the fight and it was
Brianne who started it. The principal refused to believe us even though
we had evidence.

“That evidence does not solve this incident! Your type of people has
already provided me with evidence that you started this. Your race
deserves to be ignored,” the principal said. She seemed to be defending
her Anastasian students and putting the blame on non-Anastasian
students. This happened so many times that I don’t find it worth
reporting any problems to the principal.

We tried to explain further, but we got silenced. “This argument is

over! Get out of my office, you filthy Seboboons8!”

Sometimes in school, I was very unhappy about the Anastasian girls

in school who would just pretend that they were in charge of the school
and would walk up to any Earthling, regardless of gender and just bully
them. The school had a policy that only female Anastasians were
protected in the school, following a law.9 They have the right not to get
scolded by teachers and would not get into trouble even though they
started an argument with any Centralorians or Earthlings students.

Seboboon is a racial slur used by Anastasians to refer to Earthlings. It derives from
the Anastasian language, ‘Sebo’ which means retarded and the word baboon.

Until today, most Anastasians in the Anastasian Empire consisted of more
females than males. 86% of the Anastasian population consisted of female
Anastasians. This made the Anastasian ruling monarch, Empress Kikiana,
establish the law that privileged Anastasian females.


When I was 16 years old, I suddenly got an official letter to be drafted

into one of the concentration camps of the URAB.10 It claimed that it was
because my credit points were less than 90 and that was a lie!11 My last
recorded credit points were 105 points and there was solid evidence.
Knowing that it was a lie, the Anastasians threatened to kill me if I did
not want to go. I went back home from school and showed the letter to
Krystasya and Evalette.

Evalette didn’t want me to go to one of the URAB camps because she

wanted me to finish my studies. Krystasya did not say much, only
saying that I should go. There wasn't a choice for us to choose. Evalette
was very upset and she straight away went to her room, avoiding us.

Later on that day, I found out that it wasn’t only me who was drafted
into a URAB camp. Naomie, Olympe, and Harold also got an official
letter on the same day to be drafted into a URAB camp. Two days later,
Lorenzo and Jared received their official letters to be drafted into a
URAB camp too.

We were surprised yet felt suspicious about the Anastasians who

drafted us into a URAB camp although we did not have low credit
points. There was a statement in our letters which said that we were

URAB (an acronym for Urtusaer Rabethed, ‘Research Department’ or o cially


known as G’tureum Urtusaer Rabethed Anastazium, ‘General Anastasian Researches

Department’) was a department that had many concentration camps to punish
non-Anastasian individuals who had low credit points and to perform unethical
human experimentations on non-Anastasians.

The Anastasian government in Anastasian-occupied Denvorg randomly selected
non-Anastasian children and adults for forced admission into URAB camps,
which were only for people who had low credit points. If anyone had found out,
the Anastasian government would make excuses and methods to prevent them
from uncovering the truth. These ruthless activities were finally put to an end in
1820 AG after the Anastasian government found it di cult to manage them.


sentenced to four years and we must serve our sentences as part of a

punishment for having low credit points.

All of us were drafted into the same URAB camp, which was the
South Intridue URAB Camp (located on Intridue Island) and we had to
be there on 13 February 1816 AG at 3:00 p.m. That date would always
remind me of the nightmares and horrors in that URAB camp.

Chapter 3

The long and complicated history of Denvorg persuaded me to fight

for independence. Due to my extreme objection to the Anastasian
Empire occupying a once sovereign nation, my interest towards
Denvorgian history about the expansion of Anastasian powers in
Denvorg began to rise when I was 15 years old.

15,000 years ago, the first inhabitants called the Larantanan people
settled in the pre-Denvorgian regions. The pre-Denvorgian regions were
relatively small, only covering as big as the modern-day State of New

In the year 600 BG, the First Sreman Empire conquered the
pre-Denvorgian regions and Ancient Cohenra was founded. Ancient
Cohenra had borders that were almost similar to the modern-day
Denvorgian borders. A local tribe called the Aladeca spent years
rebelling against the Sremans, trying to set their land free. The Aladecan
rebels successfully defeated the Sremans in the year 519 BG and the
Sremans were forced to give the locals back their land.

Ancient Cohenra, under the influence of the Aladecan rebels, was

called the Aladecan Dermo. There, a man by the name of Heletrios rose
through the ranks of the Aladecan rebels and became the leader of the
Aladecan Dermo. He was a violent dictator who would kill his people if
they opposed him.


Nearby, the Birangka Civilisation was formed that was based in the
ancient city of Esarna. In the year 508 BG, the Aladecan Dermo was
conquered by the Birangka Civilisation, ending the reign of Heletrios’
who had ruled the Aladecan Dermo for 11 brutal years. Ancient Cohenra
underwent a huge social and political change under the influence of the
Birangka Civilisation. Some researchers described the Birangka
Civilisation as having a system of government which was based on
theocracy. The centre of government was in religious worshipping
places, which were temples to be precise.

In the year 400 BG, the Late Progression Era began on Centralora. The
Late Progression Era had evidence of the first recorded existence of the
Anastasians. They originally had the same biological aspects as
Centralorians, not the biological aspects of Anastasians like we see
today. Due to an unknown mutation, the biological aspects of some
Centralorians became abnormal. The mutation in some Centralorians
caused widespread segregations between mutated Centralorians and
non-affected Centralorians. The mutated Centralorians were called the
Ujurotoxes (singular: Ujurotox) while the others were just called

The mutations on Ujurotoxes resulted in different physical

appearances compared to Centralorians. Until today, physical
appearances such as elf-like ears, animal-like ears and tails, and
vampire-like teeth can be seen on a few Ujurotoxes. Besides physical
appearances, the bodily systems of Ujurotoxes worked differently
compared to Centralorians. An example is they require blood with
sclorytaes pathogens from Centralorians and Earthlings for nutrients.

Ujurotoxes were also unable to reproduce with Centralorians and

could only reproduce among themselves. Ujurotoxes were considered
‘aliens’ because of their differences and how hostile they were at the


Since then, Ujurotoxes lived separately from Centralorians, fearing

that they would get killed because of those factors. According to
researchers, almost all the population of Ujurotoxes gathered together in
the east and formed their civilisations. One of them was called the
Meogranic River Civilisation. They created their languages, cultures, and
governing systems for their civilisations. They preferred to stay isolated
from the world, preventing trade and foreign settlements.

In the year 1 BG, Garudyaahst occurred, which was an event where

Earthlings began appearing on Centralora. The word Garudyaahst is a
word in the Ancient Haellian language which means ‘the unfolding of
supernatural events’. Centralorians and Ujurotoxes saw the appearance
of Earthlings as a supernatural event as something like this had never
happened before in history.

During the early hours of Garudyaahst, Centralora experienced

constant thunderstorms and darkness. It was followed by earthquakes in
some areas which formed natural portals that emerged from the grounds
in the forests. It was said that huge columns of clouds and heat gusted
out from the portals before Earthlings appeared. These natural portals
were soon called ‘Motherportals’.

The occurrence of Garudyaahst introduced a new calendar and a new

date format. The use of ‘BG’ and ‘AG’, which respectively stands for
‘Before Garudyaahst’ and ‘After Garudyaahst’ in the date format, was
created to indicate the number of years before and after the event of the
first appearances of Earthlings on Centralora.

By 1 AG, Earthlings grew to a population of around 10,000 on


Since the appearance of Earthlings, many people, including

Earthlings, had studied the factors of Garudyaahst and the existence and
nature of Centralora. Earthlings gave Ujurotoxes a new classification
name, which was called Alius Humans, after studying their existence.
They teamed up with Centralorians and studied for centuries to find a


solid answer. However, there was no solid result from the research at the

However, not all Centralorians always respected Earthlings. A huge

portion of the Centralorian population ignored technologies from Earth,
largely because the Earthlings were not the natives of Centralora.

The Birangka Civilisation was a peaceful civilisation where Earthlings

and Centralorians lived happily and freely. This changed when the
Second Sreman Empire invaded the Birangka Civilisation, defeating its
forces in the year 551 AG. The Sremans hated the Earthlings because
they were not the original inhabitants of Centralora and the Sremans
considered them as ‘outsiders’.

Ancient Cohenra would fall into the hands of the Feren Kingdom
after it defeated the Second Sreman Empire in the Feren-Sreman War
(857 AG - 863 AG), ending Sreman rule on Ancient Cohenra. The Second
Sreman Empire surrendered Ancient Cohenra to the Feren Kingdom in
863 AG.

In 956 AG, the Alius Humans formed the Land of the Phisalies,
intended to unite all Alius Humans from different regions around the
Meogranic River Civilisation to create a large Alius Humans-based
kingdom that spoke one language; the Phisalies language.

The formation of the Land of Phisalies was not favoured by the Alius
Human citizens, as its leaders never united them, only to use them as
slaves. The Land of Phisalies collapsed at the end of the Phisalies Civil
War (1003 AG - 1013 AG).

In 1013 AG, a new kingdom called the Realm of the Anastasians

(Ma’gronied che Anastazium in the Anastasian language), also known as
the Realm, was formed. The Alius Humans called themselves
Anastasians, named after the first Empress of their new kingdom,
Empress Anastasia (Qeranshoda Anastazia in the Anastasian language).


The Phisalies language was then modified by them to what we all

know today as the Anastasian language.

Empress Anastasia promised to properly unite all Alius Humans,

which she successfully did. Empress Anastasia proposed a policy where
Centralorians were not allowed to be citizens as being an Anastasian
was only for Alius Humans. The Anastasians vowed to not let any
Centralorians interfere with their culture and would kill them if they
did, in revenge for how the Alius Humans were treated since their

Centralora witnessed the beginning of the Age of Imperialism, which

began in 1020 AG, was a period where empires emerged and engaged
themselves in influencing, conquering, and annexing other parts of
Centralora for power and wealth. In that period, the Eallian Empire
invaded Ancient Cohenra in 1082 AG to seize its natural resources such
as gold, iron, and copper to support its growing empire. The Ferens
stood no chance in defending Ancient Cohenra from the Eallian Empire,
one of the most modernised and urbanised societies at the time.

Empress Anastasia wanted to expand her kingdom to the topmost

and catch up with the other superior empires. Empress Anastasia led the
Realm into many wars, challenging other empires, and invading their
territories. The Realm, with newly annexed territories, was succeeded by
the creation of the Anastasian Empire.

The Anastasians enslaved all Earthlings in their expanded territories

to use their manpower and knowledge to expand even more. The most
important role the Earthlings played in the expansion of the Anastasian
Empire was transferring their knowledge of human warfare to the
Anastasians. Namely, the Anastasians were able to learn the strategies of
the Mongol Empire from several Mongol warriors.

The Anastasians were able to defeat their opponents easily using

these strategies. Most of their enemies used heavy armour and moved


slowly on foot while the Anastasians mostly used horses and adopted
Mongol bows which could pierce through any enemy armour.

Through experiments on Earthlings, the Anastasian Empire also

learned how to extract nutrients from Earthlings. One of the earliest
recorded methods was by infecting them with sclorytaes pathogens and
then making deep cuts on all parts of their bodies for blood to be
extracted. The blood would then be consumed by the Anastasians in
rituals. Although food can provide nutrients to Anastasians, they found
Earthlings to be the main and most efficient source of nutrients.

The Anastasian Empire earned its fame after being seen as an

undefeatable empire, having fearless and aggressive armies. By the year
1025 AG, the Anastasian Empire became the most powerful empire in
the eastern hemisphere of Centralora.

In Ancient Cohenra, the Eallian-Tarsarnean Treaty between the

Eallian Empire and the Tarsarnean Empire, the second largest empire at
that time, transferred the Eallian possession of Ancient Cohenra to the
Tarsarnean Empire. This was done due to the Eallian Empire suffering
heavy military losses against foreign powers forces, one of them being
the Anastasian Empire, and losing political stability.

Ancient Cohenra became a colony of the Tasarnean Empire in 1161

AG and it was renamed the Colony of Gevarnia or Gevarnia for short.

Soldiers were mobilised in Gevarnia to preempt the Anastasian

invasion. Gevarnia had soldiers consisting of Centralorians and
Earthlings who worked together to defend the colony. Around the
world, fear and determination to defend their land filled the people's
hearts and spirits.

Gevarnia fell into the hands of the Anastasian Empire in 1276 AG.
During the early days of the occupation, Anastasian troops were
subjected to food and supply shortages. They would practise human
trafficking to sell human bodies in exchange for supplies. The food and


supply shortages prompted the Anastasians to barge into local

settlements to steal their food and water supply. Gevarnia experienced
famine and many innocent Gevarnian people starved to death.

In 1480 AG, the Anastasian Empire invented a weapon of mass

destruction called Zra’ Jeraesagichyer, in Anastasian which means The
Hell Airship. The airship was capable of unleashing firestorms on cities
by using Greek fire. Other nations tried to invent the same weapon as
the Anastasian Empire. However, it was not as good as the Zra’
Jeraesagichyer airships. By late 1480 AG, every nation used airships that
released fire to destroy each other.

The Anastasian Empire reached its peak in 1485 AG. The Anastasian
Empire came out victoriously in many battles over the centuries and its
territories covered half of Centralora. Very few remaining nations were
still standing and not invaded because they served no purpose to the
Anastasian Empire. The world was at peace when the Anastasian
Empire fell silent for the very first time. Nations immediately created
and signed peace treaties with the Anastasian Empire, fearing that they
would get invaded.

An intergovernmental organisation called the Worldwide

Peacekeeping Alliance (WOPA) was established on 22 April 1549 AG to
maintain world peace and resolve international issues, especially those
relating to the Zra’ Jeraesagichyer airships. World leaders and delegates
from many nations attended the World Peace Conference in the city of
Caunrells, Bertznia and the WOPA was created. The Anastasian
Empire’s deadliest weapon, the Zra’ Jeraesagichyer airships, was banned
and was no longer in use according to a treaty called the Caunrells
Protocol in the conference, of which the Anastasian Empire had a
favourable option.

Back in Gevarnia in the 1700s AG, the people were very unhappy
with the oppressive Anastasian rule. This issue took national precedence
and people started to demand independence. That was quite a challenge
for them because the Anastasians would torture anyone who opposed


the government. With the demands for independence spreading like

wildfire, the Anastasians knew about it. They started to create laws to
prevent the people’s efforts for independence.

Some famous and well-known acts such as the Treason to the Crown
Act of 1742 AG and the Empire’s Justice Act of 1743 AG were created to
punish unloyal or suspected non-Anastasians who opposed the
Anastasian rule. Once someone violated these two major laws, the
person would be subjected to torture. This intimidated many

An Earthling, Alberto Davino, encouraged the independence

movements and plans. He was well aware that he would get tortured for
violating the two acts, but he did not bother. He wanted good and
freedom for the people. Davino decided to fight fire with fire. Davino
soon became a well-known man in Gevarnia because of his tough
personality and he saw the future of Gevarnia. Militias were formed to
fight against the Anastasians.

Before Alberto Davino was involved in his activities, he was just a

normal person. Davino arrived at Centralora on 22nd February 1742 AG
in the city of Duhetarwer (now called Intega), State of Bremand. He was
16 years old. He had poor caretakers and they were living an agrarian
life. Davino was forced to be a farmer to make money and a living.

He attended Quratry Primary School and Dzandria Secondary

School. Davino joined the Plamerli More University (now called
Capitalmount University) and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree
in History and with another one in Political Science two years later.

Returning to the subject, with Davino’s popularity increasing

throughout Gevarnia, assemblies were created and people would carry
weapons and banners. Rebellions broke out around Gevarnia. The
Sotsielche Rebellion was the most famous and major rebellion, where
people came to Administration Square and burnt down the residence of


the Royal Anastasian Governor, who was in charge of administering


An Anastasian battleship, Rycorteu, and several cruisers fired their

shells to bombard Hererive Coastal Fort on 14th March 1749 AG, which
marked the beginning of the First Revolutionary War between Davino’s
Freedom Fighters and the Anastasians. All 5,000 soldiers in Hererive
Coastal Fort were killed and there were no survivors.

Davino’s forces were supported by an island nation north of

Gevarnia, Evroscta. Evroscta provided arms and ammunition to
Davino’s forces to fight for independence. The Anastasians did not know
about their relationship until early July 1752 AG. The Royal Anastasian
Navy had very limited warships to inflict damage on the Evrosctan
Navy. They stood no chance against Evroscta.

The Anastasian army was destroyed in September 1752 AG and the

tide of the war had changed. They lost the Battle of Edunia which
occurred in Sterling. The battle caused more casualties for the
Anastasians compared to the Freedom Fighters. Soon, the Freedom
Fighters ceaselessly pushed the major Anastasian forces out of Sterling,
leaving the very weak Anastasian forces behind enemy lines.

The Anastasian forces in Gevarnia surrendered on 19th October 1752

AG, marking the end of the three-year revolutionary war. The Freedom
Fighters had fully controlled the Gevarnian regions and declared them
independent. The revolutionaries killed many Anastasian officials and
the Royal Anastasian Governor of Gevarnia. The remaining Anastasian
officials were forced to flee.

The Gevarnian people were very proud and happy because they had
won the revolutionary war as they thought it was impossible. The
Gevarnian people were able to live in freedom and liberty. The
Centralorian and Earthling relationship grew closer because they had
helped each other to fight for freedom.


Davino’s Freedom Fighters were able to win the revolutionary war

because the Anastasians were overconfident and prepared very few
troops to fight Davino’s forces. Besides, the Freedom Fighters were filled
with determination and inspiration to fight and free Denvorg from
tyranny. Many revolutionary songs were made to help boost the
Freedom Fighter’s morale. The Freedom Fighters never lost hope at all

Alberto Davino managed to convince farmers, labourers, and workers

to fight the Anastasian forces. A lot of farmers and labourers joined
Davino to fight because they had motivation after seeing Davino’s
history as a farmer in a poor family, just like them. Davino had a very
close relationship with the working-class community. They fought
alongside Davino's forces.

Furthermore, the Anastasians had intentions of using the Zra’

Jeraesagichyer airships in the First Revolutionary War to overpower the
rebellions by the non-Anastasians. Eventually, the Anastasians
scrambled all the remaining Zra’ Jeraesagichyer airships that they had
and put them in the skies. There were only 16 of them used throughout
the war. This action completely violated the terms of the Caunrells

During the First Revolutionary War, anti-aircraft guns (AA guns)

were advanced, capable of outranging the Zra’ Jeraesagichyer airships.
There were also other problems with the Zra’ Jeraesagichyer airships.
The Zra’ Jeraesagichyer airships were too slow to burn strategic military
points because Davino’s Freedom Fighters were advancing quickly. The
Anastasians got outraged and decided to burn the cities to take every
non-Anastasian civilian’s life away. Not many civilians perished in the
fires because they took cover in the many bunkers that had been built
since the beginning of the war.

A strategy was implemented by Davino to take advantage of the Zra’

Jeraesagichyer airships to mistakenly burn the Anastasian forces. He
decided to command his Freedom Fighters into guerilla warfare, forcing


the Anastasian forces into the forest. Soon, the Zra’ Jeraesagichyer
airships focused on burning the forest to destroy the Freedom Fighters
and ended up getting tricked into burning the Anastasian forces. Since
they were in the forest, the fires spread quickly, wiping out the enemy.

After the First Revolutionary War, Alberto Davino, one of the

Founding Fathers of the First Republic of Denvorg, was renowned as a
hero and saviour by the people of Gevarnia. The people unanimously
elected Davino as the first President of the First Republic of Denvorg.
Alberto Davino, who once lived as a poor farmer, would become an
accomplished military commander and a president.

Gevarnia was given a new name; Denvorg. On 9 February 1753 AG,

Denvorg became a member of the WOPA. Evroscta and Denvorg became
very close in economic, political and social matters. Denvorg set its
mission to expand its territories to liberate Anastasian-occupied
territories the following year.

During 1757 AG, Denvorg participated in peacekeeping operations

and liberation missions with the deployment of the Denvorgian Armed
Forces and the Denvorgian National Police. This showed a clear
manifestation of Denvorg’s strong commitment to shared responsibilities
in conflict resolution activities. Liberation missions involved expanding
territories and freeing neighbouring countries from the Anastasian

The liberation missions were about to change. The Anastasians

wanted to prevent Denvorg’s expansion into their empire. Anastasian
forces grew stronger and conducted major military offences, slowly
damaging the Denvorgian military forces. The Anastasian forces
managed to push the Denvorgian forces back from where they started.
Denvorg requested help from the WOPA to deploy more forces to defeat
the rapid Anastasian forces.

Even with the WOPA’s help, Denvorg had no chance of defeating the
Anastasian forces. Based on past victories, the Anastasians came up with


various offensive strategies which helped them win. All the Denvorgian
forces could do was try to slow down the Anastasians’ advance.

Extreme air raids were carried out by the Anastasian Air Force,
causing the crippling of the Denvorgian economy. Denvorg began to be
economically unstable.

The assassination of Alberto Davino on the night of 1st September

1760 AG shocked the nation. The ‘era of hope’, which was used by the
Denvorgian people to refer to President Davino’s tenure, had ended
sorrowfully. It was found that three Anastasians assassinated Davino.
All of them were given a death sentence by shooting. A state funeral was
held for Alberto Davino.

Davino had left as a symbol of anti-Anastasian because of his struggle

for freedom and his political ideologies and as the person who brought
democracy to Denvorg and an icon that embraced human equality. His
legacy soon inspired many people like me to fight for social justice,
human rights, and independence.

Ugod Lukas, the Vice President, was sworn in as the second President
at midnight on 2 October 1760 AG. He continued leading Denvorg until
Denvorg’s surrender on 3 September 1760 AG. Ugod Lukas, his Cabinet
members and other Denvorgian government officials were killed by the
Anastasian forces. Reports said that President Ugod Lukas was executed
by beheading in public. The Anastasians intended to do so to anger the
Denvorgian people and to show the consequence of rebelling against the
Anastasians. Elwin Sharma, a well-known politician and one of the
Founding Fathers of the First Republic of Denvorg, fled away from
Sotsielche and hid.

Denvorg suffered a defeat and the people again had to suffer with the
cruel Anastasian rule. The Anastasians established harsher and unfair
laws and punishments for the people who dared oppose them. No one
dared to start a revolution or fight for independence.


The island nation of Evroscta seized to exist. The Anastasian Empire

invaded the nation that had once helped Davino and the Denvorgian
people with the independence movement in Denvorg.

The History subject taught in the Royal Sotsielche School rarely

provided information about Alberto Davino’s independence movement.
Most of the Anastasian military successes and how they were right all
the time were only written down in the History textbooks. I knew that
this was not enough to satisfy my curiosity about factual history.

Besides, the Anastasian government had strict Denvorgian history

censorship in Anastasian-occupied Denvorg. The government would
create fake historical facts about the First Revolutionary War and destroy
or burn any remains of Denvorgian history. There were times when the
government would criticise and defame the works of Alberto Davino
and himself.

Harold and I went to the Library of Sotsielche (now called the Library
of Andrige) and other small libraries in town to do more research on the
history of Denvorg. We found and read old documents and articles
relating to the history of Denvorg. We found interesting books and a list
of events every month before, during and after the revolutionary war.
We searched for more books about Alberto Davino and at the end, we
wrote down all the information we had gathered in our ‘True Facts of
Denvorgian History’ book.

There weren't a lot of books relating to the First Revolutionary War

and Alberto Davino. We still lacked information. In that case, I brought
my other friends who were also interested to take part in this
mini-project. We would discuss the possibilities, and logical
explanations and sometimes debate about history.

Chapter 4

On 13 February 1816 AG, a bus with a URAB sign written on it

stopped in front of Krystasya’s house to pick me up. Krystasya and
Evalette didn’t wave goodbye to me but just watched me leave their
house. I was under a lot of pressure after hearing stories about URAB
camps. I entered the bus and I saw Olympe and Lorenzo who waved at
me to sit next to them. Soon, the bus stopped at other houses to collect
more people.

On the bus, I sat next to my friends and talked about what the South
Intridue URAB Camp would look like and how to survive there. We
were also worried about what was in store for us. We just kept talking to
distract ourselves from worrying. The bus stopped at Port Suaydergyik
and we boarded a ship to Intridue Island. All of us were handcuffed
together throughout the journey to prevent any of us from escaping.
After arriving there, we took a bus again to travel to the city of South

Once we reached there, things were very different as we glanced

inside the camp. There was a lot of screaming. I saw inmates of all ages
enslaved in chains, burdened, and beaten. Most of the guards in charge
were Anastasian women. The atmosphere in the South Intridue URAB
Camp was designed to crush the spirits of its inmates. I knew there was
no way to escape and I had no choice. I had to accept this.

We first registered our names and personal information by writing

everything down on a list. After that, we had to give all of our personal


belongings such as watches, clothes, shoes, and money to the Anastasian

guards. The Anastasian guards would make sure no one had any items
that did not belong to the South Intridue URAB Camp.

Inmates in the South Intridue URAB Camp had to wear a uniform

that was coloured based on Centralorians and Earthlings. Blue uniforms
were for Centralorians while red uniforms were for Earthlings. Males
wore short-sleeved clothes and very thin material for trousers. Females
wore dresses or very short skirts and they would normally be
humiliated by Anastasian guards.

After registering, an Anastasian guard brought Naomie and me to

our rooms. We were separated from Harold, Olympe, Lorenzo, and
Jared. Their rooms were somewhere else. Naomie and I wished them
good luck before we left.

On the way to our room, we saw blood on the floor and dead bodies
lying around. We were disgusted and afraid that they could be us in a
matter of time. We walked in the many dark corridors until we reached
Chamber 15. Our rooms were located inside Chamber 15. In the South
Intridue URAB Camp, each Chamber had 50 rooms and some had more.

The rooms were dark and had small windows. Every day during
bedtime, I would hate it. The room would get cold and so did the bed. I
was not provided with a blanket to keep myself warm. Most of the time,
I was never able to sleep and was lethargic the next day.

The rooms of Olympe, Lorenzo, and Jared were in Chamber 12, which
was located next to an exit and Chamber 13. The path to these two
Chambers, along with Chamber 14, intersected with a huge corridor that
led to the Security Office on one end and an emergency exit on the other
end. This made Chamber 12’s location much further away from
Chamber 15.

Harold’s room was in Chamber 16 which was located opposite

Chamber 15. I was certain that all of us were gonna have limited time to


see each other, knowing that inmates from another Chamber had no
reason to be in another Chamber.

On another note, I managed to find Earthlings who were my friends

on Earth. What were the chances? We stuck close together until they
were transferred to another URAB camp. Only one remained who then
sadly died two months later. I also somehow encountered my close
cousins and we also decided to stick close together.

I remembered the first time I had to do hard labour was around 5:30
p.m. The inmates in Chamber 15 were escorted outside to carry heavy
loads and corpses to the supply rooms and the disposal area
respectively. Naomie and I were walking together, looking around, and
asking the inmates because we didn’t know what to do. Naomie and I
got yelled at by a lot of the Anastasian guards.

Naomie and I continued walking until we were outside. Soon, we

were told to line up in two lines. A line would collect heavy loads while
the other would carry corpses. The Anastasian guards did not say which
line was going to do the tasks. So, we randomly picked a line and lined
up. Naomie and I decided to stick to each other at all times. The line that
we selected needed to carry heavy loads. The Anastasian guards began
enchaining us in heavy rusty chains.

We carried loads like metal, wooden planks, ammunition, food,

clothes, and metal boxes. We spent almost two hours walking back and
forth to carry them. Those who wanted to stop or accidentally dropped
the loads would be shot. In those two hours, I heard multiple shots and
was beginning to get worried. We also had to drag the dead inmates
together with us because we were all enchained together.

After we finished, the Anastasians sent us to the canteen to eat dinner.

The canteen was huge to make sure all of the inmates could fit in.
Although the canteen was huge, it had only two entrances and they
were each guarded by two or more Anastasian guards. The only times
we were allowed to the canteen were during recess, which started at 7:55


a.m. for breakfast, 2 p.m. for lunch, and 7:45 p.m. for dinner. Recess
times were only 40 minutes long.

We entered the canteen and straight away grabbed our food. We were
given rice, vegetables, fish, and water. The food was served in small
portions and all of the inmates were not allowed to add more if they
wished to. I would sometimes get hungry after every meal. Besides,
there was no warm water provided which all the inmates needed during
cold weather.

There, we met Harold, Olympe, Lorenzo, and Jared who had just
finished their work. Olympe’s face was bruised and Harold’s back was
scarred as blood stains could be seen behind his shirt. We sat down
together and shared what we had gone through.

When I asked what had happened to Harold’s back, he replied that he

and several other inmates received 10 canings on their backs. He
described that he felt a burning and piercing sensation after he was
struck for the first time. Everyone there shouted in agony as they were
repeatedly struck by a strong painful cane. After that, they were forced
to work on expanding the URAB camp.

Inmates in Chamber 21 were forced to march to a work site where

they were divided into two groups, males and females. The females
would clear the dead bodies lying around the work site while the males
would set up deadly traps such as landmines and barbed wires.

