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| t 7 i i ( vi BUTT VWELDING FITTINGS TTU Fittings DA ae ee Lae STS e tate) ee MARK OF QUALITY a “Tensile Requirements od Seeneth Morking Nickel Cmners eireraxh Symbois wl Ma 35 (240) WB : 40 (275) weC 044-065 ; 55 (380) 20205) wrt o4a—065 70 (4851 ao (275) wri2 044-065 60 (4161 30205) WP12o 044-065 . 70 (488) 420275] weit oaaoss, 75 (5151 45 (310 WotTa 044-068 60 (4181 301205] wetth 9871.13 75 (5151 as ior] we22 097-133 60 (418) 20 (203) WP228 044-055 : 60 (418) 301205] WPS o.4a—085, 60 1415] 30 (205) WP? 0901.10 60 (4151 30 (205) wPo 160-224 075-125 63 (438), 45315) WR 0.85-1.08 040 max Vanadivm 0.18-025 85 [585] co (ais! wrot ‘Columbia 0.08-0.10 Nitrogen 0.03-0.07 ‘Aiwminum 0.08 max “Te fltowing tbl ve the minimum vale for various wall thickness _ Grocer Grade Wall Thickness ‘Grades except WPR: wer mm Tongiudine! Transverse Longitudinl 796 300) 200 70 : 74 ms (190 265 636 270 180 250 556 255 é 25 as 476 20 no 397 25 _ 205 3 317 20 190 z 238 195, 175 459 180. 2 169. moe Tor each 0.79-mn decroase in wall thickness. Where the vngation value is determined by the following equations NOTED Tha tie gives the computed minimum elongation inal thickness lies between two values sbove, the minimum Direction of Test: Equation Longitudinal = 48 + 15.00 Transverse = 32¢ + 10.00 where FE = elongation in 2 in. oF 50 mm, %and {t= etual thickness of specimens, mm Materials Specifications for Butt-Welding Fitting: ASTM A234.86 ‘Standard Specification for PIPING FITTINGS OF WROUGHT CARBON STEEL AND ALLOY STEEL FOR MODERATE AND ELEVATED TEMPERATURES jporition, Grade and Composiion SyborD carbon, max Manganese ‘Phowphorus, Sulfur, Silicon Chromium WoBA.8.C 0.30 029-106 0.080 0058 wees.c 038 0.29-1.06 0.050 0.058 wer 028 030-090 0.005 0.045 wer 0.20 030-080 0.045 0.035, weir 020 030-080 0.045 0.085 wert 020 030-080 0.040 0.080 writs 020 030-080 0.040 0.040 wert ons 030-060 0.030 0.030 wr22 015, 030-060 0.040 0.040 W220 ons 030-060 0.040 0.040 wes, 015 030-060, 0.040 0.030 wer ons, 030-060, 0.030 0.030 weo ons 030-060 0.030 0.030 wer 020 0.40.-1.08 0.045, 0.050 wea 008-012 030-060 0.020 0.010 2 Frings made (rom plate may have 0.38 max 18 Fittings made from forgings may have 0.35 max carbon and 0:38 mox silicon with no minimum. C For each reduction of 0.01% carbon below 0.30%, an increase of 0.05% manganese above 1.06% will be permitted 10 a maxi mum of 1.35% manganese. _D When fittings are of welded construction, the grate and marking symba! shown above shall be supplemented by letter "W" oon wer wear Long. Trans Longi. Trans tudinal verse tudinal__verse Elongetion: ‘Standard round specimen, or small proportional specimen,min% 2214 20 20 nad Rectangular specimen for wall thickness 7.94mm and over, 30208 29 ‘and forall small sizes ested in full section; ria Sin SO Feectangular specimen for wall thickness less than 7.94mm, BB min % in SOmm (40mm wide specimen) “A WP6 and WPC fittings manufactured from plate shall have a minimum elongation of 17%. © For each 0.7 9mm decree in wall thickness below 7.4mm, a deduction of 1.5% for longitudinal and 1.0% for transverse values shown above is permitted. Caps 1 uss 30.75 Me eine Tioees Meme | Sem | tang em | uma | | Se | Se Fer w | me | Rt a = Ee esses cal ieee te: a a eae an ees os fa e relat |e ae ea ees 