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Limited resources; struggle for survival; superior trait

Landslide, also called landslip is the movement of rock, debris
or earth down a slope. Cell is the basic unit of life; it is called the fundamental
Flood Hazard Mapping is a vital component for appropriate land structural and functional unit of life; and it can either be
use planning in flood-prone areas. unicellular or multicellular
Hydrometeorology - It is a process or phenomenon of
atmospheric, hydro-logical or oceanographic nature that may Two Types of Cell
cause damage. 1. Prokaryotic - no membrane bound organelles
Flood occurs when water overflows. 2. Eukaryotic - has a membrane bound nucleus
Drought - is characterized by below-average precipitation in a
given region, resulting in prolonged shortages in its water supply. Robert Hooke an English scientist was the first to observed cell
Tropical cyclone - are warm-core low pressure systems. in a slice of a cork and in doing so he named them cells.

Coastal Processes The cell theory was first proposed by Matthias Schleiden (1838)
Waves are caused by wind. and Theodore Schwann (1839). Rudolf Virchow (1855) later
• Waves are caused by wind. Wave height in the open added the concept of formation of cells; to this theory.
ocean is determined by three factors. a. All living things are made of cells
• Wind speed. The greater the wind speed, the larger b. It is the smallest living unit structure and function of all
the waves. organisms.
• Wind duration. The greater the duration of the wind (or c. All cells arise from pre-existing cells.
storm) the larger the waves.
• Fetch. The greater the fetch (area over which the wind Parts of a cell
is blowing - size of storm) the larger the waves Nucleus - control center of the cell
Tides result from the gravitational attraction of the sun and the Cytoplasm - found inside the cell membrane and outside the
Moon on the oceans. nucleus; it is where the organelles are suspended
Seawater intrusion is the movement of ocean water into fresh Cell membrane - functions as the guard of the cells that is a
groundwater. semi-permeable membrane that is made up of hydrophilic heads
Mitigation is a measure taken prior to the impact of a disaster to and hydrophobic tails.
minimize its effects. Cytoskeleton - serve as the framework or skeleton of the cell.
Mitochondria - called the powerhouse of the cell because it is
CHAPTER 4: INTRODUCTION TO LIFE SCIENCE the major site of ATP production
Fundamental Properties of Life Endoplasmic Reticulum - has two types:
1. Cellular organization. - All organisms consist of one or more 1. Rough ER - with attached ribosomes
cells—complex, organized assemblages of molecules enclosed 2. Smooth ER- with no attaché ribosomes
within membranes. Ribosomes - site of protein synthesis
2. Sensitivity - All organisms respond to stimuli—though not Golgi bodies - sort and package protein
always to the same stimuli in the same ways.
3. Growth - All living things assimilate energy and use it to grow, Parts found in plant cell only
a process called metabolism. Chloroplast - site of photosynthesis; where chlorophyll the
4. Development - Multicellular organisms undergo systematic green pigment is present.
gene-directed changes as they grow and mature. Cell wall - made up of cellulose
5. Reproduction - All living things reproduce, passing on traits Large Vacuole - storage of water
from one generation to the next.
6. Regulation - All organisms have regulatory mechanisms that ORGANELLES FUNCTION
coordinate internal processes. 1. Cell wall Provides mechanical support and maintains cell shape in
7. Homeostasis - All living things maintain relatively constant plant cell. It prevents water loss in plants and protect from
over expansion by too much water.(Animals have no cell
internal conditions, different from their environment. wall)
2. mitochondrion Provides energy for the cell in the form of ATP
ORIGIN OF THE FIRST LIFE FORM 3. vacuole Stores water, food and waste for the cells
4. Golgi Apparatus Sorts, packages and secretes cellular products
1. Special creation - Life forms may have been put on earth by 5. lysosomes The “suicide bag”. They digest excess or worn out
supernatural or divine forces. organelles, food particles, and engulfed viruses or
2. Extraterrestrial origin - Life may not have originated on earth bacteria.
6. centrioles Formation of the spindle fiber during cell division
at all; instead, life may have infected earth from some other
7. endoplasmic reticulum Translocation of materials within the cell and in and out of
planet. the nucleus
3. Spontaneous origin - Life may have evolved from inanimate 8. chloroplastids Gives green color of plants
matter, as associations among molecules became more and 9. nuclear membrane Separates the nuclear contents from the contents of
more complex. 10. Nucleoplasm Synthesis of RNA and production of ribosomes
11. Ribosomes They use the RNA synthesized by the nucleolus in
Evolution - is a branch of science that explains the origin and making specific amino acid.
12. Cytoskeleton The cytoskeleton is responsible for cell shape, motility of
diversity of life.
the cell as a whole, and motility of organelles within a
Basis of evolution n by natural selection cell
1. Variability of traits among members of population. 13. Microbodies They contain enzymes that are essential in neutralizing
2. Variable traits are heritable. toxic materials that are product of cellular metabolism
• genotype – genetic composition of individual PHOTOSYNTHESIS
• phenotype – external manifestation of genetic traits - food making process of plants by converting light energy to
(environment) chemical energy.
• acquired traits- develop in response in certain
condition of the environment. Types of organism based on the way they obtain food
3. General tendency for over population. 1. Autotrophs - organisms that acquire energy through
4. Different individuals leave different number of descendants. photosynthesis.
2. Heterotrophs - organisms that acquire energy from other
Formula of photosynthesis
6 CO2 + 6 H2O C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2

Visible light - used by plants because radiation with

wavelengths below 400nm contains so much energy that it
breaks hydrogen bonds and disrupts the structure of many

Two Stages
1. Light Dependent Reaction - occurs in the thylakoid
2. Light Independent Reaction - occurs in the stroma

- oxidizing of food molecule like glucose to form carbon dioxide
and water.
C6 H12 O6 + 6 O2 6 CO2 + 6 H2O ~ 36 ATP

Three stages
1. Glycolysis - splitting of sugar; produces 2ATP and
*Pyruvate is then converted to Acetyl COA
2. Kreb’s Cycle/Citric Acid Cycle - starting point is Acetyl
FAD – Flavine Adenine Dinucleotide
3. Electron Transport Chain (ETC) - A series of membrane-
bound carriers in the mitochondria that pass electrons from
one to another
Aerobic Respiration – an oxygen dependent pathway of ATP
Anaerobic Respiration – takes place within the cell cytoplasm;
without O2

Stage 2 and 3 happens in the mitochondria hence it is called

the powerhouse of the cell.

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