While marching, Olympe and a few others faced torture as

punishment for not being able to keep up with the march. They were
tied to a chair and then brutally punched by Anastasian guards.
Lorenzo, Jared, and the rest continued their work under pressure and

After dinner, we went out of the canteen to get some air. We also
discussed how to survive the brutality in the URAB camp that we were
going to face soon. We went to talk with someone who had experience


here. They gave us some tips and tricks when we were forced into
something. The most important thing was to not resist anything because
the guards will just end up giving you more punishments. Additionally,
no one was able to escape URAB camps since the URAB’s Great Escapes
of 1789 AG.

The URAB’s Great Escapes of 1789 AG was a fascinating topic to talk

about in most URAB camps. This was well known for a series of
successful escapes by inmates throughout the URAB camps in
Anastasian-occupied Denvorg. Those stories impressed me, but they
couldn’t convince the inmates to try again because the Anastasian had
improved their security and made it deadly.

The guards installed barbed wires everywhere around the perimeter

of the URAB camps. Watch towers also could be seen in every corner;
equipped with bright lights to locate inmates in the dark. The towers
had Anastasian guards carrying a variety of firearms, ready to kill any
inmates who tried to escape. The guards undergo 24 hours of patrolling
with dogs to smell their way to fleeing inmates and take them down. All
the URAB camps were upgraded to have secret tunnels to help
Anastasian guards to get anywhere very fast.

Not only that, the guards laid landmines to kill fleeing inmates,
camouflaged pits with metal spikes to impale the inmates when they fell
in, and an assortment of all sorts of deadly traps, you name it.

That night, everyone was preparing to sleep. Naomie and I decided to

stay up late and talked about friends' stuff. We talked about what we
were going to do after we were released. We shared many thoughts and
also wished that all of it could happen. Both of us knew that one of us or
all of us would eventually get killed, judging by how violent the
Anastasian guards were and the terrible conditions.

That marked my first day in the South Intridue URAB Camp.


The next morning, we were awakened by a loud alarm that went off

throughout the South Intridue URAB Camp. Some Anastasian guards
used their batons to knock on the doors of our rooms so that we could
come out and stand at attention for a morning roll call. After the roll call,
we were given time to make our beds, use the toilets, and wash our

We were then escorted to the canteen to have our breakfast. The

Anastasian guards told us to walk in a single-file line and no one was
allowed to make a noise.

When we were walking to the canteen, an Anastasian guard caught a

girl whispering to someone beside her and both of them were shot. This
made some of the people in the line panic and broke the line only to be
shot by several Anastasian guards. I was terrified and did not want to
get killed. I kept myself calm.

We finally reached the canteen, where we could finally walk freely.

The breakfast was five slices of sandwich and a full glass of cold milk.
After having our breakfast, all of us had to walk to a small theatre to
watch propaganda videos. Those who refused to watch them were
killed. We had no other choice but to go.

This comes to a point where all of the inmates in URAB camps were
required to watch and read propaganda movies and books on why the
Anastasian Empire could benefit both Anastasians and non-Anastasians.

If we were watching propaganda movies, we would be placed in a

small theatre with dirty conditions. Inside those theatres, there weren’t
always enough seats and some of us had to sit on the floor. The
Anastasian guards would punish us if we refused to watch them.

In every room, there would be a shelf full of propaganda books.

Every day after lunch, we had to read them in a library as part of our
one-hour break. The library was monitored by Anastasian guards and


they would shoot anyone if they left the library before their one-hour
reading period.

Every time we were exposed to those kinds of propaganda, some of

us gradually believed it to be true. The Anastasian guards claimed that
exposing propaganda to inmates was a way to re-educate, brainwash,
and indoctrinate them.

After watching propaganda videos, we immediately started to work.

We walked to our workplaces and mostly focused on working to clear
the dead bodies, planting vegetables, expanding and maintaining the
camp, and setting up traps. We were like slaves who were forced into
hard labour before every meal.

After almost two hours of hard labour, we received a very simple

lunch; a plate of rice, a bun, beans, and a slice of cake. Cold water was
the only drink given for lunch.

If you noticed, nutritious meals were prioritised and prepared in all

URAB camps every day. This had got to do with the use of PCBW to
obtain sufficient nutrients from non-Anastasian inmates. The blood
withdrawal procedures in all URAB camps were safe and clean as they
were following strict instructions from the Ministry of Public Affairs.

For the Anastasian guards, raping non-Anastasian inmates to spread

sclorytaes pathogens was seen to be not enough. Back then, the
Anastasian guards were so desperate for the need for nutrients. So much
so that they wanted to increase the spread of sclorytaes pathogens inside
the bodies of non-Anastasian inmates by making huge wounds on
purpose, poisoning meals with sclorytaes, and even injecting them with
sclorytaes! This was done on a large scale to speed up the process.

If anyone disobeyed any instructions, the Anastasian guards would

never hesitate to torture or kill them. However, I found that the
Anastasian guards wanted to minimise the killings of inmates since they


never believed that killing inmates was an effective way to re-educate

them, other than forced labour and torture as punishment.

The methods of torture varied depending on the Anastasian guard’s

mood. Some Anastasian guards would torture inmates for the slightest
infraction of rules such as not finishing meals on time, asking for
additional food, and helping a beaten inmate.

The most common torture methods were beatings, rape, forced

nudity, forced sleep deprivation, mock executions, intimidation by dogs,
hitting wounded areas with metal batons, and tying a rope to either the
neck or leg to be dragged across the floor. I made myself a person who
obeyed every single instruction to prevent myself from being tortured.
However, this wasn’t always the case. Many inmates, including me,
were tortured like that.

One time during a hot afternoon, an Anastasian guard who was in

charge of managing several inmates, including me, forbade us to have
our meals and made us continue our work. We were stacking up some
materials to expand the camp at that time and we were already
exhausted. No one voiced out fearing that they would be killed.

The Anastasian guard intended us to waste our recess time so that we

had to eat late and then be tortured for not finishing on time. This was
unfair! Finally, after 30 minutes, the Anastasian guard allowed us to go
to the canteen. A walk from our workplace to the canteen took about five
minutes. This left us five minutes to eat.

We tried to finish our meals fast, but we were not fast enough. Soon, a
group of Anastasian guards barged into the canteen. They noticed us
who were still eating. They approached our table and pushed one of the
inmates down on the floor. Another Anastasian guard held my neck and
slammed me to the table.

“Disgusting, arrogant people! Why aren’t you all finished?” he asked

angrily. We gave no response as it could cost us our lives.


The Anastasian guard still had his hand holding my neck tightly and
it was painful. I was breathing heavily, withstanding the pain. I needed
his hand off my neck. I had to tell him to let go of his hand.

“Sir, can you please… please let go of my neck?” I asked him as I was
in pain.

He looked at me and did nothing for a second. I was waiting for him
to let go of his hand until suddenly he held my neck even more tightly.
“No,” he replied. Then, he dragged me off my seat and I landed on the

“All of you have broken the rules! Why? It’s very simple to follow the
rules. Now, all of you must pay for your mistakes!” he shouted.

He told his other guards to tie a rope on our legs. Some of us tied the
rope around our necks and to our hands. They dragged us from the
canteen to the Torture Chamber, where we were going to be tortured
there. We passed by many Anastasian guards who laughed at us and
spit their saliva. Some of them threw stones at us!

In the Torture Chamber, the Anastasian guards made cuts on our

bodies and then hit them with metal batons. We were then dragged out
again to an execution post outside. There, the Anastasian guards
blindfolded us and tied us to a wooden pole. “Is this it? Is this how I’m
going to die?” I broke down into tears, feeling despair. I didn’t want to

Some of the inmates there were begging for their lives to be spared. I
heard guns clocking and the command “kudharalst!” which meant “aim”
in the Anastasian language. After hearing them, I trembled and

Suddenly, an Anastaian guard shouted, “Tiguerlaq!” (‘Fire’ or ‘shoot’

in English). I closed my eyes and gripped my hands tightly, thinking I


would die. To my surprise, I heard no shots. The Anastasian guards

tricked our execution and then proceeded to humiliate us. They started
laughing and mocking us.

“Hear this, all of you! This will be a threat to you, disgusting

creatures! A threat that in the future, this will be a real execution!” an
Anastasian guard laughed at us.

I felt relieved, but still in a state of shock. It had kept worrying me

about a future execution where that time, it would be real.

Besides such torture, the Anastasian guards selected anyone with

behavioural issues to be sent to the Experiment Chamber. The
Experiment Chamber performed unethical human experimentation.
There were stories that I heard such as injecting toxic chemicals into
people, deliberating people with infections and diseases, and exposing
and spraying them with noxious substances. These were done so to see
how effective, lethal, and long-lasting their biological and chemical
weapons were.

Poisoned inmates underwent surgeries and dissections for

Anastasians to study them. These were performed on conscious inmates
without the use of anaesthesia. As their bodies were cut open in various
ways, inmates would suffer and face endless pain they had never felt
before. The Anastasians who conducted these experiments were nothing
more than pure sadists.

For your information, most URAB camps used to kidnap Centralorian

and Earthling civilians to be involved in those human experimentations.
Most of the time, they would deprive children and elderly people,
especially the ones who had disorders or disabilities. The Anastasians
would make disabilities do something that they were unable to and
cause more injuries to already injured people.

During my four-year sentence at the South Intridue URAB Camp, I

noticed the growing interest among inmates to plan an escape. Escaping


might seem impossible, but with their precise planning, they made
escaping possible. Doing so was very risky. So, my friends and I weren’t
interested in escaping.

Two years passed since the day my friends and I stepped foot on the
South Intridue URAB Camp. From then on, more and more inmates
formed a group to plan an escape. It became a common thing to talk
about in secret during our free time.

I knew one of the names of the leader of his group. His name was
Aarav Katri and he was an intelligent person who came up with escape
plans so well that a few of his members escaped unharmed!

Aarav was a resolute person with good leadership qualities and he

was admired by many inmates. Almost everyone knew who Aarav was.
I admired his character and we two managed to meet each other. We
became friends.

Harold, Olympe, Lorenzo, and I couldn’t help ourselves from taking

part in the group and listened to Aarav’s next escape plans. We usually
held discussions in secret during recess times. As we were discussing,
we would try to not make it very obvious by whispering, pretending to
have a casual talk, and pretending to laugh to look like we were telling a

Besides in the canteen, some of Aarav’s group members would make

their escape plans in their Chambers every night. There were five people
in Chamber 15 who were Aarav’s group members. I took an opportunity
to listen to their plans. The next day, they would pass on the information
about their escape plans during recess time to be finalised.

I told Naomie and Jared about Aarav’s escape plans and asked them
if they wanted to listen. They were still not interested in listening to
Aarav’s escape plans despite several successful escapes planned by
Aarav. I can’t argue that I didn’t mind at all.


One day before our recess for lunch, we were at the Procedure Lab, a
place where the Anastasian guards would withdraw our blood as part of
the PCBW method. On that day, inmates from Chamber 1 to Chamber 30
were told to withdraw blood. The rest of the inmates from the other
Chambers would have their turns the next day.

We lined up in front of the Procedure Lab for a roll call. During that
period, the Anastasian guards noticed that a lot of inmates had gone
missing. They delayed the whole process and left us waiting for minutes
while the Anastasian guards searched for the missing inmates. This
waiting would take up to 10 minutes of our recess time.

It was already 2 p.m. and it was recess time. Only very few inmates
were left in the Procedure Lab to have their blood withdrawn. As I
watched inmates from Chamber 1 to Chamber 14 leave the Procedure
Lab, I hoped that everything was fast so that we were given time to eat
or lunch. Lorenzo, who had just finished, told me that he would meet
Naomie, Harold and me in the canteen soon.

Right after Naomie had her blood withdrawn, it was my turn.

Naomie had left for the canteen. When I was having my blood
withdrawn, I heard gunshots coming from the canteen. I did not think
much of it because almost every day, some gunshots would be heard
from the canteen. I assumed that it was just Anastasian guards killing a
few inmates to frighten the rest. However, this time was different.
Gunshots were continuously heard and never came to an end. I was
beginning to feel worried.

After finishing my blood withdrawal procedure, I rushed to the

canteen to see what happened. To my discovery, I was left devastated.
The Anastasian guards had massacred all the inmates in the canteen.
Dead bodies of inmates piled up on the floor. Blood was everywhere,
from the walls, tables, chairs, and floors.

I walked around the canteen and found Naomie, Olympe, Lorenzo,

and Jared lying on the floor with blood on their bodies. I couldn’t believe


it! The Anastasian guards killed my friends. To my surprise, Aarav was

also in the canteen at that time and was killed too. The last thing they
ever saw was a group of armed Anastasian guards marching into the

I was filled with anger and also sorrow. This made my hatred towards
Anastasian grow more than before.

Then, Harold and a few other inmates reached the canteen and they
were also left devastated. They quickly find the bodies of their friends
and loved ones only to mourn them. Suddenly, a group of Anastasian
guards and the Camp Commandant, who was in charge of the South
Intridue URAB Camp, entered the canteen and laughed at us.

“This is what you’ll get if you try escaping this URAB camp! I know
what you do all day here in the canteen. I have no other choice but to
stop them. I hope this will be a clear message if you plan to escape! If
you do not take it seriously, I will never hesitate to make you suffer so
unimaginably that you will fear us and what we will do for the rest of
your lives!” the Camp Commandant yelled at us.

The Anastasian guards had left the bodies there, probably to frighten
the other inmates. Later that day, several inmates and I were instructed
to burn the bodies. It was heartbreaking to see them burning. All traces
of them were wiped off the face of the world, only remembered by those
who knew them.

It was my most heartbreaking incident in the South Intridue URAB

Camp. Harold, sadly, didn’t live long enough before our scheduled
release. He passed away in an accident after having his legs blown off by
a landmine when we were working on setting up traps around the South
Intridue URAB Camp.

I kept blaming myself for the death of my friends. This made me not
want to have friends anymore because I was afraid of losing them.


Doing so, I found that I never moved on. Thankfully, I still got my
cousins who were there and did their part of supporting me.

My trauma did not ease and soon I started having delusional

thoughts and hallucinating. That was the moment I knew I needed
friends because I was getting more lonely.

Georges, Dominique and Marie-Jeanne became my new friends. They

knew about my situation and decided to help me go through it and
move forward. It was quite difficult to do so at first.

Sometime later, I began to like her because she made my life

meaningful. She encouraged us to share and talk about our problems on
a personal level, motivated me to always move forward from my past,
and obviously, her beauty. I had never seen a personality so magnetic
nor heard a voice so calming.

I kept my feelings a secret from her, only sharing them with Georges
and Loyiso.

I was released from the South Intridue URAB Camp on 14 February

1820 AG. I returned home and lay down on my bed. I closed my eyes,
trying to forget the sad things that happened in the South Intridue
URAB Camp and take a sigh of relief.

Chapter 5

I went to the South Intridue URAB Camp to collect Georges who had
been released on 11 March 1820 AG. Loyiso and Marie-Jeanne were still
in there, waiting for their release. I was not allowed to see them when I
came over to get Georges. After giving him a welcome, we both walked
to the nearest bus station and we went to his house in the Durwall
Estates (commonly known as Durwall).

Durwall was one of the many residential areas that were strictly for
non-Anastasians only. Anastasians could enter and settle in their houses
only if they had the government’s permission. One of the few exceptions
was that officials from the Ministry of Public Affairs could settle in their
houses to perform PCBW. Another exception was that Anastasian law
enforcers such as police officers could search houses without a warrant.

There, I managed to meet Georges's parents, Mr and Mrs Bizenac, and

his sister, Sadira, who were all extremely happy to see him. Georges and
his family were of Centralorian descent which made them face much
discrimination and mistreatment by Anastasians. Both of his parents
were forced to work for the Anastasian government in publishing
Anastasian propaganda. Sadira was half-paralysed after surviving
violent abuse in her workplace. She spent all her time at home, getting
the care needed by her parents.

Georges and I sat down and I discussed with him that I needed to
stay at his house because I was told to leave Krystasya’s house so that
Krystasya and Evalette could provide shelter to another assigned


Earthling child. He said yes and I thanked him. That evening, I started
packing my belongings in Krystasya’s house and I moved to his house.
Staying at his house in Durwall made me meet many friendly residents
of Durwall.

Besides, I could never forget how friendly Mr and Mrs Bizenac were
when I started staying there. Mr Bizenac was a kind and generous man
who loved his children very much. He was also a very friendly person
and because of that, we became friends easily. He was a person that
liked to wake up early and have his coffee while he read the newspaper
before heading to work. Every morning when I got up from bed, I would
always see him sitting in the dining room.

Mrs Bizenac was a caring wife who was always there for her husband
and a caring mother who also loved Georges and Sadira. Mrs Bizenac
was also a wonderful cook who could make delicious food for our
meals. Georges and I often helped her in the kitchen when Mr Bizenac
was not around.

Lastly, there was Sadira. Although Sadira was half-paralysed, she still
could talk a little. She shared her story with me about how she was in
that condition. Sadira was a victim of discrimination that had a violent
end. Georges and I knew that she couldn’t do much as she was
half-paralysed and was sitting in a wheelchair. We spent a lot of time
with her, keeping her company and not left out. There was a piano there
at Georges’s house, where Georges and I showed our talents and played
songs in front of Sadira.

Durwall wasn’t a strategic place. Whenever we wanted to go out of

Durwall, we had to pass by a dangerous neighbourhood filled with
Anastasian residents. Several Anastasians would insult and throw
objects at us. Their dogs were trained by them to chase and attack any
Earthlings or Centralorians who were in their neighbourhood. There
were no alternative routes to take because taking the different routes was
dangerous as it was near a forest.


A month later, Loyiso and Marie-Jeanne were released from the South
Intridue URAB Camp. On that day, Georges and I waited there to meet
both of them. As Loyiso and Marie-Jeanne walked out of the main gate,
they saw us and ran towards us in excitement. After a month of waiting,
all of us were finally reunited. Soon, all of us headed to Georges's house,
where we could sit down and relax. At Georges's house, we talked about
what we were going to do. We realised that we were not given a chance
to attend colleges to continue studying because the available slots were
reserved only for Anastasians. Besides, we also had to overcome our
ongoing trauma from the South Intridue URAB Camp.

After a while, Loyiso left for his caretakers’ house, where they were
expecting him. We waved him goodbye and hoped that we would meet
again. He promised us that he would come to Durwall to visit us if he
could. Marie-Jeanne, however, was no longer allowed back to her
caretakers’ house as they also needed to provide shelter to another
assigned Earthling child. Georges offered Marie-Jeanne to stay at his
house to which she agreed. I was glad that Marie-Jeanne could stay with
us. This gave me a chance to try to grow close together and build a

During Marie-Jeanne’s stay, she shared her French culture by making

a variety of bread such as croissants, baguettes, pain de campagne,
brioches, and more for every part of our meals. Some of the many meals
she prepared were sandwiches made out of baguettes for breakfast,
croissants with thinly sliced ham and butter for lunch, and brioches with
cream cheese for dinner.

Our missed opportunity to attend college left Georges, Marie-Jeanne

and me without a choice but to start working in our early 20s. As
non-Anastasian citizens, we could only choose from a list of low-paying
jobs. The list included jobs of the working class, ranging from farmers to
factory workers. The jobs provided were not favoured by Marie-Jeanne
because she wasn’t interested in them. We tried telling her that we had
no other choice but to accept those jobs for our survival.


Marie-Jeanne had talked about her being interested in the medical

field. No matter how interested she was, she was not allowed to go to
any colleges to have a degree. She told us that she would find an
opportunity to attend one of the many medical colleges in
Anastasian-occupied Denvorg. The chances were very slim, but
Marie-Jeanne and I believed it was never zero. If she subsequently failed,
her backup plan was to pick a job from the list. From then on, she
applied for medical colleges, one after another each time she was

Georges and I became factory workers that worked in the factory

called Atalogwarnt Taesnig Maasychnie (in English, Atalogwarnt
Manufacturing Factory) which produced Atalogwarnt-branded cars.
Atalogwarnt was a famous Anastasian car brand and it was widely used
within the Anastasian Empire. Loyiso would later join us by the end of
April 1820 AG.

In the factory, Centralorians, Earthlings and Anastasians were

segregated and we worked in different parts of the factory. During break
times, non-Anastasians were given a lesser amount of food and drinks
compared to the Anastasian workers. Sometimes, non-Anastasians
would not be given proper food at all and were forced to eat food from
the garbage. In my experience there, I didn’t see non-Anastasians getting
killed. Additionally, it surprised me that when non-Anastasians
misbehaved, they could be sent to the URAB again, even if someone had
been there before.

On 13 May 1820 AG, Mr and Mrs Bizenac sadly passed away on their
way home as victims of police brutality. The news reached us that night
and their death deeply saddened us. The cause of their death was
unknown, all we knew was that Mr and Mrs Bizenac, including others,
were violently beaten to death in Kuer Lumerse Street. Not only that I
was sad about their death, but I was also angered. In a rage, I ranted
about how non-Anastasians were mistreated by the Anastasian people.


“Calm down, it’s alright. I know, I understand how you are feeling.
You are not the only one feeling that way,” Marie-Jeanne held my hands
in an attempt to calm me down.

At the same time, I looked at Georges who was in tears and looked
like he had already given up hope. Sadira, who was also shocked about
the news, cried in response which made me feel even more upset than
before. Marie-Jeanne sat beside them and tried her best to make them
feel better. I accompanied them by showing empathy and told them,
“I’m truly sorry for your loss. My condolences shall always be with

We were not prepared for anything like this.

In Anastasian-occupied Denvorg, human rights were so limited that

they did not exist at all. Centralorians and Earthlings were severely
tortured and punished when they were involved in criminal activities or
even simply speaking ill about the Empress. Criminals may have not
even received a trial and would get sent to the URAB camps or maybe
executed on the spot.

With no human rights, non-Anastasians were treated unfairly.

Anastasian citizens were very much privileged as they were protected
under a series of laws. I saw that the atmosphere of Anastasian-occupied
Denvorg without human rights was chaotic and filled with
discrimination. Unequal pay, racial discrimination, segregation of races
in schools and the public, arbitrary arrests, detentions without trials,
political executions, slavery, forced sterilisation for Anastasian
experiments, sexual exploitations, domestic sex trafficking and
suppression of free speech. The Anastasians saw themselves as superior
and had no regard for human life that wasn’t Anastasian.

Earthling children who were raised by Anastasians selected to be

their caretakers would be subjected to child slavery and child labour if
their credit points were very low. Earthling children would get
discriminated against by their Anastasian caretakers, in schools by


teachers and Anastasian students and in public. Racial slurs such as

Seboboon, Kududeke, Zanjeemo and the slang ‘impure blood’ to refer to the
fact that Earthlings do not belong to Centralora, were used against

Unequal pay among the people doing jobs with equal value was a
common thing in the private and governmental sectors. Anastasian
employees had higher pay than Centralorians and Earthlings employees.
Segregation in the labour market was practised and made Anastasians
and non-Anastasians work in different jobs. Non-Anastasians often
worked in lower-valued and lower-paid sectors of the economy.

Anastasians had nothing holding them back from recruiting and

coercing any Centralorian and Earthling to be involved in domestic sex
trafficking. This was considered modern slavery because the victims
were forced into sexual acts. The transporting of the victims was usually
domestic and not international.

This had gone on since the first arrival of the Earthlings in the
Anastasian Empire. The victims were usually controlled physically and
psychologically and emotionally. To obtain control over their victims,
traffickers used drugs, emotional tactics and as well as financial means.
Traffickers would use various forms of violence such as rape, and mental
and physical abuse. They also threatened and forced them with
brainwashing and arranged marriages.

Similarly, the sexual exploitation of children, involving children

under the age of 18, was occurring back then. Centralorian and Earthling
children felt unsafe when going out to the public, fearing that they
would be a victim. Once they were a victim, Anastasians would befriend
them and it would create an emotional connection with the intent to
sexually abuse them. In many cases, when children were brought into
exploitative activities, they were beaten and raped so badly that they
were severely injured and could no longer try to escape.


Most Anastasians preserved their tradition and practices of sexually

assaulting non-Anastasian children, having full evil intentions towards
them. However, there were some Anastasians who found this tradition
to be absurd and chose not to follow it.

I knew what traffickers would do to their victims because I had once

asked a few surviving victims myself.

Next was the suppression of free speech. Free speech in

Anastasian-occupied Denvorg was not guaranteed. The people were not
allowed to speak against the government or the commands of the
Empress or else they would be subjected to cruel punishments. Without
the freedom of speech, I felt the development and progress of society
had slowed down. The ability to express opinions and speak freely was
not tolerated. It was illegal to criticise the government. Even a joke about
the Empress was considered treason.

People in Anastasian-occupied Denvorg could not write or say

whatever they wanted. The closing down of anti-Anastasian newspapers
and the controlling of radio and television channels were part of the
Anastasian censorships. The reason provided by the Anastasians was to
‘glorify the Anastasian Empire’.

Propaganda banners were also hung around the walls and buildings
in the cities. Example of propaganda the Anastasians included was the
glorification of the Anastasian Empire and the Empress as an eternal
ruler, spreading negative images and quotes about non-Anastasians in
magazines, newspapers, films and other media, broadcasting Anastasian
ideologies and speeches on the radio and public loudspeakers.

The Anastasians were also taught to hate non-Anastasians at a very

young age which made a lot of Anastasians hate them and further
contributed to the rise of discrimination.

Since the fall of the First Republic of Denvorg in 1760 AG, human
rights violations had been increasing every day. Seeing this around me


angered me a lot. There wasn't a chance for people to become human

rights activists and stand up against those horrible activities because
they would get punished if they were caught by the Anastasian
authorities for inciting violence and violating the Treason to the Crown
Act and the Empire’s Justice Act.

It was then that a leaflet about the Human Rights Volunteers Society
(HRVS) caught my attention. The HRVS was a very secretive
organisation that provided aid to victims of human rights abuses. This
organisation had a few trained doctors and many medical supplies to
treat wounded victims. Therapy sessions were also held by the HRVS to
treat people who had trauma from human rights abuses by Anastasians.
Lastly, the HRVS would provide financial aid to people who are
suffering from financial problems.

Everything was carried out in an underground shelter called the

Forum Shelter, which no Anastasians knew about. The Forum Shelter
became a famous site in modern Denvorg. There was the Forum Shelter
Leadership Body, where a group of members were selected to plan out
activities, manage the organisation, and keep this organisation as secret
as possible. The HRVS was only open for non-Anastasians to apply for

I became a member of the HRVS on 9 June 1820 AG. Right after I

became a member, I started working half-day in the Atalogwarnt
Manufacturing Factory so that I could have time for my human rights
activities. The Anastasians who ran the factory were fine with me
working half-day.

During the early days of my role as a human rights activist, I faced

drawbacks in forced sexual acts in public and getting infected by


heteycluroph ednia.12 It felt like the Anastasians knew that I was an activist
and they wanted to end me. Among the awful experiences that I had,
there was an incident that remained and I still fear it.

At one time, I was at a cafe grabbing a cup of coffee at a cafe outside

Durwall. I was alone and probably the first customer at the cafe because
it just opened. While waiting for my coffee to be made, I spotted a group
of four women outside the cafe and they were acting suspiciously. Two
of them started walking very close to the cafe door and then walked
away after seeing me. The other two circled the perimeter of the cafe.
Looking at them through the windows, I had a strong feeling that they
were Anastasians who were looking for someone to rape.

After being in this kind of situation two times, where these

Anastasian women wanted to rape someone, I knew their pattern and I
could confirm that I was going to be a victim.

After I got my coffee, I planned how I was going to escape. After

thinking about it for a while, I knew what to do. I opened the cafe doors
and walked as fast and as far from them as I could. I started walking fast
and soon looked back to see that they were following me. I lost them
when I got into a more crowded area and thought I was safe. I breathed
a sigh of relief and headed back home, still blending with the crowds.

I was about to board a bus back to the Forum Shelter and it was this
time I spotted the four Anastasian women again. I hid my face and
walked quickly to board the bus. Suddenly, they grabbed my shirt and
dragged me into a quiet alley. I tried escaping by doing physical attacks
Heteycluroph ednia is an infection caused by an attack on the immune system by
sclorytaes pathogens that are present in the body. Heteycluroph ednia only a ects
Centralorians and Earthlings. Heteycluroph ednia will disrupt the whole body.
Symptoms of this disease are fatigue, irregular heartbeat, a longer time for wounds
to heal, gum and teeth aches (not common) and muscle aches. In serious cases,
stroke, abnormal behaviour (sometimes known as Heteycluroph Ednia
Intoxication or just H.E. Intoxication) and uncontrollable cell death also occur.


such as hitting their arms and kicking their legs so that they would let
loose on me. I could not scream because their hands were covering my
mouth. They shoved me down and began threatening me.