5 es rea | acd ies ete ee emer haves ile eel fecal raraeea cess cos | mez len “e Woil thicknesses for Caps up to and including 36” conform to ANSI 636.10 Specifications; Caps 38” and larger conform to Re Specitictigns for wll thicknesses of 36° These are TTU. Standards as no Internationally Recognized Standards have been set for such large size wall thickness (1) The shape of those caps shall be elipsoidal and shall conform to the shape requirements as given in the ASME Boiler nd 1 Code. for thickness not exceeding that given in colume “Limiting Wall Thickness for Length {3} Length E, applies for thickness greater than that given in column “Limiting Wall Thickness” for NPS 24 and sm 26 and larger, Length E, shall be by agreement between manufacturer and purchase. For NPS. Concentric and Eccentric Reducers | ' fle 1 Mss SP-75 4-3 meres STTUstandard (in mm) Nomar | Oude Diameter Noman Noma | Outie ameter | Porsce | (ce Eetto-| Pipe sice IEas10-| Pipe sire ae me thest | barge | Sonat tNesi rs" | tee | Seat | fre | aaxi2| 267 | 213 | 381 roxe | 2731 | 201 [1778] 34x32 | s6a6| size | co96 318 173 6 168.3 30 7620 5 113 26 ma vxa8 | asa | 267 | 508 es ae a{ [nas 24 660.4 viaxa pana |oaaa Peon] 1210 [3239 | 2731 [2032 | s6x34 | siaa | a6a6 | e006 Ba pa 8 219.1 a 8128 ae a 6 1683 30 7520 —— 2 5 1413, 26 m2 faraian) aaa | «22 | 638 ses3 ton eo) ©) 2 1ax12 | 3656 | 3239 [3302 |__™* pao a a 10 273 aexa6 | 9652) 9124 [eos aa aa 8 2191 34 8636 6 1683 32 8128 2xia | 603 | 483 | 62} —— 4 Taga Taose tases 20 7620 va 28 mz 2 3239 1 26 6504 em 10 273.1 c 8 2191 0x36 | 10160 | 965.2 | 6036 Ben) 999) yaxie | 4572 | 406.4 | 3810 EA ad 142 3a 863.6 14 3556 14 2 a128 Hl 2 3239 a oe —_— 10 273.1 =) |_| 3x22 | 889 889 | soxse taco Tanz feowo] 42*40 | 10668 | 10160 | 6096 g 28 9652 16 406.4 tan 36 ons | 14 2556 ales 2 323.9 a ae 1x2 | 101 1016 |, 32 a128 ea) oe) Be 2220 | ssae | 5080 | 5080 30 7620 2 603 et soe aaxa2 [11176 | 10668 [6006 nan 483 : aoa “0 10160 nia a2 z HE 38 968.2 axai2 | i143 [ro16 |r016 | 7** 22 oa Scan me a6 | 44 | 3 389 a ies 6x42 | rie84 | ni76 | 712 2a 730 3 we a 1066.8 2 603 see 40 10160 142 483, 26x24 | 660.8 | 6096 | 6006 38 965.2 2 958.8 et Bx 4 | vais | naa 1270 aexa6 | 12192 | 11084 [7112 20 508.0 sn 3 see a 1176 3 a2 1068.8 2a 2x26 | 7112 | 6604 | 6096 40 10160 2 24 609.6 r 20 508.0 ¥ 87 8 4572 30x28 | 7620 | 7112 | 6096 6 660.4 2 609.6 ws2a 20. pug 32x30 | er2e | 7620 | 6096 28 m2 26 660.4 2 609.5 and Reducing Tees 00 | mss sp-75 ANSI B16, STTU'sstandard (in mm) Note(1) Outlet dimension a semen | Omaegear™ | coiotns | omy | Ovmstgea™ | conersoene - © ‘Run ae © Run | Outlet!) ‘g Run Outlet c ee Run Outte © s mox20 | w020 | sono | aa0 wx] 720 | a9 | ee | ane ie tore wo oma ns poe 3232 8128 8128 596.9 ‘ aes 7 siaal 2 tae A pea to ma 5B 2 na 5 warn | see | sss | aia 2 20 so80 20 8 er ie 6 so 6 i ase i 2 mo 8 wns aeaae | as eso taxa | e096 | one | aie 30 By sea 23 » soa 0 2 is ‘ore 2 is ‘6 2 i" ase8 2% mo 8 ie 952 wexae | ora oo a 2 20 2 2 2 a 0 07 » we vexae | 9082 m2 a6 a 2 20 2 558.8 tad 2 az 20 ie {or run sizes 14 and larger is recommended but not mandatory. Straight and Reducing Tees i | =] uss se7s 4 onnnve noni | Omnia cement | noma | OMS RAT [_comersotes (NPS) io Tounett | Psey® a un Outier(1) giax3ia | 267 267 24 284 & “ 3 12 213 28.4 Ble 70 po ‘a a3 : ns fees | a