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Part 1: You want to join an outdoor club. Fill in the form. Use 1 – 5 words.
1. Who do you usually go to the movies with?
 My siblings or my friends.
2. Do you like to take photos? 
 I really love it.
3. Where do you like to go on holiday? 
 Da lat and Nha Trang
4. What’s your favorite color?
 Definitely blue
5.What did you do last night? 
 I read a novel.
Part 2: You are a new member of an outdoor club. Fill in the form. Write in
sentences. Use 20 – 30 words.
Which outdoor activities do you like?
 I take an interest in taking photos of my hometown particularly Ho Chi Minh
City because I want to collect all of the beautiful moments of this city.
Part 3: You are a member of an outdoor club. You are talking to three other
members in the outdoor club chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30
– 40 words.
A: Hi! Welcome to the club. Tell me about the outdoor activities in the bad
 Hello! I think it is unsafe and inconvenient to do outdoor activities in the bad
weather because that weather can make us sick. In addition, the ground would so
wet or freeze; therefore, we cannot play activities on it.
B: Hi! Please give your ideas and advice for hiking?
 Nice to meet you! Hiking is a good choice for health improvement since it can
help people reduce stress and relax by feeling the sounds of nature. If I were you, I
would spend 30 minutes a day taking a hike.
C: What are the most popular outdoor activities in your country?
 Well, recently cycling has become the most popular outdoor activities in my
country. This activity attracts almost people in every age. Every morning, you can
come across many people with their bicycles in the parks or on the streets.
Part 4: You are a member of an outdoor club. You received this email from the
Dear members,
The club is going to organize a trip in the summer. Do you want to go mountain or
coast? Please give me suggestions for both young and old people.
1.Write an email to your friend. Write to show your feeling and what would you
like to do? Write about 50 words
Hi Sally,
Have you read the email from the outdoor club about a summer trip? It sounds
interesting and I hope to go with you and other members. I think it would be better
if the club would go to coast. How about you? Drop me a line.
2.Write an email to the manager of the club. Write to show your feeling and
recommendation about this situation. Write about 120 - 150 words. 
Dear Mr. John,
I hope this reaches you in the best health. My name is Pham Thi Cam Tu and I
have been a club member since 2020. I am writing this email to you to express my
feelings and my suggestion about the summer trip.
I have read the email from the outdoor club regarding this trip. I am looking
forward to enjoying this summer with all the club members. This will be good time
for us to have memorable moments and close membership.
Besides, I think it would be great if the club would organize the trip on coast
because we can enjoy the fresh air and cool wind during the hot weather of the
summer. We do not only have some delicious seafood but also exciting activities
on the beach.
Looking forward to hearing from you if my recommendation is acceptable.
Yours sincerely,
Pham Thi Cam Tu.

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