I looked at them, begging for mercy and to let me go. They did not
say anything other than one of them saying, “Such a pervert, you looked
at our thighs. Do you really want to get into trouble?” I could not escape
because I was surrounded by three of the women, on the left, right and
in front. The other woman was standing behind me with her hands on
my shirt.

They began doing despicable things to me and threatened to follow

me back home. Thankfully, I managed to run away and lose them again.

A month later, I got heteycluroph ednia which was not very serious.
My symptoms were fever and muscle aches. I took medications such as
antibiotics which helped me recover in about three weeks.

As a member of the HRVS, I took part in many human rights

activities. My fellow volunteers and I visited every non-Anastasian
community to ask and learn from them about their terrible experiences.
We also spread messages in leaflets to promote the HRVS and
encouraged as many non-Anastasians as we could find to join the HRVS.

Besides, We often invite non-Anastasians to the Forum Shelter to

listen to speeches by members about human rights and encourage
everyone to keep remembering how important they were. Spreading the
message of human rights was also done in art forms and infographics.
The visuals were essential for making ambiguous human rights more
concrete and even more personal.

A week after I became a member of the HRVS, the Forum Shelter

Leadership Body decided to provide an underground shelter for victims
who were forced out of their homes, especially Earthlings, and didn’t
have enough money to buy a house to stay. The Anastasian government
refused to aid victims by providing a place to stay or an allowance. The


Forum Shelter had many underground shelters that could allow them to
stay temporarily. Every week, we were getting a lot of victims coming to
the Forum Shelter and demanding shelters for them to stay.

Loyiso bought a house in Durwall after getting enough money and he

had his friends Malee and Inaya stay there. All of them decided to leave
their caretakers’ houses and make a new living with us. Loyiso’s house
wasn’t far away, it was just opposite Georges’ house. When they arrived,
Loyiso introduced his friends, Malee and Inaya to us. Malee, of Thai
origins, did the wai gesture when greeting me. To be polite, I did too.

We would often go to each other’s houses to pay a visit to them.

Sometimes during the month of Ramadan, Inaya invited us to Loyiso’s
house for Ramadan iftar with her Muslim friends. On one occasion, we
broke our fast with a glass of water and some dates, which was the best
and traditional way to break a fast. Then, we had biryani, grilled lamb
with tzatziki, and some vegetables as our main dishes. We got to meet
each other, experience and learn a new culture, and also try fasting the
next day.

During the Eid al-Fitr celebrations, Inaya organised an open house to

get everyone to celebrate and eat together. Families and friends came
together from afar and caught up on some old times together with us.

In the early days of July 1820 AG, the Anastasian Empire launched a
mass recruitment of the best doctors throughout the territories of the
Anastasian Empire to be personal doctors of Empress Daeyowyn and to
treat her who was very ill. The doctors that were invited there were
killed for failing to cure the Empress. As hundreds of doctors were
killed, Anastasian-occupied Denvorg faced a shortage of doctors to treat
its citizens. It was when Marie-Jeanne was finally accepted to a medical
college called the Empress Kavelizuan Medical School after waiting for a
very long time. I felt happy for her and congratulated her. She was very
happy and grateful for finally being able to pursue her passion.


After Marie-Jeanne finished her classes, some of us would pick her up

from school. She was not allowed to stay in the school dorms because all
of them were reserved for Anastasians only. Then at home, Marie-Jeanne
would share her stories and update us. She also mentioned that
sometimes Anastasian teachers and students discriminated against,
mistreated, and harassed her. You can imagine the situations just like in
the Royal Sotsielche School, where I was the victim.

Marie-Jeanne, always filled with positivity, hope and motivation, said

that it didn’t stop her from continuing her studies. That's what I like
about Marie-Jeanne’s character. I had noticed it ever since she was
willing to help me in the South Intridue URAB Camp.

Empress Daeyowyn wouldn’t live long as she died at the age of 82

years old on 14 July 1820 AG. There was a state of national mourning in
Anastasian-occupied Denvorg for two weeks. The next in line of
succession to the throne was supposedly Empress Daeyowyn’s eldest
daughter, Princess Aryta, but the royal family members, including
Empress Daeyowyn, before her death, strongly disagreed. This made
Princess Kikiana, the youngest daughter, take the throne.

The reason behind this was that the Anastasian royal family followed
a traditionally strict Hadrehoue society. The Hadrehoue society was said
to be the purest and most civilised society which consisted of the royals
and the ruling elite. Princess Aryta, being part of the Hadrehoue
tradition, was in a relationship with Tydwath, who was not part of the
Hadrehoue society. Empress Daeyowyn, feeling disgusted with Tydwath
after finding out he was not part of the Hadrehoue society, banished
Princess Aryta and the wedded Prince Tydwath from the royal family.

Princess Kikiana was crowned Empress Kikiana on 2 October 1820

AG. This sparked anger in Princess Aryta and she demanded the throne
be given to her. Empress Kikiana refused which caused the Second
Throne Succession War in the Anastasian homeland between both of
them on 3 October 1820 AG. Empress Kikiana was supported by the
Hadrehoue society and the Royal Anastasian Army while Princess Aryta


was supported by the Lehygreisk and Sawt Mutreean societies which

established an armed force called the ‘Throne Rebels’.

The Second Throne Succession War lasted from 3 October 1820 AG to

11 January 1828 AG, resulting in Princess Aryta’s defeat.

Anastasian-occupied Denvorg was a Hadrehoue majority society

which supported Empress Kikiana as her role of Empress.

Empress Kikiana cared more about keeping her throne than her
territories. The Viceroy of Anastasian-occupied Denvorg during that
time, Zikaya Endaya, was given full authority over Anastasian-occupied
Denvorg by Empress Kikiana. She decided to send Centralorians and
Earthlings with credit points of below 90 points to fight in the Second
Throne Succession War. None of my friends that I knew and I had credit
points below 90 points.

The funny thing was Empress Kikiana was very dependent on her
government as her advisory council. She was an indecisive person
without her advisors to advise her. She also had no leadership qualities.

The Anastasian government imposed taxes on its citizens throughout

the Anastasian-occupied Denvorg. These are a few of many that were
imposed on non-Anastasians.


Type of tax Tax rate charged in In modern-day

Anastasian currency Denvorgian Dollars
(Kehrel, KH) every ($)

Income tax KH 250 $16.67

Ownership tax KH 80 for every $5.33 for every

property owned property owned

Household tax KH 25.20 $1.68

Anastasian KH 45 $3
protection services

Food consumption KH 0.50 per goods $0.03 per goods


Energy consumption KH 50 $3.33


The tax charged was ridiculously high. Back then, non-Anastasians

who were working in low-paying jobs had an average monthly income
of only KH 2,000 and some struggled with debt. The Anastasian
government had indiscriminately imposed taxes on non-Anastasians
which created a huge problem in Anastasian-occupied Denvorg –
unequal taxation. Besides, wealthy non-Anastasians and the entire
population of Anastasian citizens were charged lesser compared to the

During this time, the Anastasian Empire also introduced a new law
mandating all shop owners to force Earthlings and Centralorians to
queue behind all Anastasian customers, even if the Anastasians arrived
later. This law was introduced because Anastasian-occupied Denvorg
saw severe shortages in all types of products at that point and this law
was a way of ensuring that the Anastasians citizens would always have
enough, while completely ignoring the needs of non-Anastasians.


This law also heavily affected me and my friends; there were several
days when we could not buy enough food. And the little luxuries in life
that we could previously afford, such as books and paper, were
completely unattainable now due to this law.

The extremely few Earthling or Centralorian shop owners that were

near to us, and whom I knew well, were all forced to close down as they
could not bring themselves to enforce such an unfair rule.

Since the Second Throne Succession War broke out in the Anastasian
homeland, Empress Kikiana needed a lot of money to support her
armies. To do so, Empress Kikiana thought of increasing tax charges
more than before. By June 1821 AG, she passed the Writing Materials
Act, Territorial Endowment Act, Financial Burden Act, and
Transportation Act which were taxes imposed directly on
non-Anastasians throughout the Anastasian Empire.

The Writing Materials Act that was passed on 5 June 1821 AG placed
a tax of KH 5 for every writing material such as papers, pencils, letters,
and more. The Territorial Endowment Act was passed two days later
and it required non-Anastasian citizens of the Anastasian Empire to
provide half of their daily food and supplies to the soldiers who were
going to be stationed at the Anastasian homeland to fight in the Second
Throne Succession War. Those who refused would be taxed to replace
the absence of food and supplies.

The Financial Burden Act that was passed on 17 June 1821 AG was to
financially aid Anastasians who were affected by the Second Throne
Succession War by a tax on non-Anastasians. Finally, the Transportation
Act, which was passed on the same day, placed a tax on non-Anastasians
for every vehicle they own, every public road they used, application for
a driving licence, transferring of vehicle ownership, and being a
passenger of public transport.

Chapter 6

During my time in the HRVS, I wondered how the Anastasian

Empire’s politics worked and how it affected Denvorg. I had thought
about using that information to my advantage during my pursuit of
Denvorgian independence.

Compared to democracy, this evil empire was an absolute

monarchical form of government. The Empress, who is still Empress
Kikiana to this day, was the head of state and head of government.

Her Majesty the Empress, or Keisf Cajistaet zra’ Qerandosha in the

Anastasian language, wielded absolute power with heavenly titles such
as ‘Daughter of the Heavens’ and ‘Profile of God Among the People’.
The Empress also had legislative, executive and judicial powers in her
hands. However, the Empress did not have full judicial power. She
would be advised before she could punish criminals. Her judicial
powers were followed by her power to make laws and annul them.

The empire’s government or mainly known as the Royal Advisory

Assembly was a unicameral legislature and it strictly prohibited having
any political parties. It was also an advisory body of the Anastasian
Empire and it advised the Empress on issues that were important in the
empire and judiciary punishments. The Empress appointed all 75
members. The assembly was officially held in Yukianaj Palace in Yuacraf.

The Empress also presided over the Royal Advisory Assembly and
the Empress's Cabinet. The Empress's Cabinet consisted of the Empress,


the Crown Princess, the Speaker of the Royal Advisory Assembly, and
seven close loyal advisors to the Empress as its members. The Speaker of
the Royal Advisory Assembly had no power and was only the symbol of
loyalty to the Empress, the empire, and the advisory body.

There was no confirmation of the establishment of the empire’s

constitution. The government was led by the Empress, who ascended
the throne on 2 October 1820 AG. No national elections were permitted.

The Anastasian law specified that the succession of power as Empress

shall be passed down from a ruling family to only the daughter of the
same family, like a hereditary monarchy.

The Anastasian royal family comprised Empress Kikiana and her

close relations. The core of the royal family was made up of Empress
Kikiana, Emperor Consort Elvex, Crown Princess Aerica, Crown Prince
Consort Dereb, Princess Hashetrie, Princess Perelywn, and Prince

Princess Aryta was also part of the royal family until she was exiled
when she married Prince Tydwath, an outsider to the royal family’s
traditional society. The royal family’s residence was in Ordetrouh Palace,

Crown Princess Aerica was the next in the line of succession to the
throne. She was married to Prince Dereb who was Prince Consort.
Princess Hashetrie was the second daughter of Empress Kikiana and
Emperor Consort Elvex. Following that, Princess Perelywn was the third
daughter and Prince Kaldore was the only son of Empress Kikiana and
Emperor Consort Elvex.

The Imperial Dependencies Council served as a local legislature for

all the Anastasian-occupied foreign territories and colonies. It was led by
the Viceroy who was the head of administration for the Anastasian
Empire’s territories. The council usually had five members and they
were appointed by the Viceroy. The Imperial Dependencies Council and


the Viceroy had the role of maintaining and keeping peace in the
empire’s territories and punishing criminals in their regions. The council
followed strict orders from the Empress.

Chapter 7

After some time participating in human rights activities under the

HRVS, I decided to take a big step. I wanted independence, the revival of
Denvorg. I kept asking myself, “This is quite a drastic step, are you sure you
are up for this challenge?”. I had to first find supporters to follow me in my
progress. Many reasons and causes convinced me to devote myself to
the pursuit of Denvorgian independence.

Denvorg needed to be free from the autocratic and corrupt leadership

of the Anastasian Empire. The massive tax burden on non-Anastasians
of the working class, the skyrocketing poverty, and the strict rules of
racial segregation among Anastasians, Centralorians, and Earthlings had
gone on under Anastasian rule for too long and had to be abolished.

I presented this interest to my human rights activist friends. Some

agreed to join me and some did not. I visited some people in my
neighbourhood and other communities to ask them if they were
interested in the independence of Denvorg. That was how I got people to
team up with me. With more people supporting me, it led me to create
an organisation called the ‘Freedom Movement’ on 13 July 1821 AG.
This organisation was very secretive, just like the Human Rights
Council, to avoid Anastasians from knowing.

Soon after the Freedom Movement was formed, other small

organisations were secretly created throughout the Anastasian-occupied
Denvorg. All of these organisations were open for membership for
Centralorians and Earthlings. Some of the non-Anastasians didn’t want


to join and didn’t encourage us in forming these organisations. It was


I tried keeping the activities of the Freedom Movement secretive. I

tried many ways, which were discussed by the members, to keep it as
secretive as possible. We tried sending out flyers and leaflets to
non-Anastasians living around near us about the existence of the
Freedom Movement and to encourage them to attend the talks
organised. This way, non-Anastasians knew what our goals and plans

The talks organised were not only in one fixed location. We

strategically chose a location where no Anastasians could find us.
Besides, we had some volunteers who were armed with pistols and
batons to protect the attendees from Anastasians. Based on my
experiences, no Anastasians could find us when I was giving talks.

I also used the Forum Shelter, where human rights activities were
held, to deliver my speeches about fulfilling the desires for
independence to non-Anastasians who were interested. From time to
time, more people joined the Freedom Movement after several small
speeches and various efforts I made.

I was worried that some members would not support me because the
Freedom Movement was still weak. As the founder of the Freedom
Movement, I needed to have leadership qualities to show that I was the
perfect man for this job. I often held meetings with my members on how
to secretly expand the ideas to the public more efficiently. I also used my
ways and tactics in spreading human rights to help with my Freedom

On 24 November, there was an official meeting held between the

members of the Freedom Movement, Free Denvorg Organisation, New
Freedom Fighters, Nationalist Brigade, and the People’s Revolutionaries.
The meeting was about a proposal of merging those organisations into
one major organisation. The discussions lasted for almost a day.


The Gevarnian Democratic Movement Alliance or GDMA, consisting

of the five organisations, was created on 26 November 1821 AG. The
GDMA had independent leaders for each member organisation. There
was no supreme leader for the GDMA. Whenever there was an issue or a
meeting to discuss plans, it would be brought up at the Founders’
Conference. It consisted of me from the Freedom Movement, Aleksander
Damo from the Free Denvorg Organisation, Tericead Cefur from the
New Freedom Fighters, Arthit Wang from the Nationalist Brigade, and
Joseph Atonal from the People’s Revolutionaries.

All of us were known as the Presidents of the GDMA.

In March 1822 AG, the GDMA sent out spies to spy on the Viceroy
and her plans. We wanted to use all the information we could get to our
advantage and use it against her. The GDMA spies were highly trained
to perform their job. The spies had small cameras that could take
pictures and voice recorders to record verbal conversations for
information. Secret documents were also seized from the Viceroy’s office.

By the end of that month, the spies had provided the Presidents of the
GDMA with a lot of useful information. However, there was one
interesting piece of information that amazed us.

The Viceroy was secretly very greedy and had secret ambitions to
overthrow the Empress. She used the Second Throne Succession War as
her advantage to build up her army and conquer the Anastasian
homeland. She had Anastasian people who supported her and
volunteered to be her armies and they were called the ‘Conqueror’s
Establishment’ under the leadership of the Viceroy.

In the same month, other organisations such as the United Republican

Front (UREF), Denvorgian People’s Assembly (DPA), and
Anti-Anastasian Association (AAA or also known as the Triple-A)
wanted to establish a pact with the GDMA after finding out that we had


the Viceroy’s secret plans. Those organisations also wanted to do the

same thing as us.

We agreed on the establishment of a pact and we began working with

each other to plan to have a negotiation with the Viceroy, manipulating
her into giving us independence and threatening her with the
information. A huge plan was set up that could have determined our

According to the plan, we sent out letters under a fake organisation

name to the Viceroy, requesting to negotiate in the following month. The
Viceroy obviously hated the Centralorians and Earthlings and denied
our request. We tried sending more requests, but it did not work. Soon,
we sent out letters with something extra; we added the list of the
Viceroy’s leaked secret plans and threatened to expose it to Empress
Kikiana if our request for negotiation was not accepted.

The Viceroy began to be paranoid and wanted the leaders of the

organisation to be captured. We started to move around so that we could
not get captured by the Anastasian police. On the night of 17 April 1822
AG, when the Anastasians police were dispatched, I quickly went back
to Durwall and told Georges and Sadira what had happened as they
were about to leave for Loyiso’s house. I told Georges to get some of our
clothes, food, and water. While Georges was packing them, I erased and
got rid of any obvious traces that could lead the police from finding us.

We were not going to be in Durwall for a long time.

While helping Georges and Sadira to pack the stuff, I reached out to
the telephone to call Loyiso, who was with Malee, Inaya, and
Marie-Jeanne, to prepare to evacuate Durwall. I also had to tell them
everything because they didn’t know what had happened.

“Let’s not waste time! Prepare to evacuate! The police are going to
search this damn place because it’s filled with Earthlings,” I told them.


“But that isn’t part of the plan,” Inaya said.

“We didn’t expect the Viceroy to react like this. This… this is the
backup plan,” I responded.

“What the hell did you do?” Loyiso took over the telephone.

“We did according to the plan and –” I was cut off by Loyiso.

“And you failed?!” Loyiso interrupted.

“No, we did not fail! I have a backup plan and the backup plan is to
leave right now!” I said.

“I am already not happy with you doing this and you are going to get
us killed with your silly mistakes!” accused Loyiso.

“For goodness sake, this is not a silly mistake!” I was angered.

Marie-Jeanne took the telephone from Loyiso and told me, “You, stop
fighting already!” She then raised her voice at Loyiso, “And you, Loyiso,
can’t you see that at least he’s trying to save us from the police who are
after us! It’s pointless if you go on and continue to fight like this. Why
can’t you be supportive?” Marie-Jeanne then went to the telephone and
said, “We’ll prepare ourselves and we’ll see you outside,” Marie-Jeanne
said before ending the call.

All of us were escorted by armed GDMA members out of Durwall.

Hiding in the surroundings, we saw many groups of Anastasian police
officers entering Durwall to find me. “They are going to torture the
residents there for answers,” I said to myself. We went to someplace safe
and we managed to meet the rest of the organisation members.

“Well, this is the backup plan. We’ll keep moving and maybe take
shelter in the forest or the sewers,” I told everyone.


“The sewers? Oh hell no,” Adans Parra, the leader of the AAA

“We have no other way. There’s a chance we won’t get captured if we

stay underground. Okay, does anyone have updates to share? I added.

“Yes. I had been told that Endaya is going to shut down all the
communication lines. Probably she doesn't want us to share the
information with the Empress,” Adam Bouchard, the leader of the UREF

“That smart little…,” I groaned angrily before continuing, “We will be

using letters to communicate then.”

“People, can I have your attention, please? Leaders of the

organisation must not be together at this time. It would be dangerous. I
suggest that all of us go into different paths.” Arthit Wang shared.

“I agree,” I said.

“Also, anyone who has brought along their close friends, keep them
with you,” I announced.

It was going to be difficult to keep the member’s close friends safe.

Our main priority was to protect the leaders first, then the rest. Each
leader was given a firearm to protect themselves. I had a Grevol 19, a
semi-automatic pistol. My group consisted of me and Aleksander Damo,
ten GDMA members (out of which, five of them were armed) three
representatives from UREF, DPA, and AAA respectively, and 16
members’ close friends, including Georges, Sadira, Malee, Loyiso, Inaya,
and Marie-Jeanne.

After dividing ourselves into smaller groups, we went our separate

ways and went on a search for a safe place to stay. This went on for three
days before the Viceroy accepted our request to negotiate together. In
those three days, we had been travelling back and forth between


Sotsielche and Kenas on the outskirts of the city. That night, we slept in
abandoned farmhouses on the outskirts of Sotsielche.

The next day, we had to leave Sotsielche for Kenas because the
Anastasian police were everywhere and it was risky. Some members
were already caught and they had been tortured for information about
the leaders’ locations. I could not risk losing members to be tortured.
Aleksander and I agreed to move to Kenas. We were doing it in

We spread out and took different modes of transportation; some of us

took a taxi to Kenas while the rest took a bus. We reached Kenas at
around 6 p.m. and we quickly got to a remote area to spend the night.

On that night, we wrote more letters to the Viceroy to call for a

ceasefire with her police force. We also wrote that we could find many
ways to expose the leaked secret plans to the public and the Empress. In
my letter, I wrote quite a lot of threats and demands to make sure that
the Viceroy was afraid of us. Then, we had one of our representatives
send the letters, labelled ‘Urgent Message’ to the Viceroy.

On the second day, we mostly spent the day communicating with

each other, sending more messages to the Viceroy, and sending some
spies to collect more information in the Viceroy’s office for the last time.
Not only that, all the members decided to expose a little bit of the secret
plans to the public, causing a wave of widespread rumours.

We also heard messages that members from different groups were

captured and killed while trying to escape the Anastasian police. The
captured ones could not be found anywhere. Adans Parra, the leader of
the AAA, was killed in a gunfight trying to defend himself. Hearing
these messages made me afraid to lose my friends. I also shared the
updates with everyone to remind them to stay safe.

Other than that, we set up tents for us to take shelter in, scouted
around our area to maintain our safety and trained to use our weapons


properly. During meal times, some of us would disguise ourselves to try

to blend in with the people in the city to get food and water for us. We
were quite safe and no Anastasian police could find us. I also spent my
time with my friends and tried developing a relationship with

It was 20 April 1822 AG, the third day. The spies informed me with a
message early in the morning saying that the Viceroy had been deciding
whether to negotiate with us or not. However, her police force was still
hunting us and there was no news of them agreeing to a ceasefire. There
were also more messages of some members going missing or being

I started my day by eating a few slices of bread for breakfast. Some of

the other members were also awake and joined me for breakfast. While
eating breakfast, I went through the recent messages and reports to keep
me updated. Other than that, I got to know everyone’s names in my
group when having a few small chats. Georges was there with me too,
happily meeting some of them.

When I noticed Marie-Jeanne woke up, I thought it was a good idea

to bring her breakfast and start a casual conversation from there.

“So, are you okay with skipping a few days from college?” I asked
her, trying to start a conversation.

“Well, at least I am taking off from stress at school. Why do you ask?”

Marie-Jeanne replied.

“Oh, okay. I was just… uh… wondering, that’s all,” I answered.

“So tell me, how’s your sleep? How are you feeling around here?”
Marie-Jeanne asked me. At that moment, I realised that this conversation
was going to be awkward.


“I slept fine. I got some good sleep. Did you sleep well last night?” I
awkwardly asked.

“I slept… well… Thanks for asking.” Marie-Jeanne smiled.

I tried to stop the awkwardness by trying to talk about something

else, “Do you feel safe around here with some armed people protecting
us? I’m a little concerned about everyone’s safety, especially our friends
and of course, you.”

“I don’t know if it’s going to be safe. Your guys are just lightly armed
with pistols,” Marie-Jeanne explained.

“Well, at least they have something to shoot,” I responded.

“You know, I just feel much more protected and confident that I am
safe around you, Georges, and all of them,” Marie-Jeanne added.

“Yeah, I guess you can say it that way. You know, I do actually feel
confident and happy when I’m around you,” I answered.

She looked at me for a second, smiled, and then looked away.

Soon, Aleksander and Malee joined our conversation to keep in touch

with us. The plan I had made to talk with Marie-Jeanne alone was
interrupted by them but at least there was not much awkwardness when
they joined in.

In the evening, the Viceroy accepted our request for negotiations,

being paranoid that our rumours would spread to the Empress. The
Viceroy and I had talked over the telephone and she agreed to a ceasefire
between her police force, GDMA and its allies, and promised not to kill
anyone. We talked more and I demanded the negotiations be done
immediately. She had no choice but to accept it. We would be meeting
the Viceroy at her residence in Sotsielche.


We sent messages to the other groups to let them know that the
Viceroy had agreed to a ceasefire. We celebrated our success in
convincing the Viceroy to agree with us. We did not get overconfident
though, the real stage had been set for us in Sotsielche. We packed up
our stuff and prepared to leave.

As we were leaving, we were greeted by a crowd of Centralorians

and Earthlings. They were all armed and wanted to escort us to the
Sotsielche to which we agreed. I appreciated that they were going to
help shield us from police who would try to attack us.

Centralorians and Earthlings cheered for us when we entered the city.

A lot of people were cheering and it soon turned into a chant: “Bring us
freedom!” indicating that they wanted us to achieve independence for
them. I smiled and waved at everyone. We were all struggling to get to
the bus station because there were too many people blocking our path.

As we were walking, Marie-Jeanne and I accidentally touched each

other’s hands. We looked at each other, feeling embarrassed, and smiled
awkwardly. We didn’t think much and proceeded to just hold hands
while we walked with the crowds.

As we got onto the bus, everyone was waving at us and continued to

chant, followed by much applause. I saw a few Anastasian police officers
standing in the crowds looking at us with disgusted faces.

We managed to get to Sotsielche and waited for the rest of the

members to arrive. We were greeted by Centralorian and Earthling
civilians who supported us. I took my time to stop and shake hands with
many supporters. As soon as the rest of the members arrived, we took
taxis to go to the Viceroy’s residence. The streets were filled with
supporters celebrating our arrival. The streets became congested and the
taxis could not move, delaying us. Not long after, a convoy of black
SUVs stopped in front of us and a few people in tuxedos got out. They
told us that the Viceroy had offered us a ride to her residence to which
we agreed.


The supporters followed us to her residence and they were stopped at

the front gate. As the convoy reached the front gate, we were told that
only organisation members were allowed inside the Viceroy’s residence.
My friends got out and wished me good luck and they hoped to hear
good results before they walked away. I was nervous.

When we entered the Viceroy’s residence, we were given dinner

before the negotiation started. All of us were in the dining room and we
were treated nicely. There, we further discussed what to say to the

I whispered to Arthit Wang who was sitting beside me, “Look at all of
this, the Viceroy is so afraid of us, she gave us a ride here just now, and
now she is treating us very well.”

“I know, right,” Arthit Wang laughed. “By the way, there is a lot of
good food here on the table. Now we know where all the food from the
people goes!” he added.

“Ah yes, her people are starving and they are begging for food while
she is at her fancy residence enjoying all the food to herself. More or less
like the Empress herself! What are the differences between them? I only
see them as selfish pigs!” I made a point to Arthit Wang.

After dinner, we had to wait for the Viceroy to be ready to talk to us.
We took our seats in the conference room and gathered all the Viceroy’s
secret plans as proof to show her. Soon, the Viceroy entered the
conference room and started the negotiations.

“Excuse me, Madam Viceroy. Before the negotiation starts, can you
allow me to express my condolences to the AAA?” Aleksander

The Viceroy nodded her head.


“To all the AAA members, we are sorry for your loss. Adans Parra
was a great man and I am sure he did many good things. Not only
Adans Parra but all the members. Some members had lost their lives
trying to escape from the Anastasian police. You all have my
condolences,” Aleksander sighed.

After sharing our condolences, we focused on our negotiation with

the Viceroy.

“Now, I want to know how you all got my secret plans?” the Viceroy
We sat in silence, not wanting to expose our secret spy agency.

“Are all of you deaf? I just asked how you got my damn plans?” she
said, agitated at our silence.

“Can we just get straight to the negotiations? It does not matter how
we got your plans,” I said to move forward with the negotiations.

“We will continue once you tell me how you got my plans!” said the
Viceroy, who was visibly frustrated.

“We will not tell you how we got your plans. As I said, it does not
matter. If you refuse to move forward with the talks, we will just release
your plans.” I stated firmly.

“Where’s your proof of my plan? I still don’t believe you can convince
the Empress. After all, why would she trust a few disgusting
Centralorians and Earthlings over a Viceroy?” she said dismissively.

“Well then, good luck trying to explain these to the Empress,” I said
before taking our proof.

I presented the pictures, voice recordings, and documents to her. The

Viceroy was shocked to see all of her secret plans. We told her that the
Empress was going to kill her if she found out.


“I think you’ll see that it is best if you agree with us because we can
simply just share these with the Empress and you will be considered a
traitor. Even if you tried everything to prevent communication with the
Empress, rumours can always be spread around. Tell me, can you stop
the rumours? Even if it is not spread through rumours, we still can find
ways, just like how we found ways to discover your secretive plans,” I
told the Viceroy in a serious tone.

The Viceroy thought for a while.

“You better agree with us, not only to save thousands of lives but to
save yours too. We both have a common enemy. It’s the Empress. You
know that all of us are against the Empress.”

“We’ll have an agreement. What do you need?” the Viceroy hesitantly

asked me.