me 3 vey se ao a 6x6 168.3 168.3 1427 142.7 dl ea fl Pa fa aa | 267 24/2 0 1206 1-4/2 x 1-1/2 483 48.3 872 exe 219.1 219.1 1778 1778 el ea f ea ‘aa 1 334 5 1413 162.1 M2 23 34/2 | 101.6 152.4 za Pasig eae ¢ oe i 12 48.3 10x10 | 2734 | 273.1 2159 4 422 B) | 219.1 203.2 1 334 6 | 1683 193.5 4 267 5 141.3 190.5 2 603 273.4 24.3 Vz 483 219.1 2286 3x3 aso | 858 3656 | 2704 | 2704 a ol as ag ; || a aa an ra a 52 1 eae 16x16 | 4064 406.4 a on Ee =n fl eo Sa za ma a aa a ; a as fee A ee = = SS Long and Short Radius Elbows Ay, : 1 : r al. ‘ 4 | uh! Loo ANS! 816.9 816.28 STU stander) Comat Ounede Groot Pe Onrater Long Radia Elbow Short Radi Elbow ore tee 20 oes. 10% 0 oes 15 ea ws) ° A e ® 8 v2 2a 38 187 = = a4 207 24 ha - - : aa 3a1 na asa - sai a2 aa ae na - Wa 3 32 ee aes - 2 603 762 a8 sos - ain m0 352 tha es - 3 9 naa soe 82 as ain ors ta m2 tea a8 * 43 tea 5 rors fai 5 aia 1905 192 i210 225 ‘ 103 m8 352 tna ae ‘ nei oe 9 202 a2 10 mr aa tse 20 1082 2 ma ‘572 805 oe 263 “ ass saa ma ass6 vara 6 ‘oe § 00 zo ‘6 tea te ora ses ess toa tesa 2 sono 520 ins a2 io Fa ssa faa aes ssa ans 2 6096 area ae10 09 5 2525 x so 208 05. 0 mms 2 m2 1066 8 a2 m2 ams 40 e203 i180 2099 yen ass a faa 2192 sors a8 ares u 2626 12054 saa 626 as17 Fa Brae tae ses oa maa 38 9082 4078 5609 E ° re 10169 5200 e220 10160 03 a 1056.8 16002 e004 tose a “ nine s8764 cass ins 4623 “e ee ose8 7263 E ° ‘ tai92 ‘e208 780 12192 5050 o tans zosr a e522 tae 5603 a 13208 2 tau08 ser se tana aes one yeaa a0 oo 1240 2206 0 269 1240 ena os tere erry sours E JIS G3448 ANSI B36.10M JIS G3454 ANSI B36.19M JIS G3455 JIS G3459 iemm Nominal Wall Thickness Suwice soars Diameter Pioe Size ‘sen 40 [sen 60 | XS | Sen80 [sen 100 [sen 120 [sch 140 [sen veo] xxs | sis | ansi | a | 8 22 [ 24 [iso | sof - | - [| - [| - = 138 | 137] 3 | 14 23 | 28 [i327 | 32] - = = [- | - v3 | 171] | 30 2a | 32 [isn] a7 | - [ — = 13 [ 12 29 | 34 [ras | 39 | — = |- 20 | ara sa | 39 [ras | «5 | - | — Si 25 [1 ae | 4s [ia [ ae | — = = 32 | 1a a7] 45 [rsa] sa | = = a [12 a9] «9 [iss | ss | — = |= so | 2 s2 | 60 [iv | 70 | - | - | — os | 202 ss | 66 [ive | 76 | — = |= 0 | 3 s7 | 70 [van | a1 | — = = go | 3472 co | 71 [css | 6 | — [a | — 00 | 4 es | 61 [cos | 9s | — | rar | — 15 | 5 a | 93 [aro [mo | - [ma | — 10/6 | ===) - f= = ae 175 | 7 a2_| 103 | war 151 | 162 | 206 200 |e | = |- |= = =~- | - 2 oa_[va9 | wa7_[ ves | wa | aa | one 220 [io ves 14a | 127 | 174 | ara | asa | 288 200 [12 masa | 127 | 190 | asa | are | ave 20 [va 127 16.7 127 24 262 | 209 365 400 | 16 143 | 190 | 127 | 238 | 204 | 349 | 397 450 |18 et [a6 | 127 | 202 | aes ua 00 20 = 22.2 127 286 349 [are 550 22 ma [ae | 127 | a0 eo | sea 0028 = = [sa [= = = = 65026 =e 700-38 aan ro mee 759-30 ee Cr ee 00-2 we par = as0_]ae wr par v00 ae [mre ra are fina 6038 Ser ‘000 [a0 = = [ar = = = = 1050 42 _ | == fe =a ee a : “i00 fas] - - 127 ewe - - = 1168.4 | 1168.4 | 1150 46 = = 127 - = = = | 48 - = 127 - - - = - 1250 |50 ee rao [52 Bees fews [ose fe = vae0 fee = = [7 T - = * = ia 1400 [56 ealg@et|eer|.—[.