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Having a lot of friends is good because it brings more happiness into our lives.

In the
given scenario, when Jesse’s friends invites him to come over to his home, he has a second
thought whether he will come or not. It may be difficult for him to decide because there are
consequences that may happen, like if she come his parents will get mad at him and if he won’t
come his friends will be mad too. The risks of coming to his friends house is the fact that its not
okay with his parents there will be an incident that may happen during the party.
On other hand, the benefits of going along with his friends is the fun and excitement that
he can get with friends. Friendship can play a key role in helping someone live with or recover
from a mental health problem and overcome the isolation that often comes with it. The best way
to deal with the peer pressure is to come up with a better plan or strategies on what you would do
or say if you are in this situation. For example, have a script in your head on what you are going
to say and do. You can tell your friends that you get a permission first to your parents and if it
didn’t go well, you can tell your friends you will try to go next time.

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