“I, on behalf of all the members of the GDMA, UREF, DPA, AAA, and
the non-Anastasians, demand you to stop sending Centralorians and
Earthlings to fight in the Empress's wars and to stop mistreating people.
Mistreatments such as the non consensual PCBW must be put to an end.
We also demand you to immediately release inmates from the URAB
camps, to not kill any non-Anastasians, to co-operate with us, to release
the members that have been captured, and to give us freedom and
independence especially.

In exchange, you can slowly build up your Conqueror’s

Establishment to overthrow the Empress. Your army shall not be made
up of Centralorians and Earthlings. You, Madam Viceroy, shall not
interfere with our activities and we shall not interfere with yours. You
shall also accept every request that we are going to make.

We will not expose your secret information to the Empress if you

agree with us. Do you have any questions?” I explained.


“You cannot make me accept every request you make!” the Viceroy

“Unless you want me to expose everything to the Empress.” I replied.

“Alright then. I will pretend that I’m still loyal to the Empress and I
will make false reports and none of your activities will be reported. Let
me build up my army first, once I am ready, I’ll leave Denvorg alone and
Denvorg will be yours. I suggest you build your army to fight against
the Empress if she realised that Denvorg isn’t under my control.” the
Viceroy added.

An agreement was made and it was signed by the Viceroy and the
leaders of the allied organisations. We vowed that we would not break
the agreement as it would destroy the Anastasian-occupied Denvorg. We
were escorted by them out of the residence everyone celebrated because
the Viceroy had agreed with us. They heard our conversation in the
conference room on the radio.

The crowds thanked all of us for speaking on their behalf. Friends

and families hugged each other to celebrate this historic day. Moving
through the crowds, I saw my friends celebrating my success. We gave
ourselves a big hug and we went back home to Durwall. I was
exhausted and needed to rest during that day.

“The Viceroy will not pose a threat to us anymore!” I shouted and

everyone cheered and clapped.

The residents of Durwall also celebrated my success and came over to

my house to take pictures and shake hands. Since Georges’ house was
quite big, we both agreed to turn the ground floor of his house into a
GDMA headquarters. Some of the GDMA members would be working
there and would go back once their shift ended.

We arranged the time for when the GDMA headquarters would be

opened and closed.


“So Loyiso, I did something… good. We’re going to have more…

freedom than before,” I told Loyiso.

“Maybe I was wrong for not supporting you. I’m sorry I didn’t
support you most of the time. I guess,” Loyiso apologised.

On the next day, the Viceroy announced in newspapers that she had
put an end to discrimination against Centralorians and Earthlings. In the
following statement, she ordered the release of inmates from the URAB
camps and be given humane treatment. Later that day, the Viceroy
announced that everyone had the freedom of assembly.

Marie-Jeanne went back to Empress Kavelizuan Medical School to

continue her studies without fearing any more discrimination there.

We need to prove to the people that we were capable of pursuing

independence. That way we would gain more and more supporters. Not
only that, we had to prepare to bear arms to fight a possible invasion by
the Empress's army to take down the Viceroy. The rumours were already
spreading and they would eventually reach the Empress. Our first step
was to gain as many supporters as we could.

From April to May 1822 AG, all of the organisations held talks in big
cities to draw the attention of big crowds. It did manage to get a lot of
supporters. Additional smaller organisations were created in eastern
Denvorg, mainly in the State of Langley, the State of Upper Langley, and
the State of Norfordland. They had heavy influence over those regions.
The GDMA, UREF, DPA, and AAA influences dominated the entirety of
western Denvorg.

Throughout May, we told the Viceroy that we needed more munitions

from neighbouring countries to train and build up our armed forces. I
requested the neighbouring countries of Dylera, the Gaboran Kingdom,
and Bertznia to provide weapons, armoured vehicles, military aircraft,
and warships to us. The Viceroy also shared her statement, saying that


they would not be blocked by a naval blockade. The shipments were free
from harm to reach Denvorgian soil. The three countries agreed and
started providing munitions to us after we agreed to an agreement.

All the news reported in Anastasian-occupied Denvorg about our

activities were censored and covered with fake reports to prevent the
Empress from finding out. The Imperial Dependencies Council of
Denvorg tried many ways to prevent anyone from sharing the truth
about the Anastasian-occupied Denvorg’s situation. One of the many
ways was that everyone in Anastasian-occupied Denvorg was not
allowed to leave for another country without direct approval.

This led to a schism between the Anastasian people in

Anastasian-occupied Denvorg. There were two factions, one who
supported the Conqueror’s Establishment and the other who remained
loyal to the Empress. The Anastasian military stationed in
Anastasian-occupied Denvorg betrayed the Empress and became part of
the Conqueror’s Establishment.

Another talk was held in the city of Monero, Bremand and I was
informed that the GDMA would be bearing arms to build and train
soldiers to fight a possible invasion or a war. I continued by talking
about how to prepare for war and how important it was to be prepared.

I later concluded that the rumours were already spread and could
reach the Empress. Whether the rumours were true or not, the Empress
would send her armies to destroy Anastasian-occupied Denvorg.

By the end of May, only a few people joined the GDMA to be soldiers.

On 3 June, the leaders of UREF, DPA, and AAA decided to meet up

with the leaders of the GDMA at the abandoned Obelisk Building. The
Obelisk Building used to be the city hall of Sotsielche before it was
transferred to another building. Although the Obelisk Building was
abandoned, the interiors were still kept in very good shape. There, we


wanted to decide together if they could merge all of these major

organisations into a big superior one.

We later agreed to merge the organisations with some agreements. A

new organisation called the People’s Front was established. Soon, we
came up with flag ideas for the People’s Front. We did not take a very
long time to create and decide on the flag and logo. The flag of the
People’s Front was the flag of the Republican Tricolour (the national flag
of Denvorg) with three stars in the centre of the flag, representing
‘Bravery, Freedom, Justice’ as the motto of the People’s Front, on top of
four rhombus shapes of blue, white, yellow, and black colours.

The next day, the leaders and I invited the rest of the members to meet
up in the Obelisk Building. An election was held to choose the members
of the Executive Committee (ExCo) and other members of the People’s
Front. The ExCo consisted of the President, the Vice President, the
President of the General Assembly, four PF (People’s Front) Secretaries,
four Deputy Secretaries, and the Treasurer-General.

I did not get elected as the President or Vice President. I eventually

got elected as the President of the General Assembly. I mostly played a
role in organising meetings and presiding over the General Assembly’s
proceedings. I had lost my powers as a founder of the organisation that I
had used to lead.

The People’s Front was beginning to gain popularity in

Anastasian-occupied Denvorg. The People’s Front was famously known
as a national organisation with four branches; the General Assembly, the
Board of Security (BOS), the Court of Justice, (COJ) and the Resource
Management Agency (RMA). The Obelisk Building became a
headquarters for the People’s Front because of its amazing features such
as large underground bunkers and large building interiors, and it was
much further away from the populated areas of Sotsielche to prevent
being attacked.


The General Assembly was a deliberative assembly for all the

members of the People’s Front. It was in charge of resolving issues and
debating recommendations through discussions and debates related to
development and security. The General Assembly also elected members
of the ExCo, members of the BOS, judges of the COJ, and members of the
RMA. Additionally, the General Assembly decided on the admission of
new organisation members.

The General Assembly had 211 seats, each occupied by the ExCo
members, 120 representatives from all 12 States in Denvorg, 28 selected
members from the BOS, and 49 members from the RMA.

The Board of Security, or BOS, was responsible for the maintenance of

security. It consisted of 30 members; 10 permanent members and 20
elected members. The President and Vice President of the People’s Front
were part of the 10 permanent members. The BOS was also responsible
for mobilising the People’s Front paramilitary force to defend Denvorg
and fight for independence.

The Court of Justice, or COJ, was established right after the Second
Revolutionary War broke out. Its purpose was to resolve disputes among
the Anastasian prisoners of war (POW) and to punish them under the
Caunrells Protocol and other international laws. The COJ was split into
two bodies; the High Court and the Lower Courts. The High Court
consisted of six elected judges from the General Assembly and was the
final interpreter of international laws to resolve complex issues relating
to the punishment of Anastasian war criminals. Meanwhile, the Lower
Courts were where trials of ordinary Anastasian war criminals would be

The COJ also tried traitors who betrayed the People’s Front and
joined forces with the Anastasians. I gave strict orders to catch the
traitors alive to be sent for trials. I told the COJ to punish the traitors and
execute them by the same method as the Anastasian POWs (prisoners of


The traitors, consisting of members of the People’s Front and even

non-Anastasian citizens who were found to be supporting or
collaborating with the Anastasian Empire, were marked as enemies of
the revolution.

Last but not least, the Resource Management Agency, or RMA, was in
charge of promoting membership of the People’s Front to the public,
managing money and resources, and providing assistance and
humanitarian aid for the homeless, injured, hungry, and poor
Centralorian and Earthling civilians. It consisted of 49 elected members
from the General Assembly and had one permanent member, which was
the Treasurer-General, making 50 members in total.

Aleksander Damo from the GDMA was elected President and Nathan
Soriano from the DPA was elected Vice President. Nathan became one of
my close friends after we met.

Soon, more people joined the People’s Front. Aleksander also

prevented any Anastasians from joining this organisation. His
anti-Anastasian ideology rose in the following months.

I discussed with President Aleksander Damo about forming the

Armed Forces of the People's Front (AFPF) since I had done the same for
the GDMA. I told him that we need to prepare for a possible attack or
invasion by the Empress. This idea was brought up to the BOS for
discussion and then finally approved by the General Assembly.

The People’s Front began building its paramilitary force, recruiting

and training people to be the best military personnel. The Viceroy talked
with the People’s Front and agreed to have several joint military
exercises to help each other prepare for war.

On 9 August, The ExCo and a few members planned for a visit

around occupied-Denvorg to encourage more people to join the People’s
Front. It was divided into groups and they were assigned to visit specific
places. My group visited Norfordland, the State of Okravia, and the


State of Wessonne. I saw many people who were willing to join the
People’s Front. I also could feel the resentment of the Anastasian people
around me during my journey.

As more people joined the People’s Front, we were making the

Anastasian civilians mad. The Anastasian people started riots and
harmed everyone, mainly non-Anastasians and Anastasians who
supported the Viceroy. The riots kept increasing from month to month.
The vision of the People’s Front was to settle the independence
movement in a non-violent way, but they failed to acknowledge that.

The riots had threatened the non-Anastasian civilians and the Viceroy.
On 19 October, the BOS told President Damo, Vice President Soriano and
me to negotiate with the Viceroy to solve those issues. During the
negotiations, President Damo made a statement that he was going to use
force to stop the Anastasian civilians who were rioting against us if they
threatened our interests. The Viceroy, who was trying to keep good
relations with us, only said, “I will stop them.”

After the negotiation, the Viceroy introduced harsher punishments to

the Anastasian civilians who opposed her. The Viceroy’s soldiers
collaborated with the People’s Front Army through an agreement to take
down any Anastasian civilians who threatened the People’s Front.

For a year, everything went well and it was progressing for all of us.
The ExCo members held many speeches to promote fighting spirits and
to prepare everyone for a war. Many press conferences were held by the
People’s Front to let everyone in Anastasian-occupied Denvorg know
about our goals, which were the reasons and importance to prepare for
war and other aspects that we need.

By 1 December 1823 AG, the People’s Front had over one million
members, including military personnel. This was the largest
achievement the People’s Front had ever achieved. This was because we
welcomed all the other organisations from eastern Denvorg to be part of
the People’s Front through agreements.


On 20 December, President Damo and Vice President Soriano were

killed by the Anastasian civilians. Both of them were on the way back
home in the evening. They were deliberately attacked and stabbed by a
group of Anastasians. A passerby saw this and quickly brought it up to
me. On the next day, I announced the death of the President and the Vice

I succeeded President Damo and took the office of President of the

People’s Front. The General Assembly elected Edmund Müllner, who
was one of the PF Secretaries, as the new Vice President. Edmund was a
loyal friend of mine. We began taking responsibility for a new and
important role. We were also given a small escort team to prevent
ourselves from getting assassinated.

The unreasonable deaths of Aleksander Damo and Nathan Soriano

spread like fire in occupied-Denvorg. The General Assembly accused the
Viceroy of plotting to assassinate President Damo and Vice President
Soriano. Edmund and I went to talk to the Viceroy and she denied the

Members of the People’s Front were furious and some wanted to take
revenge. The accusations of the Viceroy plotting to assassinate President
Damo and Vice President Soriano gained popularity throughout the
months and people began to believe it was true. Riots soon increased
between non-Anastasian and Anastasian civilians. I told the public that
our focus was not to waste resources to be part of the rampaging with
the Anastasian civilians but to fight for independence by defeating the
Empress's armies if they crossed the Denvorgian borders.

In early 1824 AG, Empress Kikiana found out that the Viceroy of
Anastasian-occupied Denvorg had plans to overthrow her. She could not
trust the Viceroy anymore and decided to send her forces to kill her.
Empress Kikiana also found out about the People’s Front and its
activities. Her armies were also tasked to destroy the People’s Front and
kill its high-ranking leaders.


That news reached the Anastasian-occupied Denvorg and it spoiled

the Viceroy’s plans. She accused the People’s Front of sharing the
information with Empress Kikiana and wanted to destroy the People’s
Front. We stated that we did not plan on sharing the information with
Empress Kikiana because it was against our agreement. To prevent a
second enemy, I negotiated with the Viceroy again to work together
when the Empress's forces were on the way.

As March arrived, the Empress's forces were coming close to the

Anastasian-occupied Denvorg. The Viceroy prepared her forces to defeat
them, and so did we. The People’s Front motivated the non-Anastasians
to rise and fight against the evil that was going to rain down upon us.
We highlighted that it was time for them to join the AFPF before it was
too late.

A week later, the BOS informed me that the Empress's forces were
going to attack very soon. According to the BOS’s professional message
decoders, it was confirmed that the Empress's forces were going to
launch an attack on noon of 13 March 1824 AG.

Hearing this, everyone reacted with fear and shock. Although we

were all ready for a war that was going to happen, we still could not
believe that it was true. I created the War Room Committee which
consisted of me, senior military officers, and three members from the
BOS to discuss and make battle plans.

A song called ‘The Motherland Calls’ was written for the People’s
Front and then it was turned into an official anthem of the People’s
Front. The song was written after hearing the news about the Empress's
forces approaching. The song had a purpose to inspire the members of
the People’s Front and non-Anastasians.


The Motherland Calls

(Verse One)
Here we are, responding to duty’s call,
Let us march, for the trumpet’s sounding,
Liberty is calling to us all,
To end her suffering!

Can’t you see the nation suffering?

Partisans, your time is now,
Freedom pours over the fields,
Every battle gains support!

Take up arms, take up arms and be with us (and be with us),
Every bondage will now perish,
Fight for what, fight for what is truly just (is truly just),
Liberty we will cherish!

(Verse Two)
Partisans, now’s the time to begin the fight,
For the people and our nation,
Tyranny will never put out the light,
The light of liberation!

What do greedy Royalists desire,

Besides squashing our destiny?
Our blood is what they require,
This is clear, do you not see?


(Verse Three)
Now arise, citizens who have been oppressed,
Nev’r again shall you be a slave,
The revolution cannot be suppressed,


A new path we shall pave!

We are the final hopes of the nation,

To bring long-awaited freedom,
We shall forge a new creation,
One to end the evil kingdom!



Verses two and three of the song were written after the outbreak of the
Second Revolutionary War.

From 1823 AG onwards, the People’s Front and the Viceroy were
preparing for a battle to come. We formed many military units, arranged
food supplies, and trained our military forces to be the best. I said to
myself that the People’s Front would defeat the Empress's forces who
were overconfident.

Chapter 8

I had the opportunity to return to Durwall to share news of the

coming war. I went there by car, escorted by two cars with bodyguards,
forming a three-car convoy.

I shared all the news with my friends there and they were all
surprised because it had only been a few days. However, they were all
prepared for what was to come. I visited Marie-Jeanne, who had
dropped out of college because of a looming war. After hearing the
news, Marie-Jeanne wanted to join the People’s Front Army and help
treat wounded soldiers. I told her it was a last-minute decision and that I
would try to get her into the People’s Front Army.

I asked Marie-Jeanne why she joined the Army to help wounded

soldiers. She simply replied, “I know it's dangerous, but I must not
waste the talents that I have. I want to do my part as a non-Anastasian

I told her to follow me to the Obelisk Building to try to get her

registered after dinner.

I gave the last talk in Durwall to motivate the residents and prevent
them from being afraid. Some of the residents suggested providing
firearms for all the residents so that they could defend themselves if they
were attacked by the Empress's forces.


“I don’t think you have the time to train all the residents,” I told

“Oh please, Mr President. We will be trained in a matter of days!” one

of them optimistically said.

“Yeah!” the residents cheered.

“Alright then, my fellow residents. Now, we’re living in a difficult

situation and we have to make difficult choices. You all have made the
right choices. The People’s Front will deliver enough firearms for
everyone!” I concluded.

Before I left, I had dinner with all of my friends, including Edmund at

Durwall in Georges’s house. Edmund introduced himself to everyone
during dinner. I could not stay at Durwall because I had to be in the
Obelisk Building to discuss with the War Room Committee. I advised
the rest of my friends to stay safe and take care of each other before we
left with Marie-Jeanne.

On the way to the Obelisk Building, I wanted to tell Marie-Jeanne that

I had feelings for her before I missed the chance. It was not a good time
because Marie-Jeanne kept asking me questions about what was going
to happen and what I knew about. When I got the chance, I, with
complete confidence, confessed my love to her. Marie-Jeanne went silent
and slowly looked away from me. I thought I made a mistake because of
her sudden silence.

Marie-Jeanne was registered under the People’s Front Army Medical

Corps (PFAMC) and was assigned to the 38th Field Hospital with the
title of Doctor Marie-Jeanne Beaufort. She was a junior doctor in the

I did not get to talk to Marie-Jeanne after she was registered. I was
already at my office, planning future attacks with my generals. We also
communicated with the Viceroy’s high-ranking officers to keep


ourselves updated. All the activities in the Obelisk Building were carried
out in its underground bunkers to keep ourselves safe from the
Empress’s forces.

Late at night on 12 March 1824 AG, Marie-Jeanne and I spent some

time together. Marie-Jeanne, who was also affectionate towards me,
accepted my earlier confession and became my partner. She would
become someone who guided and inspired me, who would be there to
wipe my tears, who would hold my hands after a fight and with whom I
could share my innermost feelings.

The following day on 13 March 1824 AG, the Empress's military force,
the 53rd Royal Guards, advanced inside Anastasian-occupied Denvorg
through the south, entering Okravia without any resistance. Two more
forces, the 3rd Imperial Army and 122nd Tank Army invaded
Norfordland and Upper Langley. This marked the beginning of the
Second Revolutionary War of Denvorg.

A fierce battle between the Viceroy’s forces and the 122nd Tank Army
took place in the city of Logstor, Upper Langley from 31 March to 17
April. The Battle of Logstor resulted in the 122nd Tank Army’s victory.

With Logstor under the hands of the Empress's forces, they could
reach Sotsielche to defeat the main military forces stationed by the
Viceroy. Logstor served as a city which provided supplies to Sotsielche
and the 3rd Imperial Army controlled the supply line.

On 20 June, a siege was attempted by the Viceroy forces to take back

Logstor. It failed horribly and the Viceroy lost many soldiers.
Meanwhile, the 53rd Royal Guards captured Monero with the support of
the Anastasian Air Force, leaving the cities in Bremand to collapse into

The 3rd Imperial Army and the 122nd Tank Army were attacked by
the Viceroy’s forces in Myanburg, Wessonne. Myanburg was also a city
which supplied the Viceroy’s main military force in Sotsielche. The


Viceroy could not afford to lose one more city which supplied her main
force. The Battle of Myanburg went on for two months, delaying the 3rd
Imperial Army and the 122nd Tank Army from reaching Sotsielche.

The Battle of Myanburg ended on 21 August, resulting in a victory for

the 3rd Imperial Army and the 122nd Tank Army. The 53rd Royal Guard
had reached Burtra, New Denvorg and was on its way to Sotsielche. The
Viceroy wanted to keep her main force in Sotsielche because she wanted
the main force to depart from Anastasian-occupied Denvorg to invade
the Anastasian Empire’s homeland to overthrow the Empress.

On 1 September, a group of armed Anastasians infiltrated the

Viceroy’s residence to assassinate her. The Viceroy was estimated to be
assassinated at 11:45 p.m. and her residence was burnt down 10 minutes
later. Her family was inside her residence and they were burned to
death. Anastasian-occupied Denvorg had witnessed the downfall of an
ambitious tyrant, which would soon lead to the downfall of the
Conqueror’s Establishment forces.

The next day, General Betrasda Wiernaver, a member of the Imperial

Dependencies Council of Denvorg, took command of the Conqueror’s
Establishment and continued her fight until she surrendered her forces
on 4 September.

Minutes after her surrender, Anastasian warships were approaching

Port Suaydergyik to completely wipe up the remaining forces.

The Conqueror’s Establishment military forces were stationed at Port

Suaydergyik to board transport ships to invade the Anastasian
homeland weeks before General Wiernaver’s surrender. At 2 p.m. that
day, the Anastasian warships opened fire and bombarded the forces at
Port Suaydergyik. No one survived the bombardment. Reports also
showed that civilians’ houses near Port Suaydergyik were damaged by
that attack.


The Conqueror’s Establishment was never to be seen again and

General Wiernaver, along with the members of the Imperial
Dependencies Council, were executed. Empress Kikiana had dismissed
the Imperial Dependencies Council and placed Anastasian-occupied
Denvorg under her full authority. She appointed General Nylatreux
Helond, the then-commander of the Anastasian forces in
Anastasian-occupied Denvorg, to hunt down the People’s Front.

General Helond established the Anastasian Military Administration

(Kiniberliratat Hadrejyusie Anastazium) to govern Anastasian-occupied
Denvorg. The members of the Anastasian Military Administration
consisted of General Helond, Air Force General Caecus Neurems,
Admiral Keraeles Chydav, and four representatives of Empress Kikiana.
Among the four representatives was the Chief of URAB Camps in
Anastasian-occupied Denvorg, Juvia Aisling.

During the war between the Conqueror’s Establishment and the

Anastasian forces, most of the AFPF took the opportunity to hide in
strategically placed underground bunkers to await my orders to attack.
Some AFPF took cover in the cities and in the forests. The Obelisk
Building became more protected than ever and had many obvious
entrances camouflaged. The perimeter of the Obelisk Building was
guarded by soldiers, barbed wires, and fences.

I didn’t stay in Durwall to be together with my beloved friends to

avoid getting killed easily. The Anastasian forces desperately wanted to
find and kill me. They expected that if they killed me, the People’s Front
would surrender. Instead of staying at Durwall, I took shelter under the
Obelisk Building with my War Room Committee.

Many non-Anastasian civilians also hid in the underground bunkers

to be safe. Due to this, most underground bunkers were crowded
because they were occupied by the AFPF and non-Anastasian civilians.
Some people who wanted to take shelter there had no other choice but to
stay at their homes. There were also some who didn't want to take


shelter in the underground bunkers because they wanted to take up

arms and fight against the Empress’s forces.

Loyiso and Malee were at Durwall and wanted to help the People’s
Front by supplying food and ammunition. They were registered as
Civilian Contributors and were given weapons to defend themselves
when they were doing their job. The Civilian Contributors registration
was proposed by the People’s Front to encourage non-Anastasian
civilians to assist the People’s Front without directly joining the People’s

Georges and Sadira took cover in an underground bunker near

Durwall to protect themselves from the threats above them.

Inaya joined the People’s Front as a member of the RMA. She joined
the RMA after one of the members sadly passed away from
heteycluroph ednia. Inaya started her work in the Obelisk Building,
discussing and managing food and water to be distributed to the people.
Since the war broke out between the Conqueror’s Establishment and the
Anastasian forces, many food and water supplies were destroyed,
causing food shortages for everyone. Expecting this result, the People’s
Front stockpiled large quantities of food for civilians.

Under their military rule, the Anastasian forces caught anyone who
looked suspicious to them and those who opposed their rule. They were
then tortured for answers about the People’s Front. There wasn’t a
chance for the People’s Front to negotiate with General Helond to grant
independence for Denvorg as doing so was considered opposing their
rule. We had no other choice but to resort to violence.

Many Anastasian citizens of Anastasian-occupied Denvorg were

accused as supporters of the Conqueror’s Establishment and the
People’s Front were also imprisoned, tortured and killed.


Edmund shared a sad story of how Jürgen, one of his two brothers,
was killed along with his friends by the Anastasian forces who were
attempting to get answers. He kept blaming himself for Jürgen’s death.

He highlighted that the Anastasian soldiers barged into his brother’s

house. He was with four of his friends eating dinner together. The
Anastasians rudely asked them for answers, but they didn’t know
anything which made the Anastasians angry. The soldiers walked to
Jürgen, who was in a wheelchair. He couldn’t walk after being beaten up
by Anastasians. He was also very weak at that time because he was
infected with heteycluroph ednia.

The Anastasians asked them for the last time. The five of them begin
to beg the Anastasians for mercy because there was no point asking
them again since they didn’t know anything. The Anastasians, who had
no mercy at all, carried Jürgen’s wheelchair and threw him out of the
five-storey apartment building, killing him instantly after hitting the
ground. Then, the Anastasians trashed the dining room and killed

The apartment building was burnt down along with the other
residents so that the Anastasians could watch them suffer. Jürgen, who
was on the ground, was stripped naked and was used for target practice
for the Anastasian soldiers. The Anastasians liked to use dead bodies for
their target practice.

Other than that, the Anastasians committed arsons to frighten

civilians for their amusement. This caused the streets in Sotsielche to be
empty in the first few weeks of military occupation. The Empress called
out a total lockdown in all of the cities in Okravia, the State of Enfielse,
and the State of Margueritte after getting information that one of the
cities in those States was a stronghold of the People’s Front.

In the following days, General Helond ordered disabled Centralorian

and Earthling people to be eliminated as requested by the Empress.
Many victims were caught and tortured before being killed by them. The


Empress wanted to transform Anastasian-occupied Denvorg into a

productive territory and claimed that disabled people served no purpose
to the Anastasian Empire and that they only weakened the Anastasian

General Helond also wanted Centralorians and Earthlings who had

low credit points, disabled people, and People’s Front suspects to be sent
to the URAB camps to be tortured and killed. I wrote a letter to Georges,
saying that the Anastasians would come after Sadira and I wanted him
to take care of her, no matter what. Sadira must not have been seen by
the Anastasians.

During the military occupation, everything turned back to how it was

before the Viceroy and the People’s Front made a peace agreement.
People were no longer happy, or feeling safe, and had lost confidence in
themselves. The People’s Front and I thought that we could make people
stay confident constantly in those types of situations, but it didn’t work

The People’s Front sent out lots of professional spies to kill

high-ranking Anastasian generals and commanders, steal battle plans,
and disrupt their food supply to weaken the Anastasian forces before the
People’s Front launched an attack. I introduced this strategy because I
had seen how powerful the Anastasian forces were. If I could weaken
them, the People’s Front would win the war more easily.

The spies had been doing their duty and had successfully weakened
the Anastasian forces considerably. This had gone on until mid-October.
I looked through their battle plans and determined their patterns. After
discussing this with the War Room Committee, I decided to launch a
full-scale attack on the Anastasian forces on 7 October 1824 AG. I would
be taking shelter in a bunker under the Obelisk Building when the
Second Revolutionary War began.


Marie-Jeanne and her 38th Field Hospital were sent out to the fronts. I
watched them going out, thinking and hoping she would survive. I
wished her to be safe before her departure.

I was aware that this action would leave thousands of people to lose
their lives. I had to do it for the people and the sake of long-awaited

At the dawn of 7 October, the 18th Infantry Brigade made the first
attack on the Anastasian forces in Sotsielche. Followed by the rest of the
People’s Front Army, they attacked supply lines, small Anastasian
forces, captured airfields and strategic key points. The Anastasians
reacted horribly because of the unexpected attack by the People’s Front.
This caused a change of plans for them.

That battle would lead to the Liberation of Sotsielche which ended on

28 April 1825 AG, resulting in a victory for the People’s Front.

Before the battle took place, the Anastasians didn’t fortify their
positions since they were not expecting an attack. The Anastasians had a
pretty high morale and they were confident that no other forces would
defeat them easily, given that they had full control over the city.
However, this would be the first mistake that would cost them to lose an
important city that played a vital role in the Second Revolutionary War.
What made Sotsielche so important was that it had routes to many cities
that could provide supplies and it housed the largest port at that time,
Port Suaydergyik.

When Sotsielche was liberated, the People’s Front took over and used
Anastasian warships to destroy the remaining Anastasian naval forces.
The attempt to take over the Anastasian warships was planned and done
so by the People’s Front Marines and the People’s Front Special Forces.
With their stealthy abilities, they successfully took over many
Anastasian warships and transported ships from every Anastasian naval
base and port.


