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Date:__/__/__ Bench No.:______ Student:___________ TA:________

“I pledge my honor that I have abided by the Stevens Honor System” Signed:___________________________
Intermolecular Forces
1. Group A: Pentane (C5H12 ; BP = 36°C) Draw Lewis structure:
Tinitial = _______°C at tinitial =______s, Tfinal = _______°C at tfinal = _____s
Evaporation Rate = ____________(°C/min)➥Show Calculation Detail below

• Molecular Polarity? Circle (YES or NO) ; Type of Intermolecular Force: ______________________

2. Group A: Acetone (C3H6O; BP = 56°C) Draw Lewis structure:
Tinitial = _______°C at tinitial =______s, Tfinal = _______°C at tfinal = _____s
Evaporation Rate = ____________(°C/min) ➥Show Calculation Detail below:

• Molecular Polarity? Circle (YES or NO) ; Type of Intermolecular Force: __________& __________
3. Group A: Hexane (C6H14 ; BP = 68°C) Draw Lewis structure:
Tinitial = _______°C at tinitial =______s, Tfinal = _______°C at tfinal = _____s
Evaporation Rate = ____________(°C/min)➥Show Calculation Detail below:

• Molecular Polarity? Circle (YES or NO) ; Type of Intermolecular Force: ______________________

4. Group B: Methanol (CH3OH ; BP = 65°C) Draw Lewis structure:
Tinitial = _______°C at tinitial =______s, Tfinal = _______°C at tfinal = _____s
Evaporation Rate = ____________(°C/min)➥Show Calculation Detail below:

• Molecular Polarity? Circle (YES or NO) ; Type of Intermolecular Force: __________& __________
5. Group B: Ethanol (C2H5OH ; BP = 78°C) Draw Lewis structure:
Tinitial = _______°C at tinitial =______s, Tfinal = _______°C at tfinal = _____s
Evaporation Rate = ____________(°C/min)➥Show Calculation Detail below:

• Molecular Polarity? Circle (YES or NO) ; Type of Intermolecular Force: __________& __________
6. Group B: 2-propanol (C3H7OH ; BP = 83°C) Draw Lewis structure:
T initial = _______°C at tinitial =______s, Tfinal = _______°C at tfinal = _____s
Evaporation Rate = ____________(°C/min)➥Show Calculation Detail below:

• Molecular Polarity? Circle (YES or NO) ; Type of Intermolecular Force: __________& __________
7. Group (Circle: A OR B): Water (H2O ; BP = 100°C). Draw Lewis structure:
Tinitial = _______°C at tinitial =______s, Tfinal = _______°C at tfinal = _____s
Evaporation Rate= ____________(°C/min)➥Show Calculation Detail:

• Molecular Polarity? Circle (YES or NO) ; Type of Intermolecular Force: __________& __________
Ch117 General Chemistry Laboratory I

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