- | — | =| = vasa [se = Saal. S = =n 1800 [60 Wall Thickness Schedules Nominal Wall Thicknest cs [sen10 fica 23 23 [a6 oy E 30 52 Semis | - | - | 54 bee = “79 = - 195 J - 79 | - - 195 58 bee 79 = = “95 1800 [60 E 0 [= 88 Note: 1. *TTU' standard 2. ** Applied only small end side of the ree and reciucers ‘0 3. The numerical values in parenthesis are the same thicknesses Sch. 40 or Sch. 80, Draw out Heat Treating MANUFACTURING PROCESS OF TTU BUTT-WELDING FITTINGS. Steel Butt-Welding Fittings Alloy Stee!) iy? 45. Eibow (Long) ) k {Lons) 180 Elbow (Long) T (Straight) ip 180. Elbow (Short) T (Reducing) jinless Steel Butt-Welding Fittings ng 45° Elbow (Long) Aes = 90 Elbow (Lona) T (Straight) Reducer (Concentric) 90. Elbow (Short) T (Reducing) Reducer (Eccentric) oi aM Reducer (Eccentric) 6 is Lap Joint Stub End Applicable Standards ANSI Standards 8169 816.28 B16.11 836.10 B36.19 Wrought Stee! Butt-Welding Fittings Wrought Stee! Butt-Welding Fittings Short Radius Elbows and Returns Forged Steel Fittings Socket Welding and Threaded Welded & Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe Stainless Steel Pipe ASTM Standards A234 A403 A420 A182 A105 8361 8363 8366 Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Stee! of Moderate and Elevated Temperatures Wrought Austenitic Stainless Stee! Piping Fittings Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Stee! for Low Temperature Service Forges or Rolled Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges, Forges Fittings, and Valves and Parts for High Temperatures Service Forgings, Carbon Steel, For Piping Components Wrought Aluminium and Aluminium-Alloy Welding Fittings Seamless and Welde Unalloyed Titanium and Titanium Alloy Welding Fittings Wrought Nickel and Nickel Alloy Welding Fittings MSS Standards Wrought Stainless Stee! Butt- Welding Fittings Specification for High Test Wrought Welding Fittings SP-43 SP-75 1 Introduction producer of quality BUTT- WORLDWIDE SALES NETWORK FITTINGS. Our products are We maintain one of the most extensive various fields such as the sales networks around the world. The 1, chemical, shipbuilding following are some of the countries that iction industries. we regularly contact. accepted worldwide for our Argentina Australia. Bahrain in quality, reliability and our Bangladesh Brazil Brunei ising services to each of Canada Chile Colombia ers. Cyprus Egypt France Germany India Indonesia tran Israel Italy STORY covers 16,800 square Japan Korea Kuwait ‘on the fastest growing industrial Malaysia — Mexico New Zealand of South East. With the work Nigeria ‘Oman Pakistan 150 employees working around the Philippines Portugal Qatar we are able to process over 12,000 Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore tons of fittings annually. ‘South Africa Taiwan UAE West Indies ES EHOUSE holds one of the largest most complete lines of fittings from any single source. We offer ‘on time delivery to our clients. jore, we also tailor each order to ‘each of our customer's needs. ASSURANCE intain one of the most strict quality standards for all of our products to the most updated ASTM, ANSI and ‘standard specifications. All fittings are to a comprehensive and stringent y's established quality assurance that begins with careful selection of ‘material form qualified steel mills and jes through our all production stages delivery. We guarantee traceability the unfurnished pipes to the complete fittings. Destructive and non-destructive such as hardness, tensile, and yield tests are performed periodically to sre consistent high quality. Lanka |OC

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