I had strategically placed People’s Front units all around Sotsielche,

inside and outside of the city. Most of those forces were underground,
travelling and emerging from there to attack the Anastasians unnoticed.
From there, we had the element of surprise with us.

As the battle started, the internal People’s Front units, codenamed IU,
attacked the Anastasians simultaneously with the external People’s
Front units, codenamed EU. The EU began their move to surround
Sotsielche. The IUs seized armouries, police stations, government
buildings, electrical infrastructures, and communication links and
attempted to capture Port Suaydergyik.

The IUs also linked all their forces and created a singular large safe
zone with the most important objectives. The Obelisk Building was in a
safe zone after four weeks since the battle started. Before it was inside
the safe zone, small IU forces defending the eight-kilometre radius
around the Obelisk Building attempted to link with another IU force but
failed after its advance was blocked by the Anastasians many times.

On 2 November 1824 AG, the Anastasian forces killed fleeing

non-Anastasian residents in suburban areas in response to the first
offensive in Sotsielche. Later on that day, the Anastasian forces also
killed about 200 Centralorians and Earthlings farmers just outside of
Sotsielche. Investigations were carried out and it was found that they
were unarmed civilians.

The Anastasians would commit more massacres of non-Anastasian

civilians until the war ended. War crimes such as shelling hospitals,
killings of hospital staff and patients, and direct attacks on
non-Anastasian citizens were committed by them. The Anastasians also
happened to find numerous non-Anastasians hiding underground in
bunkers. They were tortured, raped, and then bayoneted to death. The
Anastasians also threatened to kill them if I didn't surrender my forces.

In Durwall, some houses were destroyed by bombs and raided by the

Anastasians. Fires spread, destroying houses and killing innocent people


who were trying to escape. The Anastasians didn’t know that there was
a series of bunkers near Durwall, where Georges and Sadira were taking
shelter. There were some residents, including Loyiso and Malee, in
Durwall who carried weapons and defended Durwall from the
Anastasians with the help of the People’s Front. They were nicknamed
the Durwall Warriors.

Thankfully, Georges, Sadira, Loyiso, and Malee would survive until

the Anastasians surrendered Sotsielche.

The EUs cut off Anastasian supply lines and prevented enemy

supplies from going into Sotsielche. Roads and railways were destroyed,
along with ambushing and looting enemy supply convoys. The EUs had
sufficient forces to prevent the Anastasian forces from attempting a
breakout in the empty sectors of Sotsielche.

The Anastasians immediately tried to regroup, but they were met

with disrupted communications by the IUs. Feeling desperate, the
Anastasians began a counter-attack to retake important roads,
communication links, and electrical infrastructures. Armouries and
government buildings no longer served a purpose anymore. The
Anastasians also tried to prevent the closure of important points of entry
for supplies which resulted in failures. The Anastasian counter-attack
had failed embarrassingly. Their morale dropped sharply.

As all of that happened for two months, the next phase of the battle
would be putting severe pressure on the Anastasians. The IUs expanded
their area of control, clearing every street and attempting to hold out as
long as possible. The Anastasians fortified strong points and created
linked defensive lines to delay IU offensives. As the Anastasian morale
was low and quickly dropping, desertions and surrenders by the
Anastasian soldiers could be seen.

The Anastasians had lost air support because all of the airfields
would be taken by the IUs. Port Suaydergyik fell into the hands of the
People’s Front and the Anastasians would also lose naval support.


Outside supplies were also completely cut off, leaving the Anastasians in
Sotsielche sustaining heavy losses and a lack of supplies. The EUs
advanced further into Sotsielche and their attacks were coordinated with
the IUs. This overwhelmed some difficult Anastasian defensive positions
that were close to the IU and EU frontlines.

By the beginning of April 1825 AG, the IU and EU forces were

connected and they started to disconnect the Anastasian defensive
positions. Then, the People’s Front controlled the majority of Sotsielche,
shattering Anastasian morale and causing mass desertions and
surrendering. All of the Anastasian supplies were completely drained
and the Anastasian soldiers lacked basic necessities.

The last major Anastasian stronghold in Sosialche, a multi-level car

parking, had Anastasian soldiers who were outnumbered, outgunned,
and running out of medical supplies, food, and ammunition. A
commanding officer of the People’s Front forces sent a message to them,
demanding they surrender. On 28 April 1825 AG, the Anastasian forces
finally surrendered.

Besides Sotsielche, the People’s Front Army from all around

Anastasian-occupied Denvorg emerged from the underground bunkers
and scrambled to take over strategic positions, and pushed the
Anastasian forces away. They had achieved multiple surprise attacks.
Airfields throughout the Anastasian-occupied Denvorg were seized for
the People’s Front Air Force to gain air superiority. Warships that were
given by the Viceroy to the People’s Front and stolen Anastasian
warships were used by the People’s Front Navy for naval warfare.

A violent skirmish broke out in Margueritte from 12 to 16 December

1824 AG between the Anastasian forces, armed civilians and the
People’s Front Army. This unfortunate incident was also known as the
Margueritte Uprising. It was recorded that 8700 casualties were
confirmed, in a total of the People’s Front Army, Anastasian forces and


Fast forward to 22 December 1824 AG, winter began.

Anastasian-occupied Denvorg was covered in snow and the People's
Front forces prepared themselves for winter. As winter approached, the
People’s Front sent out more spies to sabotage food supplies to make the
Anastasian forces starve and freeze to death.

The Wayagon Rebellion took place in Wessonne on 22 December and

ended on 14 January 1825 AG. This rebellion involved non-Anastasian
civilians who took up arms against the Anastasian rule. This brought the
People’s Front and the Anastasian forces to take part in this violent

I talked with Corporal Lexith Talkeard, who was a soldier at that

time, about his experience. He mentioned that in the evening of 24
December 1824 AG, his regiment and two more others were marching
back to Wayagon from the forest after being pushed out from it.
Suddenly, they were ambushed by bigger Anastasian forces and were
forced to retreat. Only a few of the soldiers from the regiments survived
and successfully retreated, including Corporal Talkeard.

The remaining trapped soldiers were forced to take cover in the

forest. They hid until nightfall and still could not escape. In their final
moments, some sat in circles around the small campfires and sang
Christmas songs for the very last time. ‘Silent Night’ was their final song
before they were killed.

The next day, Corporal Talkeard and his newly reinforced regiments
fought the Anastasian forces and cleared the path to enter Wayagon.
While passing the forest, they saw headless bodies hanging upside
down on trees with blood dripping down. Those corpses were
confirmed to be the trapped soldiers from the previous night. It was
unsettling to watch those corpses and the Anastasians’ beheading

The Battle of Drawblake in Enfielse occurred on 13 March to 10 June

1825 AG. Located in the valleys of northern Enfielse, Drawblake was


surrounded by mountainous terrain. Before this battle broke out, the

People’s Front ground forces, with the help of the People’s Front Air
Force, weakened the 3rd Imperial Army and the 122nd Tank Army in
guerilla warfare in Upper Langley after they attempted to encircle the
People's Front forces. The weakened Anastasian forces retreated to the
south, to Drawblake.

With the People's Front forces approaching near the city of

Drawblake, I wanted to take over that city to gain an advantage.

The People’s Front Army had embarrassingly failed to beat the

Anastasian forces from March to April. As the city was located in the
middle of a valley, the People’s Front Army was forced to attack from
predictable directions as the high ground was too steep to be traversed. I
decided to attack from only one side of the valley as I wanted to
concentrate my forces to increase the probability of a breakthrough.

Although the area around Drawblake was not heavily fortified, the
Anastasians had still prepared light defences such as machine gun nests,
trenches, barbed wire and hidden field guns, and were not an easy
target. The Anastasian forces also had artillery support, which
complicated matters for our artillery units. During the battle, our
artillery units had to constantly move around once they were located by
the Anastasian counter-battery units.

Before we attacked, the People’s Front Army’s artillery units spent

several weeks bombarding enemy defences and artillery. However, the
artillery units were unable to achieve all their objectives as they were
constantly hampered by enemy counter-battery fire and a lack of
ammunition. Although they were not as effective as I hoped they were,
our artillery units still played a crucial role in destroying Anastasian
strong points and suppressing Anastasian artillery.

After the bombardment, the People’s Front Army launched a

concentrated attack on the left flank of the Anastasian position, which
was observed to be the weakest part of the Anastasian front. The Battle


of Drawblake is famous for the largest charge that took place in the
Second Revolutionary War.

General Brigwelsar, the commanding general, and I watched that

incredible battle from the outskirts of Drawblake. I was amazed when I
first saw the colossal amount of soldiers and cavalry.

From my vantage point, I saw soldiers charging to attack an

Anastasian position under artillery fire. Before the charge, they fixed
bayonets to their rifles. An officer blew his whistle which signalled
everyone to charge. All raised their battle cries: “For Freedom!”,
“Hoorah!” and “Wormiur denas kinim!” (which translates as “God with
us!” from the Oryues language).13

Some soldiers had their rifles decorated with the Republican

Tricolour. The battlegrounds soon erupted with artillery shells from the
Anastasian forces. Some soldiers were flung over. That did not bother
the soldiers as they kept charging.

General Brigwelsar and I saw our forces successfully break through

the Anastasian defences. As the Anastasian defences were entirely static,
the cavalry units of the People’s Front Army began exploiting the
breakthrough on the left flank to attack other sections of the Anastasian
line from the rear. Soon, other units of the People’s Front Army began
attacking the trapped middle section of the Anastasian line in
coordination with the cavalry. This went on to cause the collapse of the
entire Anastasian front as the right flank was also forced to retreat into
the city due to the threat of encirclement.

After the Anastasians retreated into Drawblake, the People’s Front

forces regrouped and began moving into the city. Inside Drawblake,
there were armed civilians and People’s Front forces attacking the

The Oryues language was a language that was used within the Denvorgian
regions since the 11th century AG.


Anastasians from the inside. The battle saw brutal house-to-house

fighting as both sides used artillery to knock down buildings. Streets
were being taken and taken back by both sides as a stalemate began to
set in. The People’s Front Army had considerable difficulty in attacking
key Anastasian positions. The Anastasians also used their tanks as
mobile bunkers to fortify key positions.

After more than a month of constant back and forth between the two
sides. I decided to temporarily cease attacks on the Anastasian forces to
resupply and rest my forces. Meanwhile, I began planning with General
Brigwelsar on how to break the stalemate.

During the battle, the People's Front spies played a crucial role. They
were able to obtain plans and orders from the Anastasian High
Command, among which was an order to kick out the People’s Front
Army from Drawblake at all costs and another order forbidding a
retreat. Together with the observation of consistent Anastasian attacks
while we were resupplying, General Brigwelsar and I concluded that
these two pieces of information showed we could bait the Anastasians
into a counterattack, after which, we would ambush them with hidden

After two weeks of resting, we decided to begin with the plan.

Reserves and some frontline units from the middle section of the line
were moved back into hidden positions or moved to the left and right
flanks to feint an attack on those sides. Expectedly, the Anastasion forces
began pushing in that sector. The remaining People’s Front units in the
sector slowly began a fighting retreat into a more defensible position. We
wanted to wait for the main Anastasian force to arrive before baiting
them into the ambush as the main objective of this plan was to destroy
the Anastasian tanks.

Soon, the Anastasians reinforced their advancing units and began

their big push. The People’s Front units immediately retreated into the
predetermined ambush zone. As the Anastasian forces entered the zone,
they were attacked from all directions with every type of weapon;


machine guns, hidden field guns, Molotov cocktails and experimental

anti-tank grenades. Some of the soldiers charged enemy tanks with
satchel charges, sticky bombs, Molotov cocktails and even logs and
rocks. These brave soldiers were able to render Anastasian tanks in the
rear immobile and prevent the Anastasians from retreating.

The ambushed Anastasian forces would go on to be utterly destroyed.

After the battle, the soldiers counted 112 destroyed AFVs (armoured
fighting vehicles), 34 of which were tanks, and 46 captured vehicles, of
which 11 were tanks. We estimated the Anastasians suffered around
23,000 casualties.

After the ambush, some People’s Front units would exploit the
momentary lack of forces in the middle sector of the Anastasian line to
push deeper into the city and flank the surrounding sectors. The
People’s Front force would henceforth have the upper hand in the battle.
In the following weeks, the gap in the middle sector of the Anastasian
line would not be plugged until several Anastasian units had already
been encircled in the surrounding sectors.

The battle went on until the Anastasian forces surrendered and some
retreated from the city by early May.

The War Room Committee discussed that our main priority was to
get rid of the Anastasian forces on the northwestern coast to prevent the
Anastasian Navy from being able to dock in the ports. By May 1825 AG,
the strength of the 53rd Royal Guards, which dominated the entire
western Anastasian-occupied Denvorg, was severely reduced to around
40%. Thanks to the People’s Front spies and the victory over Sotsielche,
we could take over the western regions easily.

This caused a significant problem for the 53rd Royal Guards and they
needed to retreat. The 53rd Royal Guards gathered at Lerdent in New
Denvorg to retreat to Kludong, and then cross the Heaving River to get
to Orrister, make their way to Kitgrad in the State of Uriada, and finally


combine with the 3rd Imperial Army in Burkim in Wessonne, to form a

larger force. I had to prevent this from happening.

Most of the 53rd Royal Guards was in New Denvorg and it was very
important for them to reach Kitgrad and Burkim to ensure victory for

Message codebreakers informed me of their activities and plans. With

advice from my generals, I decided to grab as many available and
nearby People’s Front units as I could find to defend the Heaving River
and prevent the incoming 53rd Royal Guards. This decision was very
risky and I decided to take a gamble. The units I selected to defend the
Heaving River were the People's Front 9th Infantry Division, 2nd
Cavalry Division, 43rd Infantry Division, and several artillery units.

Before they crossed the Heaving River, they had to get through
Kludong. The People’s Front forces in Kludong retreated to the Heaving
River and would hold there until other People’s Front forces arrive.
Entering the city, the 53rd Royal Guards met with resistance from armed
civilians. The civilians did little to no damage against the advancing
53rd Royal Guards. Civilian casualties rose when the 53rd Royal Guards
couldn’t tell who was armed and who was not. The Anastasians mass
murdered civilians.

The 53rd Royal Guards successfully controlled Kludong after

crushing all civilian resistance in the city by 29 April 1825 AG. They
looted the city of Kludong to get all the supplies they needed before
crossing the Heaving River.

Their next battle was the Battle of the Heaving River. The 53rd Royal
Guards were so proud of their victory in Kludong and became
overconfident that they could cross the Heaving River in no time. They
didn’t know that they were walking into a trap. I was with the 43rd
Infantry Division and was waiting on the opposite side of the Heaving
River. I was there to witness a battle that would determine the future of


It was dusk on 3 May 1825 AG; the 53rd Royal Guards were at the
floodplains of the Heaving River. I took cover in a small fort not far
away from the Heaving River, where I did final planning with the AFPF.
The fort was surrounded by heavily armed soldiers to protect me.

The 53rd Royal Guards sent out their troops in a series of multiple
waves to avoid being attacked. The group was divided into two, Group
A which would cross the river by pontoon bridges and Group B which
would cross the river by boat.

As Group B neared the river, they spotted the 9th Infantry Division in
defensive positions and both forces opened fire.Some units of the 43rd
Infantry Division held in reserve were sent to reinforce the positions
under attack. Group B’s crossing would be thwarted as most boats
would be sunk or capsized by artillery shells. The few soldiers who got
close to reaching the other side would be shot dead.

Meanwhile, Group A’s advance on another sector of the front would

come hours later as Anastasian military engineers built a pontoon bridge
across the river under heavy fire. Commanders of the units stationed in
the sector started panicking as artillery support was unable to disrupt
the construction of the pontoon bridge or destroy it. As the Anastasian
engineers were slowly assembling the bridge, the AFPF commanders
radioed my bunker, asking for advice. I advised them to bring a few
artillery pieces from the rear to their position. When asked the reason
behind this, I simply replied, “To rain hell on those who made hell.”

The Anastasian pontoon bridge would be finished after more than an

hour, but it would not stay intact for long as AFPF artillery would fire
directly at the bridge as the Anastasians were crossing, drowning dozens
of Anastasian soldiers. Group A attempted another crossing a few hours
later but failed again.

After the first day, I discussed with my generals on how to properly

adapt to the Anastasian tactics. We concluded that our current fluid


defence set-up, consisting of small forces spread throughout the entire

front and larger mobile reserve forces in the rear to reinforce any sector
under attack, should be continued, but that we needed to adapt to
counter the pontoon bridges.

I suggested that we take around 50 artillery pieces from the artillery

units and assign them to cavalry units instead so that in case of a
crossing via the pontoon bridge, the reinforcing cavalry units would
bring vital artillery units to use for indirect fire operations. The other
generals agreed and we immediately ordered the units to carry out this
arrangement during the night.

Around 2 a.m. in the middle of that night, I was awakened by the

sound of artillery and gunfire. I quickly rushed to observe the frontline
and saw that Group A and B were attempting a joint crossing via boat
and pontoon bridge. I was worried and quickly radioed several generals
and frontline commanders to assess the situation.

The crossing had started not long before I woke up and several
on-duty look-outs had seen the Anastasians amassing and alerted
command about the crossing. Although most reserve troops were asleep,
they were woken up upon the alert and were ready to reinforce the line.

Group B was used as a diversion for the main attack by Group A but
was still a threat. As the frontline units focused on the main attack by
Group A, several boats from Group B were able to reach the other side.
Luckily, the few Anastasians who made it across were soon killed before
they could cause any trouble.

Meanwhile, Group A was attempting to set up several pontoon

bridges at the same time. However, the reinforcements from the 2nd
Cavalry Division had brought several artillery pieces which would
severely disrupt the assembly of the pontoon bridge. Even after more
than an hour, all of the bridges were nowhere near completion. But the
Anastasians still kept trying.


Group B had halted their crossing after more than 2 hours from the
start. The generals and I who were observing the battle were very
hopeful about the outcome. We were almost certain that the attack
would be repulsed until the third hour when we received reports that
the frontline artillery pieces were starting to run out of ammunition. The
cavalry units had brought the pieces and personnel, but not enough
ammunition. Frontline commanders had requested for reserve cavalry
units to resupply them with ammunition from the rear, but it would still
leave a short window of time where the Anastasians would not be
opposed by direct artillery fire.

I quickly called my generals and started discussing what we could

do. The artillery pieces on the front had run out of ammo and the
artillery positioned in the rear was too inaccurate. It was in the middle of
the discussion that I realised that perhaps the rear artillery was still
useful. I immediately said, “Can’t we just shoot near the bridge instead
of trying to hit it?” The generals looked confused and asked how it
would help. I clarified my idea, stating “We could stop the assembly of
the bridge by making the water turbulent.”

After thinking for a while, some of the generals agreed. I radioed the
artillery units and told them to start firing at the Anastasian crossing.
When they asked specifically what to fire at, I just said “Anything that
you think counts as the river.”

By daylight, the Anastasian crossing was thoroughly thwarted. The

rear artillery was successful in helping to hold against the crossing until
the frontline was resupplied. Once the attack was over, the 9th Infantry
Division was replaced with the 43rd and sent back to the reserves to rest.

The two divisions would regularly cycle between frontline and

reserve duty so that they would stay fresh and not be exhausted. In the
following days, both divisions, together with cavalry and artillery
support, would consistently prevent all Anastasian crossings. My
generals and I also constantly studied Anastasian crossings to look for
any tactic that we might have to adapt for.


On the night of the 13th, I went to bed with a feeling of suspicion. The
Anastasians had not attacked in two previous days. I had talked with
my generals long into the night so I went to bed extremely late. As I lay
in bed, trying to sleep, I suddenly heard a knock on my door. I called for
the person to enter and they quickly opened the door to inform me that
an Anastasian crossing was imminent.

I jumped out of bed and ran to the observation post. I radioed

frontline units and got confirmation that Anastasian forces were once
again amassing. This time, the Anastasians were amassing for so long
that reinforcements had already arrived before the crossing. They were
also careful to not repeat their mistakes and they brought sufficient
shells this time. I met with my generals and we were confident that this
would be a repeat of the previous crossing on the night of the first day.

After about an hour after I woke up, the Anastasians were still
seemingly waiting for something. I was rather perplexed. It was then
that we all started hearing a faint humming noise from the distance.

Upon hearing this, Group B immediately started their crossing with

the use of boats. I did not think much of it, believing that it was from a
few dive bombers. However, as the planes came into view, I quickly
realised that they were tactical bombers.

I started panicking and ran to my generals. We all met in a meeting

room and discussed what we could do about the bombers. The bombers
would soon reach their targets and devastate our frontline defences and
artillery. We had brought no anti-air other than ineffective auto-cannons.

I told the generals that we needed to act fast. One of them asked about
retreating, to which the other generals quickly dismissed. “If we retreat,
then the entirety of New Denvorg and Wessonne will fall!” said one of


But I saw merit in that idea; perhaps we could not retreat fully, but if
we withdrew into the forest behind our lines, we could reduce the
damage caused by the bombers exponentially. I shared my plan with the
generals and after a short pause, they agreed with me.

I immediately radioed all frontline units in the sector which was

under attack to fall back to a safer position in the forest. I also alerted
nearby sectors to prepare for containing an Anastasian beachhead which
would most likely form during the retreat.

I then asked my generals about committing all our reserves to hold

the line, to which a general replied, “Anything you think will work, sir.
So far all your plans have worked.” The other generals all agreed as

Once the bombers reached their target, the last of the retreating units
entered the forest. Their bombs did not do much as they could not see
through the dense foliage of the forest. Soon, Groups A and B had both
crossed the river and were attempting to break through the units
containing the beachhead. Units from the forest quickly rushed back to
their positions and cavalry reserves arrived to reinforce the line.

Frontline artillery would be placed at the edge of the forest and fire
directly at the Anastasians to devastating effect. The artillery would also
destroy the pontoon bridge behind them, causing the beachhead to be
stuck. After two hours of intense fighting, the beachhead would
surrender once most of the Anastasian soldiers had died.

On the 16th of May, the 53rd Royal Guards decided to retreat. I was
expecting this outcome and had earlier ordered several units from
Wessonne to move in from the east and flank the retreating Anastasians.
The units guarding the Heaving River would cross the river by the 17th
and pursue the retreating 53rd Royal Guards until they reached the
coast, where the Anastasians surrendered after being encircled.


If the 53rd Royal Guards were not prevented from crossing the
Heaving River, they would have had full naval superiority over the
northern waters of Denvorg and the northern cities would crumble in
the hands of the Anastasians. Even if Port Suaydergyik was under the
People’s Front control, the total ports combined in northern Denvorg
could dock more warships than Port Suaydergyik. This proved that the
Battle of the Heaving River would change the tide of the war.

For your information, I do not only spend my time in my office

planning attacks with my generals. I visited soldiers who were on the
frontlines to boost their morale by talking together and giving small
speeches to inspire them. Here was one of my short speeches to them:

“Soldiers, we fight the Gueinz and will most likely die, but we die with
honour, we die for liberty, we die for freedom, and we die to forge a future for
our people. I do not want the future of the people where they are born slaves to
bow to a tyrant. I would rather fight till I die than bow to a tyrant, and so
should you all. The people who chose liberty over tyranny now depend on you!
As all of you soldiers, the legacy and inheritors of the First Republic’s freedom
fighters must fight a journey of hatred and bigotry! Don’t quit now as all of you
are strong together, sharing the same greatest glory and for every path we go,
we spread victory and greatness. We must be ruthless to the Gueinz as they are
the ones who oppose us!

Would you dare to lay down your weapons and surrender your glorious
strength before our greatest enemy that only wishes death and eternal suffering
for us? Never! We must never surrender to such cruel forces like the Gueinz!
Fight till the end, fight till your last breath, fight till we win, and fight till we
achieve victory for every effort is known and feared by the Gueinz. Victory,
victory, victory at all costs for the greater good!”

I learnt how to use, hold and shoot using a rifle. I was also allowed to
try out minor military training such as marksmanship training, gun
assembling and many more.


I have seen many faces of soldiers who were fighting. With that, I
heard many stories which they told until the end of the war.

Apart from that, I also visited many field hospitals to talk and be
together with the wounded soldiers. I helped out the medics and learnt
how they treated the wounded and provided aid in a hurry. I had been
together with wounded soldiers yelling in pain, soldiers who lost too
much blood and died in front of my eyes and I saw the tears of the other
soldiers when they lost their beloved brothers and sisters.

I didn’t visit Marie-Jeanne’s field hospital frequently because I had to

be at many places most of the time. Marie-Jeanne and I were so happy to
see each other when we could finally meet. The first time I was there, we
took a photograph of us sitting together in the field. Whenever I was
away, I used to take it out and look at it to feel her presence and to
remind myself of all the happy moments we had together. It made me
miss her even more and also helped me to stay strong and steadfast even
in the toughest of situations.

Most of our free time at night, Marie-Jeanne and I sat together telling
stories of our own experiences, sharing some of our secrets, enjoying the
night skies, and comforting each other as we were worried that anytime
would be our last time. Our paranoia was not unwarranted, as in the
intense atmosphere of war, death was never a distant worry.

Chapter 9

During the Second Revolutionary War, the management and

treatment of prisoners of war were terrible, especially how the
Anastasians treated the People’s Front POWs. The People’s Front POWs
were never treated with humanity. They were left tormented by the
Anastasians in many ways. One of the ways was by rape. A former
People’s Front POW shared his experience with me.

He mentioned that the Anastasians treated the People’s Front POWs

with no mercy. The Anastasians enjoyed torturing the POWs using
whatever tools they could find; such as mallets, chairs, glass, bayonets,
you name it. The POWs were usually blindfolded and tied to a pillar.
Some POWs were also skinned alive.

Besides torturing, the Anastasians also performed executions of the

People’s Front POWs. Executions such as by firing squad were very
common. All of the People’s Front POWs were placed in the URAB
camps. During the Second Revolutionary War, the People’s Front had
many missions to liberate the URAB camps and aid the captives.

The Anastasians also used People’s Front POWs for forced labour too.
The People’s Front POWs were not given any medical attention and
there was no maintenance of hygiene. Infections would spread easily.
With that being said, wounded People’s Front POWs were mistreated.
Hospitals which provided shelter to them were often raided by the
Anastasians and they would be killed, even if they were still in the
middle of surgery! Sometimes, wounded People’s Front war prisoners


would be put into small wooden cottages and they were forcefully
packed like sardines. The Anastasians then locked the doors and
windows and set them on fire, slowly burning to the ground.

The People's Front forces got angry at how their soldiers were
mistreated and decided to do the same thing to Anastasian POWs in
retaliation for those brutalities. To be honest, I was also very angry. The
People’s Front forces got angry at how their soldiers were mistreated
and decided to do the same thing to Anastasian POWs in retaliation for
those brutalities.

Some of the People's Front forces tried making a deal with the
Anastasians to be involved in prisoner exchanges so that our soldiers
could be returned. This was less likely to happen, but sometimes it was a

Despite the People’s Front and the non-Anastasians showing valorous

deeds in winning the Second Revolutionary War, many witnessed the
tragic death of their loved ones. This was the reality and horror of war
that everyone feared. There was one incident that left a permanent scar
on me.

I was at Marie-Jeanne’s field hospital, meeting with new doctors and

nurses. All of a sudden, we heard bombs exploding at a distance. We all
looked everywhere and we saw warplanes flying above the skies. They
were Anastasians! With sheer panic, everyone began scrambling
everywhere for safety. Nurses and doctors swiftly moved the stretchers
with wounded soldiers to a safe place. It interrupted the conversation
between Marie-Jeanne and me.

The bombs dropped from those warplanes, I heard only blasts and
explosions which rang in my ears. Bombs falling and exploding, killing
and launching several people into the air. The Anastasians ignored the
large Red Cross flag displayed in the centre.


My mind was preoccupied, “Why would the Anastasians target here?

There are no armed units stationed here.”

Despite my soldiers and my protection personnel telling me to get to

safety, my mind was not very focused. I ignored them and ran to help to
move the wounded soldiers. I went over from the first stretcher to the
next stretcher and nurses followed to help me, again and again. I went to
Marie-Jeanne, who wanted to lift a stretcher and helped her.

After moving most of the wounded, Marie-Jeanne realised that there

were some wounded soldiers in an exposed tent. As bombs exploded
near it, she decided not to let any wounded soldiers die. She called out
for nurses to help and I followed too. As she was the first one to enter
the tent, a bomb fell and exploded, a direct hit on the tent. She was at the
entrance when the bomb exploded.

I felt worried because I do not know if Marie-Jeanne survived that

explosion. I was hoping that she would survive with only a few injuries.
To prevent myself from getting killed, I took cover and waited until the
Anastasian warplanes flew away. After the chaos stopped, I looked
around the skies to see if there were any planes. Then, I quickly ran to
that destroyed tent to find Marie-Jeanne. Other nurses were also
searching for survivors.

I could see the entire field hospital was destroyed, leaving only fires
and debris everywhere.

