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Progress Report

In partial fulfilment of the requirements of the course

UGE 2 – Technical Writing Across Disciplines

Submitted by:

Lyncee Ballescas

Submitted to:

Prof. Daisy Dagohoy

May 2023
To: Daisy Dagohoy
From: Lyncee Ballescas

Purpose of Report
In response to your request, the following is the progress report of the project to
replace and add the outdated charging outlets in our school with modern, efficient,
and safe charging solutions in partnership with Piwin Company. The report seeks to
keep all stakeholders informed and engaged in the project and ensure that all
concerns and feedback are addressed. By providing a comprehensive progress
report, we hope to ensure transparency and accountability in the project's execution
and deliver high-quality results that meet the needs of our students and staff.

Work Accomplished
In the first phase of the project, the following work has been accomplished:

1. Electrician –
2. Shipments – Materials arrived on time.
3. Permits – Once the working schedules agreed upon, they acquire “Certificate
of Final Electrical Inspection/Completion” obtained from the local building
official signed by their respective licensed electrical practitioner. They
accomplished this task on (date)
4. Phase 1 - A total of 25 charging outlets were replaced with Piwin;’s outlet in
various locations throughout the school, including classrooms, libraries, and
common areas. The old outlets were safely removed, and new ones were
installed without any major issues.

Problems Encountered

During the project's execution, the project team encountered some challenges in
accessing certain areas of the school. In some instances, the wiring in the school
was not compatible with the new charging outlets. The team had to work with an
electrician to address these issues and ensure that the outlets were installed safely
and efficiently. Some of Piwin’s charging outlets delivered were defective, which
necessitated their return. This caused a delay of a few days in the commencement of
the project.
Work Remaining

To complete our project, we need to accomplish the following:

 Phase 2: The installation of 70 new charging outlets is currently ongoing and

is expected to be completed by May 18, 2023. The project team is ensuring
that all outlets are installed and tested before moving to the next phase.

 Testing: Once all charging outlets have been installed, they will be tested to
ensure that they are functioning properly and safely.

 Clean-up: After the installation and testing of all charging outlets, the project
team will perform a final clean-up of the areas where the installation work was

Project Completion/Recommendations

We are pleased to report that the replacement and addition of charging outlets in
our school has been successfully completed. All 350 charging outlets have been
installed, tested, and are functioning properly. The new outlets provide a more
convenient and efficient charging solution for students, and we hope that this will
positively impact their learning experience.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all stakeholders involved in the
project for their support and cooperation. We would also like to thank the project
team for their hard work and dedication in ensuring that the project was completed
within the expected timeframe and to a high standard.

Moving forward, we recommend that the following actions be taken to ensure the
continued success of the charging outlet project:

 Regular maintenance: We recommend that the charging outlets be regularly

maintained to ensure that they are functioning properly and safely. This will help to
extend the lifespan of the outlets and ensure that they continue to provide a reliable
charging solution for students.
 Monitoring usage: We recommend that the usage of the charging outlets be
monitored to identify areas where additional outlets may be needed. This will help to
ensure that all students have access to charging solutions and will prevent
overcrowding of outlets in certain areas.
 Continued stakeholder involvement: We recommend that stakeholders, including
students and staff, be involved in the ongoing evaluation of the charging outlet
project. This will ensure that any issues or concerns are identified and addressed in a
timely manner.

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