I saw two nurses placing Marie-Jeanne inside an ambulance to be

transported to another closest field hospital. I could not believe my eyes;
her body was covered with several open wounds and she was covered
in blood. As soon as I saw her, her blood was quickly covering her
abdomen. She was still moving and was in pain. I was walking with the
nurses to be with her.

“I’m here, I’m here. You’re gonna be alright, Marie. Please…” I ran
out of words because I was still in shock. I saw tears in her eyes and was


trying to call out for my name. She reached out her hands to me and I
held her hands for the last time.

I followed the ambulance in another car escorted by convoys for

safety reasons. Other ambulances were also on their way to the closest
field hospitals. Sadly, she died as soon as she reached the destination. I
was informed about her death and I was deeply saddened and shed
tears of sorrow. I had suffered a great loss from a person who was part of
my life.

“I am sorry for your loss. You have my deepest condolences,” a nurse

said before she covered Marie-Jeanne’s face with a blanket.

“I appreciate it, thanks,” I said softly.

The date of her death was 25 April 1826 AG. She was killed on the
outskirts of the city of Aroway, Uriada. Later that day, I wrote a letter to
my friends at Durwall and her relatives regarding this incident. They
mourned her death.

Marie-Jeanne was one of the best doctors the People’s Front had. She
shared her knowledge about medication from Earth to improve
treatments. Even though she was a junior doctor, she introduced modern
medicine, mainly better cures for infectious diseases, to the medical
field. She faced obstacles such as some doctors rejecting her idea because
some of her methods could harm Centralorians. She spent her time in
her field hospital researching to find effective methods that would not
harm Centralorians.

Apart from her contributions, Marie-Jeanne was mild-mannered and

friendly. She had forged many friendships with her patients, doctors and

A small military hospital was named after her, the Beaufort General
Hospital. This hospital had seen many wounded soldiers admitted and
it was one of the main hospitals on the fronts.


The next day, Marie-Jeanne’s body was brought back to Sotsielche to

have a small funeral in Durwall. Some of her friends from the People’s
Front, her relatives and my friends attended the funeral which was held
on the next day. I gave the attendees a eulogy about Marie-Jeanne. My
friends had to overcome this sorrowful event by keeping in touch and
caring for each other like a family in those difficult times.

A piece of great news followed the month of Marie-Jeanne’s tragic

death; Krystasya and Evalette were captured by the People’s Front
Army. They were found guilty of committing war crimes, crimes against
humanity, and murder. During their trials, the judges of the Lower Court
of Bavin, New Denvorg reviewed the charges committed by them since
their first maltreatment of Earthling children and their active presence in
the Anastasian forces. The judges sentenced them to death by hanging.

Their execution was on 3 May 1826 AG and it was held in Bavin

URAB Camp. Some victims and their families, some members of the
media, and I were allowed to witness their execution. I met some of the
victims who had survived Krystasya and Evalette’s abuses before they
were my caretakers.

Evalette was the first one who was hanged, followed by Krystasya.
During the final moments of Evalette’s execution, she repeatedly
shouted my name when she was walking up the gallows. I ignored her
and kept my mouth shut, not wanting to talk to a criminal who had
committed such horrible acts.

The hangman put a bag over her head and then followed by the
noose. After the noose was secured, she tried to move aggressively. “You
think you’re right? This is a mistake! I have raised you since you were
brought to this world!”

The anger and sadness that she had caused me before filled my heart
and I suddenly lost my patience. I lashed out at her, “You did raise me,
with torture. You constantly tortured me every day and it only benefited


you! You left me a scar because of your stupid Anastasian beliefs! You
and your type of people have put us in misery and darkness,” I
responded to her.

“Okay Mr President, please calm down,” the prison warden said.

“Put you in misery? Don’t lie to me! You are just a coward, aren’t
you? Always afraid of everything, especially me. That’s why you have
me here just to get rid of me!” Evalette said angrily.

I went silent before shouting, “I hope you rot in hell, you degenerate
piece of filth!”

She began mumbling a few words that I could not understand. Soon,
she began chanting ‘Qerandosha Et Alzadarj’. As she neared her fifth
repetition, right as she was going to say ‘Et Alzadarj’, the hangman
pulled the lever. The trapdoor beneath her opened and Evalette was
killed instantly.

Next was Krystasya and she was begging for her life to be spared. She
refused to walk up the gallows, which made the guards force her up.

“Please don’t kill me! Please, no! No! No!” Krystasya cried like a little
child. It was ironic that Krystasya, who had no mercy towards her
victims, was begging for it.

Seconds before she was hanged, she kept repeating the word “No”
while crying hysterically. She fell silent when the hangman pulled the
lever, ending her life for good.

During both of their hangings, a loud audible crack was heard

indicating both of their necks were broken. A doctor checked their
heartbeats and was confirmed dead. Their bodies were placed in coffins.

“They all deserved this,” I said to myself after their execution. I took
one last look at their corpses before they were taken away.


On the ninth of June, I was kidnapped by Anastasian forces in

Seladan, Langley. I was at Seladan to monitor the People’s Front forces
in the Battle of Langley.

At noon, I prepared to leave Seladan for Kikianatown (now called

Tradecentre), Upper Langley because it was safer there. On the way to
Kikianatown, a small Anastasian force opened fire at my convoy from
both sides of the road. I got frightened and immediately ducked down to
prevent myself from getting shot.

“Where the hell did they come from?” I asked Major General
Hendriks who was sitting in the car next to me.

“I don’t know! I don’t know how they even got here!” Major General
Hendriks exclaimed.

“It’s an ambush! They are after me!” I told the driver.

Bullets ripped through the car windows. The flying bullets entered in
front of the car and killed the driver and Colonel Jefor. I covered my
head with my hands and I kept ducking, avoiding the bullets flying
through the car. Major General Hendriks radioed the others to protect
me. The car went off-road, and it was headed towards a tree. I braced for
impact and the car hit the tree, finally bringing the car to a stop.

Unfortunately, the other convoys failed to protect me and an

Anastasian soldier opened the car door with her rifle pointing at Major
General Hendriks and me. We raised our hands and put them at the
back of our heads, as instructed by that soldier. The convoy was
destroyed and the other cars started to burn. I watched them as the
Anastasian forces killed the rest of my soldiers.

I was thrown into a truck, along with Major General Hendriks and
Private Batra. I overheard a conversation between the Anastasian
drivers. They were laughing and congratulating each other for


successfully kidnapping me. I also heard that they were going to torture
me to death.

Without our weapons, we could not do anything but stay in the truck
until we reached a destination that we were unfamiliar with. On the way
to an unknown destination, we got lashed out with lots of insults and
threatening messages by the Anastasian drivers. Even racial insults were
lashed out at us and it angered all of us.

It was a one-hour journey, we were bored and started to talk to each


“How do you think we are going to get out of this?” Major General
Hendriks asked me.

“I don’t think we can, Major General. The Gueinz desperately wanted

me and they would do anything to prevent me from escaping. And I
mean everything. That’s why the Gueinz brought both you and Private
Batra with me. They are up to something,” I said.

“Let’s just all hope that the People’s Front will find us,” Private Batra

One of the Anastasian drivers laughed at Private Batra, “I don't think

the People’s Front will ever find you! They will never find all of you,
especially you, a sick dark-skinned, savage grass-eating son of a –”

“Watch your bloody language, Gueinz!” I defended Private Batra.

“Or what, huh? What are you going to do to stop me?” the driver

I ignored her and told Private Batra that it was no use to continue
fighting. I gave no response to the driver.


“That’s what I thought. You are scared. You are also scared that you
will lose your precious soldiers. Aw, are you going to cry? Because I will
make you cry,” the driver wanted to trigger me.

I still gave no response.

“Watch me make you cry! Cry like how you cried when your dumb
girlfriend died. Oh wait, was her name Marie-Jeanne? It’s funny how
Marie-Jeanne walked straight to her death. I can laugh at this joke the
whole day. Marie-Jeanne, that dumb, stupid girl who you loved, walked
straight to her death like a fool. How tragic,” she said while giving her
evil laugh.

“You will not mock her in front of me like this!” I was still sad about
Marie-Jeanne’s death and slowly losing my temper.

“Oh Marie, Marie, Marie. How dumb of her. If she didn’t die then,
she would probably have died from walking into a hole or –” the driver
continued to anger me and I attempted to grab her neck.

“Shut your damn mouth, you Gueinz. Just shut it, already! I am going
to kill you if I have the chance, you goddamn moron!” I got very upset.

“I don’t think so,” the driver laughed.

I sensed pure evilness just by looking through her eyes, just like every
Anastasian. I was so deeply hurt by what she said about Marie-Jeanne.
My tears ran down my face and I couldn’t control them. I covered my
face and I sobbed, thinking about Marie-Jeanne.

Soon, we reached our destination. I saw a fort in front of me when I

got down from the truck. I watched the skies turn dark as the sun set in
front of me. I wished for the People’s Front to rescue us.

We were placed in a large prison cell. The Anastasians locked us up in

chains attached to the wall. Our mouths were taped and we couldn’t talk


other than mumbling to each other. We waited for another hour before
two Anastasian officers walked in and took a seat at the table.

I recognised one of the Anastasian officers. One of them was

Jouvydyryr who was known for his violent treatment towards
non-Anastasians. He was an Anastasian POW until he was released after
a prisoner exchange. Before this, he successfully escaped from the COJ
twice before being tried for more than 30 war crime charges.

“Now, we are going to do this in two ways, the easy way or the hard
way. It’s your choice,” Jouvydyryr said.

“Whatever way you want, we are not going to give you anything. You
will hear nothing about the People’s Front!” Major General Hendriks
yelled in anger.

“Oh, I do not need you to tell me. I only need the President to tell
me,” Jouvydyryr said.

“Then, why would you bring us instead of the President only?” Major
General Hendriks said.

“Silence!” Jouvydyryr yelled. The other officer walked towards Major

General Hendriks. She hit him hard using her rifle.

“So, you tell me now. What is your plan in Langley? What are the
next plans for the People’s Front? Tell me!” Jouvydyryr asked me.

“I’m not going to tell you anything,” I replied.

“He’s not going to tell me anything. Is that so, huh? Looks like he
wants me to do this the hard way,” Jouvydyryr stared at Major General


Jouvydyryr took his rifle and hit me three in the stomach. It was
painful, especially having your hands tied up and not being able to do

“Next it would be your friend’s fingers! Answer my question!”

Jouvydyryr fumed.

“Don’t tell him anything,” Private Batra whispered.

“Tell him before you get all three of us killed. The Anastasians are
already going to lose in Langley. Even if he knows, he could not do
anything because they are all already losing,” Major General Hendriks

“What’s taking a long time?” Jouvydyryr asked.

“If you really want to find out everything about the People’s Front in
Langley, just go take a look by yourself. You don’t have to bring me all
the way here to find out. Those forces are strong enough to wipe out all
of you!” I told him.

“Tell your forces to surrender themselves,” he said.

“I’m not going to do that. Mark my words, I’m going to make sure
they’ll kill you before I even surrender my troops!”

“You piece of filth! You are useless! I’ll cut that Private’s fingers off!”
Jouvydyryr ranted.

“No, not his fingers! Listen to me, stop it! I’ve told you about the
People’s Front in Langley!” I told him.

“I’ve heard you, but I’m just… unhappy,” he told the three of us.

Jouvydyryr grabbed Private Batra’s hands and took out his knife.
Private Batra was struggling to set his hands free, but he was unable to


do so. He kept moving and shaking his hands. Hendriks and I were
tortured by the other Anastasian officer. She had a rifle in her hands and
used it to hit us on our faces, our stomachs, and our legs. I looked over
to the right and saw Hendriks's face. His face was gory; it was bleeding
and swelling.

Suddenly, I heard Private Batra scream in pain. I looked at Private

Batra’s fingers and one of them had been cut off. It started to bleed.
Jouvydyryr placed his knife close to another finger and sliced it right in
front of my eyes. Private Batra shouted again.

Hendriks and I were frightened after hearing his screams. We were

tortured again by wooden batons and this hurt more than the rifle. I told
the other Anastasian officer to stop. I couldn’t deal with the pain
inflicted on me. She never stopped and continued hitting us. She swung
her baton violently and it hit Hendriks's head, knocking him
unconscious. She walked to her table and threw her chair at me. She
laughed, “This is for what you have done.”

The torture process was interrupted by an explosion that could be

heard from outside. Jouvydyryr and the other Anastasian officer looked
out of the window to see what had happened. We also tried to get a view
of the outside, but we couldn’t see much. All we heard from the prison
cell was a lot of gunfire. Jouvydyryr and the other Anastasian officer left
us to check outside and we were unattended.

“Hey, Major General? Major General! Hendriks! Hendriks, wake up!

The two Gueinz left us here. Let’s find a way to escape!” I tried waking
up Hendriks.

After hearing my voice, he slowly woke up and looked around to

regain his grip on reality. I looked everywhere, finding a way to escape. I
spotted the keys that could unlock our chains. The two Anastasian
officers left them on the table. Our hands and legs were all locked and
we couldn’t do anything to reach for the keys.


The roof and walls began shaking, affected by the explosions outside.
Gunfire continued and it felt like it was never going to stop.

We were greeted by two People’s Front soldiers that made it through

the gunfire and to our prison cell. They opened the doors and grabbed
the keys and finally unlocked us. My legs still hurt after getting hit many
times. I struggled to walk for a while and then eventually I tried my best
to catch up. Private Batra was also treated for his injuries. Since we were
in a rush, we just wrapped his injured

“Damn, Mr President. You look like you’ve been through hell,” one of
the People’s Front soldiers said to me.

“I know. It hurts. The Gueinz are crazy!” I said.

“Sir, I’m going to escort you out. Stay behind me at all times! Got it,
sir?” he said.

“Aye. Let’s start moving,” I agreed.

Hendriks, Private Batra and I followed those two People’s Front

soldiers outside to the fort. All of a sudden, the fort started burning from
every direction. We were trapped! In a blink of an eye, one of the
People’s Front soldiers who were in front of me was hit on his neck by a
bullet. Blood splattered in both of my eyes. I ducked, as shots could be
heard. I wiped my eyes and I started to panic.

Hendriks calmed me down and told me to get a weapon. Hendriks

and Private Batra took rifles from the dead People’s Front soldiers and
all I had was a pistol. We collected rounds from those guys and we had
to find the way out. But first, we had to get rid of those Anastasians who
were around us.

I remembered the basic training I had when handling firearms. So, I

knew what to do. We took cover in all directions as we moved and


managed to kill some Anastasians. The smoke was getting thicker and
we could not see a thing. We were also coughing and wanted to get out
of the fort as fast as possible.

Suddenly, I encountered Jouvydyryr. We were both coughing in the

smoke and he swung his knife to stab me. Luckily, he missed. I was
exhausted and I struggled to walk. With quick thinking, I pulled out my
pistol and shot him in the leg. He fell and dropped his knife. He took out
her pistol and started crawling towards me. I ran to him and kicked the
pistol out of his hand.

Jouvydyryr stood up and aggressively pushed me away which made

me lose my pistol. He retrieved his knife and limped towards me. I
slowly got up and we both fought for control of the knife. I hurt his gun
wound by kicking it. With that, I had full control over the knife. I
stabbed him in his shoulder and he screamed in pain.

“That’s right. Scream! Scream like how Private Batra screamed in

agony. This is how he felt when you cut his fingers off! Feel the pain, you
Gueinz!” I was filled with vengeance.

Jouvydyryr laughed.

I looked everywhere to find my pistol to kill him. In a blink of an eye,

he grabbed my neck and choked me. I lost my balance and both of us fell
to the floor. At that moment, my life flashed before my eyes and I began
to panic. Jouvydyryr took the knife and tried to stab me. Without
hesitation, I held the blade of the knife and I turned it to her face. My
hands were in pain and were bleeding as I did so.

I redirected the knife to his face and I punched him, making a huge
cut on his face. I pushed him away from me and he collapsed to the floor
with his face flat down. I kneel on both of his legs and drag his neck to
the back in an attempt to break his spine apart.


“Qerandosha Et Alzadarj!” Jouvydyryr yelled as these were his final


I heard a loud crack and his spine was broken. Noticing that he was
dead, I leaned back against a wall and rested.

Suddenly, I saw two Anastasians approaching me. I felt like I was

going to pass out after inhaling too much smoke. I was rescued by some
People’s Front soldiers and they shot them dead. Hendriks was with me,
but Private Batra was not. We finally reached outside and I gasped for
air. Realising that Private Batra was still inside, I told the soldiers to go
in there and save him. Just as I told them, an explosion could be heard
from inside the fort and it started burning, releasing a lot of smoke.

“No one could survive that, sir. We are not risking ourselves. Our
main priority is to protect you, sir!” one of them said.

“Nonsense! One of your guys is in there!” I replied.

“Sir, we cannot. You have to listen to us,” he said.

“I’m the President and I am telling you to get back in there and save
your guy,” I said.

That soldier thought for a while and said, “Alright, we’ll try our best
to get him.”

“You’ll be looking for Private Batra. Remember his name,” I told him
before he went in.

Private Batra sadly died in the fires. He perished as a hero and his
name would be remembered for his bravery on that day. Private Batra
was a young man, only 20 years old.

Until today, I still had flashbacks about it. It sometimes haunts me in

my sleep. Almost every day, I felt like it just happened yesterday.


The Battle of Langley that occurred on 17 April 1825 AG to 19 June

1826 AG was a series of battles that occurred in Langley, known by the
People’s Front as the ‘Battles to End the War’. By 1826 AG, the People’s
Front Army finally focused on the remaining Anastasian forces that fell
back to multiple lines of defence in Langley. With air superiority, the
Anastasians stood no chance and they were forced to surrender by the
dawn of 19 June 1826 AG.

As the war was coming to its inevitable end, the Anastasian forces
held civilians hostage and threatened to kill them to stress the People’s
Front. Besides, the Anastasians also dragged civilians and dressed them
up in full uniforms of the Royal Anastasian Army so that they would be
targeted and killed.

During the Battle of Langley, there was another historic battle that
took place. It was known as the Siege of Plainground. This siege was a
turning point in the Battle of Langley. This siege would later become the
final reckoning of the Anastasian forces. The Anastasians already had no
chance of defeating the People’s Front and they were there to fight till
they died.

Before I go any further, the warfare in occupied-Denvorg was fought

mainly using the ground forces; the army. Calvaries and infantrymen,
equipped with rifles, pistols, and automatic firearms saw action on the
front lines in the Second Revolutionary War of Denvorg.

Ships around Centralora are powered using steam power; mainly

steam turbine engines. This means the navies of each country in
Centralora had warships that used fuel and sometimes coal to get their
heavily armed ironclad vessels moving.

This chapter also allows me to mention the Founding Fathers of the

Second Republic of Denvorg. The Founding Fathers comprised Charles
Dupant, Damian Joseph, Juro Kuroki, Peng Jun Kong, Thomas Martin,
Edmund Müllner and me. We played key roles in securing


independence from the Anastasian Empire. While many others had also
contributed to independence, we were considered by most as the
Founding Fathers.

Charles Dupant’s grandfather was a Centralorian while his

grandmother was an Earthling. He was considered unique because of
his mixed traits. Charles was abused, just like any other non-Anastasian
child during his childhood under the rule of the Anastasian Empire.

Charles Dupant or, General Charles Dupant, was the Chairman of the
Armed Forces of the People's Front. He was in the People’s Front Army
and had previously served as the Chief of Staff of the Army. He was the
highest-ranking and most senior military officer in the AFPF. General
Dupant was also one of my leading military advisors to me. He was also
one of the most decorated military personnel in the AFPF.

Damian Joseph was a Centralorian and he was the Chief of Staff of

the Army with the title General Damian Joseph. He was the
highest-ranking officer in the People’s Front Army. General Joseph was
also one of my military advisors to help me win the Second
Revolutionary War.

Juro Kuroki was an Earthling who became President of the General

Assembly after I was elected as President of the People’s Front. He was
known for writing articles and booklets about pursuing Denvorgian
independence. Juro, Edmund, and I worked together in writing a few of
them before the war broke out. He was also a leader of one of the many
small resistance movements in Anastasian-occupied Denvorg that
actively took part in sabotaging Anastasian forces and providing
military intelligence on Anastasian defences and deployments to the
AFPF. This small resistance movement also played a significant role in
detaining traitors and Anastasian collaborators.

Peng Jun Kong and Thomas Martin were PF Secretaries. Both of them
were Earthlings. During the war, Peng organised a Freedom March
which drew the attention of hundreds of thousands of non-Anastasian


civilians. During the war, they marched all around Anastasian-occupied

Denvorg to show their support to the People’s Front and to show the
Anastasians how many people wanted to be free from tyranny. They
carried torches at night, flags of the People’s Front and the Republican
Tricolour, and sometimes weapons.

They occupied police stations and clashed with the Anastasian police
in many cities. The Anastasian police fired tear gas and water canons as
a warning to disperse the crowds. Some retreated and some advanced
bravely. Having no choice, the Anastasian police shot most of the people
to scare the crowds away. Despite that, they kept marching towards
them with no feeling of cowardness. Bodies began piling up and the
people tried to shield Peng. Soon, the people charged and brutally
assaulted the Anastasian police using their weapons. This became very
serious and the Anastasian had to dispatch several units of Anastasian
soldiers to disperse them.

After several incidents, the Anastasians stopped shooting them and

let them pass to conserve ammunition. Their commanders strictly
ordered them to never open fire at the people. Peng saw this and told his
followers not to engage the Anastasian forces unless threatened.

Thomas Martin was a nationalist, an anti-monarchist, and an extreme

anti-Anastasian. He claimed that Denvorg was an independent country
and the Anastasians had no reason to be in Denvorg. He was well
known for his criticism towards the Anastasian people. Before he joined
the People’s Front, he was a member of the AAA and was well-known in
eastern Denvorg.

He criticised the Anastasian people, claiming that they were selfish,

merciless, and puppets of the devil. He mentioned that the Anastasians
had no right to own Denvorg and to live on Centralora. He also
challenged the Empress and threatened to kill her brutally like how the
Anastasians killed Centralorians and Earthlings. His speeches like those
grabbed a lot of supporters every day.


Unfortunately, he was thrown into jail on 20 April 1822 AG and was

classified as a political prisoner. The Anastasians threw him into jail to
prevent any threats by him because the GDMA, UREF, DPA, and AAA
were having a peaceful negotiation with the Viceroy. The AAA and his
supporters demanded Thomas Martin be released from jail immediately.
He was finally released on 10 May 1822 AG.

He continued his career until he joined the People’s Front. As a PF

Secretary, he helped the People’s Front and me a lot. He was one of the
main people who made independence possible.

Thomas Martin was also a songwriter who wrote a famous patriotic

song called the ‘March of the People’ which had the same melody as the
French national anthem, La Marseillaise during the Second
Revolutionary War to boost the military’s morale. This song was sung by
Peng’s followers in the Freedom March. The ‘March of the People’
became very popular because of the song’s evocative lyrics.

The March of the People

Arise, ye people from your suffering,

Your day of honour, shall arrive,
Against us are terrible foes;
Evil tyranny we oppose,
Evil tyranny we oppose!

Do you see, those who hold,

Banners of freedom and peace?
The people, young and old,
Will bring tyranny to a cease!

For freedom, we stand!

Glorious, shall be our land!
March on, march on;
May our heroes,
Lead us to forge on!



Finally, there was Edmund Müllner. Edmund was a very loyal friend
of mine and he supported me as President of the People’s Front.
Edmund was an Earthling and he appeared on Centralora the same day
as mine, only he was at Langley. Edmund was the Vice President of the
United Organisation before he joined the People’s Front. The United
Organisation was formed in Langley and it was an organisation that had
the purpose of seeking independence. After the United Organisation
merged with the People’s Front, he was elected as one of the PF
Secretaries and then became Vice President of the People’s Front.

Chapter 10

The Anastasian surrender on 19 June 1826 AG surprised everyone. 19

June would be known as Independence Day in Denvorg and it would be
celebrated every year.

I was at Upper Langley when I heard about the news. I was

incredibly happy and relieved. I was filled with joy and relief because I
thought we could never defeat the Anastasians. Later on that day, I gave
a small speech to celebrate our victory and appreciation for everyone
who was fighting for their freedom.

General Helond privately signed the Anastasian Capitulation of

Denvorg on the same day, but the decision to make it public was on 20
June 1824 AG. It was decided that she would sign it first and then be
followed by two high-ranking Anastasian military officers and a few
People’s Front representatives as witnesses on the next day. General
Dupant was one of the People’s Front representatives who signed the
Anastasian Capitulation of Denvorg.

The Anastasian Capitulation of Denvorg was written in three

languages; Anastasian, English, and Oryues.

I went back to Sotsielche so that I could address the people. When I

arrived at the train station in Sotsielche, I was happily greeted by
everyone. There were police officers and my escorts making a line to
prevent those people from coming too close to me. I saw them carrying


flags of the People’s Front, the Republican Tricolour, and banners with
my face on them. Everyone was chanting my name. In the crowds, I
spotted Malee and Loyiso. They walked together beside me.

I waved at everybody in the train station. I took my chance to shake

hands with a few people before I left for my final destination. It was
evening by the time we were escorted to the main city square (now
called the Davino National Square). I was welcomed as a hero and
saviour, just like Davino. The city was decorated with posters and
Republican Tricolour flags. Portraits of me were displayed everywhere
in the city.

I reached the Obelisk Building and I was welcomed by the ExCo. I

was ready to deliver my speech called the ‘Independence Address’ to
the people. I had already been preparing this speech since my journey to
Sotsielche from Logstor, Upper Langley. Thousands of people filled the
entrance of the Obelisk Building. Among the people were Georges and
Sadira that I had noticed as I was walking inside the Obelisk Building. I
was glad that Georges and Sadira were safe and not harmed. I went
inside the Obelisk Building and stood on a balcony on the second floor
and began my Independence Address.

“On this very day, the people of a once-invaded nation have gathered here to
celebrate our victory against the ferocious and barbaric Anastasians. Today, the
People’s Front has successfully defeated the remaining opposing enemy forces in
Langley and has made their demand for surrender.

Today, we celebrate this day and we shall make it a national festival for the
now newly proclaimed Denvorg. Furthermore, this day shall be auspicious for
the citizens, or should I say ‘for the Denvorgians’. It is because Denvorg has
become independent after the many struggles and sacrifices of the brave
Denvorgian freedom fighters.

I must also say that today we are surrounded by Denvorgians who are full of
spirits of patriotism. Independence was not an easy thing to achieve. It required


the strength, might, and unity of the people. We had been together till this day
and our enemy was not among each other. It was only the Gueinz.

Fellow Denvorgians, we must remember the lives that many people have
sacrificed for us to gain this freedom. Freedom lay on top of a mountain and we
all struggled to climb it. But in the end, we reached the peak, and to celebrate
shall let freedom ring from every mountainside!

The main thing which every Denvorgian should remember is that we have
managed to make this land our home and we must remember the heroes who
have given their lives for us. This land shall not be separated, no matter what,
from us.

I will finally say; it was all well worth fighting for independence from the
beginning, losing our loved ones along the way, and finally getting what we all
desired. The unity and determination of the people were strong enough to defeat
the evil tyranny of the Gueinz. It has given us a chance to form this very nation.

To sum it up, this battle was not easy and now I am very thankful to have
this freedom. I am sure all of you are too. All of us are now all free and are living
in an independent nation. Citizens of Denvorg, I will end my speech here.
Thank you.”

After hearing this, everyone gave a big round of applause. Everyone

was happy because their hopes and wishes for independence came true.
I sighed, “Marie, how I wished you were here with me to enjoy this.”

My sadness of missing Marie-Jeanne was quickly replaced with joy

because I had fulfilled the needs of the Denvorgian people and all of
them were cheering my name. I have contributed so much to the people
I cared for. I tried to forget my dark past and made a new and happy
story with my achievements in it. But I still remembered Marie-Jeanne
who had guided me since the beginning. Without her, I wouldn't be who
I am now.


After my speech, the national anthem of the Second Republic of

Denvorg, ‘Free Union’ was played for the first time in history to the
Denvorgian people gathered in front of the Obelisk Building. The
national anthem was written by a famous poet, Frank Wyss after he was
inspired by the battles that resulted in the People’s Front victory and the
hope that remained and lit up people’s hearts.

I watched as the Republican Tricolour was being raised while the

‘Free Union’ was playing.

Free Union

Our land of hope and freedom,

United, brave, and glorious,
We stand up and sing to thee,
Name us victorious!

Let thy glory be thy beauty,

Over thy hills and shores,
Dying for her – our duty,
Our flag forev’r more!

Hoist our flag and let her wave,

Our republic, may God save,
Immortal patriots gladly gave,
Freedom to the Free Union!

Let freedom ring and heard by all,

Liberty, the grand call,
Our flag and freedom we install,
Over our Free Union!



Besides, Thomas Martin’s wartime song (‘March of the People’), the

flag song of Devorg (‘Blue, White and Yellow’), and an old patriotic song
used during the First Republic of Denvorg (‘Song of the Patriots’) were
one of the many patriotic songs played. The ‘Song of Patriots’ would
also become a ceremonial entrance march of the Vice President of

Blue, White and Yellow

(Verse One)
Over the land, she waved for all,
Let her fly, she shall not fall,
Hear the music from the band,
For everyone, shall hear and stand!

We’ll defend our glorious flag,

With much haste, we shall not drag;
Guard the emblem of the free,
My strength, I pledge to thee!

Let her fly, let her fly, let her fly,
Our pride, our pride in the sky!
Together, every fellow;
Shall guard the Blue, White and Yellow!

(Verse Two)
So long she flies, freedom shall stay,
And fly she will, on this bright day;
Denvorg shall always be free,
As what Denvorg has meant to me!

Emblem of our spirit,

Patriots fought to defend it,
She shall fly in any manner,
Our flag and banner!



(Verse Three)
Tricolour of the nation’s mark,
Will firmly glow, throughout the dark;
You shall wave for all the time,
In night and day, freedom shall chime!

In one spirit and in one voice,

Free and sovereign, our choice;
Stripes of the people, we shall see,
With pride we sing, we guarantee!



Song of the Patriots

(Verse One)
On the darkest days, our blood drops on this land,
On those days, freedom we demand!

When the war is over,

Freedom forever,
Glorious patriots shall rise,
Beneath shining skies!

(Verse Two)
Trumpets sounded for the country’s fame,
We shall let Davino’s illustrious name,

Be heard ‘round the union,

Cheered by the nation,
His virtue inspires all,


To fight till evil falls!

(Verse Three)
We the free people rose and fought,
To have hope of liberty, we ought,

When the war is over,

Freedom forever,
Glorious patriots shall rise,
Beneath shining skies!


The next day, I held a meeting with the ExCo to form a provisional
government to temporarily govern Denvorg while Denvorg was
recovering from the Second Revolutionary War. The provisional
government would maintain power until a new government was
formed, which was through the 1828 AG State, Gubernatorial,
Congressional, and Presidential Elections (1828 AG General Elections).

The Denvorgian Provisional Government, also known as just the

Provisional Government, was formed later that day and it consisted of
15 members, including Juro, Peng, Thomas, Edmund, and me. Sotsielche
became the capital city of Denvorg and housed the Denvorgian
Provisional Government's administrative centre.

We had a vote to choose a Caretaker President. I, as one of the 15

members of the Provisional Government, had one vote and I could vote
for myself. There were only two candidates for Caretaker President;
Thomas and I. 10 members, including me, voted to elect me as Caretaker
President while only five voted for Thomas. This made me secure a
majority to become Caretaker President.

Later on that day, I announced the names of the members to the

public through a press conference in the Obelisk Building. As Caretaker
President, I was responsible for getting Denvorg back on its feet.


We decided to dissolve the People’s Front as it was no longer needed

anymore. There was a small farewell party and we left the roles we held
in the People’s Front. I knew a lot of the members from all four branches
of the People’s Front, mostly from the General Assembly. The People’s
Front was dissolved on 29 June 1826 AG.

The COJ was succeeded by the establishment of the Supreme Court of

Denvorg and it tried 33 high-ranking Anastasian officers, including
General Helond, Air Force General Neurems, Admiral Chydav, Chief
Aisling, and the three representatives of Empress Kikiana from the
Anastasian Military Administration for committing crimes against
peace, crimes against humanity, and war crimes.

Their trial took place in Sotsielche on 2 July 1826 AG and concluded

on 26 April 1827 AG with the judges sentencing only one to be
imprisoned for life and the other 32 defendants to death. General
Helond was executed by a firing squad, Chief Aisling was life
imprisoned, and the remaining 31 defendants were hanged.

The Denvorgian Provisional Government had a lot of plans and

priorities. We need to aid citizens who were homeless, hungry, and
injured. We sent our representatives to neighbouring countries and to
the World Bank headquarters in Froer Dresmore, Bertznia to ask them to
provide loans to the Denvorgian Provisional Government for the
rebuilding of Denvorg. The WOPA saw our activities and decided to
send humanitarian aid in the form of medical supplies, food, money, and
a few teams of volunteers.

There was much discussion about this because we were arguing

about the safety concerns when transporting medical supplies, food, and
volunteers to Denvorg. The Anastasian Empire had several naval bases
on islands in the Nordernic Ocean. This could pose a threat to Denvorg
and the transport ships because any Anastasian warship could attack
from there.


I told the Denvorgian Navy to escort the transport ships that were
carrying medical supplies, food, and volunteers to Denvorg. Not only
that, I called for a maritime patrol around Denvorg to prevent any
Anastasian threat near Denvorgian waters. I also warned the Anastasian
Empire not to destroy any of the ships arriving and leaving Denvorg as
Denvorg was an independent country and that the Anastasians would
face deadly consequences if the sovereignty of Denvorg was threatened.
This would lead me into making Denvorg a member of the WOPA on 18
September 1826 AG.

Denvorg was put into a period of reconstruction. The Denvorgian

Provisional Government initiated the National Recovery Plan on 13 July
1826 AG to rebuild the country, revive the economy, and control
inflation. We used the loans and donated money to build and repair
hospitals to treat the wounded, homes and shelters for the homeless,
schools to provide education to children, transportation infrastructures
to allow easy travel around Denvorg, and power plants to provide
electricity to everyone. However, the plan mostly focused on providing
the needy with types of aid other than monetary aid to control inflation.

The Denvorgian Provisional Government also encouraged agriculture

to provide food to all hungry citizens. We also distributed land to
farmers and ensured that most agricultural lands were owned by the
most productive farmers. Fishing was also supported and most
fishermen sold their catches to the government which would distribute
them to the needy.

A new problem emerged soon after we got help from other countries.
Some Anastasians rebelled against the Denvorgian Provisional
Government and posed a threat to the Denvorgian people. The
insurgents disrupted food transports and stole money for their benefit.
The insurgents also destroyed buildings which were under construction.
I negotiated with the rebels to put an end to their unlawful activities, but
they ignored me.


The Denvorgian Police Force was established to protect the

Denvorgians and to take down the rebels. By the end of July, a complete
judiciary structure was established and strengthened and it became clear
that the courts were punishing the insurgents under the laws of the First
Republic of Denvorg.

Fast forward to 1827 AG, the Denvorgian Provisional Government

had to attract foreign investors to Denvorg to get more money for the
reconstruction of Denvorg. I went on official visits to the countries of
Blayunin, the Gaboran Kingdom, Liturya, Dylera, Berztnia, Tarsarnea,
and the other eastern countries to meet with the leaders and discuss
issues relating to strengthening cooperation, global investment,
economy, financial stability, and sustainable development. I also met
with investors and innovators of strong and huge companies.

From there, foreign investors came into Denvorg and we started to set
up their supply chains and manufacturing facilities. Local businesses
started appearing and began investing locally.

Foreign and local banking companies also appeared to enable citizens

to have checking and savings accounts, provide financial and advisory
services to businesses, provide loan and mortgage services, and wealth

To further boost the Denvorgian economy, the Provisional

Government of Denvorg put natural resources into domestic and export
use. Denvorg exported high-quality timber such as spruce, oak, and
Douglas fir wood. Besides that, Denvorg's main exports were coal,
natural gas, and aquatic products.

The Denvorgian Provisional Government imposed minimal taxes on

low-income citizens and levied heavy taxes on the upper class through
increased income tax and property tax. The middle class was not taxed
heavily but still had to pay much more taxes than the poor. We were
constantly trying to strike a balance between too little taxes and too
much taxes. Too little taxes would cause rampant inflation due to the


amount of monetary aid given out and too much taxes would cripple the
lower and lower middle classes.

Denvorg was getting stable and the cities were gradually rebuilt from
their ruins. Many job opportunities were also beginning to exist and the
Denvorgian people were earning money for their living.

The next year, in 1828 AG, the Denvorgian Provisional Government

retrieved the remains of the Constitution of the First Republic of
Denvorg. Some documents were destroyed by the Anastasians after the
surrender of Alberto Davino. We decided to rewrite and amend the
Constitution to a new one; the Constitution of the Federal Republic of

The rewriting and amending of the Constitution took place during

the Constitutional Convention, which was held from 16 February to 13
March 1828 AG at Sotsielche. There were five elected delegates each
from all 12 States in Denvorg; New Denvorg, Bremand, Hoisden,
Wessonne, Uriada, Sterling, Okravia, Upper Langley, Langley, Enfielse,
Margueritte, and Norfordland. Those 60 elected delegates and the
members of the Denvorgian Provisional Government attended the
Constitutional Convention, making 75 members there.

The new Constitution was signed by one delegate from each State
and the 15 members of the Denvorgian Provisional Government.

The Constitution structured the separation of powers in a

government. This means that a government would be divided into three
branches; the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch, and the Judicial
Branch. The powers and functions of each branch would be carried out
separately. By having these three independent branches, no branch
would be more powerful than the other.

The separation of powers was essential in a government to prevent

absolutism. If all branches were under the power of one individual, it
would create an environment of abuse and corruption. This could be


seen in Anastasian-occupied Denvorg, in which one ruler, the Empress,

held absolute power over her subjects.

Denvorg was now stable to have elections. With upcoming elections

approaching, I established the Democratic Federalist Party, also known
as the DEMOFED or DFP for short, on 3 April 1828 AG. My loyal
supporters, including Edmund, Juro, and Peng, joined the DEMOFED.
There were also lots of people who wanted to become a member of the
DEMOFED because of my well-known and trusted leadership. Some of
them that I knew were the two former Presidents of the GDMA: Tericead
Cefur and Joseph Atonal. I had not seen them for quite some time.

So, I decided to catch up with them and went out for drinks. After
joining the DEMOFED recently, Tericead told me that he had plans to
run for Senator of New Denvorg while Joseph wanted to run for
Representative of Lerman. We also had a great time talking about our
old days.

Thomas went his separate ways from us and founded the National
Republican Party (REPUBLICAN). The former Treasurer-General of the
RMA and a member of the Denvorgian Provisional Government, Trisko
Roarke established the Blue Nationalist Party (BNP). By the end of April
1828 AG, many political parties and political alliances were formed.

On 2 June 1828 AG, the DEMOFED and the Social Union Party
(UNION) created a pact and then introduced the Democratic Alliance.
The United Progressive Organisation (UPO) joined the Democratic
Alliance a day later and it gained popularity because those three parties
had a very strong influence in Denvorg.

The Denvorgian Provisional Government had members from different

parties with different political ideologies. We would argue about issues
on how to run the country the right way according to their political
beliefs. However, we also understood that we have to save and rebuild
Denvorg for the sake of the people. All the 15 members, including me,
put aside our differences and worked together for a better future.


The political parties in Denvorg started campaigning in early August

1828 AG for the 1828 AG General Elections which were held on 11
October and 25 October 1828 AG. Since everyone could be a presidential
candidate, Denvorg practised a two-round voting system. The second
date, 25 October, was a second-round election for the two presidential
candidates who received the most votes in the first-round election,
which was on 11 October.

By that time, there was the Democratic Alliance (DEMOFED +

UNION + UPO), the People’s Coalition (BNP + Conservative Party), the
National Republican Party, the Homeland Freedom Party and the
Independents. Those were political alliances and political parties
campaigning to get votes in Denvorg before the election. Members of
those parties held political talks and rallies everywhere in Denvorg.

From 1 to 3 August 1828 AG, the Democratic Alliance Convention

was held at Esarna Convention Centre, Uriada. During these three days,
members of the Democratic Alliance nominated candidates and also
debated party policies and campaign strategies.

On the last day, 1 August, the Esarna Convention Centre was filled
with supporters and they were eager to know the names of the
candidates. When my name was mentioned to be a candidate for
President, the supporters cheered and chanted the Democratic Alliance’s
election slogans: ‘Together, We Can” and “United and Strong”. Edmund
was my running mate and he was a candidate for Vice President.

The names of candidates for Representatives and Senators were also

mentioned. Tericead Cefur was nominated as one of the five candidates
for Senator of New Denvorg. Joseph Atonal, Juro Kuroki, and Peng Jun
Kong were nominated as candidates for Representatives of Lerman,
Esarna, and Ending Rock respectively. It was good to hear that two of
the Founding Fathers were candidates for Representatives. Soon,
candidates delivered their speeches to the supporters.


Edmund and I gave a speech on how we were the perfect people for
President and Vice President. We highlighted everyday problems, such
as food, the economy, security, and maintaining the unity of the
Denvorgian people. We told the supporters that we would solve all of
those problems when we were elected.

Later that day, we also got to know other candidates from other
parties. Arend Herselnus and Trisko Roarke from the People’s Coalition
were candidates for President and Vice President respectively.

Followed by the National Republican Party, Thomas Martin was the

candidate for President and Dougan Joirs was the candidate for Vice
President. The Homeland Freedom Party had their candidates too; Rafi
Farhat and Ibolyka Varga for President and Vice President respectively.
There were also a lot of independent candidates who were not from any
political party.

In total, there were 13 candidates for President, four candidates from

the main parties of the Democratic Alliance, the People’s Coalition, the
National Republican Party, and the Homeland Freedom Party while the
nine candidates were from the Independents.

When I was visiting the residents in an area in Sotsielche called

Heaving Street, I met someone who would soon be the love of my life.
She introduced her name to me as Kaarina Laine and shared that she
was an Executive Manager of Waynn Television Studios,14 Denvorg.
There was a moment when we both locked eyes and we felt that it was
love at first sight. I was astonished and she had melted my heart. Her
smile was precious and her eyes were gorgeous – it made the beauty that
she possessed cannot be replicated.

Waynn Television Studios is a film production company owned and


headquartered in the United States of Carodina. The Waynn Television Studios

has several branches around the world, including Denvorg.


I decided to talk to her more. Kaarina told me that the Waynn

Television Studios was almost finished making a historical drama called
‘Arising’ which showed how I led the Denvorgians to independence.
Kaarina was actually on her way to her office to announce it. This
grabbed the attention of some people and they kept showing up near
Kaarina and me to find out more about the film. We had a good
conversation and we kept chatting until she had to get going.

Before I left for another place, I shook hands with Kaarina and bid her
goodbye and hoped to see her again in the future. I had to keep moving
and not delay at one place because of many security reasons.

Edmund and I went around Denvorg to hold talks to gain support

from the people. Edmund and I started departing Sotsielche on 19
August to the cities of Bavin and Kenas in New Denvorg, followed by
Monero and Tansidak, Bremand, and then to the city of Rosatress, State
of Hoisden.

We took a flight from Rosatress to Relasa, Sterling to organise a huge

political rally there. After that, I went to Esarna, Uriada to organise
another political rally there. Next, we went to the city of Fort Peace,
Okravia. Okravia was heavily influenced by the Arend Herselnus and it
became a stronghold of the People’s Coalition.

From Fort Peace, we departed to the city of Marduerig, Margueritte.

The people of Margueritte were so nice that they welcomed our arrival
and organised an official dinner with the candidates for Representatives
and Senators at the Ebleast Hotel. The Ebleast Hotel was one of the most
luxurious hotels in Denvorg until today.

After spending three days at Marduerig holding talks and

walkabouts, Edmund and I departed to the city of Geruan, Langley.
From Geruan, we left for the cities of Deko and Eastern Capital, Upper
Langley. We went to Ending Rock, Norfordland after spending a week in
Upper Langley.


After holding a few talks in Ending Rock, we travelled to the city of

Straitown Sand, Upper Langley.

The cities in Norfordland were still underdeveloped and some parts

of the cities were still destroyed. Norfordland also had the most cases of
Anastasian violence towards Denvorgian civilians. I explained those
issues when I was giving talks in Norfordland and told them that it was
going to be solved as soon as possible. I also told them my plans for
preventing the causes of those issues and promised that the bad effects
of those issues would not reach them.

After two days in Straitown Sand, we went to Logstor, Upper

Langley. Logstor and the northern region of Upper Langley became very
strong supporters of the Democratic Alliance. It became another
stronghold for the Democratic Alliance.

Next, we left for the cities of Krayross and Lystein, Wessonne. After
Wessonne, we took a flight and flew to the city of Lerman, the most
populated city on Intridue Island. After spending almost a week in
Lerman, we went back to Sotsielche on 21 September.

I also made some friends who were candidates for Representatives

and Senators. I’m gonna mention a few whom I had talked to a lot.

Alyssa Damaris was a Representative candidate for Durwall Village,

an area in Sotsielche that became a congressional district. She was a very
generous person and a lot of people liked her. Besides her, Koloman
Bucher was also one of my good friends. He was a Representative
candidate for Edarasa, Sterling. Lastly, Rhaelgel Ricci was a
Representative candidate for Logstor, Upper Langley.

I had two close friends who were Democratic Alliance candidates for
Senator, Sandor Forgliev and Hadrian Cohern. Sandor was a senatorial
candidate for Bremand while Hadrian was a senatorial candidate for


The Congress of the Federal Republic of Denvorg, also known as the

Denvorgian Congress, commonly known as just Congress, was the
legislature of Denvorg. The Congress would be bicameral; composed of
the upper house, the Senate, and the lower house, the House of

The Senate consisted of 60 elected members; five Senators would be

elected from each State. This way, the Senate had equal representation
from all 12 States. The House of Representatives would have 239 elected
members. The elected Representatives would represent the 239
congressional districts of Denvorg.

I remembered going back to Krystasya’s house to take a last look at it

because I had made plans to have it demolished. I was with my escorts
and Edmund followed. I went inside the house and showed them
around the house. I entered my room to see that nothing much had
changed other than it had dust everywhere. Going around the house
reminded me of my horrible experiences with Krystasya and Evalette.

After gradually feeling uncomfortable in the house, I left and stood

outside. That said, it was a good idea to have this house destroyed.

The night before 11 October, the Democratic Alliance organised a

political talk called ‘Denvorgians Arise: The Final Gathering’ in the city
of Yenarai, New Denvorg. When the event started, it was estimated that
more than 200,000 people showed up. There were a lot of people and
they wanted to listen to all the candidates’ speeches.

At 7 a.m., the polling stations in Denvorg were opened for people to

cast their votes. It was on a Saturday and everyone was free to come out
and vote. polling stations were in schools and public buildings. I went
back to Sotsielche to cast my vote in the ballot box. Since I belonged to
Durwall Village in Sotsielche, I had to vote there according to an
instruction by the Denvorgian Election Commission (DEC).


I voted for myself, the candidate for Representative of Durwall

Village (Alyssa Damaris), the five candidates for Senators of New
Denvorg (Muhammad Nadeem, Marcus Tarrent, Gareen Smetvik, Kang
Hyun-Jung, and Tericead Cefur) and the candidate for Governor of New
Denvorg (Rose Bouwe).

Sotsielche would not be part of any State Assemblies as it was a

federal district and it was not part of any States. This means Sotsielche
would be directly governed by Congress. However, Sotsielche would
have a City Council and a Mayor. Not only for Sotsielche but also for all
the cities of Denvorg. Members of a City Council and the Mayor would
be elected by the people in separate elections.

A State Assembly was a legislative body for each of the 12 States in

Denvorg. All State Assemblies were unicameral legislatures and each
State Assemblyman was elected from a single-member city in a State.

Georges and Inaya were into politics and they were strong supporters
of the Democratic Alliance. They agreed to vote for me for President and
Edmund for Vice President. Loyiso and Malee weren’t interested in
politics, but they did vote for the candidates from the Democratic

Georges, Malee and I had the same voting time, which was 11 a.m.,
and the same polling station. The polling station was at the National
School for Anastasians (now called the Green Valley National School)
and it was not far from Durwall. When we got there, there were a lot of
people waiting outside the classes and school hall for their turn to vote.
Luckily, the DEC knew how to manage a lot of people and they helped
to save time.

When I got into a class, I gave my identification card to the counter

for confirmation. Then, the DEC officers told me to dip my left finger in
the ink to indicate that I had voted. After that, they gave me two ballot
papers with congressional and presidential candidates. After we cast our
votes, Georges, Malee and I went back to Durwall.


Later on that day, Georges, Inaya, Loyiso, Malee and I went out to a
cafe for tea after everyone had voted.

I was surrounded by news reporters who scrambled to ask me some

questions. My bodyguards were with my friends and me all the time
and they told the news reporters to make way for us to move. As more
news reporters could be seen, I stood in front of them and answered a
few questions before we started moving to another place.

Normally, I was given a small vehicle convoy with bodyguards to

escort me wherever I go. I was a candidate for President and I needed to
be protected at all times. Edmund was also given bodyguards to protect
him as well.

On the same day, Georges and Inaya stayed up late at night to keep
ourselves updated about the election results. I was very nervous and I
hoped that the Democratic Alliance candidates would win, especially for
me to get the majority votes. All three of us got cosy on our sofa and
watched the results being broadcasted on the television.

The Democratic Alliance formed State legislatures in the State

Assemblies of New Denvorg, Bremand, Uriada, Langley, and Upper
Langley after winning a simple majority of seats. The Democratic
Alliance candidates for Governors of those States were also elected.

The Democratic Alliance also managed to secure a large majority in

Congress. In the Senate, the Democratic Alliance won 33 seats, the
National Republican Party won 14 seats, the Homeland Freedom Party
won eight seats, and finally, the People’s Coalition only won five seats.
The 33 Democratic Alliance Senators elected Tericead Cefur as the Senate
Majority Leader. I took the opportunity to congratulate them the next

In the House of Representatives, the Democratic Alliance also secured

a large majority too. The Democratic Alliance won a staggering amount


of 129 seats, the National Republican Party trailing behind at 45 seats,

the People’s Coalition had 44 seats, the Homeland Freedom Party
secured 18 seats and three more seats were controlled by the
Independents. Among the 129 Democratic Alliance seats were Joseph
Atonal, Juro Kuroki, Peng Jun Kong, Alyssa Damaris, and Rhaelgel
Ricci. On that day, Juro Kuroki was elected as Speaker of the House of
Representatives and Rhaelgel Ricci was elected as House Majority

In the first round of the Presidential Election, I had 41% votes,

Thomas Martin from the National Republican Party had 28.45% votes,
Arend Herselnus from the People’s Coalition secured 17.57%, and Rafi
Farhat from the Homeland Freedom Party only won 8.37% votes. Nine
other presidential candidates won a total of 4.61% votes. This made
Thomas and I receive the most votes in the first round and would
proceed to the second round.

The next morning, the Democratic Alliance celebrated their victory in

the streets, waving flags and chanting the Democratic Alliance’s election
slogan. Koloman Bucher and Hadrian Cohern lost their seats. I told them
that they had already tried their best and should celebrate their hard

Two weeks before the second round of the Presidential Election,

Thomas and I went to many different places to campaign again. I was
quite confident that I would win in the second round election after
getting the majority votes in the first round. I reminded myself not to be
overconfident as this could lead to disasters. All I needed was luck, a
good one.

Around two in the morning of 26 October, Georges, Sadira, Malee,

Loyiso, Inaya, and I sat in front of our televisions to listen to the results.
The results showed that I won the majority, defeating Thomas Martin
with a percentage of 63.28% votes.


“I can’t believe my eyes! I won! I am President of Denvorg!” I said to


We were in joy when the results were concluded. I finally sat down on
my couch and I expressed a strong reaction of relief. Edmund gave me a
call and congratulated me on my achievement. Then, we had to leave for
the Grand Glasscity Hotel to hold a press conference. Georges and the
others stayed at home to get their needed sleep.

I saw a crowd of Durwall residents gathering in front of my house

and they were chanting my name to celebrate my success. I went in front
of the crowds and they were scrambling to shake my hand. My
bodyguards were close to me to make sure that I was not hurt in the
crowds. Soon, I got into my car and I was driven to the Grand Glasscity
Hotel for a press conference. There, I took an opportunity to shake hands
with Thomas, who was also there, to thank him for being a good rival
and to congratulate his efforts. I told him that it was a good and fair

After my victory, I discussed with the members of the Democratic

Alliance about forming my Cabinet. There would be 21 members – 17
Secretaries and four Cabinet-level officials (excluding the Vice
President). We were given until December for the 21 members of my
Cabinet to be nominated. After that, the Senate would have a
confirmation session to approve them. Out of the 21 members of my
Cabinet, one did not need the Senate’s approval (refer table on the next

On 3 January 1829 AG, the Senate had approved all 20 members and
my Cabinet was formed.


1. List of Secretaries (Department Heads) of my Cabinet:

Vice President Secretary of Foreign Affairs

Secretary of Finance Secretary of Defence

Attorney General Secretary of Transport

Secretary of Economy Secretary of Health

Secretary of Education Secretary of Trade and Industry

Secretary of Science, Technology, Secretary of Community

and Innovation Development

Secretary of Resources and Secretary of Human Resources

Environment Management

Secretary of Rural and Urban Secretary of Communications,

Development Digital, and Media

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Secretary of Energy and Business


2. List of Cabinet-level Officials:

Learmont Palace15 Chief of Staff Director of National Security

(No need approval from Senate)

Director of Domestic Affairs Director of Economic and Budget


The Inauguration Day was held on 5 January 1829 AG in the

Congress building. Thousands of Denvorgian people gathered in

The Learmont Palace is the o cial residence and workplace of the President of
Denvorg. It is located in Noble Garden, F.D. Andrige. It was constructed in 1812
AG and it underwent repairs and upgrades after the end of the Second
Revolutionary War.


Elysium Grounds16 and Grand National Stand17 to watch Vice

President-elect Edmund Müllner and I take the oath of office. This was
the moment when I would be officially taking the office of President of
Denvorg. Another thing occupied my mind: millions of Denvorgians
were counting on me to do my job. Swearing in as President would be
the highest responsibility I would ever take.

The event started with everyone saying their prayers. Then, the event
continued by singing the national anthem, ‘Free Union’, accompanied by
music from the Denvorgian Army, Marines, and Navy Band. It then
proceeded with the Vice President-elect taking the oath of office. After
Edmund, it was my turn to take the oath. I stood up from my seat and
walked towards a lectern where Chief Justice Ludvig Cromwell was
standing. He would administer the oath of office.

As I started reading the oath, everyone was quiet and they listened to
the oath. They had been waiting for the oath of office to be read by the
man that they had chosen to be President.

“Please put up your right hand and repeat after me,” Chief Justice
Ludvig Cromwell said to me.

The oath of office went like this:

Elysium Grounds is a landscape park which is located in front of the Congress
building. It houses three man-made lakes and it became a famous tourist

The Grand National Stand is an area in the Congress building and it faces
towards the Elysium Grounds. Presidential inaugurations would be held in the
Grand National Stand. This place has an open area to allow more room for more
people to be inside.


“I (name), having been elected as President of the Federal Republic of

Denvorg, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully uphold my duties as President
to the best of my ability and will preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution
of the Federal Republic of Denvorg. So, help me God”

“Congratulations, Mr President!” Chief Justice Ludvig Cromwell

shook my hands.

The Denvorgian Army, Marines and Navy Band played a stanza from
a verse, followed by the chorus from ‘The Motherland Calls’. This
shortened song became a personal anthem of the President and it would
be played for the President at public events. The song started with four
ruffles and flourishes before it was played. Everyone cheered and waved
the Republican Tricolour with full enthusiasm. I waved my hands at the

I was also congratulated by House Speaker Juro Kuroki, my Cabinet

members, the proclaimed Vice President Edmund Müllner, his fiancée,
Leonie Berger, my rivals during the election, their families and close
friends, my closest friends, Georges, Sadira, Inaya, Malee, Loyiso, and
their families, and finally, my brothers and cousins. They were all sitting
in the VIP seating area inside the Grand National Stand. My seat was
also in the VIP seating area too.

I sat down at a table and signed the oath of office on a piece of

document. After signing, everyone clapped their hands again.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the Federal Republic of

Denvorg!” Chief Justice Ludvig Cromwell exclaimed.

A 21-gun salute was also heard to honour the newly proclaimed

President. The event proceeded with Edmund and I giving our
inaugural addresses. In my speech, I stated how the power of democracy
enabled me to win the election and that we must preserve and protect
democracy. I also talked about how I was going to move the country
forward and make Denvorg better for the people. Last but not least, I


talked about the theme of unity and peace. These were the words that
had left a lasting impression on the people.

Soon, there were several performances, including choirs, songs sung

by famous singers, and various music played by orchestras and military
bands. After the performances, we watched a military parade in front of
the Congress building. They carried flags of the Republican Tricolour,
the Presidential Standard, and the Vice Presidential Standard.

At the end of the Inauguration Day, Edmund and I attended the

Inaugural Parade, where we marched down Congress Street around the
Congress building with our escorts, the PPS (Presidential Protection
Service), Denvorgian Army calvaries, honour guards, small divisions
from the AFORD (Armed Forces of Denvorg),18 and its military bands.
The road there was lined with cheering citizens who cheered us on as we
made our way around the Congress building.

Then, Edmund would ride in an armoured limousine and he would

be driven to Greyhouse Centre.19 I would be driven in an armoured
limousine to the Learmont Palace.

I reached the Learmont Palace around 1:30 p.m. and I was greeted by
the staff there. The staff was divided into seven groups; the director-led
Office of National Security (ONS), Office of Economic and Budget
Management (OEBM), Office of Domestic Affairs (ODA), Office of
Congressional Affairs (OCA), and Office of Residential Affairs (ORA).

The Armed Forces of Denvorg, abbreviated as AFORD, currently consists of five
branches; the Denvorgian Army, the Denvorgian Air Force, the Denvorgian
Marines, the Denvorgian Navy, and the Denvorgian Special Forces.

The Greyhouse Centre used to be the headquarters of the Anastasian forces in
Anastasian-occupied Denvorg under the command of General Helond. Now, it has
become the o cial residence and workplace of the Vice President of Denvorg. It is
located in Andrige Central, F.D. Andrige.


The final groups were the Board of Cabinet Affairs (BCA), led by the
Cabinet Secretary and the Press Office, led by the Press Secretary.

Those seven groups were led by the LP (Learmont Palace) Chief of

Staff, Gervais Renaud, who would be my closest advisor. They
introduced themselves to me and they showed me around the Learmont
Palace. It was quite a big house for me to stay in. After that, I walked
into my office, the Learmont Presidential Office, and gazed around,
feeling astonished. I told myself, “Wow, I have my own office, a big one.”

The office was decorated with the Republican Tricolour on small flag
poles and a carpet which displayed the emblem of the President. There
were also small bookshelves attached to the wall and I saw fancy lamps
on the tables. A picture was hanging on the wall; it was the portrait of
the first President of Denvorg, Alberto Davino. From that day, I started
my job as President of Denvorg; serving, protecting, and leading the
Denvorgian people.

The Prime Minister of Tarsarnea, Denred Ars-Berker, phoned me to

congratulate me on my election as President. He also told me that he
was looking forward to a good relationship between Denvorg and

Chapter 11

On the same day, a formal dinner was held in the Learmont Palace.
Edmund and I were honourable guests at that formal dinner. We were
joined by Georges, Sadira, Inaya, Malee, Loyiso, Leonie, their families,
and my brothers and cousins. Other attendees included my Cabinet
members, the Representatives of Andrige, the Senators of New Denvorg,
Governor Rose Bouwe, General Charles Dupant (Chairman of the
AFORD), the Chiefs to Staff of the AFORD, and their families were also

Another group of guests were also invited to have dinner with us. It
was the Leadership Team of the Waynn Television Studios and they
would present their new film called ‘Arising’ to everyone to
commemorate the struggle for Denvorgian independence. All of the
attendees were scheduled to watch the film at the theatre in Learmont

Kaarina Laine, a member of the Leadership Team, was also there and
I was surprised. I did not expect her to be at the Learmont Palace and to
have dinner with us. I told myself that it was an opportunity to talk to
her again since I liked her so much. In my eyes, Kaarina looked truly
beautiful in her bright blue gown.

That formal dinner was held in the State Dining Room, a large dining
room in the Learmont Palace. The dinner started at 8:30 p.m. after I gave
my small speech to the attendees. When I was giving my speech, I


glanced at Kaarina a few times until suddenly, she noticed me. Kaarina
smiled and gave me a small wave. I looked at her, gave a small smile,
and continued with my speech.

After eating, everyone in the State Dining Room decided to walk

around and talk with each other after having a filling dinner.

I walked towards Kaarina and asked her if we could walk together

and I would show her some places in the Learmont Palace. She
surprisingly said yes. She also told me that she was surprised because I
could recognise her.

I showed Kaarina the Painting Room in the Learmont Palace. The

Painting Room had a lot of famous and historical paintings and the
room had three portraits of me. Kaarina was very interested in arts,
especially historical ones. I also showed her the Farview Library which
was located on the top floor of the Learmont Palace. The library had a
small flight of stairs to the roof and a huge window that we could see

We also sat down and talked more about ourselves. Before we went
downstairs to the Learmont Theatre, I showed Kaarina a few more
places and we walked to the Main Learmont Veranda on the ground
floor. We enjoyed the night breeze there before going to the Learmont

Hanging out with Kaarina that night quickly connected us as friends.

The night ended with everyone watching the movie ‘Arising’. The movie
was perfect and it was also very accurate!

Before everyone left, Kaarina asked me if we could go out for coffee

the next day. I suggested to her that we should try the newly-opened
Evergreen Cafe for coffee.

The next day, 6 January, the newly elected President of Bertznia,

Shyroregi Jen, called the Learmont Palace early that morning.


“Ah, very good morning to you, Mr President. It’s a pleasure to

finally talk to you. I would like to congratulate you on being elected as
President,” President Jen said.

“Well, thank you very much. It’s a pleasure to talk to you too. I also
want to take this opportunity to congratulate you on becoming
President,” I replied.

“Thank you, thank you. I heard that you are the one who led the
Denvorgian people to independence against Anastasian rule. Very
impressive of you!” he added.

“Yes, yes. But I wouldn’t have succeeded if it wasn’t for the help of
my… uh… colleagues. I will not take all the fame to myself, you know?”
I said.

“I believe that your success comes from being able to deal with
significant challenges since Anastasian rule. Now, the world has seen
how you have improved people’s lives by breaking free from the
Anastasians. Freedom does triumph over tyranny,” President Jen

“Yes, yes. You are right,” I replied.

“I don’t want to waste more of your time. I just want to say that I
hope, under your administration, Bertznia and Denvorg will have good
bilateral relations, in terms of trade, business, military cooperation, and
more. Bertznia will also continue to help Denvorg to recover from the
recent war,” President Jen said before he ended the call.

After having the call with President Shyroregi Jen, I dressed and was
escorted to Evergreen Cafe for coffee with Kaarina. I arrived there,
grabbed a table, and waited for Kaarina to arrive. Not very long after,
Kaarina showed up at the cafe and spotted me sitting at the table that
was surrounded by a few PPS agents and customers who wanted to


meet me. We enjoyed our coffee and had a casual conversation about our
lives. Before we left, we got a way to communicate with each other and
we could call when we needed something.

Kaarina and I hung out a lot and grew more attached. Until today, we
are in a meaningful relationship with a sense of togetherness.

Although Kaarina reminds me a lot of Marie-Jeanne and sometimes

makes me afraid that I would lose Kaarina like how I lost Marie-Jeanne,
both of them taught me something: to move forward from my horrible
past and not relive it. Kaarina also told me, “It’s better to have loved and
lost than never to have loved at all.”

On 1 February 1829 AG, an interesting development occurred in the

field of science. A government-funded organisation known as the
Garudyaahst Scientific Research Organisation (GSRO) came up with a
theory explaining the cause of Garudyaahst. This was able to happen
due to the transfer of new information from new Earthlings.

The Denvorgian government had been keeping a close eye on

developments in this field for a long time. It started on 26 March 1826
AG, when a recently transported Earthling, who was identified as a
physicist, was scouted by the GSRO and recruited into their research
team. During his interview, the physicist told the interviewers about a
discovery that was made on Earth around five decades ago at the time.
That discovery was null physics.

The theory that the GSRO came up with was called the Triple
Realities Theory. It proposed a concept called the Three-reality Concept
which stated that there were three realities; the First Reality, the Second
Reality and the Third Reality. According to the theory, these three
realities were constantly producing electromagnetic waves towards each

Compared to the First Reality (a universe where Centralora and its

planetary system are located) and the Third Reality (a universe where


Earth and its planetary system are located), the Second Reality was filled
with distorted time, broken laws of physics, and broken forces of nature
which generated the most powerful electromagnetic waves.

With that, the cause of Garudyaahst was likely to be that the

electromagnetic waves from the Second Reality happened to meet with
the electromagnetic waves from the First and Third Realities
simultaneously, thereby creating null zones on Earth and letting
Earthlings enter Centralora.

This was a huge accomplishment for modern Denvorg! It shocked the

whole world and countries wanted their scientists to learn about this.
The news of Denvorg’s discovery in the field of science spread like
wildfire. World leaders and heads of state sent their top scientists and
experts to learn from Denvorgian scientists and scholars. Many
international organisations also sent delegations to get first-hand
knowledge of this new revolutionary discovery.

The Denvorgian scientists and researchers were lauded for their

incredible findings and the country was praised for its visionary
leadership. This discovery also sparked a new wave of scientific
discovery around the world.

On 7 February 1829 AG, Congress passed a law to rename places in

Denvorg that had Anastasian names and any names that were related to
the Anastasian Empire. This was done so to erase any remnants of the
cruel invaders and to set Denvorg free from the influences of the
Anastasian language.

That was when any place with the name ‘Sotsielche’ was renamed
Andrige and the city itself was renamed the Federal District of Andrige.
Ranging from school names to city names, the Anastasian names were
replaced with the three widely spoken languages in Denvorg; English,
Oryues, and French.


Days went by and Denvorg began to recover from the Second

Revolutionary War. Denvorg’s economy was gradually getting better
and the Denvorgian Dollar saw a slight increase in its value. Inflation
was also carefully handled by reducing unnecessary government

I wanted Denvorg to be one of the fastest-growing economies. So, the

government and I worked together to make it happen. After making
many plans, we looked to promote export growth and economic growth
by increasing productivity in government services and private
businesses. Job opportunities were also very important.

Schools in Denvorg had been repaired after they were affected and
destroyed during the Second Revolutionary War. The government
introduced the Children Protection Policy in schools to protect school
children from sexual abuse, after learning from school children who
became victims of Anastasian child abuse. Children were finally
confident to attend schools and students could continue their studies in

For the remaining homeless people in Denvorg, the government

aided them by giving them temporary residence in homeless shelters for
them to stay on and an average allowance of $500 per month for their
living. They would also be offered to work in government services so
that they could be paid.

Until April 1829 AG, Denvorg was recovering from the Second
Revolutionary War and growing at a fast pace.

I told Congress to make a law to increase the tax bracket so that the
tax money that was collected could be used in bringing the country
forward, in terms of research and development, building more public
services buildings, and repaying loans to the World Bank.

The taxes would be charged fairly and tax rates would be different for
people who had different socioeconomic statuses. The government


introduced four classifications to classify people by their income; the LI,

the SI, the MI, and the HI.

‘LI’ stood for ‘Low Income’ and it classified people who made a
monthly income of below $1,000. ‘SI’ stood for ‘Standard Income’ and it
classified people who made monthly incomes ranging from $1,000 to
$9,000. Next, ‘MI’ stood for ‘Middle Income’ and it classified people who
made monthly incomes between $9,000 and $100,000. Finally, ‘HI’ stood
for ‘High Income’ and it classified the very wealthy who made monthly
incomes of over $100,000. The lower the income, the lower the tax

On 17 May 1829 AG, Congress passed this new tax bill with a
comfortable majority and sent it to me for my signature. Not very long
later, a problem emerged. I noticed that people in rural areas still lack
money to pay taxes and found this new tax bill overburdening. They
were made up of LI people, mostly such as farmers, fishermen, and

The rural people complained that the tax charged towards them was
too high and demanded the tax bill be abolished. They protested in the
streets and voiced out their motto, “Abolish tax collection,” through
hanging posters and vandalising public properties.

The police and I could not do anything to stop them from protesting
because I would be interfering with their constitutional right to freedom
of peaceful assembly. But, the police could stop some of them who were
destroying public property.

The protestors considered the police’s actions as threatening their

rights and they would do anything to defend their rights. What they did
was carry firearms in protest to shoot any police officers who stopped
them. That was no longer a peaceful assembly and the police force had
no choice but to stop them by force.


Acknowledging the people’s reaction to this new tax bill, I decided to

veto the bill and send it back to Congress for further consideration so
that they can amend the bill by reducing the tax charges towards the
people who were classified under LI. On 7 June 1829 AG, income tax
charges were successfully reduced by 2.5% from the original 3% tax rate.
I signed the bill without further protests, turning it into law.

Besides all of that, a new challenge was set for the newly formed
government. The Anastasian Empire attempted to wage war against
Denvorg to take revenge for their embarrassing defeat on 19 June 1825
AG. On 17 September 1829 AG, the Anastasian Army and Navy
launched an attack on Fort Sipac in Intridue Island. Fort Sipac was a
coastal fort located in the northern area of West Intridue, Intridue Island.

Before the attack began, it was a normal Monday morning for

everyone. I was following my daily routine; I woke up at 7 a.m. and
headed to the Residential Dining Room to have my breakfast prepared
by a team of chefs of the Staff of Residential Affairs. At the Residential
Dining Room, the staff provided me with newspapers and reading
materials for me to read while I had my breakfast. Normally, I would ask
for two types of newspapers; the Daily Denvorg and the National Tribune.

After having my breakfast, I headed downstairs from the Residential

Floor to the workout room on the First Floor and started working out
with a trainer. Soon, I headed upstairs, took a quick shower, and
changed into my formal attire.

Then, I went downstairs to the Learmont Presidential Office on the

Ground Floor around 9 a.m. and began my work. The LP Chief of Staff,
Gervais Renaud, entered my office a few minutes later and briefed me
about my timetable. In half an hour, I had a meeting with the Director of
National Security and the Director of Domestic Affairs to update myself
on what I should know. After a meeting with them, I had a scheduled
call with the Secretary of Finance, the Secretary of Economy, and the
Director of Economic and Budget Management regarding the


government budget, job opportunities, and exports. I was also told that
there was an upcoming visit by the President of Dylera in a few weeks.

It was nothing unusual than before, just a lot of calling and

conversations until 11:20 a.m. – the Director of National Security
informed me that Fort Sipac in Intridue Island was attacked. I postponed
the scheduled call and focussed on the attack on Fort Sipac. I got Gervais
to call General Charles Dupant, the Secretary of Defence, and the
Secretary of Foreign Affairs to make their way to the Learmont Palace.

Minutes later, all three of them arrived and the Director of National
Security briefed everyone about the attack.

At 11 a.m., 17 Anastasian battlecruisers and three transport ships

approached Fort Sipac from the northeast. The attack started at 11:35
a.m. when five of the 17 Anastasian battlecruisers bombarded the coastal
towns and airstrips of Sipac Burgh and Copperstown. This caused
immediate action for the Denvorgian Army to defend Fort Sipac.

At 11:40 a.m., the remaining 12 Anastasian battlecruisers bombarded

Fort Sipac, setting it on fire on one side. Fort Sipac managed to be
supplied by a friendly base nearby with long-range anti-ship arsenals.
The Denvorgian Army used those arsenals to destroy the Anastasian
battlecruisers which reduced the Anastasian firepower. This caused
some Anastasian battlecruisers to retreat. Besides Fort Sipac, Sipac Burgh
and Copperstown were supplied with long-range anti-ship arsenals and
it caused more Anastasian battlecruisers to retreat.

Until 2:00 p.m., Fort Sipac was burning catastrophically and fires
spread uncontrollably. Attempts were made to put out the fires but
ultimately failed. Many lives were lost in the fire. At 2:05 p.m., the
Anastasians launched two waves of the Anastasian Army forces to
invade Fort Sipac. The full and strong fighting spirit embedded in the
Denvorgian focus there made both waves fail and the Anastasians were
running out of soldiers. They planned to launch a final wave before they


With further advice from General Dupant, I gave an order to the

minimally damaged Copperstown Harbour to destroy the remaining
Anastasian battlecruisers with their only undamaged warships there.

Before the Anastasians launched the final wave, three destroyers,

DNS20 Libertine, DNS Nauver, and DNS Hillend, and two battlecruisers,
DNS Norfordland and DNS Resolute, left from the minimally damaged
Copperstown Harbour to destroy the remaining Anastasian

This interrupted the Anastasians to launch the final wave and the
Anastasian battlecruisers were forced to position themselves in
defensive positions. Libertine and Nauver managed to damage two
battlecruisers and one transport ship. Libertine was struck by two shells,
damaging the bridge and the rudder. She became a sitting duck in the
middle of a battle and the crew rushed to repair her.

Nauver was struck by several shells and she instantly blew up into
flames. Hillend never fired a shell in that battle and was damaged by
friendly fire from Fort Sipac. She was forced to retreat. Norfordland’s
evasive manoeuvres prevented her from being hit and also successfully
damaged two Anastasian battlecruisers. Soon, she was struck by a shell
and it hit the explosives, causing her to explode and sink a few minutes
later. Resolute would see the most success, sinking two of the damaged
Anastasian battlecruisers before being damaged herself and returning to
port for repairs.

The Anastasian battlecruisers retreated at 6:55 p.m. Out of the 19

Anastasian ships that took part, three Anastasian ships were sunk and
nine Anastasian ships were heavily damaged.

DNS, or Denvorgian Navy Ship, is a ship prefix used for commissioned ships of
the Denvorgian Navy.


Denvorg could not afford to go to war again. Congress made a

decision not to declare war on the Anastasian Empire as it would
destroy Denvorgian economic progress. Instead, Congress told me to
come up with an agreement with the Anastasian Empire to maintain

Denvorg was a member of the WOPA and the WOPA warned the
Anastasian Empire that an attack on one was an attack on all. If they
attacked Denvorg, the WOPA and its members, including Denvorg,
would attack the Anastasian Empire in retaliation. This would cause an
all-out world war and it would crumble the recovering Denvorg. I
discussed with the Secretary of Defence, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs,
and the WOPA, urging them to not start an all-out world war and
suggested other ways to resolve the issue.

At 4 p.m. that day, I announced the incident in a press conference and

also answered many questions from journalists about the attack. An
hour later, I flew to Fort Sipac, accompanied by General Dupant, a team
of PPS agents, and three journalists, to visit the area and the Denvorgian
forces there who were fighting and defending desperately.

Around 7:45 p.m., I arrived at the Learmont Palace and immediately

ate dinner after a long and tiring day. I sat down in my living room on
the Residential Floor and read letters sent by the Learmont Palace staff
and the public. After reading them, I called Kaarina and had a little chat
with her before going to sleep, wrapping up that day.

My daily routine as President was almost the same as this, except for
the decision-making moment when I was informed about the attack on
Fort Sipac. There were always different issues and incidents that would
happen every day. On the weekends, I would find myself sometimes
busy and sometimes not. If I were not, I would bring Kaarina to some
places around the country.

One time on a Saturday, Kaarina came to the Learmont Palace early in

the morning to have a morning jog with me. After that, we had breakfast


there before we left for the National Gallery of Art. I brought her there
because I knew she was interested in art. She was happy and that was
what I wanted. There was a room in the National Gallery of Art, where
people could try painting something or someone and they could get to
keep it.

I told Kaarina that I was going to try to paint a portrait of her. With
very little experience in painting, I decided to give it a try. I first started
drawing her, which was not very difficult, until I reached the part where
I had to paint it. Kaarina, with lots of experience in painting, stood
beside me and taught me how to paint. We ended up painting the
portrait of her together.

We spent a few minutes there before I brought her to a surprise visit

at a mall. Of course, we were greeted by a lot of people and the PPS
agents did their job by preventing them from getting too close to us. I
could tell Kaarina was enjoying the attention and I was happy to see her
smiling from ear to ear. After walking around and buying a few items
for each other, we visited my friends at Durwall. We played some board
games there too.

Sometimes, my friends from Durwall would pay me a visit at the

Learmont Palace. Georges and Sadira were the ones who came to the
Learmont Palace often. Some other people and school children visited
the Learmont Palace to have a tour around.

That evening, we went to Port Suaydergyik to have a good view of

the ocean and enjoy the breeze. Soon, we arrived back at Noble Garden
to have dinner in a restaurant. She went back home after dinner and so
did I. Kaarina thanked me for arranging my time to spend time with her
as she knew that not every day I could do.

On 18 September 1829 AG, delegates from the Anastasian Empire

came to Denvorg after being invited by Congress to negotiate together
relating to the attack on Fort Sipac and to come out with an agreement to
prevent a future war. After two days of negotiating, an agreement was


made between the Anastasian Empire and Denvorg. The Peace Treaty of
Andrige was created and it was signed by the Anastasian delegates, the
Secretary of Foreign Affairs, the Secretary of Defence, two Congressmen,
and me.

The Peace Treaty of Andrige concluded the prevention of armed

forces from entering the borders of the Anastasian Empire and Denvorg,
the formation of a demilitarised zone throughout the borders, and the
prohibition of civilians from crossing the border unless they were given
special reasons.

Every year on 7 October, it marks a special day in the calendar of

Denvorg. This special day is known as ‘Memorial Day’ and it is a
national holiday that is celebrated across Denvorg with great reverence.
It commemorates the fallen soldiers and civilians who died for Denvorg.
This is the same day as the start of the Second Revolutionary War. Every
year, on this day, the whole country observes a minute of silence in the

All the citizens gather together in public spaces, remembering those

who gave their lives for Denvorg. The Republican Tricolour flags are
flown at half-mast as a symbol of national mourning.

Every year during Memorial Day, I would pay a visit to the Kitgrad
National Cemetery for a remembrance ceremony. The first time I went
there was during my first year as President. I was greeted by the guards
of honour, General Dupant, and the Chiefs of Staff of the AFORD. Some
members of the media and the public were present too. The weather was
not ideal, it was drizzling.

The ceremony started with the singing of the national anthem, ‘Free
Union’. Then, I walked towards a monument depicting Alberto Davino
leading a group of people while holding the Republic Tricolour. A
wreath was already placed there and I walked towards it for a moment
of silent prayer.


I was overcome with emotion and I looked up at the sky with my

eyes closed. I walked closer, closed my eyes, and touched the wreath.
Then, I stepped back and saluted while a bugle played.

Since Denvorg’s independence from the Anastasian Empire, there

were still Anastasian people in Denvorg. The Denvorgian people wanted
them to be removed from Denvorgian soil. I tried thinking of ways to
remove the remaining Anastasian people. The Secretary of Defence
suggested performing mass killings to remove the Anastasian people at
a fast rate. I was thinking of deporting them so that this way, no violence
would be used.

On 29 September 1829 AG, the nation mourned the passing of

General Dupant as he was assassinated. Denvorg had lost one of its
Founding Fathers in the hands of two Anastasian spies.

This incident made me question the Anastasian Empire and they

denied any plans to assassinate General Dupant. They added that they
had not sent any spies recently to assassinate him.

Investigations were carried out and the results were released to the
public. General Dupant was in a restaurant on the day he was
assassinated. Two Anastasian spies who had been in Denvorg since 1825
AG took an opportunity to assassinate him when he was in the toilet.
The two Anastasian spies threatened General Dupant for information
and then stabbed him 12 times in the neck and at the back of his body.
His body was then placed inside a toilet stall and the two Anastasian
spies escaped the scene.

A funeral was held in his house and the Founding Fathers, a few
senior officers from the AFORD, his close friends, and families were
invited by his widow. All of us paid our last respects. It was a very sad

The police department worked hard to find traces left by the two
Anastasian spies. The police had to detain them as soon as possible


before they continued to kill anyone else. Safety concerns to protect

Edmund and I had risen and the PPS had to increase their manpower for

On 7 November 1829 AG, I went to Monero to have meetings with the

Governor of Bremand, Chloe Persophene, to discuss how to solve
financial issues faced by the majority of the people of Bremand.

I arrived at Monero around noon and Governor Chloe Persophene

welcomed me. We were then driven to Central Plaza for both of us to
address the people there. Governor Chloe Persophene was the first to
address the people then followed by me. After my speech, Governor
Chloe Persophene and I stood up and shook hands, signifying teamwork
to help the people of Bremand.

As we walked towards our seats, I heard a gunshot and a bullet made

a small cut on my left cheek, barely striking my head. Five PPS agents
rushed to the stage to shield me while Governor Chloe Persophene
stood in front of me and told me to stay low. Another shot was fired, and
the bullet entered the back PPS agent, exited through his shoulder, and
struck Governor Chloe Persophene in her left leg. The PPS agent
collapsed, never to rise again.

The shooting stopped when the remaining PPS agents managed to get
me off the stage and drive me away in an armoured limousine. Later
that day, the police caught the gunman and she was identified as one of
the two Anastasian spies who had assassinated General Dupant. The
gunman was caught on the 12th floor of an apartment near where I was
giving my speech.

An hour before I arrived at Monero, there was a police raid on the

two Anastasian spies’ house in Andrige. There, they detained only one
of the Anastasian spies and the papers that had the plans to assassinate
me were seized. The other Anastasian spy had left Andrige to Monero to
carry out her assassination. The information collected was shared with
the PPS and the Monero Police Department.


Fast forward till the gunman fired her second shot, police and PPS
agents barged into her room in the apartment and arrested her. Her
weapon, an Anastasian-made sniper rifle, was confiscated.

The two Anastasian spies would not be deported back to the

Anastasian Empire because they had committed a crime in Denvorg.
Any Anastasian that had committed a crime in Denvorg should face
trials and serve their sentences in Denvorg. The two Anastasian spies
were given a fair trial and were charged with murder and attempted
assassination of the President. Both were sentenced to death by hanging.

Governor Chloe Persophene would make a fast and full recovery in

the Monero General Hospital.

Congress unanimously passed the Anastasian Banning Act on 26

December 1829 AG. This law was passed easily because of the growing
anti-Anastasian sentiment in Denvorg, especially in light of the
assassinations. This law initiated the deportation of Anastasians who
were in Denvorg and banned any Anastasians from entering Denvorg.

This allowed Denvorgians to catch anyone who was suspected to be

Anastasian and hand them over to the police. A small portion of
vengeful Denvorgians, especially veterans, disliked this law because it
prevented them from harming Anastasians as part of their revenge. This
led them to detain Anastasians and smuggle them to various locations,
where the Anastasians were secretly tortured and killed in an inhumane

Several Denvorgians also decided to shelter the Anastasian people for

their benefit. This was illegal and it violated the Anastasian Banning Act.
At that time, the act of defending Anastasians was considered treason.
The most famous method of how those people kept the Anastasians was
keeping them in their basements.


They were considered enemies of the state. Anyone who supported

the Anastasian Empire in any form, through mass media, speech, or
public display of the Anastasian flag, would also be considered an
enemy of the state. There were legal exceptions for works of art such as
books, films, and educational and memorial exhibitions.

Under the Anastasian Banning Act, enemies of the state would be

tried in court following the due process of law. If proven guilty, they
would be stripped of their Denvorgian citizenship and exiled to the
Anastasian Empire, along with the deported Anastasians.

On 26 September 1829 AG, the Department of Health started a

research initiative to find a cure for heteycluroph ednia. The initiative
was directly allowed by Denvorg’s scientific accomplishments and its
fame around the world, which resulted in many scientists coming to
Denvorg and providing us with their crucial knowledge.

The research initiative caused researchers and doctors from

universities, government research centres, hospitals, and the private
sector to come together and work tirelessly on a cure. Still to this day,
research efforts are ongoing and the government is providing crucial
funding for these efforts.

With that, I have nothing more to write about my life and the history
of modern Denvorg.

Denvorg, as a new nation, faced many small and big challenges after
the end of the Second Revolutionary War. However, those challenges
made the Denvorgian people put aside their differences and they grew
closer and worked together to rebuild this illustrious nation. Whether
you were a Centralorian or an Earthling, you would always be
considered a Denvorgian.

I am proud of what I have contributed to Denvorg and the

Denvorgian people. My contributions became famous, leading to
international journalists interviewing me. I got to share my experiences


with the whole world. Throughout 1830 AG, I became known

internationally. I had also been an inspiration to others, giving hope to
other countries that the struggle for independence was still possible. I
inspired people like Worner Gudmall, a revolutionary leader, who led
his country, Aunsdria, into a war to gain independence in early 1826 AG.
Aunsdria bordered Denvorg on the east.

All in all, I am proud to be a Denvorgian because of how much I have

sacrificed to pursue Denvorgian independence. Without independence, I
wouldn't be a Denvorgian, or even be alive today. With me, I have a
fearless and determined team working together for the benefit of the
nation. I also would like to thank everyone who has followed me on this
journey and for their help in gaining independence.



Appendix A

(From left to right)

- National flag of the Anastasian Empire

a) Symbolises the Anastasian Empire’s national flower, the Pecuelyrys.
b) Occupied territories adopted this flag as their official flag.

- Flag of the People’s Front

a) This flag was also used as the flag of the Armed Forces of the People's
Front (AFPF).
b) The three stars on this flag stood for ‘Bravery, Freedom, Justice’.
c) The four rhombus of different colours symbolised the four founding
members; GDMA (Gevarnian Democratic Movement Alliance), UREF
(United Republican Front), DPA (Denvorgian People’s Assembly), and
AAA (Anti-Anastasian Association).

- National flag of the Federal Republic of Denvorg
a) This flag is also known as the Republican Tricolour.
b) The flag’s design originated from the First Republic of Denvorg.
c) The colours of the Republican Tricolour are symbolic; blue symbolises
justice and unity, white symbolises purity, and yellow symbolises
freedom, hope, and prosperity.
d) The Republican Tricolour is often viewed as a symbol of Denvorgian
democracy, revolutionary success, and resistance against autocratic

Appendix B


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